Core Marketplace Concepts

Core Marketplace Concepts

Explain the importance of 5 philosophical Concept of a Marketplace and give example each.​

Daftar Isi

1. Explain the importance of 5 philosophical Concept of a Marketplace and give example each.​


1. Production Concept

You see, in Amazon or retail stores, the market is flooded with cheap products from china. Everything from the cheap plastic product from China is on your cart now.

The best example of the production concept is Vivo, the Chinese smartphone brand. Their phones are available in almost every corner of the Asian market. You can walk into any phone shop in Asia and can walk out with the latest and greatest smartphone from Vivo.

2. Product Concept

For example, suppose a company makes the best quality Floppy disk. But a customer does need a floppy disk?  

She or he needs something that can be used to store the data. It can be achieved by a USB Flash drive, SD memory cards, portable hard disks, etc. So that the company should not look to make the best floppy disk, they should focus on meeting the customer’s data storage needs.  

When you think of high-quality products, Apple will be one of the top ones. Their products are so good that they set industry trends and standards.  

Logitech makes very high-quality computer products such as keyboard, mouse, and webcams. These high-quality products are priced higher, but people still buy, and they get almost free advertisement from independent reviews.

3. Selling Concept

Every saw an ad online or TV commercial that you almost can’t escape and hide from? The Selling Concept is in play.

Almost all companies eventually fall into this concept. “Mountain Dew” ads are hard to miss. If people like Mountain Dew or not, that is debatable, but you can see that PepsiCo is pushing it hard using ads.  

Almost all soft drinks and soda drinks follow the selling concept. These drinks have no health benefits ( actually harm your health more); you can easily replace them with water ( the most available substances on the earth).  

And the soft drink companies know it, and they run ads 24×7, spending millions,

4. Marketing Concept

Restaurants and startups do follow the marketing concept. They try to understand the consumer and deliver the best product or service, which is better for the competition.  

‘Dollar shave club’ is the best example. They changed the Men’s grooming market. They have understood that people are not happy with their previous grooming products and their prices.  

Where other company’s grooming products will cost hundreds to buy for just one month. ‘Dollar shave club’ charges a couple of bucks a month with higher quality products and home delivery convenience.

5. Societal Marketing Concept

While large companies sometimes launch programs or products that benefit society, it is hard to find a company that is fully committed socially.  

We can see Adidas doing great as they continue to support Colin Kaepernick despite pressure from various parties. Tesla promises a big push for green energy with electric cars and solar roof panels/tiles.

2. CRUSTOUTERCORECORE general concepts​


Thats about the earths core the crust is what we are standing on the outer core is the grass and the core is the gravity that makes us go back to the ground when u jump.

3. The learner independently demonstrate core competencies inhandicraft.Explain the core concept of handicrafts.Understand the interrelationship of the different concepts​


Handi Craft Is all about making new things out of the old things

4. what are the core concepts about buddhism?


The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and • The Noble Eightfold Path.


The teachings of the Buddha are aimed solely at liberating sentient beings from suffering. The Basic Teachings of Buddha which are core to Buddhism are: The Three Universal Truths; The Four Noble Truths; and • The Noble Eightfold Path.

5. explain the core concept of bread and pastry production ​


DEFINITION: Mix and bake ingredients according to recipes to produce small quantities of breads, pastries, and other baked goods for consumption on premises or for sale as specialty baked goods.


DEFINITION: Mix and bake ingredients according to recipes to produce small quantities of breads, pastries, and other baked goods for consumption on premises or for sale as specialty baked goods.

6. explain the core concept in bread and pastry production


Mix and bake ingredients according to recipes to produce small quantities of breads, pastries, and other baked goods for consumption on premises or for sale as specialty baked goods. ... Mixes ingredients to form dough or batter by hand or using electric mixer.

7. What is the core conceptof filipinopsychology​


Core Value or Kapwa.


Kapwa is the core construct of Filipino Psychology.Kapwa has two categories,Ibang Tao at Hindi Ibang Tao.Ibang tao(outsider).There are five interaction levels under this category.Pakikisalamuha:act of mixing.This is social value that is primarily communitarian.

Hope it helps:>

8. Explains core concepts on phillippines democracy and the programs.​


hindi ako sigurado sa sagot na to pero sa pag kakaalam ko ang democracy ay kalayaan na kailangan ng tao para makamit ang kanyang gustong gawain

9. the importance of core marketing concept or the planning process​


A marketing plan helps you promote products and services in your business that meet the needs of your target market. It requires research, time and commitment, but is a very valuable process that can greatly contribute to your business success.


The core concept of Marketing

2. The Core Marketing concept : Marketing is a social & managerial process by which individuals & groups obtained what they need & want through creating, offering & exchanging products of value with others.

3. Need, Wants, Value, Cost, Products Demands Satisfaction Exchange, Marketing &Transaction, Market Marketers Relationship Core Marketing Concept

4. Human Needs. It is a state of felt deprivation of some basic satisfaction. Wants. These are desires for specific satisfiers of these deeper needs.Demands. These are wants for specific products that are backed by an ability & willingness to buy them. Products. These are anything that can be offered to satisfy a need or a want.  The importance of physical product lies not so much in owing them as in obtaining the services they render.

5. The vehicle of services. 1. Person. 2. Place. 3. Activity. 4. Organization. 5. Ideas.Value, Cost & Satisfaction. 1. Product value 1. Monitory cost 2. Service value 2. Time cost 3. Personnel value 3. Energy cost 4. Image value 4. Psychic cost

6. Exchange, Transactions & Relationship. The exchange is one of the four ways people can obtain products. a. Self-production. b. Coercion. c. Begging. d. Exchange.Exchange is the act of obtaining the desired product from someone by offering something in return.

7. Five conditions of exchange.1. At least two parties.2. Each party has something that might be of value to the other party.3. Each party is capable of communication & delivery.4. Each party is free to accept or reject the offer.5. Each party believes it is appropriate or desirable to deal with the other party.

8. Transactions – These are the basic unit of exchange. A transaction consists of a trade of values between two parties. Dimensions of transactions.1. At least two things of value.2. Agreed upon conditions.3. A time of agreement.4. A place of agreement. Transaction v/s Transfer The process of trying to arrive at mutually agreeable terms is called Negotiation. Transaction marketing, Relationship marketing, Marketing network.

9. Markets. It consists of all potential consumers sharing a particular need or want who might be willing & able to engage in exchange to satisfy that need or want.Marketing. It means Working with markets to actualize potential exchanges for the purpose of satisfying human needs & wants.Marketer. It means someone seeking a resource from someone else & willing to offer something of value in exchange.

10. 1. The Production Concept.The production concepts hold that customers will favor those products that are widely available & low in cost. Managers of production-oriented organizations concentrate on achieving high production efficiency & wide distribution coverage.

10. What is the concept of the core value of Filipino culture?


The values of Filipinos specifically upholds the following items: solidarity of the family unit, security of the Philippine economy, orientation to small-groups, personalism, the concepts of "loob" or "kalooban" (meaning "what's inside the self", the "inner-self", or the "actual personal feelings of the self"), ...


filipino values are most part at centered maintaining social harmony, morivated primarily by the desire to be accepted by a group

11. What is considered as the core concept of interaction?​





12. core concepts of development journalism



Social responsibility

13. give the concept of core values​


The core values of an organization are thosevalues we hold which form the foundation on which we perform work and conduct ourselves. ... The values underlie our work, how interact with each other, and which strategies we employ to fulfill our mission. The core values are the basic elements of how we go about our work.


Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These guiding principles dictate behavior and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong. Core values also help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals by creating an unwavering guide.

Five Core Values

INTEGRITY. Know and do what is right. Learn more.

RESPECT. Treating others the way you want to be treated.

RESPONSIBILITY. Embrace opportunities to contribute.

SPORTSMANSHIP. Bring your best to all competition.

SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Serve the common good.


14. what is the core concept of the interaction?​

Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect.

Core concepts, or big ideas, are complex assemblages of interconnected smaller ideas. ... Each of these subsidiary ideas may be made up of still smaller ideas. “Unpacking,” a core concept, is the process of systematically deconstructing a “big idea” into the set of smaller ideas needed to understand the core concept.

hope it helped.

15. What are the core concepts of carpentry?


•Carpentry is a skilled trade and a craft in which the primary work performed is the cutting,shaping and Instagram of building materials during the construction of buildings,ships,timber and bridges,concrete formwork ,etc.

•Carpenters are usually the first tradesmen on a job and the last to leave.


Tama ba? hihi

16. what are the core concept of technical drafting?​


Technical drafting is the most important thing to do in your business

17. core the concept in diagram tripitaka ​


where is the diagram huhu

18. Core concept of cookery

Answer:The core concept in cookery is more than one concept. The core concept in cookery is to explore every facet of culinary arts, as well as learn the vital practice of quality food prep.


19. What are the core issues of the concept of Cultural Theory? ​


Cultural theory seeks to understand the relationships between individuals, environments, institutions and everyday activities.

20. explain the core concept in bread and pastry production

Answer: Mix and bake ingredients according to recipes to produce small quantities of breads, pastries, and other baked goods for consumption on premises or for sale as specialty baked goods. ... Mixes ingredients to form dough or batter by hand or using electric mixer.

21. What is the core concept of Filipino psychology?​


kapwa, this has 2 categories ibang tao at

22. Explain core concepts in bread and pastry production

Mix and bake ingredients according to recipes to produce small quantities of breads, pastries, and other baked goods for consumption on premises or for sale as specialty baked goods. ... Mixes ingredients to form dough or batter by hand or using electric mixer

23. core concepts and principles in macramé and basketry


Sanaall hindi ko rin alam

24. core marketing concepts

The core concept of Marketing, Marketing is a social & managerial process by which individuals & groups obtained what they need & want through creating, offering & exchanging products of value with others. 4. Human Needs. It is a state of felt deprivation of some basic satisfaction.

25. Explain core concepts in dressmaking​

answer: dressmaking is defined as the Craft

of sewing clothes and dresses

26. describe the core marketing concepts needs, wants and demands​


In short, needs are things that satisfy the basic requirement. Wants are requests directed to specific types of items. Demands are requests for specific products that the buyer is willing to and able to pay for. In a consumer market examples are usually very clear to identify.




because its core and outside cor

27. what is the core concept of Filipino psychology?


Enriquez (1998,1994) started unfolding the concept of kapwa (shared identify) which

is at the core of Filipino social psychology,And which is at the heart of ste structure

of Filipino values

28. core concepts the diagrams​

every employee is a marketer

customer needs are central to the company

Customers satisfaction is the company main goal

Communicate customer needs to other departments

Marketing should champion the cause of the customer

Meet customer needs better than competitions

29. core concepts in food and beverages services

Food and beverage service is a complex and painstaking work, the waiter serving the people rather than materials. Food and beverage products are only intermediary contact restaurants and customer. The ultimately the work of food and beverage service is servicing to the people; only good service can attract and retain live customers. In service improvement on quality and management, many food and beverage companies often do not understand the real needs of customer service in the business of just blindly improve facilities and equipment, the result is a forest for the trees, duplication of efforts. 

30. a _____ forms the core of a concept paper​


The fundamental elements of a Concept Paper are project vision, project scope, project targets, timeline and milestones and project management.

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