Plot Of The Story The Aged Mother

Plot Of The Story The Aged Mother


Daftar Isi



Plot is a literary term which refers to the main events of the story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a sequence. The structure the story depends on the organization of events in the plot of the story. The author or writer often organized the events in the story that will be easier for the readers to understand.

Definition of plot:

Elements of a Plot: exposition conflict rising action climax falling action resolution

Elements of a plot:


The Story of the Aged Mother: A Japanese Folktale by: Matsuo Basho


The story begins with a brief description of the main characters: the farmer and his widowed, aged mother. They are poor yet they own a piece of land where they normally get their food. Their house is filled with happiness and peace. However, their happiness and peace is threatened by the governor’s decree. The governor of Shinano, a despotic leader who wanted to remove aging people by death sentence gave the farmer his anxiousness.  


The conflict begins when the farmer learned that the governor of Shinano had made a decree that all aging people will be put to death. Because the poor farmer loved his mother so much, he decided to hide her on the mountain. He carried his mother on his back and went their way on the mountain without minding the difficulty of getting there safe and sound.  

Rising Action:

The rising action of the story happened when the son was about to leave his mother on the mountain together with all her provisions. The mother was saying goodbye to her son and telling him that in order to go back to their house, he should look for the traces which she have left while they are walking towards the mountain. She said that he should look for the piles of twigs which she earnestly made while his son is carrying her on his back.


The poor farmer after hearing what his mother have said immediately changed his mind and decided not to leave her mother alone in the mountain. He again carried her on his back and went back to their house. He hid his mother on a walled closet beneath the kitchen and gives her everything she needed. Time had passed and they were able to live safely until the governor again made a decree that the people of Shinano should make a rope of ashes for him. The mother teaches her son how to do what the governor pleases. He gathered the people together and told them exactly what his mother taught him.

Falling Action:

The governor was very pleased with the rope of whitehead ashes upon the stones. He conversed with the poor farmer and asked him where he obtained his wisdom. He told the governor that it was his mother who has taught him. The governor then realized that Shinano also needs the wisdom of the elderly.  


On that particular hour, the governor had abolished the decree that eradicates aging people. He gave them freedom to live and restores their peace.

The Story of the Aged Mother:

2. what is plot of the story of the aged mother?


This Japanese folktale tells the story of an unkind ruler who issues cruel orders, including one demand that all old folks are to be abandoned and left to die. Matsuo Basho tells a poignant story about a mother and her son and their love for one another.

3. what is the plot of the middle of the story aged mother​


MIDDLE: One day, the ruler wanted to boast his power and ordered anyone, even his wisemen, to make a “rope of ashes”, which the son did with the help of his mother's wisdom by making a rope of twisted straw and burn the rope stretched on a row of flat stones on one windless night.

4. read the japanese folktale "the story of the aged mother" by matsuo basho and then do this activity in a piece of your creativity and artistic side. Characters(name and traits)- Setting(when and where)- Problem or Conflict(something the MC "main character" has to solve)- Plot(major events and key actions that contribute to the story)- Resolution/Ending(How the conflict gets solved)-​


The setting of the story happened at the foot of the mountain in Shinano, a province in Japan where the mother and her son live.

5. Below are statements about sound devices and figurative language. If it states a fact, write F. But if. does not, write X 16. Irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite. 17. Simile is a comparison bet unlike objects that have something in common. It uses the words as and like in comparing 18. Metaphor is the shortened form of metamorphosis. 19. Alliteration is the repetition of the initial consonant sound in two or more neighboring words or syllables. Choose the word or phrase that does not belong to the category given. 20. Elements of a story: A. character B. plot C. personification D. setting 21. Idiomatic Expressions A. apple of the eye B. spilled the beans C. raining cats and dogs D. My country, Philippines 22. Convention of film A. idioms B. acting C. directing D. characterization 23. Dialog A. exchange of words B. written conversation B. singing D. spoken conversation 24. Focus in analyzing characters in print and non-print texts A. age and gender B. nationality C. attire and make-up C. attitude and behaviour 25. Verbs in past tense A. walked B.joined. C. teached D. taught Choose the statement that best applies the concept presented: 26. Rhyme: A. I wonder why the moon is bright: I wonder where it gets its light. B. The moon smiles at me. C. Tonight will be the full moon. D. the moon and the stars are shining up in the sky 27. Onomatopoeia: A. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. B. The chirp, chirp, chirp of the wounded bird broke the silence. C. May lays near the bay and stays awake. D. Her lips are as red as blood. 28. Setting: A. Nena, the second child of Mang Tomas went to the town to meet her cousin, Julia B. She met five fierce-looking men. She wanted to shout for help but she became tongue because of fear. C. It was a clear, moonless night. The place was so quiet. Not a sound can be heard aside from the splash of waves. D. She shouted so loud as the men went near her. She became helpless until she heard the siren of the police car. 29. Using context clues to tell the meaning of Idiomatic expressions:A. My best friend is so chicken B. Don't be so chicken. There's nothing to be afraid of C. His mother said he is so chicken. D. He and his brother are both so chicken 30. Stages of blocking scenes: A. determine where the actors will be B. Start the dialog at once when the C. Cameras are always ready, Ne D. Actors may rest after maki (thank you )​


16. F

17. X

18. F

19. F

20. A

21. D

22. A

23. B

24. C

25. D

26. A

27. C

28. A

29. B

30. C


yan lang kaya ko po sorry talaga

6. What is the plot/incidents of The Story of the Aged Mother


Plot Summary The Story of the Aged Mother by Matsuo Basho is a story in which a son and his mothers pain in their battle against the decree of putting aged people to death. The story started at the foot of the mountain where a poor farmer lived with his aged mother.


Hope it's help#Carry on learningKeep safe

7. II. Multiple Choice: Choose the plotted excerpts or lines from Carlos bulosasituations influenced and reflected his ways of writings. Write your answer before the number.CARLOS BULOSAN'S ...... Lines/ Excerpts from his storyA. The rich man's children became thin and anemic, pale and sad. The rich man started to cough at nighcoughed day and night. His wife begancoughing too. Then the children started to cough one after the other. At night their coughing soundedof a herd of sealsB. When I was four, I lived with my mother and brothers and sisters in a small town on the island of Luzofather has small farm.C. The rich man's servants were always frying and cooking something good, and the aroma of the fooddown to us from the windows of thebig house. We hung about and took all the wonderful smell of the food into our beingsD. Father's farm had been destroyed in 1918 by one of our sudden Philippine floods. So for several yeaWe all lived in the town, though hepreferred living in the country.E. His other novels include The Laughter of My Father which were originally published as short sketcheposthumously published....Life situations that influenced and reflected his way of writings.1. Most of his youth was spent in the countryside as a farmer2. His family were economically impoverished by the rich and political elite,3. In 1936, Bulosan suffered from tuberculosis and was taken to the hospital. There, he underweand spent two years mostly in the ward4. He left for America on at age 17, in the hope of finding salvation from the economic depressia5. His other quality was an obstinate quality who laughs at adversities being resilient as a persoFrom your answers in numbers 1-5, identify what kind of influences do they belong. Choose your ans00Ole 12​




c ung tamamg sagot . for me

8. 1.where and when did the story happen2. who are the characters in the story 3.what is the highest point in the story 4. PLOT/development of the conflict what 5.was the problem in the story6.what is the solution of the problem 7.what does the story ends (THE AGED MOTHER)​


Ano po ang story


Sorry wla pong story

9. Day 1 ACTIVITY 1: Answer the following guide questions, then rewrite or restructure your answers to come up with ONE PARAGRAPH ANSWER. Formalist Approach The aged mother 1. Who are the characters? 2. Where did the story take place? Describe the setting. 3. What is the man theme of the story? 4. Whose point of view was evident in the narration? 5. Tell the PLOT of the story. 6. Is there a relationship between the beginning and the end of the story? 7. How does the author create tone and mood? What relationship is there between tone and mood and the effect of the story? 8. How do the various elements interact to create a unified whole?


Sila ay mag kaibigan at nag katuloyan

10. what is the plot,conflict and theme of the story of the aged mother?​


What is the conflict in the story of The Aged Mother? The farmer is ordered to abandon his beloved mother to die becauseshe is old and weak.


sana makatulong

11. what is the first , middle , and end plot of the story "the aged mother?​


Plot Summary

“The Story of the Aged Mother” by Matsuo Basho is a story in which a son andhis mother’s pain in their battle against the decree of putting aged people to death. The

story started at the foot of the mountain where a poor farmer lived with his agedmother. Their place was governed by an absolute leader who sent the decree of killingaged people in that place. That time, killing aged people was not common. When thepoor farmer heard the decree he felt sorrow in his heart, since then he prepared anescape. Just as his work ended, he cooked food, wrapped it in a small piece of cloth andtied it in his neck together with cool and sweet water. Then, he carried his mother on hisback and started walking towards the summit of Obatsayuma, the mountain of the

“abandoning of aged”. On their way to the summit, the helpless mother noticed the

dangerous path and thought that her son doesn't know the paths and might passthrough danger so she reached for twigs, snapped them to pieces and quietly droppedthem until they reached the summit. The poor farmer released his mother and created acomfortable cushion and said his farewell. Before he left her, she told him about thepath she made, and then the farmer realized that they need to face the decree togetherso he carried his mother again on his back and stated walking back. When they arrivedback, he told the emperor his story and the emperor listened to his story and abolishedthe decree.

12. DIRECTIONS: In this activity, you have to identify the plot structure of the story “Sinigang”. Write A for exposition; B for rising action; C for climax; D for falling action; and E for resolution. Write the letter before number.____1. “Did you meet…her?” Tita Loleng asked. ____2. The woman looked to me like she was in her forties—the same age as my mother. ____3. The woman, upon seeing my curious stare, had explained, “I am Sylvia.” ____4. I finally turned to him. There was only one question I needed to ask. “Why?” ____5. I wanted to scream at her to let go but I did not move away. ____6. All my muscles tensed upon hearing her name. It took all my self-control to outwardly remain calm and simply raise an eyebrow. ____7. When my Dad had come out of the room, I remembered sensing it immediately— the same way an animal instinctively perceives when it is in danger. ____8. When her weeping had subsided, she raised her head and looked at me. “Everyone makes mistakes, Liza.” Her eyes begged for understanding. ____9. I continued to pick out tomatoes for the sinigang we were to have for dinner. I wasn’t usually the one who assisted my aunt with the cooking. ____10. “I’m sorry,” he had told me.​


1.) b 2.) b 3.) a 4.) c 5.) d 6.) c 7.) b 8.) a 9.) a 10.) c ayun po

13. 2. Description with Limits. Describe at least 4 persons in your household but limit the number of your words based on the age of eachNperson For example grandmother- 71years old, mother-48 y.o, sister -18 y.o and youngest brother 7-y.o.3. Describe a first. eg. first day in Senior high, first cellphone, first love, etc. 100 -word ssay will do.4. AlphabetWrite a story with (character,, plot, setting) that is 26 -sentence-long . Begin your story with letter A and ends with letter Z. 5. Write a 150 -word essay on any of these topics.(Choose only 1)a. Write something you got for freeb. Write about moving on.c. Is there anything you regret?d. Write about something you lost.​

Question: Child Bullying Answer

14. read the japanese folktale "the story of the aged mother" by matsuo basho and then do this activity in a piece of your creativity and artistic side.Characters(name and traits)-Setting(when and where)-Problem or Conflict(something the MC "main character" has to solve)-Plot(major events and key actions that contribute to the story)-Resolution/Ending(How the conflict gets solved)-​




@Bienvenid:anchor me?☁☁☀☁☁


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/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ @Bienvenid:anchor me?☁☁☀☁☁


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/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hope you understand heheh


@Bienvenid:anchor me?☁☁☀☁☁


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