Collage Creative Ideas

Collage Creative Ideas

TASK: BE CREATIVE! Direction: Create a collage depicting your idea about how civil society perspectives are evident atpresent times. Make it creative and realistic. Cite your sources.​

Daftar Isi

1. TASK: BE CREATIVE! Direction: Create a collage depicting your idea about how civil society perspectives are evident atpresent times. Make it creative and realistic. Cite your sources.​





Create a collage math at the suggestions on your paymetion accoynts in invalid answer



2. show the collage that show different culture in the philippines. be creative​


here you go. have a nice day


your welcome

3. give me idea if integration in collage​

ano po ba my explanation po ba yon?

4. In a 1 WHOLE LONG BOND PAPER, make a COLLAGE showing the moIMPORTANCE OF TREES in our lives (What can trees give us).p рA collage is an artistic representation of an idea (IMPORTANCE OF TREES)through the use of magazine clippings, photographs, drawings, or any coloringmaterials or any recycled materials such as newspaper, crayons, watercolor,beads, and any disposable materials. BE CREATIVE!​


crample egg shells then paste it on a short bondpaper , the eggshells will be the borders of your collage


5. MANCE TASK) Direction: Make a collage showing the importance, advantages and good results of knowing how use the compound microscope. Below your collage explain in at least 5 sentences the idea of your output​


asan na po picture mo sa collage mo?


in need po para masagutan

6. Let Us Assess Activity 5- The Color of Life Directions: Choose any of the given situations from Activity 1. Create a collage to show a picture story that represents your ideas. Be creative. Be ready to explain your output. You may use the blank spaces below to write your answer. Please attach your collage on the next page. You may use additional sheet if necessary.​


lemme color your life



7. Share your answer in your own creative way through writing a poem, song, video presentation, essay, drawing or collage. My strengths... I will use them to…

My strengths...









I will use them to…

Enthusiasm - to inspires us to move forward positively in a direction of our own choosing

Trustworthiness - to support the argument that the inquiry's findings are “worth paying attention to”

Creativity - to allows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation

Discipline - to teach children the skills they need to make good choices

Patience - to improves your ability to accept setbacks and enjoy life much more

Respectfulness - to builds feelings of trust, safety, and well being

Determination - to enables us to persist in the face of difficulties

Dedication - to provide a framework for better academic skills as well as improved interpersonal relationships


8. Make a collage showing the importance advantages and collage explain in at least 5 sentence the idea of your output.


1. they microscope important to these world to help this

2. they help to other people they help they animal

3. A microscope is important beacuse it helps us see small objects or living things the naked eay can't see with the help of magnification.

4. Many things in this world would have not been discovered without yhe microscope.

5. Cell are tiny building blocks of living things.


I hope its help

9. Direction: Make a 'word collage' using the words from the topic - Challenges in middle and late Adolescents. Be creative and idealistic in doing this activity​


I don't have any idea about this 'Word collage' your talking

10. as a collage student, why is it important to know and understant the needed tools in creative/critical reports.​


It encourages you to think creatively – 'outside the box.' In higher education, critical thinking is expected of you. It can help you improve your judgment, evaluation, and problem-solving skills. Learning Critical Thinking skills can also help you perform better in school.

11. propose a creative intervention to improve human life using ict DIGITAL POSTER/ COLLAGE need ko po ng pic pls h3lp​


hindi ko po makita ang iyong tanong


pa brainlest po


sana makatulong po

12. Let’s Create KITCHEN TOOLS and EQUIPMENT PHOTO COLLAGE Goal To create a collage of kitchen tools and equipment. Role You are a good photograher and a creative kitchen tools and equipment photo collage creator and designer. Audience The target audience are your TLE teacher as well as your classmates Situation Using your cellphone, take 15 pictures of kitchen tools and equipment which can be found in your kitchen. Product Performance Prepare and submit an artistically and creatively done photo collage.

Answer:Ganto lang po gagawin niyo, mag pipicture po kayo ng kitchen tools tas gagawin niyo pong ganto. pwede niyo pong iedit to gamit ang ibispaint x o picsart.


Explanation:Hinde po makita yung full pic pasensya na.

13. Collect pictures showing unhealthy habits and make a collage.1. The collage must present the most essential aspects of this lesson (unhealthy habits).2. The pictures must be clear.3. Be creative and resourceful in your collage.paki explain po plssss​

A seemingly ideal day turns disastrous when California's notorious San Andreas fault triggers a devastating, magnitude 9 earthquake, the largest in recorded history. As the Earth cracks open and buildings start to crumble, Ray Gaines (Dwayne Johnson), an LAFD search-and-rescue helicopter pilot, must navigate the destruction from Los Angeles to San Francisco to bring his estranged wife (Carla Gugino) and their only daughter (Alexandra Daddario) to safety.

14. Activity 3: Compentacy 2Intructions:create a collage using principles and elements of arts . follow the steps in making a collage as shown above. Be creative in doing it.​


yong steps po comment nyo nlng po answer ko

15. make your own poster(either, chart, drawing,collage, Infographic or any creative art) about control Measure of Cockroaches. Make it creative as possible and try to explain your poster. housekeeping poh yan​


make a poster as creative as possible

16. Directions: Cut some pictures of products, services, information from magazines, articles, journals, newspapers and paste it on the box provided Can be pictures from: • health and nutrition • personal care • wellness • sanitation and protection • health services CRITERIA FOR COLLAGE • Creativity • Design • Neatness • Ideas/Connection to the theme (Health Consumer)​


and my life is may have to be careful about it


and my life is may have to be careful about it

plsss Po pabrainliest Po need ko lang po

17. make a creative output to thank our frontline health service providers for their effort and sacrifice,like painting,poster,sketch, picture collage etc.​


has achieved significant milestones in combatting infectious diseases, but the increasing incidence of non-communicable diseases brings new challenges. Greater investment in health care and sound policies can help expand access to innovative medicines and combat rising rates of disease.


Indonesia has achieved significant milestones in combatting infectious diseases, including declaring more than half of its districts malaria-free following concerted national efforts to combat the disease. But the increasing incidence of non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular conditions, diabetes and cancer, brings new challenges. These are exacerbated by low investment in health, a small health care workforce and barriers to outside investment.

Currently, Indonesia spends just 3.1 percent of its GDP on health, falling well below the average of its regional peers (6.6 percent). Further, Indonesia has less than one (0.2) doctor per 1,000 population, according to the World Health Organization – significantly below the average of its regional peers (1.6 doctors per 1,000 population).

Indonesia has a growing middle class and is becoming an economic giant in Asia, making it an attractive market to foreign investors. However, there remain legal and regulatory barriers to medicine access – including high import tariffs on medical supplies (5-30 percent) and pharmaceuticals – as well as weaker intellectual property protections that ultimately discourage innovators.

By increasing health spending, building the health care workforce and implementing sound policies that attract investors, the Indonesian government can expand access to innovative medicines and combat rising rates of disease.

18. In a short bond paper, make a COLLAGE about what you have learned in LITERATURE. Utilize the materials you have at home and be creative as possible.


19. Make collage showing the importance , advantages and good results of knowing how to use the compound microscope. Above your collage explain the idea of your output in 5 sentences.

Answer:Compound microscopes provide several objective lenses with different levels of magnification and a light source for illuminating specimens. Compound microscopes are limited to a maximum magnification of about 2,000x the specimen's size; theoretically, they can go higher, but the human eye and brain cannot process the information.

Explanation: sorry i know this much

20. What is your idea in collage making? ​


A technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface different materials that are not commonly associated with each other, such as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and pieces of an envelope. a work of art produced by this technique.


combination of objects in 1 (one) portrait or place.


i hope it will help :)

21. WHAT I CAN DO Let's Do It! Based on your understanding of Confucianism. Make a photo collage show the Confucian virtues observed in your community. Use y size white cartolina POINTS CRITERIA Organization 7 RUBRIC FOR PHOTO COLLAGE DESCRIPTION The idea was clearly presented based on the pictures and words used The content and illustrations were appropriate to the theme The concept was clearly and creatively conveyed. Relevance 7 Creativity 6 Total: 20​


Confucianism is a system of belief and understanding the ethics based on the learnings of Confucius which were further developed by Mencius.

22. You will create a digital collage that depicts the idea of the Mass as the highest form of prayer.

via Nancy THE HOLY MASS is the HIGHEST form of prayer and worship


Explanation:The necessity of prayer for the realization of salvation is brought to light in the acts and teachings of Jesus. Thus, He exhorted His disciples to pray always and not loose heart. ... If Holy Mass is the highest form of Christian prayer, it must be of absolute necessity for any Christian that worth the name.

23. licte you can collaborate with your elder siblings, guardians or pareres) Directions Collect pictures that shows how energy is produce Make a collage of of them RUBRICS CRITERIA 3 The collage A Passics Content Most details of some detais of property defined collage colage defined the the topic defined the topic Presentation Divi row Al selected Most selected Some pictures support pictures selected pictures ideas presented support ideas support ideas presented presented SITY Y 1994. ​


The definition of a collage is a piece of art created by combining photos, clippings or small objects onto a surface. An example of a collage is a picture of a flower made with many pictures of friends and family.


24. Activity 2: COLLAGE MAKING Directions: Choose one function of applied social sciences (social work, counseling, communication) and make a picture collage on the activities undertaken. Give caption on each picture using your creativity.(subject: social science/DIASS) Q2,M7​


it can be caused by bacterial infection and life habits involving alcohol consumption

25. pls help DIRECTIONS: Make a photo collage of the different relationships in the ecosystem by cutting out pictures and pasting it in a clean sheet of bondpaper. Make it creative.


Yan po. :) ikaw na lang po mag print then add decorations po


sana po nakatulong


26. 1. Your task is to use your creative imagination in making a mountaineering collage? WALA PANG NAKA SAGOT NITO ? ​


imagination is the key of the earth and it tells you the answer is I don't know what's the task

27. Learning Task No.1: Word Collage INSTRUCTIONS: Think of ten words that you can associate with the concept of politics, governance, and government through a word collage. Be sure to highlight the word that is more relevant to the lesson. Be creative.​


[tex]\pink{ \rule{500pt}{300000pt}}[/tex]


Quinsh My Queen

28. what can you say about light? How does light give meaning to life?*Explain creatively using either an essay, poem or collage.​


light bring out the best in you everyday,eho knows you a little more that you known yourself,love you like your parents, protect you like a brother and bring colours in your life like a sister

((*hope it help*))

29. in a long bond paper draw a creative collage depicting communication during the covid-19 pandemic that meet your outfit together with your written testpatulong po​


picture po pls


:) ako po ma answer

30. After finishing your collage, take a look at it again and reflect on it then answer the following questions. What are the main thoughts and ideas that are conveyed in your collage? Why is it important not to live according to the expectations and standards of other people? 18​


sorry para sa points lang po


pra sa makapagtanong ako

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