Punctuation Copy Paste

Punctuation Copy Paste

How do you remove punctuation marks in copy reading?

Daftar Isi

1. How do you remove punctuation marks in copy reading?

Just put / to it ! welcome

2. on a separate sheet of paper, copy the following sentences add the necessary punctuation and capitalization



1. Hon. Alma Buenaventura says, "I am announcing that our barangay will be on a lockdown starting on July 13-27, 2020."

2. "How are you, Manny?" Leticia asked.

3. She says, "I am a little bit nervous."

4. Binoy said to her teacher, "I will do my homework on my own."

5. Karmen said, "You have to finish your food before you play."

3. in your notebook write the sentence in the correct way begin the sentence with a capital letters copy the punctuation​




4. What punctuation marks are described in the article?A Short History of Punctuation by Polly Robertus



5. Punctuate the following.​


7. What time is the operation?

8. Thank God, the operation is successful.

9. A patient, trustworthy, nurse is hard to find.

10. If you care, sir, you should take precautions.

11. Dr. John David, PH.D.

12. Computers are faster, however, they are not accurate.

13. The doctors said, "be sure to take your medication."

14. The article "The Secret of Good life," can be found on the internet.

15. The best things to do are: (1) take your medicines, (2) get plenty of rest, and (3) drink lots of fluids.


I'm not so sure about this, please correct me if I have a mistake but most of this is correct, for sure :)

6. Write the sentence in a correct way. Begin the sentence with capital letter. Copy the punctuation. Crows can fly? ​

I don't know tbh

Why is that soo hardd

7. What is punctuation?

These are the marks, such as period, comma, parentheses. To use in writing to separate sentences.And to clarify meaning.

8. AFamily thatwhat is the end punctuation?prays together storys forever.What is the end punctuation?​


The punctuation mark is called a "period"

9. what is punctuations

it is a system of inserting marks which can help reduce ambiguity to the real meaning of the sentence.

10. Punctuate the following​


1. Period / full stop ( . )

2. Comma ( , )

3. Colon ( : )

4. Comma ( , )

5. Ellipsis

6. Speech marks (" ")

Final Answer :

1. The operation will start at around 8:30 am Answer: ( . )

2. Dear Dr. Angeles Answer: ( , )

3. Benefits include Answer: ( : )

a. No deposit upon admission

b. Room and board accommodation

c. Use of Healthcard specialists like anesthesiologist urologist surgeon and other expects

4. The speaker was very self-conscious Answer: (...)

5. Yellow fever is caused by the bite of the female mosquito Aedes aegypti Answer: ( . )

6. You looked better after your treatments Answer: (" ")

It's pleasure to help you. I Hope You Now Understand Dear User.

11. D. Write sentences using the following verb the follow the enclosed tense of the verb in the parenthesis(Note: Don't forget to write the correct punctuation mark and proper capitalization of letters)Example: return (past)Gabriel returned from vacation yesterday1. remember (present)2. study (future)3. get (past)4. buy (past)5. decide (present)​


1. Ana remembered what happened yesterday.

2. I will study the lesson with my friends.

3. I got 90/100 in my math test.

4. I bought a tomato from the market.

5. I'm deciding to take the test with my friends.

12. Make sentences out of the following numbered items. Use the past tense, ordinary form. Observecorrect punctuation and capitalization. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.1. dog-run-cat?​


the dog ran after the cat

13. Today's activity:Find a slogan from the internet and paste in a word document.Explain its content in 2 paragraphs. Apply proper use of punctuation and margin.​


The slogan above/below means that you are the only person who has/must decide what you want to do with your body. If you want to have an abortion, tattoo, piercing, change your body, or have sex with anyone. It's your choice, your decision, and even if they give an opinion, it's always your choice if you listen to them or if you listen to yourself.

14. what are the punctuation used in the poem africa by david diop? give the lines with punctuations.​


i don't gor you have a good

15. Choose a punctuation that you can associate yourself with.Draw in any piece of clean sheet of paper and complete the sentenceIf I were a punctuation I would be (drawing of punctuation) because​




it means you can pause on something but u should continue again or pursue on what ure trying to strive on ur life

16. 4. What punctuations are used before theplace of the publication? Whatpunctuation is used after it?​


The ceiling exerting and the floor point and then the force of 4.0 newtons applied to your mind order to help the punctuations

17. Choose 5 punctuation marks; construct sentence from your chosen punctuation marks.


what is your name?


love is blind.

pork,spoon and plate are in the kitchen

she/he is very simple

18. Copy the following sentences correctly on the spaces below. Take note of thebeginning letter and the punctuation mark.14. Are those colorful birds can fly?15. These are my pencils.​


paki picture ng buo beh para masagutan ko

19. Punctuation and capitalization.Rewrite the paragraph below with the correct punctuation marks and capitalization. ​


One day, a young crab and his mother were on the beach, spending some time together. The young crab gets up to move, but it can only walk sideways. His mother scolds him for walking sideways and asks him to walk forward by pointing his toes out front. The young crad responds, "I would like to walk forward, mom, but I do not know how to."

Hearing this, his mom gets up to show him how, but even she is unable to bend her knees forward. She realizes that she was being unfair, apologizes sheepishly, and sits back in the sand.

20. what are punctuations? ​

punctuations (!) are the one's you us for something you say that is loud like "wow!, hey!..."

21. write the name of the picture corectly to comeplete the sentence choose your answer from the box copy the following sentence correctly on the spaces take note note of the beginning letter and the punctuation mark​


Can I please have the picture or the basis so that I could answer?

22. write a short dialogue about the present pandemic using simple of tense of verb ( past, present, future). make sure to use correct punctuations.​

Entice: President Duterte declared that places with low-risk area can continue their classes next year. PAST

Ace: But what if we get the virus because of that? PRESENT

Soleil: We will still prevent the spread of the coronavirus. We will still do the social distancing, and the protocols to keep us safe. FUTURE

Carlos: "Hey guys, I just heard from our local citizens that we will be having a lockdown starting tomorrow till the endnof the month."

Crisselda: "Haven't you watch the news? Many people was confirmed positive from the new corona virus."

Carlos: "Oh ok, I haven't watch the news lately, since when the pandemic have started."

Crisselda: "It's ok, will you help me buy some groceries for the month, since the lockdown will begin tomorrow?"

Carlos: "Ok, come on let's go to the store and buy some groceries."

23. Write your own paragraph about your community quarantine experience and tell how the experience became remarkable for you.Criteria in maricing the paragraph: Unity - 3 Organization - 3 Spelling and Punctuation - 5 Use of Simple Past Tense - 4 Total = 20 (Title​copied=rreportnonsense=reportwrong answer=reportnanghula=reportexplain your answer=BRAINLIESTnot explain answer=reportcorrect=BRAINLIEST


It went rough, maybe because this is new to me. At the moment I'm still coping with the new normal they created for us to still function while in the pandemic. It made resources hard to reach which made living more harder than it is before.  It was remarkable because the pandemic is a pretty rare occurrence. Yet it's very deadly

24. a type of punctuation where the letter elements do not bear punctuation mark at the end of lines​


They are the period, question mark, exclamation point, comma, semicolon, colon, dash, hyphen, parentheses, brackets, braces, apostrophe, quotation marks, and ellipsis.


Hope it helps :>


25. punctuating direct speech :copy the sentences below and punctuate them correctly. 6.) The girl in the mirror asked herself Am i ok. 7.) you are great mom said 8.) wow this is amazing the boy exclaimed. 9.) the speaker said i want you to listen attentively. 10.) are you ready for the new normal Tina asked​


6.The girl asked her self "Am I Ok"

7.Mom said, You are great

8.This is amazing Wow The, boy Exclaimed

9.I want you to listen attentively, The speaker said

10.Tina asked "are you ready for rhe new normal"


Hope it well help you po

26. kinds of punctuation

comma ,

question mark ?

exclamation point !

apostrophe '

quotation mark "

colon :

semi colon ;

hyphen -





28. Put ✓ if the sentence is correctly punctuated and put X if not. If the sentence is incorrectly punctuated, rewrite the sentence with correct punctuation marks. Write your answer on the blanks provided in each number.if​













Jope its Help

29. write a short dialogue about the present pandemic using simple of tense of verb ( past, present, future). make sure to use correct punctuations. please po pa answer correct​

Lillian: Our country accepted tourists, that was not right. (Past Tense)

Alexa: I agree with you. (Present Tense)

Bella: But if we will not accept tourists, our economy will go down. (Future Tense)

30. II. Directions: Use the following verbs in sentences depending on the given tense. capitalization and punctuation. Write your answer on the space provided. 1. twist (future tense) 2. hit (present tense) 3. cry (past tense) 4. pinch (future tense) 5. fold (past tense)​

Answer: 1. Will twist

2. hitting

3. cried

4. will pinch

5. folded

Explanation: genuinely not sure about the future tense answers, hope it helps though


1. twisting

2. hitting

3. crying

4. pinching

5. folding


pa follow and pa brainless Po thank you❤️

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