YourIs On Fire Lyrics

YourIs On Fire Lyrics

what is my name youry hyg

1. what is my name youry hyg


your name is hyg now we know it because you said it

2. 2.In what way can you restrain youry from commiting sin?​


By being a virtuous person and being aware of the consequences you can restrain yourself from committing a sin.

3. PERFORMANCE TASK (15 pts) Write a sentences paragraph (5-8 sentences) about the COVID-19 problem that we are facing today and the possible solution that you can contribute tolessen the number of cases the said virus. Be guided with the rubric for scoring below. RUBRIC FOR SCORING 3 pts Criteria 5 pts Excelent Developing Introduction Your essay begins with a description of the story Youtdl your reader what the wning will be about A full paragraph of 2-3 sentences is Titten Youri tradtion some fadecription of the story You gvelinte informatics about what the writing willy about and have writtenle that than one paragra melong have nonummation about what the writing will be about No solutions at 2 Body Ya present at least two threesdutions Each problem and sounion is presente dearly, duine supporting evidence and examples discussed in detail and, or with excites, You present 1 sdtution however eachlaks supporting detail and emples. Some aspects of the problem are addressed.bu na completely Grammar Your way indudes complete sentences that beginin various ways. Your essay indudes come puncim.capitalization and spelling Your essay indudes complete sentence. Your essay includes mosdy corect ending punctuation, capitalization and spelling Your essayincludes impleme sentences lads ending punctuation, comercialno and spelling​


Covid-19 is a disaster to everyone, we missed almost half of our life staying at home. During pandemic, a lot of people suffer from hunger. We are in a fight wherein we are the only one to act as the solution. Since the vaccines already arrive, although not all of us receive it yet. We should be responsible of everyone's safety by simply following health protocols. Stay at home, and wash your hands daily. Together we can fight covid-19.

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