Emitter Follower Voltage Gain

Emitter Follower Voltage Gain

1. It is the collector to Emitter breakdown voltage.​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. It is the collector to Emitter breakdown voltage.​


What It Is: Collector-emitter breakdown voltage is the VC at which a specified IC flows, with the base open. Since it's the reverse current across a junction, IC exhibits a knee shaped rise, increasing rapidly once breakdown occurs. On the curve tracer, VC is applied by the Collector Supply.

2. The gain of a voltage-follower is very high. a. True b. False


A. is the Correct Answer


A. True


Potential or the rest voltage is zero, once the kinetic voltage risen up. It goes up to it's maximum voltage.

3. Which of the following is a characteristic of black objects?a.reflects heatb.do not absorb heat easilyc.poor emittersd.good emittersexplanation:​


C.poor emitters,

A.reflects heat/b do not absorb heat easily

4. 4. Three amplifiers with gains of 15, 22, and 7 are cascaded; the input voltage is 120 µV. What are the overall gain and the output voltages of each stage?​.


In case of amplifiers which are cascaded the overall gain becomes the product of gains of all the amplifiers ex: overall gain of amplifiers A,B,C is overall gain= A*B*C In our case it is Av=15*22*7=2310 When the input voltage

5. What are emitters? Plss help me

a person or thing that emits. a radioactive substance that emits radiationa beta emitter. the region in a transistor in which the charge-carrying holes or electrons originate.

6. An engineer at a semiconductor company wants to model the relationship between the device hfe (y) and three parameters: emitter-rs (x_1), base-rs (x_2), and emitter-to-base rs (x_3). the data are shown in the following table.


Eto ang sagot


sana makatulong hahah

7. how much is the total voltage gain in a circuit


What is the voltage gain of the circuit?

Gain is basically a measure of how much an amplifier “amplifies” the input signal. For example, if we have an input signal of 1 volt and an output of 50 volts, then the gain of the amplifier would be “50”. In other words, the input signal has been increased by a factor of 50. This increase is called Gain.


How do you find voltage gain in a circuit?

Voltage gain (dB) = 20×log (Audio output voltage / Audio input voltage). Used in audio. Voltage gain is defined as the ratio of the output voltage to the input voltage in dB.

What is overall voltage gain?

The Overall Voltage Gain:

This is the voltage gain defined according to Av = vo/vi, where the input voltage, vi, is the input voltage to the amplifier.

How do you calculate voltage output?

The output voltage can be calculated by the ohm's law.

V = I * R.

where, V = output voltage.

I= Current passing through the circuit.

R = Resistance offered in the circuit.

How do you calculate voltage in a series circuit?

Voltage applied to a series circuit is equal to the sum of the individual voltage drops." This simply means that the voltage drops have to add up to the voltage coming from the battey or batteries. 6V + 6V = 12V.



8. Which of the following detectors can be used to identify an unknown gamma emitter?


9. a good absorber is also a good emitter,true or false​




A good absorber is also good emitter.

So True Search it if u dont trust me.

10. A good absorber of radiations isA. a good emitter of radiationB. A good reflector of radiationC. A poor emitter of radiationD. A poor reflector of radiation​




Dull surfaces absorb well and transmit infrared radiation. Glossy surfaces are poor absorbers and emitter (but they are excellent reflection of infrared radiation).


11. The open-loop voltage gain of an op amp is the:


Open-loop gain is the gain of the op-amp without positive or negative feedback and for such an amplifier the gain will be infinite but typical real values range from about 20,000 to 200,000.

hope it helps

12. Calculate the loaded voltage gain if rl


saan ung picture para ma calculate

13. galaxies are non emitters of electromagnetic waves T or F​




#stay home

#stay healty

#be safe

14. If vbb is reduced in a common emitter circuit, the collector current will


that's the answer I hope it's help

15. which of the following is a gamma ray emitter that is use to treat cancer cells?pakisagot po Kung sinong meron​


Radiation therapy is a type of cancer treatment. You may also hear it called radiotherapy or therapeutic radiology. Radiation therapy kills cancer cells with high-energy X-rays, gamma rays, or charged particles. Like surgery, it can be used in many ways.

16. Ac emitter resistance equals 25 mv divided by the


AC emitter resistance equals 25 mV divided by the

The ac emitter resistance determines the voltage gain. Therefore ac emitter resistance equals divided by the dc emitter current.Explanation:

17. What is the name of the compound that emittted the color orange fire?


Sodium chloride


Sodium chloride, for instance, burns a bright yellow-orange. Sodium chloride is plaintable salt so it is the easiest metallic salt to get.




18. The open-loop voltage gain of an op amp is the:


Open-loop gain is the gain of the op-amp without positive or negative feedback and for such an amplifier the gain will be infinite but typical real values range from about 20,000 to 200,000

hope it helps.

19. What is emitter - irrigation tool?​


Punch tools are used for making a precise hole in mainline tubing to install emitters or transfer barbs

20. From the circuit below, calculate the voltage gain av:


From the circuit below, calculate the voltage gain Av: Vcc = 24 V R, = 36 k2 Rc = 1.8 k2 Cout B = 150 Cin R = 3.6 k2 2) Vin = 25 mV,pp R2 = = 3.3 k2 RE= 220 2 CE O 788.44 O 262.81 O 152.69


research po to

pa brainlies po

21. how much is the total voltage gain in a circuit? ​

NASA taas Mo ung answers

22. Why is the voltage gain from the single-ended configuration only half compared to the differential configuration​


Sometimes the split power supply configuration is referred to as a dual power supply. The amplifier is still being supplied with 30 volts overall,

The +V and -V connections denote the positive and negative sides of the DC power supply, respectively. The input and output voltage connections are shown as single conductors, because it is assumed that all signal voltages are referenced to a common connection in the circuit called ground. Often (but not always!), one pole of the DC power supply, either positive or negative, is that ground reference point. A practical amplifier circuit (showing the input voltage source, load resistance, and power supply) might look like this:

Amplifier Circuit’s Function

Without having to analyze the actual transistor design of the amplifier, you can readily discern the whole circuit’s function: to take an input signal (Vin), amplify it, and drive a load resistance (Rload). To complete the above schematic, it would be good to specify the gains of that amplifier (AV, AI, AP) and the Q (bias) point for any needed mathematical analysis.

23. If a transistor has a dc emitter current of 6.25 ma how much is the ac emitter resistance



Step-by-step explanation:

24. which surface is bad emitter white or silver?​

White and silver surface are poor absorbers/ emitters and good reflectors.

Pa brainliest po thanks

25. What do you call the wave that emitts light?​


Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between roughly 400 and 700 nm is called visible light because these are the waves that human vision can perceive. ... Between visible light and radio waves are the wavelengths of infrared or heat radiation.


Brainlist plss...

26. A device with emitter, base and collector​

TRANSISTOR is a device with emitter, base and collector

27. Input and output voltage measurements of Vi = 10 mV and Vo = 25 V are made. What is the voltage gain in decibels? ​


Vgain = Vout / Vin

Vgain = 2,500 decibels

Step-by-step explanation:

Given : Vin = 10 mV

            Vout = 25 V

Asked : Voltage gain


Vgain = Vout / Vin

Vgain = 25 V / 10mV

Vgain = 25V / 10x10-³ V

Vgain = 25 V / 0.01 V

Vgain = 2,500 decibels

In finding the Voltage gain, we will use the formula Vgain = Vout/ Vin.

In which Voltage gain (Vgain) is the result of dividing the output voltage (Vout) by the input voltage (Vin). So, we will divide 25V by 10mV. Since they are not having the same unit and we cannot divide numbers with different units, let's convert 10 mV to V. Change 10 mV to V by using the power conversion method. The result will be 10x10-³ V which equal to 0.01 V because milli is equivalent to 1x10-³. Then, we can now divide the numbers. Cancel the unit V or voltage by using the unit cancellation step (cancel the same units found in the numerator and denominator). Now we can divide the numbers and the result will be 2,500. Then don't forget the unit for voltage gain which is decibels, that is constant. Therefore the final answer is 2,500 decibels.

Kindly read the link below:

Definition of voltage - https://brainly.ph/question/6149879


28. How much is the total voltage gain in a circuit​


ito ung sagot


NASA taaas po ung answer




I Brainliest po ang user sa taas :]

29. Phosohorous-32 is a medium-energy emitter


False. Phosphorus-32 is a high-energy emitter.




good morning


30. it relates the output current to the input voltage representing the gain of the transistor?​


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