Real Life Examples Of Quadrilaterals

Real Life Examples Of Quadrilaterals

give a real life example of quadrilateral. Example: Keyboard

Daftar Isi

1. give a real life example of quadrilateral. Example: Keyboard


Table, book, door, black board, white board.

2. cite some examples of the uses of the quadrilaterals in real life


We used things that are quadrilaterals in our daily lives. These are some quadrilateral things and their uses.

Picture frame - serves as a design to our housesBook - a source of some fact information where we can still learn, increase our knowledge, and enhance our reading skillsTV - where we can watch some interesting movies and facts about the happenings inside or outside our World.Place Mat or Tabletop - Serves as protective clothing to our dining tables from any food stains or something.

And many many more things with their interesting uses! If ever I can't give you all the things that are quadrilateral, we already saw them in our daily lives. That's all. God bless you!


3. cite some examples of the uses of the quadrilaterals in real life​


There are infinite quadrilaterals in real life! Anything with 4 sides, even if the sides are uneven, is a quadrilateral. Examples could be: table top, book, picture frame, door, baseball diamond, etc.

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps

4. example of quadrilaterals​


(please check the pinned or uploaded file/picture...)

Step-by-step explanation:

Only one pair of opposite sides is parallel. A quadrilateral is a mathematical name for a four-sided polygon. Parallelograms, squares, rectangles, and trapezoids are all examples of quadrilaterals.


square, rectangle and trapezoid

Step-by-step explanation:

5. which of the following is NOT an example of quadrilateral?​


3 sided polygons

Step-by-step explanation:

thats all


Which of the following is NOT an example of quadrilateral?​

[tex]\blue{\boxed{\tt{pentagon \: kahit \: ano}}}[/tex][tex]\blue{\boxed{\tt{yun \: hindi \: katulad niya}}}[/tex]

6. how useful is quadrilaterals in dealing real life situations?

They are useful in real life situations like measuring for a land property or etc. Esp. when dealing with someone regarding with business.

7. How is quadrilateral HOPE similar to quadrilateral LIFE?​


They have a properties of a parallelogram : their opposite sides are parallel, their diagonals bisect each other and divide the parallelogram into two congruent triangles, and opposite sides and angles are congruent.

8. give 5 example of quadrilateral

Five examples of quadrilaterals are parallelogram, trapezoid, rhombus, rectangle and square.square, rectangle,rhombus, trapezoid, parallelogram are 5 examples of quadrilateral

9. A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral. It is a four-sided polygon with two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. The word "quadrilateral" is derived from the Latin words quadri, a variant of four, and latus, meaning side. This means, quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon. We can see the shapes of quadrilaterals in various things around us, like in buildings, books, signs, jewelries, computers, patterns on fabric and furniture designs. Indeed, their presence are infinite in real life. Anything with four sides either concave or convex, regular or irregular in shape, is a quadrilateral. In naming a quadrilateral, we use the symbol A quadrilateral can be named by listing its vertices starting with any example, kites and trapezoids are vertex and writing or reading the other vertices in either clockwise or counterclockwise direction. There are many kinds of quadrilaterals. Some quadrilaterals are parallelograms, some are not, For quadrilaterals. but they are not parallelograms. Rectangles, squares, and rhombuses are parallelograms. reflection ​


Yes, that's correct. A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral with parallel opposite sides, while rectangles, squares, and rhombuses are specific types of parallelograms with certain properties such as equal side lengths or angles. In geometry, the study of quadrilaterals is important for understanding the properties and relationships between shapes and for solving problems in areas such as construction, engineering, and physics.

here reflection:

This passage provides a definition and explanation of a parallelogram and a quadrilateral. It describes how to name a quadrilateral and mentions that parallelograms, rectangles, squares, and rhombuses are types of parallelograms.

10. mga beh pa help ano reflection neto. A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral. It is a four-sided polygon with two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel. The word "quadrilateral" is derived from the Latin words quadri, a variant of four, and latus, meaning side. This means, quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon. We can see the shapes of quadrilaterals in various things around us, like in buildings, books, signs, jewelries, computers, patterns on fabric and furniture designs. Indeed, their presence are infinite in real life. Anything with four sides either concave or convex, regular or irregular in shape, is a quadrilateral. In naming a quadrilateral, we use the symbol A quadrilateral can be named by listing its vertices starting with any example, kites and trapezoids are vertex and writing or reading the other vertices in either clockwise or counterclockwise direction. There are many kinds of quadrilaterals. Some quadrilaterals are parallelograms, some are not, For quadrilaterals. but they are not parallelograms. Rectangles, squares, and rhombuses are parallelograms. reflection ​


of a parallelogram is its mirror image. In addition, a parallelogram has equal adjacent sides and equal opposite angles. The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, meaning they divide each other into equal halves. Parallelograms have several important properties that make them useful in various geometric applications, including construction, design, and engineering

Step-by-step explanation:

1.Identify the sides: In a parallelogram, two pairs of opposite sides are parallel. This means that if you draw a line connecting the midpoints of two opposite sides, they will be equal in length.

2.Identify the angles: The opposite angles in a parallelogram are equal. This means that if you draw a line connecting the midpoints of two opposite sides and measure the angle formed by the line and one of the sides, it will be the same as the angle formed by the line and the opposite side.

3.Measure the diagonals: The diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, meaning they divide each other into equal halves. This can be confirmed by measuring the length of the diagonals and verifying that they are equal.

4.Determine the shape of the parallelogram: Depending on the specific properties of the parallelogram, it can be classified as a rectangle, square, or rhombus. To determine which shape the parallelogram is, check if it has equal sides and equal angles. If it does, it is a rhombus. If it has equal sides and right angles, it is a rectangle. If it has equal sides and equal angles and is also a rectangle, it is a square.

5.Apply properties: Once you have determined the properties of the parallelogram, you can use them to solve geometric problems, such as finding the area or perimeter, or to make mathematical deductions, such as proving theorems.

11. will happen if there no quadrilaterals in real life​

our life was so rude

Step-by-step explanation:

syempre di naman yun mawawala


Kase madami ding shape dito sa mundo eh

12. List 10 examples of objects/ devices that represent quadrilaterals. Then write the use or importance of each in your life.​

correct me if im wrong!

Step-by-step explanation:

hope its help

13. List 10 examples of objects/devices that represent quadrilaterals. Then write the use or importance of each in your life​


1. Books

2. Table

3. swimming fin

4. CheckerBoard

5. Flat Screen Tv

6. Eraser

7. Window

8. Calendar

9. Diamond

10. Chair

Step-by-step explanation:

A quadrilateral is a closed shape POLYGON

that's all i know.. pwede kadin mag isip basta closed shape polygon ito

Correct me if its wrong

14. what is the example of a quadrilateral of a parallelogram

an example of a quadrilateral of a parallelogram is a rectangle.Examples of quadrilateral that are paralleogram:

15. how do properties or quadrilaterals help in dealing with real-life problems?​


Such shapes are very useful in field of architecture and construction of buildings. There are other irregular quadrilaterals which have the capacity to make things look good. Hence, they are used mostly by designers. Because of their inability to be uniform, they make good designs and attract the eyes.

16. A.What in real life situation can you apply the concepts of parallelogram and triangles?B. How useful are the quadrilaterals in dealing with real-life situations such as problem solving? pls help me on this pls i will make your answer brainliest i promise​


A. In electronic devices like mobiles, laptops, computers, TVs, etc. In stationery items like books, copies, chart-papers, etc. By above definition, square , rectangle, trapazoid, kite, rhombus, rhomboid, etc i.e every shape you can imagine with 4 sides is a quadrilaterals. Everything from blueprints (of homes) , doors, window, swimming pool, boxes, football ground, paper etc. is generally made up of such quadrilaterals.


Quadrilaterals had very powerful properties that helped ancient painters, architects and designers to discover many things in the field of art, design and architecture. For example, the property of the diagonal of rectangle forming two congruent triangles lead to the construction of The Great Pyramid by the Egyptians. The list goes countless as we can't imagine the world without quadrilaterals. Wherever you see four sides, quadrilateral is involved there.

17. List 15 examples of objects/ devices that represent quadrilaterals. Then write the use or importance of each in your life.​

Step-by-step explanation:

sana po makatulong ang sagot ko pa brainliest po pls

example solve the number

18. what is the use of knowing the side and angle measurement of a quadrilateral in real life situations?​


Examples could be: table top, book, picture frame, door, baseball diamond, etc. Since these shapes are so common, quadrilaterals are also used in graphic art, sculpture, logos, packaging, computer programming and web design; in fact, there are few areas of daily life where there are no examples of quadrilaterals.

Step-by-step explanation:

i hope wil help you ❤️

19. how useful are the quadrilaterals in dealing with life situations​

Quadrilaterals can be very useful to represent various life situations. For example, in the field of architecture, the four sides of a house can be represented with the four sides of a quadrilateral. In a more abstract sense, relationships between two people can be mapped using a quadrilateral to show the intensity of their connection. Quadrilaterals can also be used to show the power dynamic between two people in a business relationship. Finally, in an education context, a quadrilateral can be used to illustrate the concept of four learning styles.

20. formulate a real life problem involving quadrilaterals (parallelogram or kite) answer the problem and show your complete solution.please help me​


thanks for the points godbless you

21. What do you think is the importance of quadrilateral in real life?

 I think the importance of quadrilateral in real life is if you want a lot you should buy the one shaped as a quadlirateral other than the other shapes

There are many, many quadrilaterals used in real life.

Square-like shapes are often used for uniformity: they are easy to tesselate, or pattern with. Same with diamonds or rectangles.

Shapes like trapeziums: with a wide base and a narrower top, are used for construction or building.

Shapes such as rhombuses or other irregular quadrilaterals (pictured below) are used for design: to make things look good, add something the eye notices because it is not uniform.

22. How useful are the quadrilaterals in dealing with real-life situations? Justify your answer.



hope it's help


In electronic devices like mobiles, laptops, computers, TVs, etc. In stationery items like books, copies, chart-papers, etc. The list goes countless as we can't imagine the world without quadrilaterals. Wherever you see four sides, quadrilateral is involved there. By above definition, square , rectangle, trapazoid, kite, rhombus, rhomboid, etc i.e every shape you can imagine with 4 sides is a quadrilaterals. Everything from blueprints (of homes) , doors, window, swimming pool, boxes, football ground, paper etc. is generally made up of such quadrilaterals.

23. Question 1. Give atleast 3 examples of quadrilateral that can be seen in real world?​


book, door, table top

Step-by-step explanation:

anything with four sides, even if the sides are uneven, is a quadrilateral.





Step-by-step explanation:





24. What is a quadrilateral? What are the examples of quadrilateral?

Quadrilateral is the four-sided figure, whose opposite sides are equal in magnitude,

Examples of Quadrilateral:

1) Rectangle

2) Parallelogram

3) Rhombus

4) Rectangle

5) Square

25. Best example of quadrilateral that is parallelogram


Square Rectangle or Rhombus

Step-by-step explanation:

26. . Name other real-life objects that are quadrilateral in shape.​


We can find the shape of quadrilaterals in various things around us, like in a chess board, a deck of cards, a kite, a tub of popcorn, a sign board and in an arrow.

Step-by-step explanation:

pa brainliest thankyou

Hope it helps





Table topbookpicture framedoordiamondPaperbedcardboardchessboardblackboard

Step-by-step explanation:

A quadrilateral is a four-sided polygon with four edges and four corners in geometry. The name comes from the Latin words quadri, which means "four," and latus, which means "side." A closed, two-dimensional structure with four straight sides is known as a quadrilateral. Quadrilaterals are polygons with four vertices or corners. There are five varieties of quadrilaterals: rectangles, squares, parallelograms, trapeziums, and rhombuses.

The qualities and laws that govern the geometric forms known as quadrilaterals are used to design floor plans for new buildings, as well as to engineer and architect buildings and spaces. A quadrilateral is anything with four sides, even if the sides are unequal.

how useful are quadrilaterals in dealing real life situation? |


27. Quadrilaterals LIFE, LOVE, HOPE, PRAY are parallelograms.Name the parallel side in each of the figures above._______________________What is common among the parallelograms?________________________How is quadrilateral LOVE similar to quadrilateral PRAY?________________________How do they differ?________________________How is quadrilateral HOPE similar to quadrilateral LIFE?________________________How do they differ?________________________In your own words, describe each of the parallelograms.________________________​


— line IF | line LE

— line IL | line FE


— line OL | line VE

— line OV | line LE


— line HO | line EP

— line OP | line HE


— line RP | line AY

— line RA | line PY

They all have the properties of a parallelogram: Their opposite sides are parallel, their diagonals bisect each other and divide the parallelogram into two congruent triangles, and opposite sides and angles are congruent.

The quadtrilateral PRAY is also a parallelogram whose sides intersect at 90° angles. Therefore, like the quadrilateral LOVE its opposite sides are congruent.

The major difference between quadrilateral PRAY and quadrilateral LOVE is that the quadrilateral PRAY has all its sides equal whereas the quadrilateral LOVE has its opposite sides equal.

I don't know about the other questions, this is the only thing I knew. Hope, nakatulong aq? Study well, students!

28. how useful are quadrilaterals in dealing real life situation

There are different kinds of quadrilaterals like square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, and trapezoid.
There are many instances where we always deal and used quadrilaterals in our daily lives.
When we passed by the street, we always see buildings which have floor plans.
At home, we see also that our house is quadrilateral. And most of the things are shape as quadrilaterals. That is why we can say that quadrilaterals are very useful in dealing real life situation.
We always use quadrilaterals because of its special characteristic. It has four sides and its two opposite sides are parallel to each other.


falls back to the idea that a triangle is half of a quadrilateral, therefore the angle measurements of a triangle is half of the angle measurements of a quadrilateral and two triangle equals one wuadrilateral

30. Cut-out/print/draw real-life 4 examples of quadrilaterals and paste it on the first column. On the middle column, classify them accordingly and then write its observable characteristics on the last column. An example is given below. Classification of the​

I don't know if correct ans

yan Sana makatulong

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