Point Of View In Case Analysis

Point Of View In Case Analysis

Case Study: For Critical Analysis Mr. A B. C was brought to court for stealing. The court noted that he has been convicted for similar offenses many times. Can the court put him in prison at this time and with a much heavier penalty? Mr. A's defense lawyer argued on A's behalf that A should be spared from prison for he is a Kleptomania-defined as a strong compulsion to steal. Why do you think this qualification is relevant to the case? - In law, cases like this, e.g. Kleptomania, has its own appropriate sentence. - In psychology, kleptomania is tantamount to mental illness and needs treatment. - In philosophy, underlying question-human freedom and responsibility-need to be examined. From the philosophical point of view, the case presented earlier takes on different path. Its method of inquiry is holistic and considers many perspective or theories on its approach in solving or assessing problems in society or activities of life. Precisely in real-life situations, one perspective is not enough to show the strength of our decision. Philosophy is about life, and it is for this reason that philosophy is considered a holistic discipline. Going back to the example, the story of Mr. A B. C is classic example where seemingly there is a conflict between law and reason. As mandated by law, stealing is punishable by law. The saying says : “Dura lex, sed lex – the law is stiff, but it is the law.” The law may seem to be harsh, but it is the law. We live in a community of laws and not of men. However, the other context of positive laws that need to be stressed is not the punitive aspect of the law but the rehabilitative attribute. The consideration of mitigating circumstances are situations that need to be examined. Logic demands that no individual can be punished for acts that he has no control of. Thus in the case of Mr. A B. C, kleptomania and other similar acts, if proven beyond reasonable doubt, are mitigating circumstances that lessen responsibility and accountability, but they cannot remove one’s responsibility and accountability. Thus, individuals are still accountable in all their actions. Based on the case study presented about the case of Mr. A B. C, answer these two fundamental questions: 1. If you were the judge, can you sentence Mr. A. B. C to prison at this time and with heavier penalty? 2. Can a person be accountable for his acts if these are beyond his control?

Daftar Isi

1. Case Study: For Critical Analysis Mr. A B. C was brought to court for stealing. The court noted that he has been convicted for similar offenses many times. Can the court put him in prison at this time and with a much heavier penalty? Mr. A's defense lawyer argued on A's behalf that A should be spared from prison for he is a Kleptomania-defined as a strong compulsion to steal. Why do you think this qualification is relevant to the case? - In law, cases like this, e.g. Kleptomania, has its own appropriate sentence. - In psychology, kleptomania is tantamount to mental illness and needs treatment. - In philosophy, underlying question-human freedom and responsibility-need to be examined. From the philosophical point of view, the case presented earlier takes on different path. Its method of inquiry is holistic and considers many perspective or theories on its approach in solving or assessing problems in society or activities of life. Precisely in real-life situations, one perspective is not enough to show the strength of our decision. Philosophy is about life, and it is for this reason that philosophy is considered a holistic discipline. Going back to the example, the story of Mr. A B. C is classic example where seemingly there is a conflict between law and reason. As mandated by law, stealing is punishable by law. The saying says : “Dura lex, sed lex – the law is stiff, but it is the law.” The law may seem to be harsh, but it is the law. We live in a community of laws and not of men. However, the other context of positive laws that need to be stressed is not the punitive aspect of the law but the rehabilitative attribute. The consideration of mitigating circumstances are situations that need to be examined. Logic demands that no individual can be punished for acts that he has no control of. Thus in the case of Mr. A B. C, kleptomania and other similar acts, if proven beyond reasonable doubt, are mitigating circumstances that lessen responsibility and accountability, but they cannot remove one’s responsibility and accountability. Thus, individuals are still accountable in all their actions. Based on the case study presented about the case of Mr. A B. C, answer these two fundamental questions: 1. If you were the judge, can you sentence Mr. A. B. C to prison at this time and with heavier penalty? 2. Can a person be accountable for his acts if these are beyond his control?




1.   If  you  were  the  judge,  can  you  sentence  Mr. A. B. C  to  prison  at  this  time  and  with heavier  penalty?

               -Kleptomania cannot be considered a legal defense to stealing – not even an insanity defense. Individuals are held responsible for their actions unless it can be clearly proven that they completely lack a sense self-control. The sentence is usually less time for a mental institution than a prison sentence.

2. Can a person accountable for his act if these are beyond his control?

                 -In  the  case  of  Mr. A B. C,  kleptomania  and  other  similar  acts,  if  proven  beyond  reasonable  doubt,  are  mitigating  circumstances  that  lessen  responsibility  and  accountability,  but  they  cannot  remove  one’s  responsibility  and  accountability.

2. PRACTICAL RESEARCH 1 POST TEST, 2nd QUARTER Name Score Grade and Section Date 1. Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. These are two of the characteristics of research that pertain to being methodical and referring to direct experience and observation A. objective and empirical C. logical and systematic B. systematic and empirical D. cyclical and logical 2. These rules are used for distinguishing between right and wrong, and one of the examples is the code of professional conduct like the Hippocratic Oath. A. ethics B. norm C. morality D. values 3. The following statements pertain to the benefits of research to students EXCEPT: A. Develops ability to work independently C. Develops critical thinking B. Provides in-depth knowledge of something D. Tests and refines theories 4. It focuses on measuring worldviews and puts premium or high value on people's thinking or point of view conditioned by their personal traits A. qualitative research B. phenomenology C. research D. discourse analysis 5. This requires an informed consent so that participants are fully informed about the procedures and risks izvolved in research A. freedom from risk B. privacy C. confidentiality D. voluntary participation 6. It follows the principle of anonymity and guarantee of privacy. A. freedom from risk B. privacy C. confidentiality D. voluntary participation 7. The following are ethical principles of research EXCEPT: A. functionality B. confidentiality C. animal care D. responsible publication 8. It is an in-depth examinations of people or groups of people or institution and it seeks to find answers to why such thing occurs to the subject A. Case Study B. Ethnography C. Historical Research D. Grounded Theory 9. It involves the collection and analysis of data about cultural groups; making sense of the world to identify lifeways or patterns A. Case Study B. Ethnography C. Historical Research D. Grounded Theory D. Discourse Analysis A. Case Study 10. It examines human experiences through the description of people involved. B. Phenomenology C. Historical Research 31 nu 1 Second Quart​












3. PRE-TEST6. In this type of essay, the writer tells a story about a real-life experience.B. PersuasiveA. NarrativeD. DescriptiveC. Expository7. This is the result when something happens.A. EffectB. SolutionC. ProblemD. Cause8. This type of essay paints a picture with words. A writer might describe a person, place, object, or even memory of specialsignificance.A. DescriptiveB. PersuasiveC. ExpositoryD. Narrative9. This is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic. In this essay, the writer explains or defines atopic, using facts, statistics, and examples.A. NarrativeB. PersuasiveC. ExpositoryD. Descriptive10. The goal of this essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer's point of view or recommendation. The writer must build a caseusing facts and logic, as well as examples, expert opinion, and sound reasoningA. NarrativeB. PersuasiveC. ExpositoryD. DescriptivePLS ANSWER MY QUESTION I NEED THIS ;)​


6. A. Narrative

7. A. Effect

8. A. Descriptive

9. C. Expository

10.B. Persuasive



6. A. Narrative

- a narrative essay, the writer tells a story about a real-life experience.

7. A. effect

-a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.

8. A. descriptive

-a descriptive essay paints a picture with words. A writer might describe a person, place, object, or even memory of special significance

9. C. expository

-The expository essay is an informative piece of writing that presents a balanced analysis of a topic. In an expository essay, the writer explains or defines a topic, using facts, statistics, and examples.

10. B. persuasive

-persuasive essay is to convince the reader to accept the writer's point of view or recommendation.


Hope it helps

Correct me if I'm wrong

4. 1. What is the importance of research design in conducting a research? A. It serves as your research title in your proposed study B. It serves as your basis in selecting your research topic C. It serves as your basis in searching for literature and related studies Phenomenological Grounded Theory Ethnographic Design Narrative Design Case Study Additional Activities Assessment 8 City of Good Character DISCIPLINE • GOOD TASTE • EXCELLENCE D. It serves as your basis in doing the research methodology (design, instrument, respondents, and data gathering procedure and analysis) 2. The focus of this qualitative research design is to describe rather than to explain the live experiences of individuals regarding the phenomena as described by the participants. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 3. It focuses on building a theory from the perspective and point of views of the participants. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Grounded Theory D. Phenomenological Research Design 4. The goal of the researcher is to expose themselves in participants’ culture and acquire vital information through direct observation and interaction with participants in a prolong period of time. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 5. The information gathered is being retold by the researcher. In addition, it is expected to produce a combined life experiences of participants and researches through collaborative narratives. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 6. This design allows the respondents to have a direct observation and interaction with participants and are utilized in order to produce a comprehensive description of experience. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 7. This research design uses direct observation and interview as the main tool in conducting a research. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 8. This research design uses a comparative process of data gathered in order to generate a theory. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Grounded Theory D. Phenomenological Research Design 9. It is the main procedure used in conducting Ethnographic study. A. Comparative Process C. Direct observation and interview B. Creating stories D. Direct interaction with participants 10.This procedure is being used in conducting a narrative study. A. Comparative Process C. Direct observation and interview B. Creating stories D. Direct interaction with participants 11.This factor is considered as main concern in conducting a research as well as choosing a research design. A. Audience C. Research Problem B. Personal Experience D. Statistics 12.This factor refers to the researcher’s own personal training and experiences that may be considered as one of the factors that influence the research in selecting the research design. A. Audience C. Research Problem B. Personal Experience D. Statistics 13. This factor in choosing qualitative research design focuses in identifying the reader of the research conducted. A. Audience C. Research Problem B. Personal Experience D. Statistics 9 City of Good Character DISCIPLINE • GOOD TASTE • EXCELLENCE 14.This qualitative research design can be used to evaluate a specific program or event. A. Case study C. Narrative Research Design B. Ethnographic design D. Phenomenological Research Design 15.The following elements of research methodology will be beneficial if the researcher chooses the appropriate qualitative design except: A. Research Instrument C. Sampling B. Respondents D. Statistics


Meron Po answer key Yan tanong

5. Directions: True or False: Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false. 1. Surveys and questionnaires are 2 similar tools used in collecting primary data, 2. The researcher uses observation as a scientific tool and method of data collection 3. An experiment is a structured study where the researchers attempt to understand the causes, effects, and processes involved in a particular process. 4. Collecting your own data allows you the freedom to address issues specific to your business, or research aim. In this case, the data collected is exactly what the researcher wants and needs. 5. The data collected from primary sources are up-to date, unlike that of the secondary sources. It collects data in real-time and does not take information from stale and outdated sources 6. The data collection process for primary data is very expensive. No matter how little the research is, at least one professional researcher will need to be employed to carry out the research. _7. The different sources of primary data collection are designed in a way that the data collected are tailored to the specific research needs. _8. Secondary data analysis is the process of analyzing data collected from another researcher who primarily collected this data for another purpose. 9. A research design is serving as a guide for the secondary data analysis. 10. The data is evaluated to ensure that it really addresses the statement of the problem and answers the research questions. 11. Secondary data mostly require little to no cost for people to them 12. When re-evaluating data, especially through another person's lens or point of view, new things are uncovered. 13. The data collected through secondary sources may not be as authentic as when collected directly from the source. 14. Some data sources are known to exaggerate the information that is being shared. 15. Researchers spend so much time surfing through a pool of irrelevant data before finally getting the one they need.


especially through another person's lens or point of

view, new things are uncovered.

13. The data collected through secondary sources may not be as authentic as when

collected directly from the source.

14. Some data sources are known to exaggerate the information that is being shared.

15. Researchers spend so much time surfing through a pool of irrelevant data before finally

getting the one they need.


Sana makatulong

6. Test 1. Instructions: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of your answer on the options given.1. It is the study of text/art based solely on an analysis of its form--- the way it is made and what it looks like in a literary theory. A. formalism B. Marxism C. feminism2. It is concerned about literary structure using phonemic device. A. formalism B. Marxism C. feminism 3. It is the study of a text without taking into account any outside influence--meaning, other views and interpretations of the text. A. literal interpretation B. literary criticism C. literary device 4. They are features of formalism approach. A. grammar and syntax B. source criticism C. traditional criticism 5. It is an example of literary devices. A. tone B. meter C. theme 6. It is the basic rhythmic structure of a line in a poem. A. meter B. rhyme C. alliteration 7. It is a type of argument that builds around refuting an idea or ideas that have come before. A. rebuttal argument B. definition argument C. narrative argument 8. It is the number of syllables in a line of a poem. A. tone B. meter C. theme 9. It is a type of argument that uses a definition as the starting point for making the case. A. rebuttal argument B. definition argument C. narrative argument 10. It is a type of argument that makes a case by telling a story with a clear point related to the argument. A. rebuttal argument B. definition argument C. narrative argument11. It is a type of argument that argues that something has caused something else. A. proposal argument B. evaluation argument C. causal argument 12. It is a type of argument that proposes a solution to a problem. A. proposal argument B. evaluation argument C. causal argument 13. It is a type of argument that makes an argumentative evaluation of something as "good" or "bad." A. proposal argument B. evaluation argument C. causal argument 14. It is needed to produce impressive and persuasive argument.A. Topic should be debatable. B. Topic should be misleading. C. Topic should be vague. 15. It is one of the purposes in selecting impressive and persuasive argumentative topics A. to conceal that something is true or false. B. to prove/refute the importance of something C. to vaguely define something​


1.a 2.c 3.a 4.c 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.b 10.a 11.c 12.c 13.a 14.b 15.a

7. Question 20 Identify the wrong statement about research. a. The purpose of research leads to the construction of research questions. b. Research aims to answer or solve specific issue or problem. c. Research has the ultimate goal of developing an organized body of scientific knowledge. d. Research discovers the potential power of a researcher. Question 21 It uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. a. None of the choices b. All of the choices c. Quantitative d. Qualitative Question 22 There should be a general statement of the problem which narrows down to sub-problems or specific questions. a. Scope and Delimitation b. Qualitative Research c. Quantitative Research d. Significance of the Study e. Statement of the Problem Question 23 What makes qualitative research a flexible design? a. all of the choices b. analyze their outcomes from the inside out c. a participant observer has little control over the activities of the observed d. need a special class of analytical skills Question 24 Which research refers to scientific study and research that seeks to solve practical problems? a. All of the choices b. Basic research c. Both Basic and Applied research d. Both Pure and Applied research e. None of the choices f. Applied research g. Pure research h. Both Basic and Pure research Question 25 It describes a problem or condition from the point of view of those experiencing it. a. All of the choices b. Quantitative c. None of the choices d. Qualitative Question 26 Time expenditure on research is lighter on the planning end and heavier during the analysis phase. a. Qualitative b. None of the choices c. All of the choices d. Quantitative Question 27 What is the best description of “research space” that the researcher and participants share? Select one: a. Research partnership b. None of the choices c. Research location d. Participant-researcher relationship Question 28 Its hypotheses are tentative and evolving, based on particular study. a. Qualitative b. None of the choices c. All of the choices d. Quantitative Question 29 It mentions the restrictions identified by the researcher that may affect the outcome of the study which he/she has little or no control, but are anticipated. a. Significance of the Study b. Quantitative Research c. Statement of the Problem d. Qualitative Research e. Scope and Delimitation Question 30 It aims to understand how the participants derive meaning from their surroundings, and how their meaning influences their behavior. a. Quantitative Research b. Significance of the Study c. Statement of the Problem d. Scope and Delimitation e. Qualitative Research Question 31 What is the basic skill required of any researcher? a. Ability to calculate statistics b. Ability understand major philosophical issues c. Ability to generate ideas for research projects d. Ability to source data Question 32 What part of the research problem is described here? It must be free from biases and impartiality. a. Determine a problem b. Form a hypothesis c. Design the study d. Analyze data Question 33 In ethical dilemma, conflict of interest happens when a. The researcher gives money for participants to join. b. The researcher’s background is not related to his/her research topic. c. The researcher participates as a research subject for his/her own study. d. The researcher bribes the authority to be in the research location. Question 34 What is the separation between independent and dependent variable? a. All of the choices b. A dependent variable is controlled in an experiment. c. An independent variable is changed in an experiment. d. An independent variable is being tested in an experiment. Question 35 What is an example of qualitative research? a. Historical research b. Case study c. Descriptive research d. Correlational research Question 36 What is the classification of research areas? a. Engineering, profession and science b. Education, business and science c. Economics, governance and society d. Education, profession and administration Question 37 When you write a research paper, your goal is to a. Save your reader time. b. Motivate your reader to learn more about the subject c. Inform your reader. d. Persuade your reader. Question 38 Research is a. investigating, analyzing and synthesizing new information from various sources b. triggers one to find the true meaning of knowledge c. any organized inquiry carried out to provide information for solving problems d. the activity anyone who has good reputation and integrity Question 39 Choose a good research problem for a qualitative research? a. A lawmaker is thinking of an innovation for a cleaner election. b. A teacher was considering a computer instructional tool for active learning pedagogy. c. A shopper wants to compare the number of shoppers during ordinary and Christmas season. d. A student examined the function of boxing as a way to help adolescents with a criminal record to deal with aggression


q.20      A

q.21        B

q.22      C

q.23      A

q.24      D

q.25      C

q.26      B

q.27      C

q.28      B

q.29       C

q.30      E


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