Design Principles And Elements Of Text Information And Media

Design Principles And Elements Of Text Information And Media

1. What makes Motion media an effective means to deliver information? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How understanding of motion elements and principles help shape meaning to the information presented in media? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How information is presented in motion media in the field of education? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Are design principles and elements of text, visual and audio media can be applied in motion media? Why/why not? _________________________________________​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. What makes Motion media an effective means to deliver information? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How understanding of motion elements and principles help shape meaning to the information presented in media? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. How information is presented in motion media in the field of education? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Are design principles and elements of text, visual and audio media can be applied in motion media? Why/why not? _________________________________________​


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2. Do you think the elements and design principles of text and visual information media has a significant effect in our daily life? why or why not? Explain in 300 words


3.3 Compositional Principles — Strategies for Arranging Things Better

Alex Hass

We have many words for the frustration we feel when an interface isn’t directing us to what we need to know. Loud, messy, cluttered, busy. These words. . . express our feeling of being overwhelmed visually by content on a screen or page. We need them to express how unpleasant a user experience it is to not know where to direct our attention next. (Porter, 2010, para 1)

If everything is equal, nothing stands out. (Bradley, 2011)

The proper composition of visual elements generates not only visual stability, it enhances mood through composition and generates order that prevents visual chaos. Designers use compositional rules in their work to make the reader enter their work and experience a design environment that is calm yet exciting, quiet yet interesting. A magazine designer, for example, creates a grid and applies an order to the typographic elements creating a comprehensible hierarchy. This design system is interpreted in different ways, in pages and spreads, issue after issue. If the organizational system is versatile and planned with thought and depth, it can be used to produce unique and exciting layouts that remain true to the rules determined for the overall system initially designed. Organizational principles create a framework for design without determining the end results.

Compositional rules can be used to generate content as well as organize it. The Bauhaus artist and designer Laszlo Moholy-Nagy created a series of paintings by calling in a set of instructions to a sign painter using the telephone. Here is his account of the experience, written in 1944:

In 1922 I ordered by telephone from a sign factory five paintings in porcelain enamel. I had the factory’s color chart before me and I sketched my paintings on graph paper. At the other end of the telephone, the factory supervisor had the same kind of paper divided in to squares. He took down the dictated shapes in the correct position. (It was like playing chess by correspondence). (Moholy-Nagy, 1947, p. 79)

Designing visual elements into a strong composition is a complex endeavour on its own, but increasingly designers are being asked to create vast compositional systems that other people will implement. Much like Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, designers need to be able to make strong compositional systems and also convey how their systems work, how to apply their rules, and how to apply them so they retain a relevant freshness.


Pagod naako:)

3. ALTERNATE RESPONSE, Write the word YES on your answer sheet If the statement is correct and NO if the statement is false. 1. Balance, texture, perspective and unity are design principles of visual-based presentation. 2. Cinematography is an element of visual information. 3. Each visual element must be present in a visual-based material, no matter what. 4. Elements are randomly placed I any material to be produced. 5. Interview, talking head and documentary are motion media principles. 6. Mise-en-scene and sound are principles of motion information. 7. Motion-based material does not need to include text and visual information and media. 8. One can combine several types of information and media to come up with a desired material 9. Proximity is an element rather than a principle of text-based presentation. 10. Repetition in text information serves as a reminder of important idea. 11. Selecting a style and editing are all elements of motion-based presentation, 12. The size of the page or slide is irrelevant when making text-based presentation, 13. There are five principles for manipulative-based material. 14. There are no two similar elements and/or principles in any information and media. 15. There are only two principles to be considered in audio-based presentation.​








7. YES








4. 1. True or FalseDirection: Carefully read the statements. Write T if the statement is correct while F if it is incorrect.2. The first principle of video design to note is the balance2. Creating a sense of hierarchy is not crucial to attracting the viewer's eye toimportant pieces of information,3. Sticking to video limits the designer's capability to extend their message.4. To make a scene coherent, it may be necessary to repeat certain elements in videocontent.5. Multimedia is the combination of Multi and Media that is many types of media(hardware/software) used for communication of information.6. Audio video art is an art form which relies on using video technology as a visualand audio medium,7. Graphics are called audio or sound element of multimedia,8. An animation is just a continuous series of still images that are displayed in asequence.9. Unity is not the main goal of a video designer,10. Graphics are used more often than text to explain a concept, present backgroundinformation etc.​















paki brainliest nalang po

God bless po

5. 19. This are individuals who serve as channels of information dissemination, except one.a. Citizen Journalismd. Noneb. Opinion Leadersc. Social Journalism20. Below are some Design Principles and Elements of text, exclude one.a. Emphasisb. Appropriatenessc. Alignmentd. Margin21. What font is best suited for the contents of a printed book?a. Serif fontc. Sans Serif fontb. Decorative fontd. All of the choices22. Which of the following you shouldn't do as a media and information literate individuals?a. Liberate minds and undeveloped characters.b. Increase political and social participationc. Empower economic stabilityd. Enhance business and career opportunities23. If you are one of the people with limited access to media and information, which category or group you belong?a. People in Mediad. Noneb. People as mediac. Lower-end Media User24. Your friends asked you to make a poster about peace, what background color is best suited for this theme?a. Blackb. Greenc. Yellowd. Blue​










6. 1. What is the proficient use of digital technology and communication tools andapplying it effectively to any form of media?A. Media LiteracyB. Information LiteracyC. Technology LiteracyD. Digital Communication Literacy2. What is created through the arrangement of objects in two-Dimensional spaceto look like they appear in real life?A. Balance B. Harmony C. Perspective D. Rhythm3. What brings together a composition with similar units of an object?A. Balance B. HarmonyC. Perspective D. Rhythm4. What make some changes in the value of an object which is creating a visualdiscord in a composition?A. Balance B. Harmony C. Perspective D. Rhythm5. What is an area that first attracts attention in a composition of an object?A. Center of Interest B. Contrast C. Harmony D. Perspective6. What Visual Design Element refers to the degree of light and dark in a design?A. colorB. shapeC. textureD. value7. What principles in design which creates a visual interest to text elements?A. Alignment B. ContrastC. Organization D. Repetition8. What type of simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveyingideas whether hand written, printed or displayed on screen?D. TextA. Decorative B. FormatC. Script​








I hope it helped

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