Fit Man

Fit Man

how to qualify as fit for man?​

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1. how to qualify as fit for man?​


Society sets various social standards for what it deems as "physically fit," such as washboard abs or bulging biceps. But true physical fitness is much more important: measurements and fitness tests that are statistically linked to calculating disease risks and your odds of having a long, healthy life. Each test helps measure your health and fitness in a different way, from how much weight you carry on your frame to how strong your muscles are. Together, they can present you with a true image of your physical well-being.


Physical fitness can be determined in a number of ways, including body mass index, waist circumference, body fat percentage, strength tests and endurance activities.


pa brainliest if tama

2. Man's biological makeup and fitness in physical education



3. 15. A healthy man is a happy man. A. fresh B. safe C clean D. fit​




because they are healthy

4. who was the greek philosopher was one asked what man is the most fit to govern a town?​


Aristotle explored practical constitutions that city-states can realistically put into effect. His aim was to “consider, not only what form of government is best, but also what is possible and what is easily attainable.

5. 3. How do social dancing help you in enhancing your fitness and wellnessod what olan man social dances​


Health benefits of dancing


improved condition of your heart and lungs. increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness. increased aerobic fitness. improved muscle tone and strength.

6. words ryhmesman dadwellrugfit​




tama ba?


12. C.Speed



not a 100% sure

12. C. Speed
13. D. Gymnast

8. Do you think that making fitness man could be possibly to manage your physical activity yes/no, why?​(Wag po sagutin kung di alam yung sagot.)

There is an increasing focus on the benefits of physical activity and encouraging the Australian community to become more physically active. Physical activity is important for both physical and mental health. Lack of physical activity is linked to a range of serious health problems including obesity, heart disease and some forms of cancer.

9. learning task 3 :direction :make an illustration of man with a healthy lifestyle and a fitness man .make a short reflection on your illustrationpasagot poh plss(•‿•)ily muahps​


reflection lng

the man is a healthy person because he will do daily exercise

and eating good food

ily2 muahhh<3

10. Which of the pollowing should be done to perform well in an anis gone.A. Eat unbalanced dietB. Maintain unhealthy lifestyleC. No cooperation and no practice.Do Observe your personal Fitness Man and consistent, practice of skills​




sana makatulong

11. 8. Why does the pre-historic man need to know how to swim?A. To be physically fitC. To cross rivers and lakesB. To become a better personD. To compete​


A. to be physically fit


hope it helps

12. fitness is the young man absolute necessity.true or false​




it is a young man's necessity but not absolute. A young man needs the basic needs of life such as food,water,clothes and shelter as well as a stable financial fund for education and wants.

False or true emm pwede ding absulote or any asulote

13. Let's go back to Aristotle's notion of the human body! There are many given words at the bottom part of this page. Encircle the words that do not fit with Aristotle's ideal man while write down the words on your desired shapes present in this figure. You now have the power to define Aristotle's Ideal Man​


notion is a notion to make notion

14. Read the poem "The Seven Ages of Man" silently, and look out for words in the poem that fit the description promises or pledges to accomplish.

The Seven Ages of Man, or more commonly known as Shakespeare's All The World's A Stage, is a popular poem written about the life stages every man goes through.

In the poem, there are words that describe how a man made promises or pledges throughout his life. Let's take a look at what words or lines those are and discuss each one.

Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad  made to his mistress’ eyebrow.

No matter the shape of the brow, it is commonly said that a woman's emotions can often be seen in her eyes and her brows. Many times, we will seek facial cues in the face of the people we are with to get an idea of what they are thinking or feeling at the moment.

A young man who has fallen in love the first time will often seek the approval of his lover, thus playing a tune to her liking even if this means a few sacrifices on his part. It may also mean fulfilling promises that were made to a lover so as not to disappoint her.

Full of strange oaths

As a person who just entered the early stages of adulthood, he is suddenly thrust into a world or responsibilities and accountability. It may be a strange departure from his youth were love, pleasure, and fun were king. Strange oaths may refer to a job, military service, or maybe a responsibility to his aging parents or to his family with a newborn baby.  Thus, new pledges are made when new things and changes are factored in his life.

Jealous in honor

This is quite tricky to decode, to be honest. But going through this line several times, I am convinced that since the young man has now grown into a full-fledged adult, he wants to become better in life or to "maintain his honor". He will strive nonstop to get to the top, even if it almost seems like he exhibits jealousy. In this part of the poem, you will see that the adult has made a promise or pledge to himself.



15. explain this quote: “More will be accomplished, and better, and with more ease, if every man does what he is best fitted to do, and nothing else.”​


I believe it means that working together with other people, and doing only what your best at and where you best fit instead of one person doing everyone's job even though they don't ft the role



16. a6. What is the feeling conveyed by the man in pantaloons?a.He wants to fit into his old clothes again.b.He wants to sing with a rich baritone voice.c.He wants to be youthful again.​


A. He wants to fit into his old clothes again.

yan sagot ko eh.


wide breeches worn

close-fitting trousers

loose fitting

17. what are the things that a man should possess to be consider as physical fit ​


hiii hiii hiii hiiiiiii

18. 9. An example of an internal conflict is A. A child quarreling with sibling. B. A girl trying to fit in with her peers. C. A man struggles with his laptop. D. A woman doubting her abilities.




19. what are the things that a man should possess to be consider as a physically fit?​


excercise and eat properly

20. Read the poem "The Seven Ages of Man" silently, and look out for words in the poem that fit the description throwing up or vomiting due to sickness.

Answer: puking


In the line 'Mewling and puking in the nurses arms.'

Puking means vomiting

21. 2. Ang pang-araw-araw na gawain kahit saan ka man ay makalilinango magpapaunlad sa antas ng?a. fitness b. physical fitness c. physical educationhelp po ung matinong sagot po ipapa brainlest kita. thank you ❤️​


B.Physical Fittness


Para po sa kalusugan

22. Have an advance reading and define the following: (summary) •Parts of the human body •Body Types •Man's Biological Make-up and Fitness •The Human Skeletal System •Human Major Muscle Group

•~ Part of the human body
-there are 5 major organs in the human body

•~ Body Types
-Definition of body type
the type commonly used for the text of a piece of printed matter (such as an article, newspaper, or book) as distinguished from the varying type used for such items as headlines, appendixes, footnotes, or advertisements.

•~ Man’s biological make-up and fitness
- Biological fitness, also called Darwinian fitness, means the ability to survive to reproductive age, find a mate, and produce offspring. Basically, the more offspring an organism produces during its lifetime, the greater its biological fitness.

•~ The human skeletal system
- Main parts
The skeletal system is your body's central framework. It consists of bones and connective tissue, including cartilage, tendons, and ligaments.
>What is the skeletal system of a human?
-The skeletal system is your body's central framework. It consists of bones and connective tissue, including cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. It's also called the musculoskeletal system.

•~Human Major Muscle Group
- The major skeletal muscle groups forming the upper body are the abdominal, pectoral, deltoid, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, biceps, and triceps. The major skeletal muscle groups of the lower body are the quadriceps, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, soleus, and gluteus. Muscles move by contracting


23. What are the things that a man should possess to be consider as physically fit?


You can consider yourself physically fit when your body is able to do what you ask it to do. This comes from flexibility, endurance and strength. Do you exercise or do you just fool yourself with the ideas that being active is all the exercise you need. ... You need to exercise at least three to four times a week.

There are five components of physical fitness that you need to consider:

Muscular Strength. This is the “power” that helps you to lift and carry heavy objects.

Muscular Endurance. ...

Cardiovascular Endurance. ...

Flexibility. ...

Body Fat Composition.

24. In this quote where Martin Luther King Jr said "A man who won't die for something is not fit to live" what is the specific meanings to this?

It means a man who is not willing to sacrifice his life for something (like purpose, loved ones or religion) doesn't deserve to exist or live.

25. In what ways does Willy not fit into the definition of an average working man building a secure home for his family?


He is not paid for his job for a couple of monthsHis pride and prejudice towards successful menHe lets his loneliness ruin his family


For a long time Willy is lying to his wife that he brings home his salary for the week but the truth is he is borrowing money from Charley. Lying is not a good characteristic of a man who wants to build a secure home for his family. He should have told his wife the truth and seek for her advise and help. He has the pride that nobody could break, he would rather die than lower his pride for his family. Despite of the job being offered by Charley, he still refuse to accept it because of his prejudice towards his friend. He had an affair that broke his sons heart as well as their family. He reasoned his loneliness but in the end having an affair is still a choice. He could have seek the happiness that he have been looking for to his wife and his sons.

Read more about the story here:


26. not Cross out the word that does fit in the sentence. * the lion has a beautiful man.​


There was a lion in the linen closet and no one wanted to reach for the towel.

From the earliest historic times few animals have been better known to man than the lion.

The latter fell in with an English man-of-war, the "Lion," and had to return to France; Charles escaped during the engagement, and at length arrived on the 2nd of August off Erisca, a little island of the Hebrides.

Is it like this?


27. takes the test this week.Directions : Arrange the words in order toconstruct sentences.1. finger a to ring like you fit will friend good a2. majority a makes courage with man one.3. a wish your heart makes a dream.4. who helped themselves those helps God.5. has no imagination no wings has a man whohas.​


1.A good friend will fit like a ring to finger

2.One man with courage makes a majority

3.A wish makes your heart dream

4.Those who help themselves,helps God

5.A man who has no imagination has no wings

28. 19. Joy, a grade 7 student encounter bullying in schooland so she struggles to fit in with her classmates. Theconflict being conveyed in the situation isa. Man vs. Man b. Man vs. Self​


A. Man vs man

hope it helps sis




Yan slogan kayo na bahala mag desighn

30. is an integral part of general education which aims to develop the physical, social, emotional, spiritual and mental traits of man through the physical activities.A. physicalB. physical educationC. physical fitnessD. education​

The answer is B. Physical education

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