Female Gametophyte In Flowering Plants

Female Gametophyte In Flowering Plants

in flowers, the structure that produce male and female gametophytes are called?

Daftar Isi

1. in flowers, the structure that produce male and female gametophytes are called?


Stamen for male

Pistil for female

2. are pollen-like structures of non-flowering plants that grow into a gametophyte​


There are separate male and female plants which are the sporophytes of their life cycle. The male plants carry reproductive structures called microsporophylls in a cone-like structure right at the top of their crown. ... The female gametophyte develops inside the ovule while the male gametophyte is the pollen.


3. Are pollen like stuctures of non flowering plants that grow into gametophyte

The Answer is Prothallus

4. 1. When a moss spore germinates, it grows into a____?A. flowerB. gametophyteC. sporophyteD. sporangium​


When a moss spore germinates it first develops a protonema. This is a filamentous to sheet-like growth form, often with a strong resemblance to an algal colony or a fern prothallus. In due course one or more stems grow from the protonema and leaves develop on the stems, giving rise to one or more leafy-stemmed plants.

#Carry on learning


B. gametophyte



5. What does sporophyte generation produce that can grow to form the next gametophyte generation?A. seedsB. flowersC. cones D. spores​




The sporophyte produces haploid spores, and these develop into the next generation of gametophyte plants.

6. The seed cone contains the female gametophyte of a conifer? True False


false my answer mali yan




Conifers are monoecious plants that produce both male and female cones, each making the necessary gametes used for fertilization.

7. this is the sexual phase of spore- bearing plants.AngiospermGametophyteSporophyte​


Ascomycetes produce sexual spores, called axcospores, formed in sac-like structures called asci, and also small asexual spores called conidia.

When weather conditions are ideal, some ferns, algae, moss and even fungi, release spores into the air, often carried by the wind, by insects or birds until they land. Spores contain both male and female reproductive organs, which allows these plants to replicate themselves in a form of cloning

Spores are most conspicuous in the non-seed-bearing plants, including liverworts, hornworts, mosses, and ferns. In these lower plants, as in fungi, the spores function much like seeds. In general, the parent plant sheds the spores locally; the spore-generating organs are frequently located on the undersides of leaves.



Sporophyte po

since na sa choices nyo po :))

8. Why is the gametophyte smaller in vascular plants?

The life cycle of lower vascular plants exhibits an alternation of generations between gametophytes and sporophytes. The gametophytes are sexual plants producing eggs or sperm or both, and the sporophytes are asexual plants producing spores that are capable of producing new gametophytes. The sporophyte of lower vascular plants, in contrast to that of mosses and liverworts, is obviously the dominant generation. Unlike seed plants, which also have dominant sporophytes, pteridophytes reproduce not by forming seeds but by producing spores—minute single cells covered by a protective wall and readily carried by the wind. The life cycle of these plants is referred to as pteridophytic, or fernlike, as opposed to spermatophytic (seed-plant-like).


9. how do gametophytes develop into new plants



A gametophyte (/ɡəˈmiːtoʊfaɪt/) is one of the two alternating multicellular phases in the life cycles of plants and algae. It is a haploid multicellular organism that develops from a haploid spore that has one set of chromosomes. The gametophyte is the sexual phase in the life cycle of plants and algae. It develops sex organs that produce gametes, haploid sex cells that participate in fertilization to form a diploid zygote which has a double set of chromosomes. Cell division of the zygote results in a new diploid multicellular organism, the second stage in the life cycle known as the sporophyte. The sporophyte can produce haploid spores by meiosis that on germination produce a new generation of gametophytes.

10. Are pollen-like structures of non- flowering plants that grow into a gametophyte​


Answer: There are separate male and female plants which are the sporophytes of their life cycle. The male plants carry reproductive structures called microsporophylls in a cone-like structure right at the top of their crown.  The female gametophyte develops inside the ovule while the male gametophyte is the pollen.

11. Are pollen-like structures of non-flowering plants that grows into gametophyte-gametophyte-self pollination-gymnosperms-pollination-sexual-fertilization-pores​


The conifer plants we see are the sporophytes. The smaller male cones carry microspores that produce pollen while the larger female cones carry the ovules that form megaspores. The male and female gametophytes develop inside the microspore and megaspore respectively. The pollen is actually the male gametophyte.


12. Which plant group has both its male and female organs present at the same gametophyte? 

Squash o Kalabasa,for flowers Gumamela po.

13. what special types of cell are produced during the gametophyte stage of a plant's life cycle​

The gametophyte is the sexual phase in the life cycle of plants and algae. It develops sex organs that produce gametes, haploid sex cells that participate in fertilization to form a diploid zygote which has a double set of chromosomes.

14. Spore bearing plants can also reproduce sexually during gametophyte stage. The antheridium is the ___________organ while the archegonium is the ____________ organ of these plants.A. female-maleB. male-femaleC. egg-cellD. reproductive Organplz answer it asap=)​




The female sex organ in non-flowering plants is the archegonium, with archegonia being the plural form. The male sex organ in non-flowering plants is called an antheridium.

15. A gametophyte is both a gamete-producing plant and haploid. haploid. the plant produced by the fusion of gametes. the dominant generation in the higher plants.

ANSWER: A gamete-producing plant haploid.


16. Differentiate the Sporophyte phase of a plant to its Gametophyte phase.


Yun Sana makatulong

pa brainliest po

17. which of the following plants produce flowers?a. angiosperms b. gametophytec. gymnospermsd. sporophytes​


A. Angiosperms





Angiosperms are plants that produce flowers and bear their seeds in fruits. They are the largest and most diverse group within the kingdom Plantae, with about 300,000 species. Angiosperms represent approximately 80 percent of all known living green plants.

Pa brainliest po

18. When gametophyte matures it grows male and female organs which produces egg cell?​


you can do it i promise



The male gametophyte lands on the female cone, forming a pollen tube through which the generative cell travels to meet the female gametophyte. One of the two sperm cells released by the generative cell fuses with the egg, forming a diploid zygote that divides to form the embryo.


pa brainliest ty

19. 6. It is the male gametophyte in plants.​


nasa pic po ung answer



20. Gametophyte grows both male and female sex organs.Part II. Name the concept being described in each item. Choose your answer in the box below.conescross-pollinationfertilizationgametophyteAngiospermgymnospermsseeds self-pollinationsexualsporespollination__1. It means "covered seeds."__2. A plant that has seeds unprotected by the fruit.__3. Where do gymnosperms produce their seeds?__4. Are pollen-like structures of non-flowering plants that grow into a gametophyte.__5. This occurs when pollen grains from the anther fall directly onto the stigma of thesame flower.__6. It is a tiny plant that grows low on the ground and produces both sperms and eggcells.__7. This is a type of reproduction in plants where the male and female parts of the flowerare involved.__8. This occurs when the plant's sperm cell combines with the plant's egg cell in the ovulewhich is in the ovary or bottom part of the pistil.__9. It is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther of a flower to the stigma of anotherflower that belongs to another plant but of the same kind.__10. Plant sexual reproduction happens when pollen grains are transferred from theanther (male reproductive part) into the stigma (female reproductive part) of aflower.​

1. angiosperm

1. angiosperm2. gymnosperm

1. angiosperm2. gymnosperm3. cones

1. angiosperm2. gymnosperm3. cones4. spores

1. angiosperm2. gymnosperm3. cones4. spores5. seeds self-pollination

1. angiosperm2. gymnosperm3. cones4. spores5. seeds self-pollination6. gametophyte

1. angiosperm2. gymnosperm3. cones4. spores5. seeds self-pollination6. gametophyte7. sexual

1. angiosperm2. gymnosperm3. cones4. spores5. seeds self-pollination6. gametophyte7. sexual8. fertilization

1. angiosperm2. gymnosperm3. cones4. spores5. seeds self-pollination6. gametophyte7. sexual8. fertilization9. cross pollination

1. angiosperm2. gymnosperm3. cones4. spores5. seeds self-pollination6. gametophyte7. sexual8. fertilization9. cross pollination10. pollination

21. _2.Sexual reproduction in plants,as in all organisms,requires_.a.male and femaleb.only a malec.only a femaled.only small parts of plant._3.Spores are produced during the_stage of a plant's life cycle.a.Gametophyteb.Sporophytec.Sexuald.Asexual_4.What special types of cells are repduced during the gametophyte stage of a plant's life cycle.a.Sex cellsb.Zygotesc.Sporesd.Seed cells_5.One difference between sexual reproduction in plants and animals is that in plants,sex cells_.a.Are called sperm and eggb.Unite to form a zygotec.Join in a process called fertilization.d.Are produced in structures made of haploid cells._6.The male part of the flower that contains the pollen producing parts is the:a.Petalsb.Stamenc.Carpelsd.Sepals_7.The innermost part of the flower that contains the ovaries that make the ovules to be fertilized by the pollen are the:a.Petals b.Stamen c.Carpelsd.Sepals_8.The base of the flower where attached to the rest of the plant is the:a.Pistilb.Recaptaclec.Fruitd.Stigma_9.The color parts of the flower within the sepals altogether called the corolla are:a.Petals b.Stamenc.Carpelsd.Sepals_10.The parts of the flower that are the leaaflike outermost layer altogether called the calyx are thePA HELP PO THANK YOU​


2.a.male and female

Sexual reproduction in flowering plants involves the production of male and female gametes,

3.a.Gametophyte4.b.Zygotes5.b.Unite to form a zygote6.b.Stamen8.a.Pistil9.d.Sepals

22. it is the female organ of the gametophyteplease paki answer guys dahil test namin ngayon e​



The female gametophyte is also commonly called the embryo sac or megagametophyte. The male gametophyte, also called the pollen grain or microgametophyte, develops within the anther and consists of two sperm cells encased within a vegetative cell

Hope it helps


23. 37. How are plants that do not have vascular bundles called? a. Sporophytes b. Gametophytes c. Bryophytes





Pa brainliest

24. 1.These are plants that produce seeds in cones.(nicosref)2.These are parts of a plant that contains the reproductive cells of conifers?(Onesc)3.These are pollen-like structures of non-flowering plants that grow into gametophytes.(porres)4.It is a type of reproduction in plants where the male and female parts of the flower are involved.(uaselx)Pls help me po​


conifers. (1)

cones. (2)

spore. (3)

sexual. (4)


double "r" ba talaga yung number 3 or isa lang? correct me na lang if mali yung answer ko sa number 3.

25. Arrange the correct sequence of Alteration of Generation in common fern plants by numbering the stages from 1 to 6. __ 1. Young sporophyte forms __ 2. Young gametophyte forms __ 3. Adult sporophyte with sporangium underneath the leaves __ 4. Zygote forms __ 5. Adult gametophyte having both male and female gametes __ 6. Sporangium releases spores​








26. are pollen like structures of non flowering plants that grow into gametophytes​bigyan ko maraming points Kung sinong makasagot nito


Pollen is a powdery substance consisting of pollen grains which are microsporophytes of seed plants, which produce male gametes (sperm cells).

27. the1. Example gymnosperms plant. (inpe rtee)2. These are seed-bearing vascular plants. (smgyrespmno)3. In this stage, the plant produces spores. (togameyteph)4. These are plants that produce seeds in cones. (nicosref)5. These are parts of a plant that contains the reproductive cells of conifers? (Onese)6. These are pollen-like structures of non-flowering plants that grow into gametophytes. poress)7. It is a type of reproduction in plants where the male and female parts of the flower are involved(uaselx)8. It happens when pollen grains are transferred from the anthers (male) into the stigma (female)of a flower. (Ilnpoinaiot)9. It occurs when the plant sperm cell combines with the plant egg cell in the ovule which is inthe ovary of the pistil. (tinoitrefzali)10. It refers to the process by which seeds are scattered, moved, or transported away from theparent plant to a much wider area. (dees lasidsre)​


1pine tree




5 cones





10seed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


sorry na, d ko po Alam number 10, Alam ko seed yun. e

28. Spores are produced during the _____stage of a plant's life cycle?A. sporophyteB. gametophyteC. sexualD. ssexual​




Plants have two distinct stages in their lifecycle: the gametophyte stage and the sporophyte stage. ... After reaching maturity, the diploid sporophyte produces spores by meiosis, which in turn divide by mitosis to produce the haploid gametophyte. The new gametophyte produces gametes, and the cycle continues.




hope it helps you po!!

29. 37. How are plants that do not have vascular bundles called? a. Sporophytes b. Gametophytes c. Bryophytes





Pa brainliest




A sporophyte is the diploid multicellular stage in the existence pattern of a plant or alga. It creates from the zygote delivered when a haploid egg cell is treated by a haploid sperm and every sporophyte cell along these lines has a twofold arrangement of chromosomes, one set from each parent. All land plants, and most multicellular green growth, have life cycles in which a multicellular diploid sporophyte stage substitutes with a multicellular haploid gametophyte stage. In the seed plants, the biggest gatherings of which are the gymnosperms and blossoming plants (angiosperms), the sporophyte stage is more conspicuous than the gametophyte, and is the comfortable green plant with its foundations, stem, leaves and cones or blossoms. In blooming plants the gametophytes are really decreased in size, and are addressed by the developed dust and the undeveloped organism sac.

The sporophyte produces spores by meiosis, an interaction otherwise called "decrease division" that diminishes the quantity of chromosomes in every spore mother cell considerably. The subsequent meiospores form into a gametophyte. Both the spores and the subsequent gametophyte are haploid, which means they just have one bunch of chromosomes. The adult gametophyte produces male or female gametes by mitosis. The combination of male and female gametes creates a diploid zygote which forms into another sporophyte. This cycle is known as rotation of ages or variation of stages.

How do conifers and sporophytes  



30. what do you call these pollen like structure of non-flowering plants that grow into gametophytes?​


The ones that carry the sporangia, usually on their underside, are called sporophylls. If the conditions are favorable, some of the mature spores falling on moist soil may germinate into a tiny heart-shaped structure called prothallus. This is the gametophyte phase of ferns.

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