Social Awareness And Value Judgement

Social Awareness And Value Judgement

Social awareness and value judgement according to the law?

Daftar Isi

1. Social awareness and value judgement according to the law?

Social awareness and value judgement according to the law?

Value Judgement

Value Judgement is an assessment whether something is good or bad based on someone’s judgement or priorities.

Value Judgement may involve ethical, aesthetical, and moral values that are not deemed factual.

Social awareness

Social awareness is being is aware of what difficulties the communities and society face on the day to day basis.

Is value judgement important?

2. what is the value judgement on social status​


hope it helps pa brainliest na din po

3. identify what kind of social injustice is drficted on the photos below and give your value judgement on each​


asan po yung picture sorry po kung hinde ito yung hinahanap yung answer



4. Explain Clearly by citing an example the difference of the two1.Factual Judgement2.Value Judgement ​


1.For moral realists moral judgments will be a kind of factual judgment that. involves the basically reliable apprehension of an objective moral reality. I argue that. factual judgments display at least some degree of conceptual sensitivity to error, while moral judgments do not.

2.Value judgment also can refer to a tentative judgment based on a considered appraisal of the information at hand, taken to be incomplete and evolving—for example, a value judgment on whether to launch a military attack or as to procedure in a medical emergency.

5. what is the value of judgement


The prisoner risked his life to save that little boy. Grandma was so happy that you remembered her birthday.


Correct me if I'm wrong

6. Discrimination Description:Value judgement (normative)​:


: the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people

: the ability to recognize the difference between things that are of good quality and those that are not

: the ability to understand that one thing is different from another thing

7. You have seen how factual judgement and value judgement differ from each other

hey you can get a load of laundry to pang of stuff to join you buy a gun in your car w

8. what is the value judgement presented in the essay​


The purpose of persuasion in writing is to convince, motivate, or move readers toward a certain point of view, or opinion. The act of trying to persuade automatically implies more than one opinion on the subject can be argued.

The idea of an argument often conjures up images of two people yelling and screaming in anger. In writing, however, an argument is very different. An argument is a reasoned opinion supported and explained by evidence. To argue in writing is to advance knowledge and ideas in a positive way. Written arguments often fail when they employ ranting rather than reasoning.


comment mo kung tama sagot ko

9. why is it important to make value judgements​


We humans make value judgments in order to know what we find important in life and what not.



10. what value judgement is expressed by Aileen?


A value judgment (or value judgement) is a judgment of the rightness or wrongness of something or someone, or of the usefulness of something or someone, based on a comparison or other relativity. As a generalization, a value judgment can refer to a judgment based upon a particular set of values or on a particular value system. A related meaning of value judgment is an expedient evaluation based upon limited information at hand, where said evaluation was undertaken because a decision had to be made on short notice.


The term value judgment can be used objectively to refer to any injunction that implies an obligation to carry out an act, implicitly involving the terms "ought" or "should". It can be used either in a positive sense, signifying that a judgment must be made taking a value system into account, or in a disparaging sense, signifying a judgment made by personal whim rather than objective thought or evidence

11. value judgement vs factual statement​


factual statement kasi pag sinabing factual tama


stay safe


there are some things that you will not be able

12. 2 value terms used in Value Judgement​


A value judgment is any judgment that can be expressed in the form "X is good, meritorious, worthy, desirable" or "X is bad, without merit, worthless, undesirable."

value judgment. noun [ C ] (also value judgement) a statement about how good or bad you think something is, based on personal opinion rather than facts: make a value judgment He wants to give customers the ability to make value judgments at the point of sale.

We humans make value judgments in order to know what we find important in life and what not. They are necessary, so we can get order and structure in our lives. Without them, it would be very hard for us to know what to prioritize and what goals to pursue.

It means you don't just accept ideas at face value, or believe that there is only one way of thinking about something. It also means recognising that, when you think critically and analyse and judge things from a variety of perspectives, there is usually not one 'right' answer or viewpoint.

13. make a prescriptive value judgement for corruption​


n eighbourhoods sorry anu ba yung pinapasagut mopo hihintayin sorry anu ba yung pinapasagut mopo



14. Directions: Give your reaction to the social issue below and make sure to make value judgement about it"Same-sex marriage in the Philippines is not legally recognize"​

The Philippines does not offer any legal recognition to same-sex marriage, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.

15. Discrimination Description: Value judgement (Normative):​


helping people is a kind thing to everyone

16. Directions: Give your reaction to the social issue below and make sure to make value judgement about it"Same-sex marriage in the Philippines is not legally recognize"​


For me, same-sex marriage should be legal here in the Philippines because we all know that love has no gender and we can't use the "bible verses" here because bible made long time ago and we need a currency now.


hope it helps :)

17. make a judgement of the work's worth or value​


What does it mean to make a value judgment?

You establish an opinion on something based on your principles and ideas, not on facts that can be examined or proven, when you make a value judgment about it.


hope it helps

pa brainliest


If you make a value judgment about something, you form an opinion about it based on your principles and believes and not on facts that can be checked or provided



pa brainliest

18. Which skill of self-awareness shows trusting your own judgement and abilities,and valuing oneself?A. Self-EsteemC. Self-EfficacyB. Self-ConfidenceD. Self-perception​




Since Confidence means that you are certain about the truth of something and that you have a firm trust that things will turn out the way you intended.




self esteem is self valuing

19. what is value of judgement based on the situation​


comparison or other relativity


sana naka tulong akoo

20. To what extend does society value both males and females equally and how does social judgement influence the way either gender develop self-concept?

Gender concept

Sex equity, likewise called sex libertarianism, sex balance, or sexual fairness, state of equality paying little heed to a singular's sex. Sex fairness tends to the propensity to attribute, in different settings across social orders, various jobs and status to people based on sexual orientation. In this specific circumstance, the term sex by and large alludes to a singular's sexual orientation character (e.g., male, female, or not one or the other) or to an individual's sex job, which is the appearance of one's sex personality. Sexual orientation isn't really connected with the physical sex of a person. Appropriately, the term sex uniformity is now and then additionally used to signify "all inclusive fairness regardless of sex, sex, or sexuality."

Gender equality


21. types of value judgement​


A value judgment is any judgment that can be expressed in the form "X is good, meritorious, worthy, desirable" or "X is bad, without merit, worthless, undesirable."






22. values judgement and critical judgement different ​


A value judgment is a judgment of the rightness or wrongness of something or someone, or of the usefulness of something or someone, based on a comparison or other relativity. ... This idea though presupposes that the person making a critical judgment is not influenced by their background values.

hope it helps<33

23. discrimination description,value judgement 3​


A person's values are what that person regards as or thinks important; a society's values are what that society regards as important. A society's values are expressed in laws and legislatively enacted policies, in its mores, social habits, and positive morality. Any body's values—an individual person's or a society's—are subject to change, and in our time especially.


brainliest po

24. Which skill of self-awareness shows trusting your own judgement and abilities, and valuing oneself? A. Self-Esteem B. Self-Confidence C. Self-Efficacy D. Self-perception


C. self-effacing


correct me if I'm wrong


self efficancy


sori wrong

ty sa points


25. give an example of moral value judgement​


Judgments of moral value relate to persons, motives, intentions and traits of character. Here, one uses the terms good or bad, virtuous or vicious, saintly or despicable. Note that not all value judgments are moral judgments. I might say that the film was a good film or that you make a good martini

26. Give value judgement by stating your personal judgement about the music/song​


gang killer on the road mount everest

27. value judgement and assessment are the synonyms of_______.​

Put a pic so i can answer, thank you :)

28. value judgement (descriptive)​


Roughly speaking a value judgment is a claim about something's moral, practical, or aesthetic worth. Value judgments do not simply describe the world; they prescribe certain attitudes or behaviors toward the world. When you say things like: That's good.

I am ashamed of myself: You ought to be asha...

Descriptive: Prescriptive

It's hard to find a job: You haven't tried hard en...

The doctor accidentally killed the patient: The ...


For reasons that will become clear below, it is very important to understand what a value judgment is. Roughly speaking a value judgment is a claim about something's moral, practical, or aesthetic worth.  Value judgments do not simply describe the world; they prescribe certain attitudes or behaviors toward the world.  When you say things like:

That's good.

That's bad.

That's wonderful.

That's a bummer.

That's not right.

That's sick.

That's not fair.

That's obligatory.

That's admirable.

That's shameful.

That's despicable.

That shouldn't be.

That's ok.

That's just wrong.

you are usually making a certain kind of value judgment.   We often say that value judgments are normative, which means they evaluate things with respect to certain standards or norms.

29. Learning task 2 You have seen how factual judgement and value judgement differ from each other. Write FJ for Factual judgement and VJ for Value judgement❌ incorrect/report​






30. face mask what is the value judgement or personal judgement?​


personal judgment


kasi po pang sariling pangangailangan po natin Ito

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