Do s And Don ts In Communication According To Communication Strategies

Do s And Don ts In Communication According To Communication Strategies

what are the do’s and don’ts in communication according to communication strategies?

Daftar Isi

1. what are the do’s and don’ts in communication according to communication strategies?



Be a good listener and stay focused on the person who is speaking. Do paraphrase or reword what you have understood to clarify when there is ambiguity in communication.

Maintain eye contact with the person you are talking to and nod occasionally to affirm interest in their words.

Look for nonverbal clues like lack of eye contact, distraction or fidgeting, which convey restlessness or impatience. Yawning or sighing is a sign of mental or physical fatigue. When you notice these non-verbal signs, wrap up the conversation, postpone it or inquire about the discomfort.

Tailor your conversation to your audience.

Behave confidently and communicate with a stable and clear voice.

Use simple and polite language.

Avoid judging people and praise them often.

Express negative thoughts in a positive way.

Be open to receiving constructive feedback.

Learn to say ‘no’ politely but firmly.

Assert yourself – recognize others’ feelings and then state your needs or opinions.

Favour your right ear. The left side of the brain is the primary processing centre for speech comprehension and emotion. The left side of the brain is connected to the right side of our ear and can help detect the emotional nuances of what a person is saying. Hence it would be effective to tilt your right ear to the person who is speaking.


Don’t interrupt people when they are talking – it hampers their thought process and is rude. Make it a conversation and not a monologue. Where there are differences, agree to disagree.

Don’t overcomplicate your message. Use fewer abbreviations and technical terms as they are barriers to effective communication. Avoid using too many filler words like ‘um’, ‘uh’, etc.

Don’t be defensive or offensive – stay neutral. Don’t bring up inappropriate topics which may be controversial and offensive. However, this doesn’t mean that one should stick to bland or sanitized topics.

Don’t criticize in public.

Don’t shout or talk too fast.

Don’t show negative body language. Refrain from frowning or giving angry glances.

Don’t give more importance to cell phones or other electronic devices over people.

2. what are the doâs and donâts in communication according to communication strategies?


Do: Have a strong communication plan. ...

Don't: Depend on technology for communication. ...

Do: Understand your audience. ...

Don't: Use negative body language. ...

Do: Be consistent. ...

Don't: Overshare. ...

Do: Listen actively. ...

Don't: Be afraid to ask questions.

3. identify the do s and don ts when speaking​


They speaking ofcaurse

4. 0What I Can DoDirections: Write 3 DO's and 3 DON Ts in Handling a Microscope. Write your answeron a separate sheet of paper,DO'sDON'Ts-​



1.Use all the proper tools

2.Clean eyepiece lens carefully

3.Clean all slides, materials, and work area when you're done


1.Don't swing the Microscope

2.Do not touch the glass part of the lenses with your fingers

3.Do not put masking tape or rubber bands on or around the eyepieces.



1.always wear gloves the instructions first

3.always polish the glass


1.dont put at a high places

2.never touch the lense

3.don't put another liquid in the glass when examining another substance

5. is the people of the same distinct personal traits are the only ones who can communicate effectively.True or False?​




because everyone can communicate well even not in same traits

6. Learning Task 5: Complete the table on the effects of a healthy community ts people. Do this on your answer sheet.. Effects of a Healthy Community Healthy Barangay Healthy School​


thanks for the point and thank you

7. Learning Task 5: Complete the table on the effects of a healthy community to ts people. Do this on your answer sheet. Effects of a Healthy Community Healthy Barangay Healthy School​


healthy school has a clean room ,comportable and conducive to learn.healthy baranggay has a community environment that clean and safe .


Hope it helps

8. S is the midpoint of TV, TS = 4x - 7, and SV = 5x - 15. Find TS, SV, and TV.​


TS = 4x - 7

SV = 5x - 15


4x - 7 = 5x - 15

-7 + 15 = 5x - 4x

8 = x or x=8

TS = 4x - 7. SV = 5x - 15

=4(8) - 7. = 5(8) - 15

= 32 - 7. = 40 - 15

TS = 25. SV = 25

TV = TS + SV

= 25 + 25

= 50

9. study and complete the word puzzle.write your answer in your notebookth---s-tt---ch------r-----ts​

i guess number 2 is "setting"?

10. ts in theHow do the even story influence the characters?


The idea is that the Influence Character function has to be felt throughout the entire story, whether they are actually present or not. The Influence Character is a presence whose impact is felt by the Main Character, forcing the Main Character to face their personal problems.


keep on learning

11. write TS if the sentence is TEXT TO SELF, write T2T if the sentence is TEXT TO Text and write TW if the sentence is TEXT TO World. 5. there is a certain article about people communicating through sign language. There are school in our city where sign language is taught.​


need ko points sorry na agad

12. three do's and don ts sleeping habits​


Don't take naps during the evening.

Don't exercise vigorously in the evening.

Don't drink caffeine-containing beverages (coffee, tea, soft drinks) after dinner.

Don't eat heavy or spicy food in the evening.




Don't take naps during the evening. Don't exercise vigorously in the evening. Don't drink caffeine-containing beverages (coffee, tea, soft drinks) after dinner. Don't eat heavy or spicy food in the evening.

13. Gabay Panuto Dadaanan: 1. T-Poste TK- Pulang Bahay Destinasyon: K Bahay ni Ali Dadaanan: H-Tindahan. 2. HS - Parke 3. 4. S - Munisipyo Destinasyon: TS-Paaralan Dadaanan: H-Rizal Street S - Simbahan TS- Kainan ni Pepe Destinasyon: T-Museyo Dadaanan: HK-Silid-Aklatan H- Covered Court HS Silid Aralan Destinasyon: TS-Klinika Dadaanan: TK - Mall Bangko r- TS- Kainan Destinasyon: S-Pasyalan 5.​


-1. mula sa poste sa timog patungong timog kanluran sa may pulang bahay patungong kanluran at mararating na ang bahay ni ali

-2.Mula sa tindahan sa hilaga patungong hilagang silangan sa may parke patungong silangan sa may munisipyo hanggang sa timogsilangan at mararating na ang paaralan

-3.mula sa rizal street sa hilaga patungong silangan sa may simbahan hanggang sa timog silangan sa may kainan nila pepe at mararating na ang museyo sa may timog

-4.mula sa silid aklatan sa hilagang kanluran patungong hilaga sa may covered court at papunta sa hilagang silangan sa silid aralan at mararating na ang klinika

-5.mula sa mall sa timog kanluran patungong timog sa may banko hanggang sa timog silangan kung nasaan ang kainan at mararating na ang pasyalan sa may silangan.


14. the length of a rectangle is twice its width ts area s 72square centemeters find the length and width of the rectangle​


The length is 12 cm and width is 6 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

The given are the area of the rectangle of 72[tex]cm^{2}[/tex] and the relation of its length and width.

Step 1: Identify the mathematical equation of the length and width of the given triangle. The problem states that length of the rectangle is twice its width which is equivalent to:

Length = 2 x width or L = 2w

Step 2: We know that the area of a rectangle is length multiplied by its width.

[tex]Area_{rectangle}[/tex] = L x W

Substitute the given relation of L and W, resulting to:

[tex]Area_{rectangle}[/tex] = 2w x w = 2[tex]w^{2}[/tex]

72[tex]cm^{2}[/tex]  = 2[tex]w^{2}[/tex]

Step 3: Divide both sides by 2 and take the square root of both sides.

[tex]\frac{72 cm^{2} }{2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{2 w^{2} }{2}[/tex]  

[tex]\sqrt{36} cm^{2}[/tex] = [tex]\sqrt{w^{2} }[/tex]

w = 6 cm

Step 4: Substitute the resulting value of the rectangle's width to its relationship with the length.

L = 2w = 2 x 6 cm = 12 cm

Therefore, the length of the rectangle is 12 cm and the width is 6 cm.

To learn more about area of rectangles, click the link below:






pwede patulong naman

16. Solve why do we get spo ts,why do we get di.zz.y?​

Salamat po, arigato, kamsamida

17. direction.list two 2 don ts in the use of demonstrate the use of the tools wrench and screw drivers​


Don't use faulty tools such as cracked, chipped, or broken handles on files, hammers, screwdrivers, or sledges.

Don't use wrenches, pipe tools, and pliers with worn jaws. Don't apply excessive pressure or force to hand tools. Never use a hammer without a good grip.








Step-by-step explanation:

sana po makatulong

19. Don ts in giving first aid brainly​


oh ok




Keep on learning#

20. complete the table below by classifying the DO, S and DON, TS of panel discussion.​


asan po yung ico-complete kong table wala naman po

21. veitnam what is the meaning of veitnam h s t k hk tk ts ​


As a matter of fact, “Vietnam” is a combination of two Vietnamese words, “Viet” in ancient Vietnamese language meaning preeminent or descendants of a dragon soaring to the sun, “Nam” means of the southern territory. However, the word "Viet" can also be understood as moving away from something in ancient Chinese

22. FR EE Po In tsh0w m@ny m0dul3s do u h@ve i h@ve six only b+w d0nt r3p0rt this qu3stion th!s is a fr ee po in ts​

[tex] \large \bold{\blue {answer}} [/tex]

Malabo yung pic

23. DO’s and DON’Ts in cleaning your personal computer.


Tnx sa points sana makatulong paako sa inyo bigay mo bayan kasi nonsense question mo ehhh

24. a Learning Task 5: Complete the table on the effects of a healthy community to ts people. Do this on your answer sheet..​

Hindi ko po maintindihan po saan po yung answer

I cant see where is the question is so i am sorry i

25. the perimeter P of a square is diectly proportion to ts side s.



[tex]P = ks[/tex]

where k is the constant of variation.

Learn more about direct variation:


26. -Explain when should a communicator speak and when should he/she listen. ..Explain how important one must be a good communicator & listener. 3. ARE YOU A GOOD LISTENER? Explain 2 ts​


Explain when should a communicator speak and when should he/she listen. ..Explain how important one must be a good communicator & listener. 3. ARE YOU A GOOD LISTENER? Explain 2 ts​


27. what are the dos and don,ts in using a light dimmer​


Do Purchase ‘Dimmable’ LED Lights

It may sound obvious, but it is a common misconception that any LED light can be dimmed. The truth is that the driver circuitry must be designed to support dimming. This makes it necessary to choose lights that come with manufacturer specifications, saying ‘dimmable’.

However, due to the lack of industry standards for dimmable LEDs, a variety of approaches by lamp manufacturers have been adopted to offer dimming options.

Do Read the Specifications

A large number of prominent advancements have been made in the LED sector. LEDs today are able to achieve far better lumens per watt. This is also true in the case of halogen mimicking warm white lamps that involve compromising on the total output to create an incandescent hue.

You won’t want to connect a dimmer if the LED is already dimmed enough as it won’t be of much use. Instead, go for LEDs that are inherently made bright as this will give you a broader dimming range.

Don’t Use Just Any Dimmer

Standard dimmers are more likely to cause flickering, strobing, and even early LED failure. They are often not designed to work with just any LED light. Using standard dimmers will not just damage the LED light but will also result in a poor user experience.

Don’t Buy LEDs Before Buying A Dimmer

Dimmers that are designed specifically for LED lighting have maximum and minimum load capabilities. Make sure that you design your LED installations so that you don’t exceed the maximum load limit. An easy way to handle load distribution is by distributing it across two or more dimmers, depending on your needs. It is a good idea to first purchase dimmers and later invest in the right LED Lights.


Don't Use Just Any Dimmer

Standard dimmers are more likely to cause

flickering, strobing,and even early LED failure.

They are often not designed to work with just

any LED light.Using standard dimmers will not

just damage the LED light but will also result in a

poor user experience.


#Hope it helps

28. ts is a reading strategy that require the reader to read partsof the tex only​


im not sure, but I think it's skimming

29. jjgvyfd do dydditizrziftchpvhvvyd ts


nasan po yung questions?

30. Give Don 'ts of public speeking​


is meaning of life is false liquid to get know about the status on my heart is a shoulder is still in a metal roof of mouth is still in a metal roof is a shoulder to lean in my life with this one and it will be there in health related with the kids in a bit and get know better then I will have you have a very nice time with the family with putting in the work and the gym now so that it doesn't matter if it's a good body is not make the following is a shoulder to shoulder and back room with this mail please check and revert on your way back can be there by your office and you are not make the statement for leon bridges of working in my car so you know I'm simply a metal detector is false liquid diet for two days to voltage regulator to be soldiers I like it a correction in a bit to voltage regulator the dry food prevention is false liquid diet is false liquid diet and time and dating



pa brainliest

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