Greek Philosophers Worksheet

Greek Philosophers Worksheet

this method of philosophizing was conceived by the greek philosophers socrates​

Daftar Isi

1. this method of philosophizing was conceived by the greek philosophers socrates​


dialect method ,was conceived by Socrates

2. 4. During the earliest time, who developed the earliest cosmological models of theuniverse?A. Greek and Indian PhilosophersB. Babylonians and Indian PhilosophersC. Greek, Egyptian and Indian PhilosophersD. Babylonian and ancient Greeks Philosopher​




kung Hindi man Tama Yung sagot ko sana wag nyo akong pagsalitaan ng masama

3. Name two philosophical tools that Greek philosophers utilized​

Socrates and Plato are two famous Greek philosophers whose ideas still impact society today.

4. Name of the Greek philosopher​


socrates ,plato, and aristotle


paki tignan nyo po sa picture


pa brainliest nadin


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5. some greek philosophers


The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These are some of the most well-known of all Greek philosophers. Socrates (470/469–399 B.C.E.) is remembered for his teaching methods and for asking thought-provoking questions.


Hope it helps


6. aristotle was an ancient greek philosopher​


Aristotle (c. 384 B.C. to 322 B.C.) was an Ancient Greek philosopher and scientist who is still considered one of the greatest thinkers in politics, psychology and ethics. ... In 335, Aristotle founded his own school, the Lyceum, in Athens, where he spent most of the rest of his life studying, teaching and writing.

7. Aristotle Greek philosopher keywords

Socrates was the teacher of Plato while Plato was the teacher of Aristotle while Aristotle was the teacher of Alexander the Great and the keywords of Aristotle Deductive Reasoning

8. What is Self according to Greek Philosophers? Greek philosophers like Plato, Socrates and Aristotle tried solving the puzzle of the self. They called the self as the "soul". ​.


Plato,atleast in may of his dialogues,held that the true self of human beings is the reason or the intellect that constitutes there soul and that is seperate from the body.

9. who is the greek philosopher with the problem of the self​


plato,aristotle, socrates,descartes etc.

10. unsent greek philosophers​


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11. what are the contributions of an ancient greek philosophers?


He is often credited with developing the study of logic, as well as the foundation for modern-day zoology. The Post-Socratic philosophers established four schools of philosophy: Cynicism, Skepticism, Epicureanism, and Stoicism.


Philosophy and science

One of the key points of Ancient Greek philosophy was the role of reason and inquiry. It emphasized logic and championed the idea of impartial, rational observation of the natural world. The Greeks made major contributions to math and science.


pa brainliest po

12. Aristotle Greek philosopher


Aristotle is a towering figure in ancient Greek philosophy, who made important contributions to logic, criticism, rhetoric, physics, biology, psychology, mathematics, metaphysics, ethics, and politics. He was a student of Plato for twenty years but is famous for

13. WWho is the famous Greek philosopher who stated that “man is a social animal”?ho is the famous Greek philosopher who stated that “man is a social animal”?​




Aristotle the Greek philosopher said, “Man is by nature a social animal"



Here are five Greek Philosophers you should know.

Socrates. Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with being one of the founders of Western philosophy. ...Plato. ...Aristotle. ...Pythagoras. ...Thales of Miletus.

There are a lot of Greek Philosophers and I can't elaborate all of them but heres some and popular Greek Philosophers and a little description about them:

Parmenides (560 BC – 510 BC)

His poems and thoughts have always seemed to be significantly influenced by the philosopher Xenophanes, leading most historians to believe that he must have been his pupil.

Anaxagoras (500 BC–428 BC)

Another important figure from the pre-Socratic era, Anaxagoras of Clazomenae was an influential philosopher and scientist who lived and taught in Athens for almost 30 years. His philosophical views revolved around nature itself.Anaxagoras is credited as being the first to establish a philosophy in its entirety in Athens, a place where it would go on to reach its peak and continue to have an impact on society for hundreds of years to come.

Anaximander (610 BC–546 BC)

He is credited as being the first known writer on philosophy because the first surviving lines of Western philosophy were written by him. He is also well known in the fields of early biology and geography.He created the first world image of an open universe, a move away from the notion of a closed universe, making him the first speculative astronomer in human history.

Empedocles (490 BC–430 BC)

One of his philosophical landmarks has been his assertion of the four-element theory of matter. It states that all matter is basically composed of four primary elements – earth, air, fire, and water. This became one of the earliest theories to have been postulated on particle physics, although some historians see it as a complex effort to negate the non-dualism theory of Parmenides.

Zeno (490 BC–430 BC)

Zeno of Elea was devoting his time to elucidating the many puzzles and paradoxes of motion and plurality. It is worth noting that he attempted to explain contradictory conclusions present in the physical world many years before the development of logic.Zeno was the first in philosophical history to show that the concept of infinity existed.

Pythagoras (570 BC–495 BC)

Another pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, Pythagoras is known far more for his theories and ideas in mathematics than in philosophy. In fact, he is best known for the theorem in geometry that is named after him.

Socrates (469 BC–399 BC)

his beliefs and realistic approach to philosophy led to his execution. But one might argue that his philosophical martyrdom, more than anything else, turned him into the iconic figure that he is today.

Plato (427 BC–347 BC)

Plato was a student of Socrates and was visibly influenced by the philosophical approach of his master. But while Socrates was relentlessly occupied with interpreting philosophy based on human reasoning, Plato combined the two major approaches of pre-Socratic metaphysics and natural theology with Socratic ethical theology.

Aristotle (384 BC–322 BC)

He proved to be an imaginative writer and equally creative polymath, gradually re-writing pre-established concepts in almost all areas of knowledge that he encountered.

Thales of Miletus (620 BC–546 BC)

Thales of Miletus gets the top spot on this list for representing a pivotal point in ancient Greek philosophy from which subsequent generations of famous thinkers, theorists, dialectics, meta physicists, and philosophers sproutedHe proposed water as the basic underlying component of the world. Thales was highly esteemed among ancient Greeks and his hypotheses usually added meaning and breadth to already existing ideas on nature.


Hope this helps :))

15. What is the Self according to Greek Philosophers? Greek philosophers like Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle tried solving the puzzle of the self. They called the self as the “soul”. ​


The self is sometimes understood as a unified being essentially connected to consciousness, awareness, and agency.


I hope it helps

16. unsent greek philosophers​

Alaws po bang pic para maintindihan ng maayos?
Penge naman po para makatulong naden sau :)

17. what is ancient Greek philosophers​


Ancient Greek philosophy arose in the 6th century BC, at a time when the ancient inhabitants of modern Greece were struggling, from all angles, to repel devastating invasions from the east and continued throughout the Hellenistic period and the period in which Greece and most Greek-inhabited lands were part of the Roman Empire. Philosophy was used to make sense out of the world in a non-religious way. It dealt with a wide variety of subjects, including astronomy, mathematics, political philosophy, ethics, metaphysics, ontology, logic, biology, rhetoric and aesthetics.

18. Who are the 3 Great Greek Philosophers? What are their philosophical beliefs? Discuss each.

to help the people in earth


The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These are some of the most well-known of all Greek philosophers.

PLATO maintains a virtue-based eudaemonistic conception of ethics. That is to say, happiness or well-being (eudaimonia) is the highest aim of moral thought and conduct, and the virtues (aretê: 'excellence') are the requisite skills and dispositions needed to attain it.

SOCRATES attempted to establish an ethical system based on human reason rather than theological doctrine. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness.

ARISTOTLE combines logic with observation to make general, causal claims. For example, in his biology, Aristotle uses the concept of species to make empirical claims about the functions and behavior of individual animals.

19. discuss the difference between the concept of self of the Greek philosophers and contemporary philosophers?​


I think that modern philosophy dissect much more dailiy problems of modern human by way of integrated psychology, sociology and cultural antropology. Because modern man is involved in a violent fight. Malthus was right, 7 billion people in our planet... It is terrible even thinking it. Ancient philosophy interrogate enduring and modern philosophy analyse just only being.


i Hope this answer helps you

20. what are the usual costume for a greek philosopher

what are the usual costume for a greek philosopher



It has long been thought that the ancient Greeks did not take mechanics seriously as part of the workings of nature, and that therefore their natural philosophy was both primitive and marginal. In this book Sylvia Berryman challenges that assumption, arguing that the idea that the world works 'like a machine' can be found in ancient Greek thought, predating the early modern philosophy with which it is most closely associated. Her discussion ranges over topics including balancing and equilibrium, lifting water, sphere-making and models of the heavens, and ancient Greek pneumatic theory, with detailed analysis of thinkers such as Aristotle, Archimedes, and Hero of Alexandria. Her book shows scholars of ancient Greek philosophy why it is necessary to pay attention to mechanics, and shows historians of science why the differences between ancient and modern reactions to mechanics are not as great as was generally thought.


correct me if I'm wrong, thanks!

22. Who is the Greek philosopher discover the universe ​


Aristarchus of Samos the greek philosopher

the answer in the module.

23. greek philosophers list


Top 10 Ancient Greek Philosophers

10. Parmenides

9. Anaxagoras

8. Anaximander

7. Empedocles

6. Zeno

5. Pythagoras

4. Socrates

3. Plato

2. Aristotle

1. Thales of Miletus

24. Do you know of some Greek philosophers? Philosopher who engage in philosophy.


Socrates and Plato are two famous Greek philosophers whose ideas still impact society today. In ancient Greece, philosophers contemplated and theorized about many different ideas such as human nature, ethics, and moral dilemmas.



25. who ia the greek philosopher

this is the list of the 10 best greek philosopher

26. list of ancient greek philosophers and their contribution.​



Socrates was heavily invested in actions regarding his philosophical ideologies. He took time to exercise his philosophies in his daily life. As a deep thinker and an answer seeker, he sometime roamed the cities and markets seeking for answers through open discussions and meetings.


Parmenides was able to introduce varying new concepts for life and humanity. A follower of Pythagoras, Parmenides contributed immensely in the field of philosophy.

Historians claim he was a pupil of a philosopher named Xanophanes as most of his preaching, thoughts and poems are heavily influenced by him. He also belonged to the pre-Socrates society and was an influential figure in ancient Greece. He wrote a poem called ‘On Nature’ in which he dealt with a very intriguing question ‘is it or is it not’?

27. name of the greek philosopher

10 Greek philosophersSocrates ( 469 - 399 BC )Plato ( 428 - 348 BC )Aristotle ( 385 - 323 BC )Thales of Miletus ( 625 - 546 BC )Pythagoras ( 570 - 495 BC )Democritus ( 460 - 370 BC )Empedokles ( 483 - 330 BC )Anaxagoras ( 510 - 428 BC )

28. name of the Greek philosopher​


Answer:The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These are some of the most well-known of all Greek philosophers. Socrates (470/469–399 B.C.E.) is remembered for his teaching methods and for asking thought-provoking questions

Answer:The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These are some of the most well-known of all Greek philosophers. Socrates (470/469–399 B.C.E.) is remembered for his teaching methods and for asking thought-provoking questionsExplanation:



The Socratic philosophers in ancient Greece were Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. These are some of the most well-known of all Greek philosophers. Socrates (470/469–399 B.C.E.) is remembered for his teaching methods and for asking thought-provoking questions.

29. one of the triumvirate greek philosophers


Aristotle. Aristotle (384–322 BCE), who follows Socrates and Plato as the third member of the great triumvirate of ancient Greek philosophers, is arguably the most important thinker who ever lived.


30. the greek philosopher plato trace man need to philosophize to his​


his sense of wonder.


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