Lizard Skeleton

Lizard Skeleton

Name: LizardScientific Name:Description: •Physical Features of an lizardAre lizards Asexual/SexualAre lizards Internal/ExternalAre lizards oviparous/ vipiparus/ ovoviviparus​

Daftar Isi

1. Name: LizardScientific Name:Description: •Physical Features of an lizardAre lizards Asexual/SexualAre lizards Internal/ExternalAre lizards oviparous/ vipiparus/ ovoviviparus​


Lizards can stick to walls


Lizards are asexual

Lizards are Internal

Lizards are Oviparous

2. 6. Which skeleton is made up of the bones of the arms the pectoral girdle, the legs and the pelvic girdle? A appendicular skeleton B. muscular skeleton Caxial skeleton D. Structural skeleton​


A po


tamaa po yan promise


A. appendicular skeleton


The bones of the appendicular skeleton form the rest of the skeleton, and are called because they are appendages of the axial skeleton. The appendicular skeleton includes the bones of the shoulder girdle, upper leg, pelvic girdle, and lower leg.

3. 3. The bones of the arms, legs, pelvis and shoulders comprise what section of the human skeleton? A. Vertebral skeleton B. Coaxial skeleton C. Axial skeleton D. Appendicular skeleton​


D. Po

that is my real answercarry on learningpa brainlyst please

4. Some lizards have an adaptation that allows their tails to break off with minimal damage to bones, nerves, blood vessels, and muscles. This type of lizard can then regrow the missing portion of the tail. Which of the following statements best explains why this adaptation is selected for in lizard populations?A) Lizards with this adaptation are better at climbing trees.B) Lizards with this adaptation are more likely to escape from predators.C) Lizards with this adaptation can use their tails as lures to attract more food.D) Lizards with this adaptation can camouflage themselves more easily in vegetation.

It is B: lizards with this adaptation are more likely to escape from predators.

5. Als pet store had 14 small lizards and some large lizards. After selling 2 lizards there were 30 in the store. How many large lizards were there before the sale?


29 Lizardz before theqnq ad 14 lizard that you sell

6. 1.Animals that have internal skeletons and external skeletons outside their bodies ​

Vertebrates are animals that have backbones and an endoskeleton. In contrast, invertebrates are animals that do not have backbones. Invertebrates can have a skeleton outside their bodies called an exoskeleton, while some invertebrates have no skeleton at all

Some animals, such as the tortoise and turtle (shell page), have both an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton.

7. description of lizards ​


A lizard is a type of reptile that has scales for skin, a long body, a pointy tail, and usually four legs. And they breathe fire. Okay, maybe not that last part, but that would be awesome.

Lizards can be smaller than an inch long, or massive in size and weight — like the Komodo dragon, which can grow over ten feet in length. A type of lizard called a chameleon can change colors whenever it wants, and the Jesus lizard can walk on water. Most lizards live in deserts or jungles, however the word lizard comes from the Latin lacertus, which means “sea fish” — perhaps because they look like a monster that crawled out of the ocean.


Hope it helps

Make me as a brainliest


Anatomy of a lizard

Most lizards have dry skin made up of scales. The scales of lizardsvary from the smoother scales of skinks to rough scales or even spikes. In many species, the tail is fragile and can break easily. It can regenerate, although the new growth may look different.

8. what is the diferences betweeen human skeleton and frog skeleton?


Frogs have 1 forearm and 1 lower leg bone, while we have 2. Frogs lack several vertebrae and do not have a pelvis. They also have structures not found in the human skeleton i.e. the urostyle.

Humans are warm-blooded, amphibians cold-blooded.


Only nine vertebrae make up the frog's backbone, or vertebral column. The human backbone has 24 vertebrae. The frog has no ribs. The frog does not have a tail.

9. It is a long flat bone at the middle of the chesta.Breastbone b.Axial skeletonc.Appendicular skeleton​


A. Breastbone


The breastbone is a long flat bone located in the central part of the chest.

hope it helps :)


The breastbone or sternum is a long flat bone at the middle of the chest. It protects the heart, lungs and other major blood vessels from injury.


10. The human skeleton consists of two divisions - the ----------- and the -------------------- skeleton


axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton


hi, I hope this helps. pa like at pa brainliest po :)))


11. what are the bones belongs to Axial Skeleton? also bones that are belongs to Appendicular Skeleton?

Axial skeleton: The axial skeleton is the part of the skeleton that consists of the bones of the head and trunk of a vertebrate. In the human skeleton, it consists of 80 bones and is composed of six parts; the skull bones, the ossicles of the middle ear, the hyoid bone, the rib cage,sternum and the vertebral column

Appendicular skeleton: The appendicular skeleton is divided into six major regions:

Pectoral girdles (4 bones) - Left and right clavicle(2) and scapula (2).Arms and forearms (6 bones) - Left and right humerus (2) (arm), ulna (2) and radius (2) (forearm).Hands (54 bones) - Left and right carpals (16) (wrist), metacarpals (10), proximal phalanges (10), intermediate phalanges (8) and distal phalanges (10).Pelvis (2 bones) - Left and right hip bone (2).Thighs and legs (8 bones) - Left and right femur (2) (thigh), patella (2) (knee), tibia (2) and fibula (2) (leg).Feet and ankles (52 bones) - Left and right tarsals(14) (ankle), metatarsals (10), proximal phalanges(10), intermediate phalanges (8) and distal phalanges(10).

12. In an ecosystem, lizards hunt insects for their food. What will happen to the population of insects if the lizard's population increases? If the lizard's population decreases?


If the lizards population increases the insects population will decrease or may even be in danger. And if the population of the lizards decreases the insects population will increase and this may lead to many problems like crop damage.


the insects will increases number


if lizards decrease their numbers no will eat insects and increase number of insect it may cause sickness

13. How would you distinguish a male skeleton from a female skeleton?​

A female's skeleton is usually much smoother and less knoby than a male's.

A male's skeleton is usually thicker, rougher and appears more bumpy.


hope it helps ☺️

good luck

can you brainliest me ☺️

14. Describe how the fetal skeleton compares with the adult skeleton in the patella


May be absent in the fetal skeleton or present and unossified. The fetal patella is softer and smaller compared to the adult patella (kneecap develops throughout childhood and midteens).

a cartoon about a big skeleton,little skeleton aand dog skeleton is called Funnybones

16. • All reptiles are amphibians.A lizard is reptilesAnswer:A lizard is amphibians.​


TRUE. The answer is "A lizard is amphibians".

17. If there are 10 lizards in the roof and the 1 jump, how many lizards was left on the roof?

10 basically the lizard just jump, not jump off the roof.

18. _____The tail keeps wriggling after it leaves the lizard body_____The lizard drops its tail.The lizard gets away._____An enemy attack a lizard._____The enemy pounces on the tail._____The tail breaks off and the break closes to prevent bleeding_____In time, the lizard gets a new tail.​


1. An enemy attack the lizard

2. The lizard drops it's tail

3. The tail breaks off and the break closes to prevent bleeding

4. The tail keeps wriggling after it leaves the lizard's body

5. The enemy pounces on the tail

6. The lizard gets away

7. In time, the lizard gets a new tail.

Hope it helps :)

Happy Sunday!

19. 6. At the zoo, the ratio of snakes to lizards is 3:2. a. b. C. d. If there were 10 lizards, how many snakes would there be? If there were 9 snakes, how many lizards would there be? If the number of snakes in the zoo is increased by 6, how many more lizards would the zoo need to get to keep the same ratio? If the total number of snakes and lizards at the zoo was 20, how many snakes and lizards would there be?​


See the screenshots. I have answered the same questions from a previous post.

20. when I wake up in the morning i saw two lizards in my sisters bottle1 . what make the lizards go to my? sisters bottle 2. Can lizards breath underwater?3. Does lizards swim ? 4. Does lizard drink water ? ​


1 because it has water

2 yes

3 yes

4 yes


i hope it help

21. lizards have different sized legs lizard with longer legs are able to better access food over time lizards with shorter legs became less common what is the inherited variation? b.leg size c. lizards d. long legs​

Answer: Letter B


22. The human skeleton consists of two divisions - the ----------- and the -------------------- skeleton


the axial and the appendicular skeleton

23. Patulong po plsStory:When an alligator lizard attacked by an enemy, it drops its tail. The tail has a part where the bone breaks off easily. The broken bones will close quickly to stop lizard from bleeding.The tails keep wriggling after it leaves the lizard's body. The attacker thinks it's still part of the lizard and pounces on it. This gives the lizard time to get away. In time, the lizard grows a new tail.Sequence the event in the story by numbering it 1 to 5Question:___The lizard gets away.___When an enemy attacks a lizard, the lizard drops its tail.___When the tail keeps wriggling, the enemy pounces on the tail.___The tail breaks off and the break closes to prevent bleeding.___In time, the lizard gets a new tail.​










5 .The lizard gets away.

2 .When an enemy attacks a lizard, the lizard drops its tail.

1 .When the tail keeps wriggling, the enemy pounces on the tail.

4 .The tail breaks off and the break closes to prevent bleeding.

3 .In time, the lizard gets a new tail.

24. in the story.l, the turtle and the lizard, How did the lizard die?​


Again and again the turtle called, and finally the man, realizing that all his attempts were unsuccessful, grew so excited that he died.


Rate me 5 star plss

Again and again the turtle called, and finally the man, realizing that all his attempts were unsuccessful, grew so excited that he died

25. predation (lizard and insects). what may happen to the insects if the community of the lizard increases?​




predation, one organism kills and consumes another. Predation provides energy to prolong the life and promote the reproduction of the organism that does the killing, the predator, to the detriment of the organism being consumed, the prey. Predation influences organisms at two ecological levels.

26. there are _ bones in a grown up skeleton. the larges bone in our skeleton is called the----​


The femur bone


The femur bone is the longest and strongest bone in the body. Located in the thigh, it spans the hip and knee joints and helps maintain upright posture by supporting the skeleton. 2. The humerus bone is in the upper arm and spans the shoulder and elbow joints.

27. If axial skeleton made up to 80 bones how about appendicular skeleton?

It has 126 bones in it. :)

28. Which joints are found in chicken skeletons that are also found in the human skeleton?


The common joints of the arm


The common joints of the arm are easily identifiable in both the chicken and humans. Joint between humerus and scapula = shoulder • Joint between humerus and radius/ulna = elbow • Joint between radius/ulna and metacarpus = wrist. Similarly, a chicken leg and hu- man leg both have a femur, fibula, and tibia.

29. explain the difference between the axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton​


Appendicular skeleton:The appendicular skeleton includes all the bones that form the upper and lower limbs, and the shoulder and pelvic girdles.

Axial skeleton :The axial skeleton includes all the bones along the body's long axis. The axial skeleton includes the bones that form the skull, laryngeal skeleton, vertebral column, and thoracic cage.


Sana makatulong,. Ayan po ang pinagkaiba ng dalawa!

30. 3. Skeleton.. what is the difference between skeleton of human and primates​


correct me If I'm wrong.

I hope it helps

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