Who Discovered Lens

Who Discovered Lens

the very first lens and focusing were discovered by ________in________​

Daftar Isi

1. the very first lens and focusing were discovered by ________in________​


Hans Lippershey in 1608.


The first person to apply for a patent for a telescope was Dutch eyeglass maker Hans Lippershey (or Lipperhey). In 1608, Lippershey laid claim to a device that could magnify objects three times. His telescope had a concave eyepiece aligned with a convex objective lens.

2. who invent convex lens and concave lensplease help​

Convex lens was invented by Ibn

al-Haytham (Alhazen) in the 11th

century, while concave lens was

invented by René Descartes in the

17th century


His name was Benjamin franklin.


Realizing that a combination of convex and concave lenses in one spectacle frame would enable his aging eyes both to work close up with machinery and adjust to seeing at a distance, he worked out a way of grinding such lenses on a lathe and putting them into a frame.

3. How did Robert Hooke discover the cell in his experiment using a single lens microscope?


Hooke had discovered plant cells -- more precisely, what Hooke saw were the cell walls in cork tissue. In fact, it was Hooke who coined the term "cells": the boxlike cells of cork reminded him of the cells of a monastery. Hooke also reported seeing similar structures in wood and in other plants.

4. what power of lens would you prescribed for a person who cannot see clearly beyond 120cm​

2.5d lens is the kind of lens for him p=1/0.4m(f=40cm)=3.5 D the person thus uses a convex lens... suffering from hypermetropia.⠀⠀

[tex]\large\purple{\boxed{{\colorbox{black}{Hope \: \: this \: \: helps}}}}[/tex]

5. 2. What type of lens is presented in figure 3B? A. diverging lens B. converging lens C. divergent lens D. convergent lens ​


B.Converging lens


pa brainlant nalang po

6. which lens is the best choice for the objective of a microscope?a.2.0cm lensb.5.0cm lensc. 10.0cm lensd.15.0 cm lens​


which lens is the best choice for the objective of a microscope?

a.2.0cm lens

b.5.0cm lens

c. 10.0cm lens

d.15.0 cm lens




a.2.0cm lens

wish this was helpful

7. who invented the single lens microscope

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek invented the single lens microscope.

8. 5. Which lens is used to magnify objects and refract light?a. Concave lens b. convex lensc. parabolic lensd. plane lens​

b.convex lens


In essence, a convex lens allows magnification. Light reflecting off an object is focused to a point.

[tex]{\fcolorbox{green}{lightpink}{\underline{\purple{QUESTION \: AND \: ANSWER}}}}[/tex]

5. Which lens is used to magnify objects and refract light?

a. Concave lens

b. convex lens

[tex]\green{\boxed{\tt{{\large\mathcal{\fcolorbox{aqua}{azure}{\green{✯C. Parabolic Lens}}}}}}}[/tex]

d. plane lens

9. Which lens converges the incident rays on a single point? a. biconvex lens b. biconcave lens C. convex lens d. concave lens​

[tex]\huge \rm{{ \sf{\tt \mathfrak{\:\:\:\:\:\:ꪖꪀᦓ᭙ꫀ᥅\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:}}}}[/tex]

[tex]C - convex \: lens[/tex]

[tex]\small\rm{{ \sf{\tt \mathfrak{\:\:\:\:\:\:ꫝꪮρꫀ ꠸ꪻ ꫝꫀꪶρᦓ\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:}}}}[/tex]

10. Len knew that a person who is a snake cannot be trusted. Denotation or Connotation ​




HopeItHelps :)

11. what type of lens would work best to help a person who has trouble seeing small words in a newspaper​


The need for some type of vision correction is very common. Common vision defects are easy to understand, and some are simple to correct. Figure 1 illustrates two common vision defects. Nearsightedness, or myopia, is the inability to see distant objects clearly while close objects are clear. The eye overconverges the nearly parallel rays from a distant object, and the rays cross in front of the retina. More divergent rays from a close object are converged on the retina for a clear image. The distance to the farthest object that can be seen clearly is called the far point of the eye (normally infinity). Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is the inability to see close objects clearly while distant objects may be clear. A farsighted eye does not converge sufficient rays from a close object to make the rays meet on the retina. Less diverging rays from a distant object can be converged for a clear image. The distance to the closest object that can be seen clearly is called the near point of the eye (normally 25 cm).


hope it helps

12. 1. eyepiece lens 5× objective lens 50× total magnification? 2. eyepiece lens 5× objective lens 100× total magnification? 3. eyepiece lens 10× objective lens 50× total magnification? 4. eyepiece lens 20× objective lens 20× total magnification? 5. eyepiece lens 20× objective lens 50× total magnification?​


Sorry po hindi ko po alam.

13. 5. Which of the following is a diverging lens?a. concave lens b. convex lensc. parabolic lensd. plane lens​


a. concave lens


di ako su-re kong ta-ma

14. what type of lens is used in a compound microscope. a.convex lens b.concave lensc.biconvex lens d.biconcave lens​


a. convex lens


I hope it's helped

mark me in brainless!

15. who uses the microscope with only one lens to observe insects and other speciment?

1675: Enter Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who used a microscope with one lens to observe insects and other specimen.


1675: Enter Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who used a microscope with one lens to observe insects and other specimen.



16. 5. He is the first s philosopherwho approached the problemof reality from scientific lens.​


Aristotle .



First philosopher who approached the problem of reality from a "scientific" lens as we know now, is also the first thinker who dabbled into the complex problematization of the end goal of life: happiness


ARISTOTLEhe is the first philosopher who approached the problem of reality from a "scientific lens" as we know now,he is also the first thinker who dabbled into the complex problematization of the end goal of life:HAPPINESS.

17. 5. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the color spectrum(ROYGBIV) from visible light using what thing/device?a. magnifying glassc. telescopeb. lensd. prism​


d. prism

sir isaac newton discovered the color through prism

18. Which lens do you look through?A. objective lensB. eyepiece lensC. nosepiece lensD. concave lens​




pa heart pag nakatulong pa Brainliest nadin at pa follow


i have observed lots of changes in the society and even to myself. Due to this pandemic, I had be able to spend my time with my family and give myself a break for all my hard work. i realize the importance of my family to me, i also realized how important my health, it is because i felt anxious and stressed from the beginning of this pandemic.

19. Which lens focuses directly to the object and produce the first image seen by the other lens? A. eyepiece lens B. objective lens C. eye lens D. object lens ​


I need the image☺️ where the image?

20. entrepreneur is someone who has bias towards action. someone who views yhe world through a different lens. True or False​


True True True


21. the first optic lens was developed by who?


Lens Inventors

George Robert Carruthers

Paul Rudolph



George Robert Carruthers and Paul Rudolph


22. Who uses the microscope with one lens to observe insects and other specimens?


Anton van Leeuwenhoek1675: Enter Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who used a microscope with one lens to observe insects and other specimen.

23. what type of lens use in magnifying glass?A.Converging lensB. diverging lensC.Focusing lensD.Ako?​


A.Coverging lens

A magnifying glass uses a convex lens, which is a converging lens to produce an image. The image produced is upright, magnified and virtual as long as the object is at or within the focal length of the lens.


converging lens



24. what types of lens would work best to help a person who has trouble seeing small letters ​


The need for some type of vision correction is very common. Common vision defects are easy to understand, and some are simple to correct. Figure 1 illustrates two common vision defects. Nearsightedness, or myopia, is the inability to see distant objects clearly while close objects are clear. The eye overconverges the nearly parallel rays from a distant object, and the rays cross in front of the retina. More divergent rays from a close object are converged on the retina for a clear image. The distance to the farthest object that can be seen clearly is called the far point of the eye (normally infinity). Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is the inability to see close objects clearly while distant objects may be clear. A farsighted eye does not converge sufficient rays from a close object to make the rays meet on the retina. Less diverging rays from a distant object can be converged for a clear image. The distance to the closest object that can be seen clearly is called the near point of the eye (normally 25 cm).


Eyeglasses are used to address eyesight issues. Eyeglasses can help you see clearly at a distance or close up if you have problems seeing well. They make it easier to view items from afar more clearly and sharply.

The way light concentrates on the retina causes the majority of vision impairments. The retina is located near the optic nerve in the back of the eye. The lens of the eye transmits light to the retina, which turns it into electrical signals that are sent to the brain. The visuals we perceive are the result of this process. Eyeglasses aid in the proper placement of light on the retina.

A form of single-vision lens is a pair of reading eyeglasses. When reading, people with presbyopia frequently see objects in the distance clearly but have problems seeing the words. You can benefit from reading eyeglasses. You can typically buy them over the counter at a pharmacy or bookstore, but if you receive a prescription from a doctor, you'll get a better lens. If the prescriptions for the right and left eyes are different, over-the-counter readers are useless. Check with your eye doctor first to check if you can safely use readers before attempting to use them.



25. 3. Write a pair of sentences that use the denotative and connotative meanings of the word. Example:Len screamed when she saw the large snake staring at her.Len knew that a person who is a snake cannot be trusted.​


Denotative: The sentence describes a person named Len who saw a large snake and screamed in response.

Connotative: The sentence implies that Len was surprised and frightened by the snake's sudden appearance, and that the snake posed a threat to Len. Additionally, the sentence might suggest that Len is afraid of snakes or that she generally has a fearful disposition.

Denotative: The sentence means that Len believes that individuals who are snakes cannot be trusted. It can be interpreted that Len considers a person who is a snake to be untrustworthy.

Connotative: The sentence implies that Len may have had a negative experience with someone whom he considers a snake, leading him to generalize that all individuals who are snakes cannot be trusted. Additionally, the use of the term "snake" as a metaphor for a deceitful or untrustworthy person has a negative connotation in society. Therefore, the sentence could suggest that Len may be biased towards people who exhibit certain traits, which he associates with snakes.

26. 5. He is the first s philosopherwho approached the problemof reality from scientific lens.O a.Plato​


27. Sun's Ray's are observed to focus at a point behind lens.What kind of lens was used?A.convave lensB.convave lensC.diverging lensD.focusing lens​


converging lens

28. 5. Which lens is thin at the centre and thick in the edges? a. biconcave lens b. biconvex lens C. concave lens d. convex lens​

litter d convex lens

tsaka pa brainliest naman o

29. 1. eyepiece lens 5×objective lens 50×total magnification?2. eyepiece lens 5×objective lens 100×total magnification?3. eyepiece lens 10×objective lens 50×total magnification?4. eyepiece lens 20×objective lens 20×total magnification?5. eyepiece lens 20×objective lens 50×total magnification?​


1. 250x

2. 100x

3. 500x

4. 400x

5. 1,000x


Ayoko mag explain. Eh pero basta yan ang tamang sagot paki brainliest pls


1. 250x

2. 100x

3. 500x

4. 400x

5. 1000x

Hope it helps


30. brainliest to the one who can answer Where is the image formed in number 13?A. behind the lensB. no image is formedC. object's side of the lensD. none of thesenumber 13 is at the picture​




ehh ewann q kung tamaaa

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