Karate Flexibility

Karate Flexibility

what ancient form of exercise builds the strength and flexibility of a persona. Yogab. Tai chaic. Taekwondod. karate​

Daftar Isi

1. what ancient form of exercise builds the strength and flexibility of a persona. Yogab. Tai chaic. Taekwondod. karate​


A. yoga


because you use to be a flexible in all body parts.

2. Pure gold is referred to as 24 karats. A jewelry that is said to be 24 karats contains 24 grams of gold for every 24 grams of the material. This means that a 24-karat gold material is a pure gold material. Using the percent by mass composition, calculate the percent of gold by mass of the following gold jewelry below. Show your solution. a. 22 karats b. 18 karats c. 14 karats d. 12 karats . e. 10 karats sed​


D.12 karats.

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it's help pa brain liest answer naden po

3. State the history of karate and how it transitioned into our modem karate?


Karate evolved in East Asia over a period of centuries, becoming systematized in Okinawa in the 17th century, probably by people forbidden to carry weapons. It was imported into Japan in the 1920s. Several schools and systems developed, each favouring somewhat different techniques and training methods.

4. what is shodan in karate​


Shodan  (初段), 


literally meaning "beginning degree," is the lowest black belt rank in Japanese martial arts and the game of Go. ... Also frequently referred to as "first dan", it is a part of the kyū/dan ranking system common to modern Japanese martial arts.

5. explain what is karate​


an Asian system of unarmed combat using the hands and feet to deliver and block blows, widely practiced as a sport. It was formalized in Okinawa in the 17th century and popularized via Japan after about 1920. Karate is performed barefoot in loose padded clothing, with a colored belt indicating the level of skill, and involves mental as well as physical training.

6. In karate, what is timing?​


Abstract. Training toward 'perfect timing' in karate entails deciphering small movements and interpreting them as signs of an opponent's decision to launch an attack. It includes the aptitude to perceive those signs and react to them before the attacker is aware of her own decision.


Pa brainliest nadin po ty

hope it helps

7. what is the porpuse of karate​


the purpose of karate is for us to use this as self defense


that's my opinion, thank you for the points

The purpose of Traditional Karate is to develop well-balanced mind and body, through training in fighting techniques.

8. contrast karate and taekwondo​


Taekwondo involves more kicking than karate. It puts a heavier emphasis on kicks and uses hands as backup


hope it helps

9. waht is karate creed?


I come to you with only karate, empty hands. I have no weapons, but should I be forced to defend myself, my principles, or my honor, be it a matter of life or death, right or wrong, then here are my weapons, karate, my empty hands

10. protocol and etiquette of karate​



pa brainliest

11. what is shodan in karate​


Shodan (初段), literally meaning "beginning degree," is the lowest black belt rank in Japanese martial arts and the game of Go. ... Also frequently referred to as "first dan", it is a part of the kyū/dan ranking system common to modern Japanese martial arts.


Paki brainliest nalang po

12. Karate brief history​


Karate is a fighting art that evolved on the Japanese islands of Okinawa. It was introduced to mainland Japan in the early 1900s and since the 1950s it has spread throughout the world. Kara-te literally translated means “empty hand fighting”.

The Common Beliefs of Where Karate Started

Very little is known of the exact origins of karate before it appeared in Okinawa, but one popular theory states that it came from India over a thousand years ago, brought to China by a Buddhist monk called Bodhidarma (“daruma” in Japanese).

Karate is a Japanese martial art whose physical aspects seek the development of defensive and counterattacking body movements. The themes of traditional karate training are fighting and self-defense, though its mental and moral aspects target the overall improvement of the individual.

13. importance of the leg in karate?​


It reminds us the importance of getting low ( the lower your centre of gravity the more stable you) , serves to strengthen our legs. for other sentences kicks for builds stamina in the leg muscle.


sana po makatulong

14. what are the basic of karate

the basic step in karate is Kick

15. Proper attire in karate




because pwede ka ng umatend ng kasal ng nanay mo hatdoh ka

16. what is the meaning of karate​


ninja skills


because karate is just like ninja


Karat in Latin means to attack. Karate is a martial art.

17. sabihin ang kasaysayan ng karate at kung paano ito nasusubaybayan sa aming modernong karate​


Karate ng lahat ng mga uri ay lalo na isang stand up o kapansin-pansin militar sining na lumitaw sa isla ng Okinawa bilang isang timpla ng katutubong Okinawan fighting estilo at Tsino fighting estilo. Ang terminong karateka ay tumutukoy sa isang karate practitioner.


pa BRAINLIEST po thanks

18. what are the objectives of karate​

Step-by-step explanation:

The purpose of Traditional Karate is to develop well-balanced mind and body, through training in fighting techniques. Traditional Karate also shares the ultimate aim with Budo, which is to cultivate great human character of a higher class that prevents any violent attack before an actual fight occurs


to protect your self sa ibang tao na maymasamang loob

19. reflection of Goju karate​

goju karate is from goku

20. importance of karate​


We can use it as self defense.


so we can defend our self to those people who are bad

21. reflection of Goju karate​


is that anime?


d q kc alm.

22. refletion of kuokushin karate​


Kyokushin karate is a way of life that transcends the aspects of training. Kyokushin karate is Budo Karate. Kyokushin karate, like most martial arts, can trace its origin to Bodhidharma (Daruma in Japanese), an Indian prince and Buddhist priest who traveled to the Shaolin temple in China in the early sixth century. There, he developed the Chan, or "Intuitive" school of Mahayana Buddhism. Under the Chan philosophy, enlightenment was sought through meditation, rather than by the practice of rituals or the study of religious texts. According to legend, Bodhidharma sat facing the wall in the Shaolin temple for nine years, until he achieved enlightenment. (Other legends have him sitting and facing a wall in a cave for nine years.) Bodhidharma also developed martial arts as a physical regimen to accompany the mental discipline of the meditation. During the following centuries, the Chan (or Zen in Japanese) philosophy spread to Okinawa and then to Japan, accompanied with martial arts. Over time, Zen and martial arts became intermingled with each other and deeply ingrained in Japanese society


paki brainlist po

23. there is no first attack in karate​





In recent years there has been much debate as to the legitimacy of pre-emptive striking. Some support the method stating that action is always faster than reaction, and emphasise the importance of seizing the initiative in high-risk situations. Others object to the method on ethical grounds. Gichin Funakoshi's famous quote, "Karate ni sente nashi" or "There is no first attack in karate" is normally used to justify this stance. As a traditional karateka, it is my belief that training should revolve around self-development & self-defence, and should effectively promote both. We do not wish to produce training grounds for thugs nor do we wish to fail to equip our students to deal with society's violent minority. 


24. Pure gold is 24 karats. If a piece of jewelry is marked “18-karat gold”, what percent pure is it?

We just need to find the rate, so we are given with the percentage and base which are 18 and[tex]Rate= \frac{Percentage}{Base} = \frac{18}{24} = \frac{3}{4} =0.75[/tex] 24 respectively.

Therefore it is 0.75*100=75% pure gold.To find the percent, divide the number by the total, simply:

18 divided by 24 is 75%

 Meaning, the other 25% is fake. Hope this helps =)

25. kahalagahan ng karate?​


it can help us protect ourselves

26. history of karate explain​

Karate evolved in East Asia over a period of centuries, becoming systematized in Okinawa in the 17th century, probably by people forbidden to carry weapons. It was imported into Japan in the 1920s. Several schools and systems developed, each favouring somewhat different techniques and training methods.

27. karate active or passive​


karate is an active


karate is an active


Active Po Lodi ())))))

28. State the history of karate and how it transitioned into our modem karate?​




abot lang kay wala pudko kabalo

29. importance of karate​


Karate will help to develop self-confidence, self-esteem, mental toughness, and resilience. All these mental benefits can then be applied in your everyday life and will make you a better, well-balanced person.


30. Reflection on basics of Karate


the basic step in karate is Kick


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