Physical Projection

Physical Projection

physical projection weakness​

Daftar Isi

1. physical projection weakness​


paki linaw Kung ano gagawin jan

2. sample of applied physics projects​

Fan Cart

Can a fan save your sailboat from the doldrums?

If a sailboat is stranded because there is no wind, is it possible to set up a fan on deck and blow wind into the sail to make the boat move? This is a classic physics problem that you can explore by using simple materials to build a low-friction cart with a removable motor and sail. The Fan Cart provides an elegant demonstration of action-reaction pairs described in Newton’s Third Law, and can also be used to demonstrate other aspects of force and motion.

here's some samples of the topic physics project :)

3. Social Science, in addition to Physics, (require)_________ projects.​


pa help sa 5 sentence butas na bulsa

4. Unique Science Investigatory Project ideas for 10th grade. Physical Science or Life Science.​


Solar water purifier


it takes patience



Properties of Matter.

Properties of Matter: Density and Gravity.

Mechanics: Motion.

Mechanics: Force.


Static Electricity.



Sana po makatulong

6. Give me an example of investigatory project about physics :)

Making soap of guava.
Creating new, alternative fuel.
Making biodegradable packages.
Water purification using ecological methods, like with using sun energy.
Slow the ripening of fruits and vegetables.
Making glue from natural resources, for example milk.

Good luck :)

7. 3. During this time of pandemic, indoor physical activities are encouraged to avoid the spread of Covid-19. How do you keep your body in shape at home? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________ 4. Part of the SDO’s project in the distance learning is the implementation of the #Project FENG. How do you participate in this project? __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ 5. How will you show the value of respect and fairness ​


4.n the first part of the document, there are basic steps in preparation and implementation of the project implementation from March to September ...


///hope it help


3. Keep exercise using some indoor activities like jumping Ang dancing..etc.

8. A major portion of the project work, both physical and mental production


major portion of the project work, both physical and mental production


Companies like Boeing, Kodak, and IBM are using which of the following for improving the estimating process?

Which of the following is not one of the recommended guidelines for developing useful work package estimates?

Which of the following would be considered a direct project cost?

Project costs are typically viewed from all of the following except:

Typical kinds of costs found in a project include

The cost to prepare bottom-up estimates will typically run how much more than the costs to prepare the top-down estimates?

The accuracy of bottom-up estimates will typically be in the range of

The accuracy of top-down estimates will typically be in the range of

Which of the following would be the best method for projects where the final product is not known and the uncertainty is very large?

The approach that begins with a top-down estimate for the project and then refines estimates as the project is implemented is known as ______ method.

Which of the following is not one of the bottom-up approaches to estimating project time and cost?

Learning curves are more likely to apply in situations where most of the costs are

Sean is forecasting the time and cost of developing a customized software program by looking at the number of inputs, outputs, inquires, files, and interfaces. Which of the following methods is he using?

Jose is forecasting project time and cost for constructing a new building by multiplying the total square footage by a given dollar amount. Which of the following methods is he using?

Which of the following methods is not considered a top-down approach to estimating project time and cost?

____ estimates are most likely to use low cost, efficient methods.

Top-down estimates are most likely to occur during the ______ phase.

Which of the following is a good condition for bottom-up estimating?

Which of the following is a good condition for top-down estimating?

Janet is forecasting how much money her department needs to support a new project. She estimates that two people and $25,000 in expenses will cover her needs. Because management typically insists on reducing forecasts by 20 percent, she increases her estimates to allow for that reduction. Which of the following factors is illustrated in this situation?

Ed is looking over the actual results of projects and comparing them to what was estimated. He notices that projects that took six months or longer to complete were noticeably more off the estimates. Which of the following factors is he recognizing?

Which of the following is not one of the factors that need to be considered to improve quality of estimates for project times and costs?

A good starting point for developing time and cost estimates is

A typical statement in actual practice is that estimates should have a probability of being met ______ of the time.

In practice, estimating processes are frequently classified as


what's the question if this is the question the search there's lots more answer in g---o-----o----g----l----e :-):-)

9. ____helps your body to function efficiently for it prevent fatigue, muscular stain and black also adds to your good physical appearance for it projects,poise,confidence and dignity​


Be a non-smoker and avoid second hand smoke.

If you smoke, get help to quit. Smoking is the major cause of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and lung cancer. It is also a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. It's never too late to quit and reduce your risk.

Be physically active everyday.

Find an activity you like and get moving. Your heart is a muscle that needs regular exercise to stay healthy. Exercise will also make it easier to maintain a healthy body weight. Ask your healthcare provider about an appropriate exercise plan for you. It doesn't have to be complicated - it may be as simple as adding dancing, going up and down stairs, or stretching throughout your day. Or try starting a walking group with other people in your neighbourhood. Exercise and friends are a great mix! See Canada's Physical Activity Guide for tips on building physical activity into your everyday routine.

Eat healthy foods.

Following a healthy, balanced diet can help you to maintain a healthy weight, lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk for disease. Choose high fibre, lower fat foods and 5-10 servings of fruit and vegetables every day. Balance your daily meals with foods from the four food groups described in Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating.

Achieve a healthy weight.

Being overweight increases your risk for diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. The risk of a heart attack is three times higher in women who are overweight than in those who have a healthy weight. Talk to your healthcare provider to determine your personal healthy weight and work out a plan for achieving or maintaining it.

Control your blood pressure.

Keeping your blood pressure in check can help prevent damage to the walls of your arteries like tears and bulges and possibly slow the hardening of your arteries. Have your blood pressure checked regularly by your healthcare provider and follow your management directions.

Limit your intake of alcohol.

Drinking too much alcohol can put you at risk for many kinds of cancer. While there is some evidence that moderate drinking may offer some health benefits, too much alcohol is unhealthy. Moderate drinking means an average of one drink for women or two drinks for men per day.

Reduce your stress.

Take time to relax. Stress can raise your cholesterol level and blood pressure and lead to heart attack and stroke. Stress is also a trigger for mental health problems like depression. See your healthcare provider for help in managing stress.

Be screened or tested regularly.

Report any new signs and symptoms to your healthcare provider. It's also important to know your body and have regular check-ups to measure your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. In many cases the earlier a problem is detected, the easier it is to treat.


10. A drawing that depicts the physical relationship of significant items usingappropriate projections or perspective views.​


General Arrangement Drawing


pa follow be

11. compare the advantage and disadvantage of using the technology today from that of using the physical or analog way of creating a project.​


The advantage of technology is you can easily make a work on it and you can transmit and display data and information using technology. And using technology you can easily be communicate to your friends or family

While the disadvantage of it is some people doing some harassment using technology and some people uses technology to do something bad in others

12. Indicate how far Boracay from Manila is, and how long (time) is your journey. Please answer this English and Physics will collaborate to my Project


Boracay Island is located approximately 288 kilometers away from Manila.

13. it is a practice of basic courtesy, tolerance for difficult guest and customers , and a compliance of service standard.a. Conduct and Behavior b. Grooming and hygienec. Physical projectiond. Verbal Projection​


A.conduct and behavior

B.grooming and hygiene

C.physical projection

D.verbal projection


pa brainliest thnx


D.verbal projection


i have no Explanation nakita ko lang sa answer key

14. What is the non-verbal communication/physical projections in the communication and interpersonal skills?​​.


Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, the tone and pitch of the voice, gestures displayed through body language (kinesics) and the physical distance between the communicators (proxemics).

Nonverbal cues include visual cues such as facial expressions (typically involving expressions of emotions), eye gaze and eye movements, head movements, gestures and body movement, posture, and gait. Other visual nonverbal cues include hairstyle, facial hair, use of cosmetics, grooming, and dress.

15. What is the non-verbal communication/physical projections in the communication and interpersonal skills?​


A primary function of nonverbal communication is to convey meaning by reinforcing, substituting for, or contradicting verbal communication. Nonverbal communication is also used to influence others and regulate conversational flow.


Sana po nakatulong mark brainliest po at heart at rate plss sorry kung mali wag po sanang mag mura pero sana po nakatulong mark brainliest po

16. It is how one perceive the self in terms of the physical self-projected to other people through the body? ​


The temporal self-appraisal theory argues that people have a tendency to maintain a positive self-evaluation by distancing themselves from ...

Psychological projection

Melanie Klein saw the projection of good parts of the self as leading potentially to over-

17. What is your opinion about the project future developments for physical education, exercise science and sport based on historical events


I'm only a few more days to go to the meeting tonight but I can tomorrow if you want to be in the office tomorrow and will get home from work until a week or so ago and it is a good time and answer any questions you may have to go co workers are free to do so we will have the way home from you soon and have a new phone number is the same as the one I have is a color printer and I will be in the office tomorrow

18. it adds to your good physical appearance for it projects poise confidence and dignityODOGTUSOPER​



Good posture adds to your physical appearance for it projects poise, confidence and dignity.

19. Combining baking soda and vinegar for a volcano project is considered a __________. A. physical property B. chemical property C. physical change D. chemical change ASAP please sumative test na nako

Combining baking soda and vinegar for a volcano project is considered a __________.

A. physical property

B. chemical property

C. physical change

D. chemical change

20. what are the physical projection that should be demonstrated by a food and beverage server​



Food and beverage serving and related workers preform a variety of costumer sevice,food preparation,and cleaning duties in eating and drinking establishments.


Food and beverage serving and related workers are employed in restaurants,schools,hospitals,cafeterias and other dining places.Work shifts often include early mornings,late evenings,weekends and holidays.Many food and beverage serving and related workers work part time.


Most food and beverage serving and related workers learn their skills on the job.No formal education or previous work experience is required.


The median hourly wage for food and beverage serving and related workers is $10.45.


Employment of food and beverage serving and related workers is projected to grow 10% over the next ten years,much faster than tje average of all occupations.Job prospects in most dining establishments will be excellent because many workers leave the occupation each year,resulting in numerous job openings.


Compare the job duties,education,job growth and pay of food and beverage serving and related workers with similar occupations.

I hope this can help you po...

21. Can you give/ suggest me some topics for my investigatory project...?easy to make/ simple for my physics class...

last year we made BioChar, it is easy to make because the goal of this investigatory project is to make a productive soil wherein there is a low or no matal content and wherein plants can grow easily. the secret to this project is the charcoal content (we were unsuccessful last year because of the low content of charcoal)

22. 4. What quality is projected if you always carry a pleasant smile and positivedisposition so that others will feel comfortable and at ease with you?a. Conduct and behaviorc. Physical projectionb. Grooming and Hygiened. Verbal Projection​


c.physical projection

23. What are the physical projection that should be demonstrated by a food and beverage?​


Food and beverage serving and related workers preform a variety of costumer sevice,food preparation,and cleaning duties in eating and drinking establishments.


Food and beverage serving and related workers are employed in restaurants,schools,hospitals,cafeterias and other dining places.Work shifts often include early mornings,late evenings,weekends and holidays.Many food and beverage serving and related workers work part time.


Most food and beverage serving and related workers learn their skills on the job.No formal education or previous work experience is required.


The median hourly wage for food and beverage serving and related workers is $10.45.


Employment of food and beverage serving and related workers is projected to grow 10% over the next ten years,much faster than tje average of all occupations.Job prospects in most dining establishments will be excellent because many workers leave the occupation each year,resulting in numerous job openings.


Compare the job duties,education,job growth and pay of food and beverage serving and related workers with similar occupations.

I hope this can help you po...

24. FILL IN THE BLANKS: Complete the statement with appropriate term to make the statement correct.1. ___________________ is a windows that displays the “physical” items used in your project. 2. The Resource View displays an organized tree list of the __________________ used on a project. 3. The ____________________ is one of the most regularly used windows. 4. The ________________ without using the physical server and without opening Enterprise Server or SQL Query Design. 5. A tool bar is an object made of ___________________. ​


Solution ExplorerresourcesMicrosoft Windowsrow of buttons, sometimes near the top of an application window

25. If you were to be a ms. ambassador of physical fitness what project or program youl'd like to buil in this school?

I WILL GIVE A PROGRAM LIKE EXCERCISE AND MANY MORE....If Im the ms. ambassador of physical fitness I would want to build a studio for dancers. The project would be for aspiring dancers that wants to enhance their abilities. Also, the studio can also be used for students with weight problems and want to do zumba.

26. 10. How would you classify good physical appearance for it projects poise, confidence anddignity?A .Personal hygiene B .Proper Nutrition C. Good Posture D. Physical Activity​


C. Good Posture

Good posture adds to your physical appearance for it projects poise, confidence and dignity

I hope this can help :]

27. Arduino is an open source platform used to construct projects in the field of electronics. arduino includes both a software component and an ide (integrated development environment) that works on a desktop and can be published and downloaded to the physical panel panel, the most common portion of a programmable physical panel panel (sparkfun, n.d.).



Arduino is an open source platform used to construct projects in the field of electronics. arduino includes both a software component and an ide (integrated development environment) that works on a desktop and can be published and downloaded to the physical panel panel, the most common portion of a programmable physical panel panel (sparkfun, n.d.).

28. Is cornstarch, water and baking soda considered as physical change mixture(This is for my project)(paki answer plsssss)


Baking soda dissolves readily in water. If water is evaporated from a solution of baking soda, the baking soda is recovered unchanged; thus, solubility is a physical property. ... Instead you have carbon dioxide, water, and sodium carbonate. A physical change alters only physical properties, such as size and shape.

29. Directions: Answer the following questions.1. How does understanding physics help you to be more competitive in sports? 2. How does the angle of projection affect the range and maximum height of a projectile?​


1.Understanding the physics of motion can affect all areas of sports, from helping athletes move faster, to preventing injuries, planning more efficient trainings, and developing aerodynamic equipment and clothing.


2.Just like the case of the time of flight, we see that maximum height reached by the projectile depends on both initial speed and the angle of projection (θ). Greater the initial velocity and greater the angle of projection from horizontal direction, greater is the height attained by the projectile

30. what do you call to any peripheral that recieves data from a computer,usually for display,projection,or physical reproduction?​


An output device


An output device is any peripheral that receives data from a computer, usually for display, projection, or physical reproduction. For example, the image shows an inkjet printer, an output device that make a hard copy of anything shown on the monitor.


An output device


An out device is any peripheral that receives data from a computer , usually for display , projection , or physical reproduction. For example , the image shows an inkjet printer , an output device that make a hard copy of anything shown on the monitor.

Hope it helps

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