What Is Inculturation

What Is Inculturation

what is Inculturation ?

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1. what is Inculturation ?


the gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture or group by a person, another culture, etc.


In Christianity, inculturation is the adaptation of the way Church teachings are presented to other, mostly non-Christian, cultures and, in turn, the influence of those cultures on the evolution of these teachings.

2. What is inculturation


the gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture or group by a person, another culture, etc.

3. What is the essence of inculturation?​


the gradual acquisition of the characteristics and norms of a culture or group by a person, another culture, etc.



4. What is inculturation of the faith?


Inculturation is the term that Catholic leaders and theologians have used in. recent decades to denote a process of engagement between the Christian Gospel and a particular culture. The term is intended conceptually both to safeguard the integrity of the Gospel and to encourage sensitivity to various cultural contexts.


Hope it helps (◍•ᴗ•◍)

5. lesson no. 4 Effective communicationactivity no sDirections: Choose the appropriate connector foreach sentena by selecting from the word poolbelow - (lo.pts).I agree on general objective ofthe intercultural communication encounter.2. People do not have the authovity to judge or condemn others sexual orienta-tion3. Nonverbal can be an optionto bridge miscommunication brought about bylanguange* social interactions. It is composed of interactingindividuals with whare beliefs and way of lifes. It involves the physical re-thing like seating arrangement and psycholo-gical features.6. It refers to the bank assig-ned by the society to its members accordingto their income, titles, possesions, ete-7. It is a constant oncedurea mutually dependent environment of interincultural encounter​


lesson no. 4 Effective communication

activity no s

Directions: Choose the appropriate connector for

each sentena by selecting from the word pool

below - (lo.pts).

I agree on general objective of

the intercultural communication encounter.

2. People do not have the autho

vity to judge or condemn others sexual orienta-


3. Nonverbal can be an option

to bridge miscommunication brought about by


* social interactions. It is composed of interacting

individuals with whare beliefs and way of life

s. It involves the physical re-

thing like seating arrangement and psycholo-

gical features.

6. It refers to the bank assig-

ned by the society to its members according

to their income, titles, possesions, ete-

7. It is a constant oncedure

a mutually dependent environment of inter

incultural encounter

6. What are some common problems/ issues being encountered by the Church when dealing with the process of inculturation of faith and evangelization of indigenous people communities?


Contemporary challenges and issues related to religion include the secularisation of society, the rise of religious fundamentalism, religion's relationship to globalisation and economic modernisation, its conflicts with science, and its changing relationship with art.

7. Read first the second part of lesson 7 the Characteristics of Christian Faith: 1. Total and absolute 2. Trinitarian 3. Loving, Maturing and Missionary 4. Informed and Communitarian 5. Inculturated​

is a good day for me and the year and I am so excited for the next to do this for the next to do this for the year old are

8. Explain the difference of enculturation, inculturation and acculturation?​


"Enculturation" is the process of learning your own group's culture, and "enculturate" is a transitive verb. ... "Acculturation" is the process of taking on ANOTHER group's culture.

9. It is a contextualized and u Incultured roman Catholic catechism for Filipinos prepared by CBCP and approved by the Holy see​


The Catechism for Filipino Catholics, or CFC, is a contextualized and inculturated Roman Catholic catechism for Filipinos prepared by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) and approved by the Holy See. The draft was produced by the CBCP's "Episcopal Commission on Catechesis and Catholic Education."It is considered the present-day successor of the early 16th century Doctrina Christiana, the first book printed in what is now the Philippines. The Doctrina Christiana[1] was written in Tagalog, in both abecedario (the newly developed Latinised orthography) and the indigenous Baybayin script commonly used at the time, as well as Spanish


Hope its help

Pa brainliest if right


10. The process by which culture is passed on and is learned is called inculturation. this includes the partially conscious and partially unconscious learning experiences


acculturation yarn


11. Inculture the value of knowing how to measure accurately and correctly what is the value of the knowledge on how to use measuring instruments and how does it affect our daily lives?


Yan din question ko ehh?

12. What is the importance of Filipino inculturation in our society?​


Nasa Explantation


ny respecting our culture

13. 1.how does human culture develop? 2.what is the difference between inculturation and socialization?​


1. The two effects of dividing food-gathering labor, the camp and the dependence of the sexes on each other beyond reproduction, were the first great steps toward modern human culture. Sharing of resources and its concomitant division of labor led to a divergence in both the biological and cultural evolution of the sexes.

2.As nouns the difference between inculturation and socialization. is that inculturation is the adaptation of christian teachings in a non-christian culture while socialization is (sociology|psychology) the process of learning how to live in a way acceptable to one's own society, said especially about children.


pa brainliest po

14. Why is the essence of inculturation? ​


In Christianity, inculturation is the adaptation of the way Church teachings are presented to other, mostly non-Christian, cultures and, in turn, the influence of those cultures on the evolution of these teachings.

15. A- OneB- HolyC- CatholicD- Apostolic1. The Church came from One living God in three Persons.2. The Church is graced through the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.3. It refers to a word that means universal, complete, all-embracing.4. The Church is missionary and adapts inculturation where it reaches out to the culturalwealth of the people.'5. The Church's holiness is a process of growing, a 'Paschal Pilgrimage', a perfection ofcharity thereby all the members are called to holiness.6. The Church is spread throughout the world, possesses all saving truth, sent to allpeople, heal all kinds of sin, and abounds in virtue and spiritual gifts.7. The Church is grounded on the foundation of the apostles, their teaching and witnessand successors.8. The Church is in union with Jesus who came to redeem and unify all of humanity,prayed with the Father, instituted the Eucharist, gave the Covenantal Law of Love, andpoured forth His Spirit to all.



ML pa more

16. this occurrs when people from various communication system cumminate. choices: A. Incultural communication B. Cultural communication C. Intercultural communication D. Traditional communicaton

I choices isa A OR D ihinks I hop you

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