Critique Of The Homily Essay

Critique Of The Homily Essay

critique of the homily

Daftar Isi

1. critique of the homily


A homily is a speech or sermon given by a priest in a Roman Catholic Church after a scripture has been read. The purpose of the homily is to provide insight into the meaning of the scripture and relate it to the lives of the parishioners of the church.


hope it helps! good luck to your studies:>

2. how to make my own critique of the homily


Preaching. One of the most difficult and vulnerable things I have ever done. The common known statistic that more people have a fear of public speaking than they do of their own death comes to mind when I prepare to preach.

Why did God call me to a life of speaking publicly? Weekend homilies. Weekday homilies. Funerals. Retreats. Weddings. There will be ample opportunity to preach Christ’s love, mercy and justice to the people of God.

Preaching is difficult for me not so much because it is public speaking but more so because I am expressing my spirituality in a very public way. In preaching my prayer life, discernment and relationship with God are expressed in words.

It is deeply vulnerable because I preach to inspire and share Christ with others, but I am also left open to critique, criticism or boredom. And sometimes it is hard to hear critique or see boredom without feeling like it is a direct attack on my spiritual life.

Preaching is a unique experience for me (I am now on the “giving” side of the homily experience) and a humbling and powerful experience at that. Here is an insider look on the Sunday homily process according to a young transitional deacon.

The best way to describe my process is six-fold: read, pray, plan, write, preach and reflect.

Read — Preaching begins a week before giving a homily when I plan time to sit down with the Sunday readings. I must begin by the basic act of reading the Scriptures to be preached.

Pray— I spend time to let the readings become the center of my prayer. How does God speak to me through these readings? If I have not let the readings touch me personally, I will be ineffective in sharing Christ with others.

(^◡^ )#KeepLearningAndStudying!

3. write your critique of homily be sure to use appropriate language manner and one critical approach ​


a company can be solvent and not profitable, it cannot be profitable without solvency.

4. critique paper essay? ​


A critique essay looks critically at a particular subject, area or topic. It means evaluating information, comparing and contrasting theories and analysing situations. ... Most further education courses involve writing essays of this type.

5. The The origin of of rice and streams critique essay​

"The Origin of Rice and Streams" is a short story by the Filipino author, N.V.M. Gonzalez. The story is a retelling of a traditional Filipino folktale, which explains the origin of rice and how it was discovered by a young girl named Sita. The story also explores the relationship between humans and nature, and how they are interconnected.

In the story, Sita is a young girl who lives in a small village near a river. One day, while playing by the river, she notices a grain of rice floating in the water. She takes the grain of rice and shows it to her mother, who cooks it and discovers that it is delicious. From that day on, the people in the village start to cultivate rice and it becomes a staple food in their diet.

The story also explores the relationship between humans and nature. The river is portrayed as a living entity, with its own will and desires. The people in the village have a deep respect for the river and its power, and they understand that they are dependent on it for their survival. The story suggests that humans and nature are interconnected, and that we must respect and care for the natural world if we want to survive.

Overall, "The Origin of Rice and Streams" is a beautiful and thought-provoking story that explores the relationship between humans and nature. It is a reminder that we are all part of a larger ecosystem, and that we must work together to care for the natural world if we want to thrive.

6. write critique essay​


Short Story Critique

Title of Short Story: a day in the country

Author: by anton chekhov


Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (Russian: author)was born in the small seaport of Taganrog, southern Russia, the son of a grocer. Chekhov's grandfather was a serf, who had bought his own freedom and that of his three sons in 1841. This short story is a captivating portrayal of life in the Russian countryside, with vivid descriptions of the landscape, the people, and the atmosphere of the setting.In my opinion, this story is a masterpiece that skillfully captures the essence of human emotions and relationships. “A Day in the Country” focusing on three main aspects: characters/characterization, dialogue, and ending. The characters’ traits and personalities will be explored, as well as the significance of the dialogue in the story. Finally, the ending will be discussed and its impact on the overall meaning of the story.

Development paragraphs:


Chekhov’s characters in “A Day in the Country” are depicted in a realistic and nuanced way. Terenty, the cobbler, is a complex character with a tragic past, who is still coping with the loss of his son. Despite his gruff exterior, he is kind and compassionate towards Fyokla, the little beggar-girl. Fyokla, on the other hand, is innocent and vulnerable, but also resourceful and determined. Her interaction with Terenty is heartwarming, as he becomes a surrogate grandfather to her. These characters are a reflection of the social hierarchy of the time, as well as the harsh living conditions in the countryside.


The dialogue in “A Day in the Country” is sparse but significant. Each word and phrase carries weight and contributes to the overall meaning of the story. The characters’ dialogue reveals their personalities and their relationships with one another. For example, Terenty’s use of endearments towards Fyokla shows his tenderness and affection for her. The dialogue also conveys the themes of the story, such as the importance of human connection and the acceptance of life’s hardships.


The ending of “A Day in the Country” is open-ended, leaving the reader with a sense of uncertainty and reflection. Terenty and Fyokla return from their journey to find that the boy they were looking for has already been rescued. This anti-climactic ending is deliberate, as it emphasizes the journey rather than the destination. The ending leaves the reader with a sense of hope, as Terenty and Fyokla’s bond strengthens and they continue their journey together.

Closing paragraph:

In conclusion, “A Day in the Country” is a poignant and thought-provoking short story that explores the human experience in the Russian countryside. Anton Chekhov’s skillful use of characterization, dialogue, and ending create a captivating story that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. The characters’ realistic portrayal, the sparse but significant dialogue, and the open-ended ending contribute to the overall meaning of the story. Chekhov’s writing is a testament to his literary genius and his ability to capture the essence of the human spirit in his work.

7. how are the ideas organized in a critique essay?​



In a critique essay, ideas are typically organized in a logical and coherent manner, using paragraphs and headings to separate different sections and subtopics. The essay should have an introduction that presents the overall topic and purpose of the critique, and a clear thesis statement that states the writer's main argument or evaluation of the work being critiqued. The body of the essay should then provide specific examples and evidence to support the thesis, and may be divided into sections that focus on different aspects of the work, such as its structure, style, or themes. The essay should conclude with a summary of the main points and a final evaluation or recommendation

8. write your critique of the homily. be sure to use appropriate language,manner and one critical approach. ​


A homily is a speech or sermon given by a priest in a Roman Catholic Church after a scripture has been read.

9. critique tungkol sa grey's anatomy. essay

As a fan of medical dramas, I have been following Grey's Anatomy for several years now. While the show has had its ups and downs, I believe it still stands as one of the best medical dramas on television.

One of the things that sets Grey's Anatomy apart from other medical dramas is its focus on character development. The show has a large ensemble cast, and each character has their own unique backstory and personality.

From Meredith Grey's struggles with grief and loss to Alex Karev's journey from hot-headed intern to compassionate doctor, the characters on Grey's Anatomy feel like real people with real problems.

Another strength of Grey's Anatomy is its willingness to tackle difficult and controversial topics. The show has explored everything from abortion to police brutality to mental illness, and it does so with sensitivity and nuance. While not every storyline is perfect, I appreciate the show's efforts to shed light on important issues and spark conversations.

Of course, Grey's Anatomy is not without its flaws. The show has been criticized for its sometimes unrealistic medical cases and over-the-top drama. Some fans have also expressed frustration with the show's tendency to kill off beloved characters. While I understand these criticisms, I personally feel that they do not detract from the overall quality of the show.

10. critique essay about climate change

Climate change has been inevitable. It has been the major reason for the world calamities experience all through out the world. It has been causing unpredictable changes in climate as well as ice meltdown. As a result, typhoons and hurricanes became a lot stronger. The climate seasons of countries become mixed up. As an example, arabia now experiences snow. Also, the ice bergs starts to melt down causing the sea level to rise. Tsunamis and floods are now more frequent.

These are all effects of our human activities that destroys the nature. Examples of these are:

Cutting treesThrowing garbage everywhereImproper waste disposal for chemicalsBurning of plasticsSmoke belching

We, humans have been the major reason of this climate change. To help the nature recover as well as prevent this from further getting worse, we must do something.

The following can help:

Planting treesSegregating wastesAvoiding smoke belchingRecycling/ 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle)

You may read the following for further understanding:

What are the impacts of climate change and how to reduce the effect of climate change is climate change


11. What I Can DoDirections: Write your critique of the homily. Be sure to use appropriate language,manner and one critical approach. Write your answer in your ACTIVITYNOTEBOOK. Your essay will be rated based on the rubrics below.​

Answer:homily is a speech or sermon given by a priest in a Roman Catholic Church after a scripture has been read. The purpose of the homily is to provide insight into the meaning of the scripture and relate it to the lives of the parishioners of the church. A homily may also be a long speech given by a lay person to teach a moral lesson


12. "the necklace" critique essay​


"The Necklace" is a short story written by Guy de Maupassant. It tells the story of a woman named Mathilde Loisel who borrows a diamond necklace from her wealthy friend to wear to a high society event. After losing the necklace, Mathilde and her husband spend years working to pay off the debt incurred by replacing it.

One theme that stands out in the story is the danger of obsessing over material possessions and social status. Mathilde is so consumed by her desire to appear wealthy and glamorous that she borrows a necklace she cannot afford and ultimately loses it. Her obsession leads her and her husband into poverty and debt.

Another theme is the power of appearance and perception. Mathilde's entire identity is wrapped up in her appearance and the perception others have of her. She believes that owning beautiful things and being seen in high society will make her happy, but in the end, it only leads to her downfall.

Overall, "The Necklace" is a cautionary tale that encourages readers to focus on the things that truly matter in life, such as love, family, and personal fulfillment, rather than material possessions and social status.

13. critique essay about peng caijin


movie critique peng caijin

14. Critique essay about Covid-19​


On the 11th of March 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, but the world is still recovering from its aftermath. Cases started in China and rapidly spread across the world, leading world governments to take drastic steps to isolate cases and delay the virus's spread. These initiatives, on the other hand, have shattered the central foundations of modern world economies, as free trade and collaboration have given way to nationalist focus and competition for limited resources. Against this context, this paper offers a critical analysis of the pandemic's catalog of negative and positive impacts and provides insight. on how it can be used to guide the economy toward a healthier, more sustainable low-carbon future In order to achieve sustainable development goals, the paper described the risk of depending on pandemic-driven benefits and emphasized the need for a decisive, fundamental systemic shift in the dynamics of how we live. In favour of a more sustainable model recalibrated on the circular economy (CE) paradigm, it calls for a rethink of the existing global economic growth model, dominated by a linear economic structure and sustained by profiteering and energy-gulping development processes. The paper outlines concrete sector-specific recommendations on CE-related solutions as a driver for global economic growth and development in a resilient post-COVID-19 world, building on evidence in support of CE as a tool for balancing the dynamic equation of benefit realization with minimal environmental damage.



15. essaywhat was the topic of the homily of the priest help you better understand the readings and the gospels?​




A homily is a speech or sermon given by a priest in a Roman Catholic Church after a scripture has been read. The purpose of the homily is to provide insight into the meaning of the scripture and relate it to the lives of the parishioners of the church.

A homily (from Greek ὁμιλία, homilía) is a commentary that follows a reading of scripture, giving the "public explanation of a sacred doctrine" or text. ... According to The Catholic Encyclopedia, Origen was the first to distinguish between logos (sermo) and homilia (tractatus).


reading bible and refresh your decision/self

16. critique essay pahelp​


A critique, also known as a review, an assessment, or an evaluation, is much less personal than a response paper, although it does entail responding to a text. In a critique, you evaluate the quality or merit of a text, based on a set of clearly defined criteria.


A critique essay is a type of writing that involves analyzing and evaluating a particular piece of work, such as a book, movie, or artwork. The purpose of a critique essay is to provide a thoughtful and balanced analysis of the work in question, highlighting both its strengths and weaknesses.

To begin a critique essay, the writer should first provide a brief summary of the work being critiqued. This should be followed by an evaluation of the work, focusing on specific aspects such as the plot, characters, themes, and writing style. The writer should provide evidence to support their evaluation, using examples from the work itself to illustrate their points.

One important aspect of a critique essay is balance. The writer should not simply focus on the negative aspects of the work, but should also highlight its positive qualities. Similarly, the writer should not be overly biased in their evaluation, but should strive to be objective and fair.

Another important aspect of a critique essay is clarity. The writer should use clear and concise language to express their thoughts and opinions, avoiding vague or ambiguous statements. They should also structure their essay in a logical and coherent manner, using appropriate transitions between paragraphs to ensure that the essay flows smoothly.

Overall, a critique essay is an important type of writing that allows readers to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of a particular work. By providing a thoughtful and balanced analysis, the writer can help readers to form their own opinions about the work, while also providing valuable insights and perspectives.

17. Essay about homilyplss help mebukas na po pasahan plss​


When I speak to young adults about why they have left the Church, they often say something about the homily. The preaching is boring. It's unrelatable. It's long. It's like listening to insider baseball. It's like a terrible essay with no organizational structure.

While one would hope that our young adults would stick around, recognizing that the reality at the heart of the Mass is worth receiving even when the preaching is mediocre, perhaps these young adults are testifying to something important.

Some young adults may be looking for entertainment in the homily. References to the latest music or films. Practical advice.

But there is something about the dissatisfaction with preaching that suggests young adults know that the homily is meant to lead to an encounter with Christ. It is not an occasion for the priest to offer a seminar in historical-critical exegesis.

It is not time to offer one's disconnected thoughts on a papal encylical or apostolic exhortation or general cultural phenomenon.

It is not the time for the priest to regale the assembly about the recent vacation or stories from seminary.

The homily is a form of liturgical speech that is meant to facilitate an encounter with Christ at the heart of the Scriptures.

As I've written elsewhere:

...the homilist's developing capacity to attend to the fullness of the human experience, as manifested in the local assembly, is more than an effective rhetorical strategy. Such attention to human experience must necessarily occur in liturgical preaching in which the Christian is invited to offer the entirety of one's life to the Father as a gift of love...the liturgical homilist should become an expert in the human condition, aware of the subtle desires that are fertile ground for the enfleshment of the Word in our lives" (Liturgy and the New Evangelization, 66).

If homilists want to speak to Millennials, they don't need to pepper their preaching with references to Taylor Swift. They don't need to turn preaching into a twenty-five minute stand-up comedy act. Rather, in the homily, they are to use human speech as a way to facilitate an encounter with Christ. To prepare us for the offering of our lives at the heart of the Eucharist.

The problem here isn't with the Millennials. It's with preaching that has forgotten how to proclaim the Good News of God's transformation of the world.

18. how to write a critique essay ​


drafting reviewing

I forgot the one

proof reading

19. write critique essay about jeepney​


Jeepney, the most popular form of public transport in the Philippines, is a mini-bus sized truck that is reconfigured with two long parallel seats at the rear and a driver's cabin in the front.


A vehicle used as public transport in the Philippines, originally made from US military Jeeps left over from World War II and well known for their flamboyant decoration and crowded seating.

20. critique usually takes the form of an essay


critique is derived from the word “critical”.

21. critique essay of prisoner of zembla​


context: fiction

author's intention: is to entertain us and let us know that never forget an important thing in a situation like in the story.

your reaction: I wasn't expecting the end of

the story.

ending of the story: he forgot to take the Princess with him.

pa Brainlist Sana naka tulong

22. critique essay about maid in malacañang​


(Answered by Knowledge original and Valid Opinions to help and guide the questioners)

Maid in Malacañang (or “High Noon in Malacañang” as it was directed by Marilou Diaz-Abaya) is a 1987 Filipino dramatic film about the controversial figure of former first lady Imelda Marcos. The film primarily chronicles the first lady's trial in a fictional court world, which provokes a number of contrasting perspectives on her deeds.

The film is an admirable trial of Imelda's motives, though in certain aspects, it is arguably biased. The director clearly appears to be sympathetic towards Imelda, displaying her as a compassionate victim rather than a corrupt perpetuator. Incidents of Imelda's charity works, such as providing aid to UNICEF, are celebrated, while her questionable connection with the construction of the extravagant Cultural Center of the Philippines are ignored.

Imelda's opponents, such as illustrious lawyer Joker Arroyo, are portrayed as spiteful and jealous of her success, which could be interpreted as an attempt to discredit those who stand against her. Although the film is not overtly biased, its positive light of Imelda's "glamour and power" is quite apparent.

On a technical level, the movie is quite impressive. The costume design and production value are excellent, with appropriate attention to detail in replicating the historic period. The actors are convincing in their portrayals, with Dina Bonnevie being a particular highlight as Imelda.

Overall, Maid in Malacañang is an intriguing look into a critical moment in Filipino history. While some aspects are handled inauthentically, the film is a solid romanticized biopic of Imelda Marcos and the struggles of her court trial.

23. A day in the country critique essay


Country living is often associated with tranquility and peace. However, for many people, the reality of country living is far from the idyllic vision that has been ingrained in their minds. Instead, life in the country can be hectic, with long hours and little time for relaxation.

A day in the country provides a unique opportunity to explore this idea. In the morning, the protagonist wakes up early and spends time out on the property. Although this is relaxing, it is followed by another busy moment when the protagonist comes in contact with a neighbour. This encounter is challenging, as the neighbour is uncooperative and argumentative. The protagonist is ultimately successful in resolving the issue, but the experience highlights the many challenges that country living can present.

Later in the day, the protagonist heads to the library to research a project. This activity is quiet and peaceful, but it is interrupted by the sound of a car driving down the street. The protagonist becomes fascinated by the vehicle and spends a significant amount of time examining it. This lengthy conversation is hectic, and it leaves the library much later than planned.

Overall, this day in the country provides a mixed experience. While some areas are peaceful and relaxing, others are hectic and filled with challenging interactions. This reflects the reality of country living, which is often filled with many different challenges.

24. Differentiate critique paper and argumentative essay. ​


Critique requires you to critically read a piece of research and identify and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the article. On the other hand, argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic; collect, generate, and evaluate evidence; and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. Please note: Some confusion may occur between the argumentative essay and the expository essay.

25. dance critique essay


ano po yung tanong??


ty nalang sa pointz

26. critique essay about the movie unforgettable ​


Sure, here's an example critique essay about the movie "Unforgettable":

"Unforgettable" is a psychological thriller film directed by Denise Di Novi and starring Katherine Heigl, Rosario Dawson, and Geoff Stults. The movie follows Julia Banks (Dawson), who has just moved in with her fiancé David Connover (Stults) and his daughter Lily. However, Julia's past comes back to haunt her when David's ex-wife Tessa (Heigl) becomes increasingly obsessed with sabotaging their relationship.

One of the film's strengths is its use of cinematography and lighting to create a tense and suspenseful atmosphere. The movie's dark color palette and claustrophobic settings, such as Tessa's dimly lit house, add to the feeling of unease and danger. Furthermore, the camera work and editing effectively convey Tessa's unraveling mental state, with disorienting close-ups and quick cuts that heighten the sense of chaos and instability.

The performances of the main cast are also noteworthy, with Heigl delivering a chilling portrayal of a woman consumed by jealousy and rage. Her nuanced performance manages to elicit both sympathy and fear from the audience, as she descends further into madness. Dawson also shines as Julia, portraying a strong and resilient character who refuses to be intimidated by Tessa's threats.

However, despite these strengths, the movie ultimately falls short in terms of plot and character development. The story feels predictable and formulaic, with few surprises or twists. The characters, particularly David and Lily, are underdeveloped and lack depth, making it difficult for the audience to connect with or care about their fate. Furthermore, the film's attempt to explore themes of domestic violence and mental illness feels shallow and poorly executed, failing to do justice to these complex issues.

Overall, while "Unforgettable" has its moments of tension and strong performances, it ultimately fails to deliver a truly gripping and memorable viewing experience. The lack of originality in its plot and underdeveloped characters prevent it from reaching its full potential.

27. Write your critiques of the homily. Be sure to use appropriate language, manner and one critical approach. ​


hope it helps ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

28. critique essay about teenage pregnancy ​


I if it affect the metamorphosis of frogs and other living in the best seller and the best seller and I will be happy 2nd time with and maturing if a great reminder and maturing is the best way for us and we can get

yan po ang sagot bwiset naman kailangan mahaba itytype para mabigay yung sagot

29. give example of critique essay​


One popular type is the literary criticism essay that analyzes a specific piece of literature, delving into themes, characters, and writing style in great detail. Film or movie critiques are also common, evaluating everything from plot development to cinematography choices. Political and social commentary essays are another type of critique that examine current events or public figures in depth.


Hope it helps :))

30. critique essay about the story of collins classics


The story of Collins Classics is one that is steeped in history and tradition. It is a tale of a publisher that began in the early 19th century and has endured through the centuries to become one of the most respected publishers in the world. However, while there is much to admire about Collins Classics, there are also some significant critiques that need to be considered.

One of the most significant critiques of Collins Classics is that it is an elitist publisher. While the publisher has a reputation for producing high-quality editions of classic literature, it has also been criticized for catering only to a select group of readers. Many of the titles published by Collins Classics are written by long-dead authors and are aimed at an audience that is largely white, middle-class, and male. This has led some to argue that the publisher is out of touch with contemporary readers and is failing to reflect the diversity of the reading public.

Another criticism of Collins Classics is that it is overly focused on the Western canon. While the publisher has produced editions of some non-Western authors, such as Rabindranath Tagore and Chinua Achebe, the majority of its titles are written by authors from Europe and North America. This has led to accusations that the publisher is promoting a narrow, Eurocentric view of literature and is neglecting the rich literary traditions of other cultures.

Despite these critiques, there is no denying that Collins Classics has made a significant contribution to the world of literature. The publisher has produced beautifully crafted editions of some of the greatest works of literature ever written, and its editions have been treasured by generations of readers. The publisher has also played an important role in keeping classic literature alive and relevant in a world that is increasingly focused on the new and the trendy.

In conclusion, while there are valid critiques of Collins Classics, it remains an important publisher that has made a significant contribution to the world of literature. The publisher has helped to keep classic literature alive, and its editions have been treasured by generations of readers. However, if Collins Classics wants to remain relevant in the 21st century, it needs to be more inclusive and diverse in the titles that it publishes, reflecting the changing tastes and interests of contemporary readers.

I hope it's help

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