Anne s House Of Dreams Quotes

Anne s House Of Dreams Quotes

Anne s house number has three digits.Removing the leftmost digits of Cassy s house number,you obtain the house number of Kendra.The sum of the three house numbers is 958.What is the middle (the tens) digit of Anne s house number

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1. Anne s house number has three digits.Removing the leftmost digits of Cassy s house number,you obtain the house number of Kendra.The sum of the three house numbers is 958.What is the middle (the tens) digit of Anne s house number

Anne's = 876
Cassey = 76
Kendra = 6
TOTAL = 958

SO The Middle digit of Anne's house number is 7


you know, i had a dream once...

3. quote about dream destination​

"We can't change the direction of the wind, but we can always adjust our sails to reach our dream destination."



"There’s something about arriving in new cities, wandering empty streets with no destination. I will never lose the love for the arriving, but I'm born to leave".

"Sometimes when you lose your way, you find YOURSELF".

"I made up my mind not to care so much about the destination, and simply enjoy the journey".

"Journeys end in lovers meeting".

"When you lost sight of your path, listen for the destination in your heart".

"Sometimes it takes a wrong turn to get you to the right place".

"Even a snail will eventually reach its destination".

"Happiness is a state of mind, a choice, a way of living; it is not something to be achieved, it is something to be experienced".

"Journeys end in lovers meeting,

Every wise man's son doth know".

4. Anne traveled 24 meters away with her bike from her house going to plaza in 8 minutes. What is the speed of Anne?



Anne traveled 24 meters away with her bike from her house going to plaza in 8 minutes. What is the speed of Anne?

Step 1: The formula for distance is

Step 1: The formula for distance isDistance = Rate × Time

Step 1: The formula for distance isDistance = Rate × TimeTotal distance = 50 × 3 + 60 × 2 = 270

Step 1: The formula for distance isDistance = Rate × TimeTotal distance = 50 × 3 + 60 × 2 = 270Step 2: Total time = 3 + 2 = 5

Step 1: The formula for distance isDistance = Rate × TimeTotal distance = 50 × 3 + 60 × 2 = 270Step 2: Total time = 3 + 2 = 5Step 3: Using the formula:

Step 1: The formula for distance isDistance = Rate × TimeTotal distance = 50 × 3 + 60 × 2 = 270Step 2: Total time = 3 + 2 = 5Step 3: Using the formula:

Step 1: The formula for distance isDistance = Rate × TimeTotal distance = 50 × 3 + 60 × 2 = 270Step 2: Total time = 3 + 2 = 5Step 3: Using the formula:

Step 1: The formula for distance isDistance = Rate × TimeTotal distance = 50 × 3 + 60 × 2 = 270Step 2: Total time = 3 + 2 = 5Step 3: Using the formula: 

Step 1: The formula for distance isDistance = Rate × TimeTotal distance = 50 × 3 + 60 × 2 = 270Step 2: Total time = 3 + 2 = 5Step 3: Using the formula: Answer: The average speed is 54 miles per hour.



5. the distance from school to ann's house is twice the distance from May's house which is 2 km. how far is ann's house from the school in meters? Please answer it correctly =) I'll mark as the brainliest the right answer ​


4000 meters


kasi sinabi na doblehin daw yung distance ng bahay nila may from school and yun yung distance ng bahay ni ann from school so 2 times 2 will give you 4. A kilometer consists of 1000 meter so 4 times 1000 is equal to 4000 meters

6. the distance from school to ann's house is twice the distance from may's house which is2km .how far is ann's house from the school in meter​


4000 m

Step-by-step explanation:

1km is equivalent to 1000 m

7. explain this quote pls "There is nothing like a dream to create the future"​

The quote "There is nothing like a dream to create the future" means that having a dream or a vision for the future is a powerful tool for creating that future. When we have a clear idea of what we want to achieve or become, we can work towards it with greater purpose and motivation. Dreams and visions give us direction and help us to focus our efforts on achieving a specific goal.

Dreams also have the power to inspire and motivate others. When we share our dreams and visions with others, we can inspire them to work towards their own goals and contribute to creating a better future. Dreams can bring people together, unite them under a common cause, and motivate them to work towards a shared goal.

In essence, this quote is saying that our dreams have the power to shape our future, and that without a dream or a vision for the future, we are less likely to achieve our full potential. By dreaming big and working towards our goals, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and for others.

8. the distance from school to Ann's house is twice the distance from May's house which is 2km. how far Ann's house from the school in meters?solution:covertion factor: 1km=1 000m= 2 x distance May's house =2 (__km)=2(__m)=__mTherefore, Ann's house is ___m from school.​




The distance from school to Ann's house is twice the distance from May's house which is 2 km. How far is Ann's house from the school in meters


Here the Conversion factor 1 km = 1000 m

2 km = 2 × 1000 m = 2000 m

Distance of school to Ann's house

= 2 x Distance May's house

\sf{ = 2 \times \boxed{2} \: \: km}=2×



\sf{ = 2 \times \boxed{2000} \: \: km}=2×



\sf{ = \boxed{4000} \: \: m}=



Therefore Ann's house is 4000 m from the school.

9. Learn to articulate our opinions, needs, values, dreams and aspirations quote pls?

Answer:"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." - pamperbongcawel


just please choose your favorite quote that i have given below :

* Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion."

* "If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary."


10. relate this on my life quote a life without dreams is like a cupcake without sprinkles

Answer: "A life without dreams is like a cupcake without sprinkles" is a quote that emphasizes the importance of having aspirations and goals in life. Just as sprinkles add an extra layer of excitement and joy to a cupcake, having dreams and working towards them can bring purpose, meaning, and fulfillment to our lives. The quote suggests that without something to strive for and work towards, life can become bland and unsatisfying. By setting goals and pursuing our dreams, we can add excitement and flavor to our lives, making them more enjoyable and rewarding.

Explanation: i hope it may really help you.

11. make a text to self using this quote "Work hard,Dream big,Never give up"?​

Ako'y tisoyako pinoy tayo pilipino

12. What is your insight with this quote "Tourism promises dreams but produces nightmares"?


It has received numerous accolades and awards. On the positive side, it has provided a lot of economic benefits to the area and to the country as well. Lately, however, the downside of neglect and disregard for environmental needs has threatened the future of the island paradise.

hope it's help :)

13. James and Ann can clean the house in 8 hours if they work together. The time that James takes in cleaning the house alone is 4 hours more than the time Ann takes in cleaning the same house. How long does it take James to clean the house alone? How about Ann?

James took 16 hourse cleaning the house while Ann took only 12

14. quote about altostratus Clouds​your own quote(s) sana


“Not all clouds fit over the ocean.

Rain finds the lemon tree but rarely

In California. Still a tree knows what to do,

This act of holding still. I remember that

Drinking myself. The at first not wanting

To be wet, and then the wetness.

Not holding still exactly, just holding

Still enough.”

All i can think of


15. quotes about dreams coming true


All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

Explanation: Meaning if we have enough courage and efforts our dream can come if you just work hard enough

16. what is the theme of “The Village of Round and Square Houses” by Ann Grifalconi?


the african literature or how africans have peace

17. Which quote uses parallelism i have a dream?


Wearing a wet half smile, her ancient dog sullenly waddled toward me like Yoda greeting Luke.

18. Short quotes about talents and dreams...(WRITE IT IN TAGALOG)​


Mas madaling mag-ibot ng bulaklak kaysa sa pangalagaan ito; na ang dahilan kung bakit mas gugustuhin ng ilan na sirain ang iyong mga talento kaysa pangalagaan ang mga ito.


19. quote about altostratus Clouds​your own quote(s) sana​


"Altostratus clouds mark a transition between low-level clouds, such as stratus and stratocumulus, and the higher level cirrostratus and cirrus clouds. They are a sign of change in the weather, so you can be sure to pay attention to them."



to full fill my dreams I need to do what I need to do to make those dream come true.


"You will never find time for anything. you must make it." - Charles Buxton M.

21. what are your dreams for the future quotes​

Cant rlly help since its about your dreams

22. What is the theme of “The Village of Round and Square Houses” by Ann Grifalconi?


The village of round and square houses, illustrated by Ann Grifalconi, is a story about how in the village of Tos, located in Cameroon in the west of Africa, men come to live in square houses and women in round ones. The story in this illustration is narrated by a young girl who lived in this village.

Hope this helps

23. 2. The distance from school to Ann's house is twice the distance from May'shouse which is 2 km. How far is Ann's house from the school in meters?Solution:Conversion factor: 1 km = 1000 mDistance of school to Ann's house = 2 x distance May's house= 2 Okm)= 2 Om)mTherefore, Ann's house ism from the school.​


4000 m

Step-by-step explanation:

2×2 = 4

4×1000 = 4000

24. quote about altostratus Clouds​ your own quote(s) sana​


"Altostratus clouds are like a veil of fog that hangs in the sky, obscuring the sun and creating a dreary atmosphere."


pa brainliest

25. If they work together, Jane and Ann can clean the house in 8 hours. The time that Jane taes in cleaning the house alone is 4 times more than the time of Ann cleaning the same house. How long does it take Jane to clean the house alone?

may i correct this statement "4times more than the time of ann" or

may i say, 4 times the time of ann....lets cater this idea, 

1/J + 1/ A =1/8;

if J=4(A);

1/4A + 1/A =1/8;

8( A +4A)=4A^2;



A=10 hours;

J=4(10)=40 hours...;

lets consider if the case would be 4 more than the time of ann;


1/(4+a)  + 1/a = 1/8;

8(a +[4+a]) =4a + a^2;

8( 2a +4)=4a +a^2;

16a +32 = 4a +a^2


please do QF;

a=14.25 hours;

j=18.25 hours

26. what's the meaning of the quote "don't tell people your dreams, show them​


Make a progress first.. Dont talk too much keep silent about your dreams... Dont just tell them your dreams do qn action on showing them

27. Ann walked 1.5 miles south to her house in 0.5 Hours what is ann speed,what is ann velocityGIVEN:REQUIRED:EQUATION:SOLUTION:ANSWER:​


Speed is a scalar quantity that measures how fast an object is moving. It is typically measured in units of distance per time, such as miles per hour or meters per second.

Velocity is a vector quantity that measures both the speed and direction of an object's motion. It is typically measured in units of distance per time, such as miles per hour or meters per second.


Ann walked 1.5 miles south to her house in 0.5 hours.


Ann's speed and velocity.


Speed = Distance / Time

Velocity = Distance / Time + direction


Speed = 1.5 miles / 0.5 hours = 3 miles per hour

Velocity = 1.5 miles South / 0.5 hours = 3 miles per hour South


Ann's speed is 3 miles per hour and her velocity is 3 miles per hour South

Answer :  Ann's speed is 3 mi/h . Her velocity is 3mihsouth

Scalar and Vector Quantities:

A scalar quantity does not include a direction, only a magnitude. This means that saying you walked 3 miles is a scalar distance. A vector quantity always includes a direction (even if only positive or negative). This means that walking 3 miles West is a vector quantity, as is an acceleration of -3 m/s.

Explanation : To calculate the speed and velocity of the Ann`s we use the formula,

Here, d is distance and t is time and v if we take it with direction then it is called velocity and if we take it without the direction then it is called speed.

Given  and .

Substituting these values in above equation we get

As Ann walked towards south direction therefore, Ann`s velocity is 3 mi/h south and her speed is 3 mi/h .

28. Explain this quote "The best way to make your dreams to come true is to wake up"

The best way to make your dreams to come true is to wake up.

This qoute implies that in making your dreams come true, you have to stop just dreaming about it and make it come true. There's nothing wrong about dreaming something but you have to work hard to achieve it. Instead of spending your days daydreaming about your plans and goals in life, you have to wake up, get up and make that dream a reality. You can't achieve something just by wishing it, you work hard and fight for that dream in order for it to come true.

29. the distance from school to Ann's house is twice the distance from Mays house which is 2 km. how far is Ann's house from the school in me.ters​


Conversion factor i km = 1000 m. Distance of school to Ann's house = 2 x distance May's house. = 2 km) = 20m

Answer is 20m


2 km = 2 × 1000 m = 2000 m  


Distance of school to Ann's house  

= 2 x Distance May's house

=2 x 2 km

=2 x 2000 km

Therefore Ann's house is 4000 m from the school  

Step-by-step explanation:

30. quote about cumulus Clouds​ your own quote(s) sana​


The cumulus clouds can exist when the weather is at the right temperature and they seem to be almost like a fluffy smudged marshmallow if possible. Fun fact about cumulus clouds: they come in four species; Cumulus Humilis, Mediocris, Congestus, and lastly Fractus


Hope it helps :))

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