Directional Plans

Directional Plans

example of specific plan and directional plan​

Daftar Isi

1. example of specific plan and directional plan​


They provide focus but not lock managers into specific objective or specific courses of action. A specific plan might aim to cut cost by 10 percent and increase revenues by 8 percent in the next six months; a directional plan might aim at improving corporate profits between 6 and 12 percent during the next six months.

2. compare & contrast of Specific Plans & Directional Plans



Specific Plans have clearly defined objectives. Specific plans are not without drawbacks. They require clarity and a predictability that often does not exist. When uncertainty is high and management must maintain flexibility in order to respond to unexpected changes, directional plans may be preferable. Those plans which are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretation are called specific plans. Such plans do not require specific stated objectives and do not contain ambiguity. Directional Plans, on the other hand, identify general guidelines. They provide focus but do not lock managers into specific objectives or specific courses of action.

Directional plans are the flexible plans that set out general guidelines, such plans are preferable in a dynamic environment where management is flexible in order to respond to unexpected changes.


Specific and Directional Plans are similar because both are types of plans to guide operations, monitor and control organizational activities.

3. 25. What plan gives directions to any undertaking? A. Contingency Plan B. Isolation Plan C. Evacuation Plan D. Service Plan 25. What plan gives directions to any undertaking ? A. Contingency Plan B. Isolation Plan C. Evacuation Plan D. Service Plan​




4. What types of planning that apply to a particular unit area only, their scope is narrow, achievement of company goals may not be achieved if this plans are not clear?a. operational plansb. directional plansc. standing plansd. strategic plans​


A. po


5. he workout plan is excellent with direction and focus​

Frequency , Intensity , Time , and Type

FITT (frequency, intensity, time, and type) is one way to remember the general guidelines for what should be included in a fitness plan.

6. Directions: Differentiate a Reflected Ceiling Plan from a Floor Plan on a minimum of three and maximum of ten sentences.​


It takes its name from the idea that you are looking down at the ceiling as though there were a mirror on the floor reflecting the ceiling’s plan back to you.



7. "Making of project plan"Direction:Make a project plan of your own recipe of appetizer​


deviled eggstangy shrimp appetizer skewersranch-spaghetti pasta salad caprese tomato shooterAtsarang papaya

8. Directions: Write the parts of project plan. 1.2. 3. 4.  5. 6. Directions: Choose the best answer (not a project plan or project plan)1.Planning is needed to make a successful project. 2.Planning is important to not cause of confusion 3.Planning is important to minimize the time used for the project. . 4.Planning is important to lessen the budget for the project. 5.Planning is important to prepare all the materials before you start the project ​


1.planning is needed to make a successful project

4.planning is important to lessen the budget for the project

5.planning is important to prepare all the materials before you start the project

9. Direction: Make your own project plan


Plano ka Ng sarili mong proyekto


tinagalog kulng:-)

10. make a project plan directions for dressmaking​


make it in your mind or imagination

11. How planning provides direction?​

What is the importance of planning?

The planning process provides the information top management needs to make effective decisions about how to allocate the resources in a way that will enable the organization to reach its objectives. Productivity is maximized and resources are not wasted on projects with little chance of success.

How does planning provide direction?

Planning states in advance what is to be done. It defines the goals and objectives to be achieved. These goals and objectives as stated in the plan gives direction to the managers about what course of action is to be followed for achieving them.

12. A lesson plan on direct and indirect speech

Topic: Direct and indirect speech

Aim: For students to learn how to use this kind of speech.

1. To differentiate the direct and indirect speeches
2.  Identify the use of punctuations in direct speeches
3. Expand their vocabulary by using new deep words in the speeches

Study the following pairs of sentences.
1."Did you baked a cake?", asked Jenny
2.  Jenny asked if you baked a cake
1."Yeah", said Mark
2. Mark said yes

13. directions create a simple project plan​


Project Plan

a. Project Proponent: (your name), Chef and Cooking Enthusiast

b. Project Title: Perfecting the Ultimate Sisig Recipe

c. Project Objectives:

- To develop a delicious and unique sisig recipe

- To showcase culinary skills and creativity in cooking

- To promote the use of local ingredients and sustainable cooking practices

- To document the recipe for future reference and sharing

d. Project Scope:

- Research and gather information on sisig and its variations

- Develop a recipe and test it for taste and texture

- Refine the recipe based on feedback and personal taste

- Document the final recipe and share it with others

e. Timeline:

- Week 1: Research and gather information on sisig and its variations

- Week 2-3: Develop a recipe and test it for taste and texture

- Week 4-5: Refine the recipe based on feedback and personal taste

- Week 6: Document the final recipe and share it with others

f. Materials needed:

- Pork belly or other meat

- Onions, garlic, and chili peppers

- Vinegar and soy sauce

- Calamansi juice

- Mayonnaise

- Salt and pepper

- Cooking oil

g. Procedure:

1. Research and gather information on sisig and its variations.

2. Develop a recipe and test it for taste and texture.

3. Refine the recipe based on feedback and personal taste.

4. Document the final recipe and share it with others.

5. Prepare the ingredients by chopping the onions, garlic, and chili peppers.

6. Cook the pork belly or other meat until crispy and golden brown.

7. Saute the onions, garlic, and chili peppers in a separate pan.

8. Add the cooked meat to the pan and mix well.

9. Add vinegar, soy sauce, and calamansi juice to the mixture.

10. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

11. Serve hot with mayonnaise on top.

14. what are the methods of direct planning​


Teacher-Centered Methods of Instruction

Direct Instruction (Low Tech) Flipped Classrooms (High Tech)Kinesthetic Learning (Low Tech)Differentiated Instruction (Low Tech)Inquiry-based Learning (High Tech)Expeditionary Learning (High Tech)Personalized Learning (High Tech)Game-based Learning (High Tech)

For example, presenting a video or film to students could be considered a form of direct instruction (even though the teacher is not actively instructing students, the content and presentation of material was determined by the teacher).

15. A Direction: Give the Classification of Work Plan.​


There are three main types of plans that a manager will use in his or her pursuit of company goals, which include operational, tactical and strategic. If you think about these three types of plans as stepping stones, you can see how their relationship to one another aids in the achievement of organizational goals.




16. description of planning ,organizing,staffing,directing,controlling​


-Description of planning

•Planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a desired goal. It is the first and foremost activity to achieve desired results. It involves the creation and maintenance of a plan, such as psychological aspects that require conceptual skills.

-Description of organizing

Organizing involves assigning tasks, grouping tasks into departments, delegating authority, and allocating resources across the organization. During the organizing process, managers coordinate employees, resources, policies, and procedures to facilitate the goals identified in the plan.

-Description of staffing

•Staffing Coordinators are responsible for planning, organizing and scheduling workers to ensure that company's labor requirements and needs are fulfilled. They are usually a part of company's Human Resources departments. ... You will work with Human Resources department and assist in recruiting, sourcing and hiring talent.

-Description of Directing

•A film director manages the creative aspects of the production. They direct the making of a film by visualizing the script while guiding the actors and technical crew to capture the vision for the screen. They control the film's dramatic and artistic aspects.

-description of controlling

Controlling is the measurement and correction of performance in order to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are accomplished. According to Stafford Beer: Management is the profession of control.

17. What kind of plan is used only once? A. Directional plan B. Single use plan C. Specific plan D.Standing plan​


Single-use plans are those plans that are intended to be used only once. They include activities that would not be repeated and often have an expiration, such as a monthly budget.




B. Single use plan.( can used only onne)

single-use plan, otherwise known as a specific plan, is used for nonrecurring, one-time situations in business. A single-use plan is meant to solve one particular problem and then be discarded. The single-use plan becomes obsolete after its intended and specific use. The length of a single-use plan differs depending on the project in question, as a single event plan may only last one day while a single project may last weeks or months.

18. Directions: Complete The Chart plan for expansion​


Key Themes in a Business Expansion Plan

Executive Summary.1. The executive summary is typically written last, but outlines your whole business plan from start to finish. ...

2.Company Description. ...

3.Product and Service Description. ...

4.Marketing Analysis. ...

5.Marketing Strategy. ...

6.Organization and Management. ...

7.Daily Operations. ...

8.Financial History.

19. Direction: make your own fitness plan.

Fitness Plan Meaning:

Physical fitness is a state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest.

20. a plan that give directions to any undertaking​


Service plan


mark me brainliest

21. Directions: Enumerate the essential features of a plan.​


Features of Planning

Planning is Goal Oriented: Planning is not an end in itself.

Planning is a Primary Function.

Planning is All-Pervasive.

Planning is an Intellectual or Rational Process.

Planning is a Continuous Process.

Planning is Forward-Looking.

Planning Involves Choice.

Planning is an Integrated Process.

22. Directions: Discuss the following:5 pts each. 1. Nature of planning. 2. Levels of planning. 3. Differentiate the types of plans​

1. Need to clean

2. Level 4

3. Cleaning, Save that's all

opinion ko lang po

23. "My Project Plan" Direction: make a project plan of " it log maalat". Use one long bondpaper



"My Project Plan"

Direction: make a project plan of " it log maalat". Use one long bondpaper

24. How does planning provide direction for managers?​


planning provide direction by deciding goals and objectives goal are the end results where as the objectives are the standard targets which the employees working at the different levels are required to achieve

25. CONNECTED SHAPESDIRECTIONS: Direction: Fill up the empty shapes by word or words that you can connect to the concepof planningPLANNING​


that u can just put a shape that u been the aold but I'm gonna say the answer

26. 2. It measures the performance against goals and plans.planning, organizing,staffing,Directing,controlling ​


The answer is Planning

27. VII. ReflectionDirection: Write Yes if the statement is true and No if:the statement is false.1. Planning is a process which includes setting of goals.2. Planning reduces uncertainties.3. Planning provides direction to the organization.4. Planning increases wastage of resources.5. Planning do not establish goals.6. Planning reduces risks.7. Planning leads to safety and customer satisfaction.8. Planning is not a big deal in the organization.9. Planning is a skill.10. Planning is a management function.​


28. A. Direction: Give the Classification of Work Plan.​


There are three main types of plans that a manager will use in his or her pursuit of company goals, which include operational, tactical and strategic. If you think about these three types of plans as stepping stones, you can see how their relationship to one another aids in the achievement of organizational goals.

There are three main types of plans that a manager will use in his or her pursuit of company goals, which include operational, tactical and strategic. If you think about these three types of plans as stepping stones, you can see how their relationship to one another aids in the achievement of organizational goals.

Correct me if im wrong <3

but hope it helps!

29. ACTIVITY I: The Business Plan Directions: Recall your previous lesson on the parts of a business plan. Then fill in the parts of the business plan in the illustration below​









•Sustainability - is the support for a business on environmental issues.

•Addendum - is a document or information in the original document or written work.

•Target Market - refers to a group of persons who use and patronize the products/services that specifically fit their needs/wants.

•Market Trends - are used to provide strategic information and leads that will aid and sustain business development.

•Market Size - is the number of buyers and sellers in a particular market.

•Business Risk - is the probability inherent in a firm's operations and invironment (such as competition and adverse economic conditions) that may impair it's ability to provide returns on investments.


hope it helps

30. Identify the Different parts of an Electric Wiring Plan Directions: Enumerate the parts of the Electrical Wiring Plan.


it shows how the Electrical wires are interconnected and can also show where fixtures and components may be connected to the system

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