Marksmanship Principles

Marksmanship Principles

what is the difference between army marksmanship training and police marksmanship training?

Daftar Isi

1. what is the difference between army marksmanship training and police marksmanship training?


not desame training


the pulis and army is a same training

2. what is the difference between army marksmanship training and police marksmanship training​

Answer: The police schooling for 5 years and a degree Holder. And the army has 6 months training only.

3. what is marksmanship​


a person who is skilled in shooting at a mark; a person who shoots well.



the lowest rating in rifle marksmanship, below that of sharpshooter and expert.

a person who has achieved such a rating.



4. summary of fundamental marksmanship​


The four fundamentals of M203 marksmanship are steady position, aiming, breathing, and trigger control. When the soldier changes his position, only the first fundamental (steady position) varies. The other three remain the same.

5. what is marksmanship training​

Army basic marksmanship training consists of three phases. ... Just passing the marksmanship training course will earn you an Army marksmanship badge. You must hit 23 to 29 out of the 40 targets in order to earn the marksmanship qualification. If you do a little better (30 to 35), you qualify for the sharpshooter badge.


6. What are the purposes of marksmanship training?​


The purpose of marksmanship training is to provide proper information and instruction so you can become a safe and effective shooter.


thanks me later

7. what are the fundamental of marksmanship?​


The four fundamentals of marksmanship are the combined elements that soldiers must understand and use when entering the firing line.

What exactly are those four fundamentals? They are:

Steady position


Breath control

Trigger squeeze

8. 1.       Why is marksmanship considered an art? ​


To provide jelousely if the person who won in art contest :>


Answer: provided its practical applications are tested in contests, and as long as you define martial arts as the art and practice of training and fighting with or without weapons, with the aim of efficient use of the method for survival or military purposes.

In other words, martial arts are traditionally about fighting methods, and whatever are considered the best methods at the time are those practiced most widely. If longbows and brush axes (billhooks) are considered the most efficient, then people practice their use, and they are obviously practicing martial arts. If at the same time the monied classes consider skilled horsemanship with the lance, plus sword and shield or mace and shield, in armour, to be the most efficient method of attack and defence on the battlefield, and sword and dagger when out of armour; then their practice will be the current martial arts for that class of person at that point in time.

If rifles displace bows, then their practice and use is the current martial art.

It is only in the last 100 or 150 years at most that we have begun to consider training in something without purely practical uses, and with an enormous amount of rituals; or something that was only of martial value 300 years ago, as being a martial art. This attitude would have produced amazement in the past, when a martial art was something people trained in for fighting, and tested in tournaments, since it was a matter of life or death for them, survival for their community, and the defence of their country from invaders. Martial arts were what kept them alive.

It’s a very recent thing to consider something that is old or has a significant quantity of formalities and rites and no practical testing mode to be a martial art.

I’m not familiar with the full history of this in SE Asia, where the idea of training for training’s sake rather than for fighting efficiency comes from, but perhaps it started when the Emperor of Japan banned the wearing of swords. This caused the training to become a -do form instead of a -jutsu form (-jutsu methods were for fighting, -do forms are for training without fighting).

If it is efficient for fighting, in a given era, it is a martial art - by definition. It might not have any documented syllabus or official training path or official grades or fancy titles, but because it’s practiced for fighting, at the time, then it is a martial art - QED.

Of course, it may not be anything like the modern idea of martial arts, or conducted in any way like them: a pseudo-traditional concept with more formalities than fighting; but the modern application of the term ‘martial art’ to things that have less practical uses and more in the way of ceremonies and dogma is a fashion - no more, no less. It is a very modern idea. The tradition was completely and utterly the opposite: it was all about fighting, and the use of the best fighting methods for that time and place, tested realistically.

There is a strange feature of modern life which allows something essentially only 75 years old or so to be called ‘traditional’; perhaps it is simply an indicator of our very limited perspective these days, where fashions and technology come and go within a few years. A tape player is today seen as ancient, never mind an 8-track cartridge player; a floppy disk as something granddad might know about. We have a short-term, telescoped view of life these days.

Martial arts were always practical fighting methods, tested and improved in tournaments, which were realistic enough that people died. The concept that a martial art can be trained or improved without realistic testing did not exist until recently. Guns make that a bit more difficult for tournaments as everybody dies, which is not an efficient way to compete, test and improve - some other way of training their practical use has to be used.


9. Marksman and Marksmanship Different​


yes they have different letter and word on them

10. what is the preparatory Marksmanship training​


Preparatory marksmanship training teaches essential skills and develops fixed and correct habits of marksmanship before range practice begins. ... Marksmanship and firing explained herein cover both subcaliber and field firing.

11. what is marksmanship training in your own understanding​

Answer: The marksmanship training and firearms safety course is a 6-week, coached range class intended to improve overall marksmanship by perfecting the fundamentals of handgun shooting. This course will focus on increasing precision of semi-automatic handgun skills, including drawing from the holster, shooting one-handed, and engagement in training drills and exercises. Focus will be on firearm safety throughout the 6 week program. Personally owned handguns are allowed, no revolvers. Lead-free ammunition for 9mm, .40 and .45 caliber will be provided.

12. What is Marksmanship?​


Marksmanship is a person who is skilled in precision shooting using projectile weapons


What is the Marksmanship?

Marksmanship describe a persons ability to shoot a firearm accurately.

13. why do you need marksmanship?


For people or the readers to easily identify your work

14. what does negative and positive correction on marksmanship​


What is Markmanship?

Marksmanship describes a person’s ability to shoot a firearm accurately. The purpose of its training is to provide proper information and instruction so you can become a safe and effective shooter. Good shooting, whether on the firing range or in combat, depends upon the application of basic marksmanship principles.

Negative and Positive Correction

Understand and be able to follow the basic marksmanship principles summarised by position, sight picture, breathing, trigger pressure and follow through. Know your ability to group shots in different circumstances, in particular when shooting after exertion, from different positions and at different ranges. Only take shots that are within your capability. Know at what distance your rifle is zeroed, and where your shots will fall at other distances. Estimate the range as accurately as possible. Use a range-finder or take advice if available.

To read and learn more about this topic, you may click the following links below : #BRAINLYFAST

Principal Division of Criminology : is the essence of criminology? :

15. what is you're expectation to our subject fundemental marksmanship​


Good marksmanship means you can hit your target accurately and consistently. It is the foundation that all responsible and ethical hunters rely upon. When hunting, your accurate shooting skills will insure a clean kill by a good shot to the vital areas.

16. What are your expectations about the course Fundamentals of Marksmanship?​


Marksmanship describes a person's ability to shoot a firearm accurately. ... Basic marksmanship principles; Limitations of environmental factors, such as weather; Personal limitations which change depending on physical exertion and environmental conditions.

17. What is pistol marksmanship?​


The more common parts include the barrel, magazine, hand guard, pistol grip, trigger and the trigger guard.



Firearms can comprise hundreds of parts and components. The more common parts include the barrel, magazine, hand guard, pistol grip, trigger and the trigger guard.



Good marksmanship training is an important criminology​ course because A fair amount of knowledge, skill, and experience is required to become a successful criminologist. One of the essential skills is good marksmanship, which is accurately and consistently hitting the target where planned. The essence of good marksmanship is self-control, and self-control is the essence of good citizenship. It is too easy to say that a good shot is automatically a good man, but it would be equally incorrect to ignore the connection. Good marksmanship means you can hit your target accurately and consistently. It is the foundation that all responsible and sometimes ethical hunters rely upon.


Hope It Helps

19. what is the goal of marksmanship explain briefly​


A fair amount of knowledge, skill, and experience is required to become a successful hunter. One of the essential skills is good marksmanship, which is accurately and consistently hitting the target where planned. When hunting, accuracy is critical for a clean kill.


#carry in learning

20. why do we need marksmanship training​


Because The purpose of marksmanship training is to provide proper information and instruction so you can become a safe and effective shooter. ... These principles are interrelated and must be practiced each time you fire a shot so you achieve effective results.


sana makatulong

21. reaction paper about fundamental of marksmanship introduction​

Answer:hope it helps?


TSP Number / Title|805-W-0053 / Advanced Rifle Marksmanship 4 (Reflexive Fire - Day & Night)|

Effective Date |01 Aug 2009 |

Supersedes TSP(s) / Lesson(s) |This Training Support Package (TSP) supersedes all previous versions of this TSP.|

TSP Users |All units conducting Warrior Transition Course. |

Proponent |The proponent for this document is the U.S. Army Basic Combat Training Center of Excellence. |

Improvement Comments |Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028, Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms. Completed forms, or equivalent response, will be mailed or attached to electronic e-mail and transmitted to: Director Basic Combat Training Doctrine and Training Development ATTN: Drill Sergeant Proponent USATC&FJ 4325 Jackson Blvd Fort Jackson, SC 29207- Telephone (Comm): (803) 751-6511 Telephone (DSN): 734-6511 e-mail:|

Security Clearance / Access | Unclassified |

Foreign Disclosure Restrictions|FD6. This product/publication has been reviewed by the product developers in coordination with the US Infantry School foreign disclosure authority. This product is releasable to students from foreign countries on a case-by-case basis.|

22. What are the purpose of marksmanship?​

community. Being environmental friendly is at the top of all. Being good to environment makes community a better, safe place to live. Other ways of promoting safe and health in our community is being planned and organized; being organized prevents misunderstanding that makes a community safe from any fights. Having a responsible and caring leader is also an instrument of having healthy and safe community; leaders improves the rules and keep on promoting good health for many people. All of the ways i listed are the ways i have drawn in my poster. The promotion of safety and health in our community is necessary because it will construct our life

23. Why marksmanship considered as an art?


Marksmanship, the ability to accurately shoot a firearm or projectile weapon, can be considered an art due to the skill, practice, and discipline required to master it. Like many traditional arts, marksmanship involves honing techniques through repetitive practice, aiming for precision and control, and maintaining a connection between the shooter and the weapon.


Marksmanship is considered an art because it involves a combination of physical skill, mental discipline, and aesthetic expression. The mastery of marksmanship requires a high level of precision, control, and focus, which are all qualities that are also associated with the arts.

In addition, marksmanship often involves the use of specialized equipment such as firearms, bows, or other projectile weapons. Like many other tools used in the arts, these instruments require careful handling and precise manipulation to achieve the desired results.

Moreover, marksmanship can also be a form of self-expression and creativity, where the shooter can showcase their individual style and technique. Just as a painter or sculptor may use their medium to convey their unique vision, a skilled marksman can use their weapon to express their own personal style and flair.

Overall, marksmanship requires a combination of physical skill, mental discipline, and artistic expression, making it an art form in its own right.

24. differentiate marksmanship from combat shooting


Marksmanship is the skill of accurately shooting a firearm at a target. Combat shooting is the application of marksmanship skills in a tactical environment, such as a battlefield or a self-defense situation. Combat shooting involves a much more dynamic environment than marksmanship, and requires a much greater degree of tactical awareness.

25. explain what is marksmanship training​


thanks as point

huy beshy di kota tinatambangan ha baka sabibihin mo un

26. what is Pistol marksmanship?​


Marksmanship training is divided into two phases: preparatory marksmanship training and range firing. Each phase may be divided into separate instructional steps. All marksmanship training must be progressive. Combat marksmanship techniques should be practiced after the basics have been mastered.

27. what is marksmanship training​


The marksmanship training and firearms safety course is a 6-week, coached range class intended to improve overall marksmanship by perfecting the fundamentals of handgun shooting. This course will focus on increasing precision of semi-automatic handgun skills, including drawing from the holster, shooting one-handed, and engagement in training drills and exercises. Focus will be on firearm safety throughout the 6 week program.

28. Enumerate the Four (4) Ingredients of Marksmanship and explain each importance?​


it is pertaining to the production,distribution,and use of income,wealth and commodities

29. why is marksmanship training familiarization is important?​


It is important that you are able to identify and safely handle these weapons so that you may effectively communicate and work with other members of the group. ... This safety catch will prevent accidental discharges and other problematic events.

30. why is good marksmanship training is important to your course criminology​


Good marksmanship training is an important criminology​ course because A fair amount of knowledge, skill, and experience is required to become a successful criminologist. One of the essential skills is good marksmanship, which is accurately and consistently hitting the target where planned. The essence of good marksmanship is self-control, and self-control is the essence of good citizenship. It is too easy to say that a good shot is automatically a good man, but it would be equally incorrect to ignore the connection. Good marksmanship means you can hit your target accurately and consistently. It is the foundation that all responsible and sometimes ethical hunters rely upon.

To read and learn more about this topic, you may click the following links below : #BRAINLYFAST

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