Additive Sculpture

Additive Sculpture

The big paper machè is considered as_____ Sculpture.A. SculptureB. AdditivesC. SubtractiveD. Assemblage/ Additive/ Sculpture​

Daftar Isi

1. The big paper machè is considered as_____ Sculpture.A. SculptureB. AdditivesC. SubtractiveD. Assemblage/ Additive/ Sculpture​

angela godz pala to btw A ko dyan.

2. The big papier machè is considered as ________________ sculpture. A. Additive sculpture B. Manipulative Sculpture C. Subtractive Sculpture


A.Additive sculpture


Hope it helps.

3. 5 example of additive sculpture process​



Subtractive Sculpture

Additive Sculpture

Kenetic Sculpture


yan lang po alam ko sana makatulong:)

4. They didn't endeavor to contend with the detached Greek works of history or folkloreA. roman sculpturesB.greek sculpturesC.Byzantine sculpturesD.romanesque sculptures ​




because i am a roman catholic

5. it is an additive process where in material like clay is added to form the desired sculpture ​




Casting is an additive process. Modeling: Modeled sculptures are created when a soft or malleable material (such as clay) is built up (sometimes over an armature) and shaped to create a form. Modeling is an additive process.

6. what is the sculpture of bul'ul?what is the sculpture of higantes? what is the sculpture of wood panel​


what is the sculpture of bul'ul?what is the sculpture of higantes? what is the sculpture of wood panel

Bul ul-also known as bul ul or tinanggu,is a carved wooden figure used to guard the rice crop by the Ifugao people of northern luzon

Higantes-The Higantes Festival is a local festival held annualy in angono rizal Phllippines where hundreds of giant

Wood panel-waincosting is a broader term reffering to decorative paneling used for centuries



7. 9. What technique in sculpture which means to bring materials together?A. AdditiveB. DivisiveC. MultiplicativeD. Subtractive​


A Additive

your welcome


A. Addictive


Sculptors use additive and subtractive techniques to create sculptures. Additive means to bring materials together, while subtractive means to take away from the base material.

8. what type of sculpture is created by adding or attaching media on to the sculpture?a. additive b. subtractrive c. landscape​

a. additive Is the answer


A. Additive

Sana makatulong

9. sculpture emerged in the western classical art traditions. what is the basic style of carving were used in the sculpture during this period A. additive B. subtractive C. relief D. all of these​


D. all of these


ito ang aking answer!!!

10. Byzantine Sculpture Specific Sculpture ?​


What is the specific sculpture of Byzantine?

Little sculpture was produced in the Byzantine Empire. The most frequent use of sculpture was in small relief carvings in ivory, used for book covers, reliquary boxes, and similar objects. Other miniature arts, embroidery, goldwork, and enamel work, flourished in the sophisticated and wealthy society of Constantinople.


What is the example of Byzantine sculpture?

Perhaps the best known example of Byzantine art is a tenth-century mosaic of the Virgin Mary in the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul that demonstrates the stylized forms, sharp contours, flat fields of color, and gold mosaic the period is known for.

11. it is an additive that uses or any maerial use for adhesion to put together all material .a sculpture​




Assembling is the easiest yet very creative technique where in different materials (found, recycled, indigenous, etc.)


12. which material can be used for additive sculpture​


Additive techniques include modeling and assemblage. Materials typically used for additive processes include clay, wax, and plasticine.

the materials usually used for additive sculpture is clay and wax but subtractive processes of that include wood,plaster,and marble

13. This architecture was the most elaborate of all the periods of sculpture history. Select one: a. Gothic sculpture b. Renaissance sculpture c. Racoco sculpture d. Baroque sculpture

This architecture was the most elaborate of all the periods of sculpture history. Select one: a. Gothic sculpture b. Renaissance sculpture c. Racoco sculpture d. Baroque sculpture

The answer is letter b. Renaissance sculpture. Here are the explanation.

Any chronological account of three-dimensional art's history and development will  adequately occupy many volumes, if not an entire library of books.  Compressing it into a single page means  it ultimately omits much of the plot.  Even so, the  story is still perfect!  From Prehistory to Classical Antiquity, the Gothic age, the Renaissance to the 21st century, the history of sculpture is packed with  exceptional-but unfortunately unknown-artists whose visual expressiveness remains with us in the form of magnificent marble sculptures, stone reliefs and everlasting bronzes.

Even today, visit any cathedral or any of the world's major cities, squares  or buildings and you're sure to see some fantastic examples of 3-D art.

For more information visit this link:


14. Which of the following is NOT belong to Medieval Period?a. Romanesque Sculpturesc. Greek Sculptureb. Gothic Sculpturesd. Byzantine Sculptures​


a.Romanesque sculptures


i'm not sure

15. what is the deferent of the sculpture from each era between the roman sculpture,byzantine sculpture and romanesque sculpture​


Romanesque Sculpture

Sculpture from the Romanesque period saw advances in metalwork, enamels, and figurative friezes and scenes found in architecture.

16. it is additive process that uses adhesive or any material used for adhesion to put together all materials to form a sculpture

Answer:municipal art


17. It is an additive process where in material like Clay is added to form desired sculpture

Answer:[tex] \LARGE \blue{ \boxed{ \purple{ \sf{Casting}}}}[/tex]

Casting is an additive process where in material like clay is added to form desired sculpture.

18. 2. Which among the subject matter in photography do you find the most interesting? Why? 3. Why is carving difficult to process? 4. What were the themes of sculptured works in modern times? 5. What is the best additive technique of sculpture in your opinion? Explain.​


1 mga natatandaan ko ay meter stick Ang meter stick ay panukat Ng mga bagay masmalaki Kay sa sa piraso Ng papel

19. It is a kind of sculpture that uses material that can be added or removed.a. reliefb. contemporaryc. additive or subtractived. traditionalplssss answer this ipapasa napo to bukas, I'm not joking.​


Additive sculpting processes involve adding materials to “build up” the sculpture, where subtractive processes rely on the removal of the material to “reveal” the sculpture. Additive techniques include modeling and assemblage. Materials typically used for additive processes include clay, wax, and plasticine.


hope it helps po

It is a kind of sculpture that uses material that can be added or removed.

a. relief

b. contemporary

c. additive or subtractive

d. traditional

20. 19. Which two (2) artworks are products of additive sculpture? 20. Which two (2) artworks are products of subtractive sculpture?​


19. B



tama po ba

21. what is the similarities of ancient sculpture, classical sculpture and medieval sculpture?​


Among the main similarities between Classical and Medieval Sculpture is their shared figurative focus as well as their respectively divinity grounded content. Both also focus upon the idealization of certain concepts and respective philosophies within allegorical idioms, the triumph of the spirit and intellect over humankind’s bestial nature.

Both truly Classical sculpture and Medieval sculpture there is a shared and intentional stylization of human form, a sort of transcendence from the earthly toward the ideal, the perfect and ethereal world of the Heavenly. In classical sculpture there was a sort of rigid dispassionate quality and perfection, while in the Medieval there was a stylization as well, as those the human forms of both periods were becoming more divine i.e. (G)od-like and relinquishing their earthly bodies.

22. 00Additional ActivitiesTo know how much you have learned from the discussion about thepaintings of the Early Age, fill in the blank with the characteristics andfunctions that would best describe the sculpture in every cro/period.Period/ EraCharacteristicsBunctionsANCIENT SculpturePRE HISTORICEGYNTIANCLASSICALSCULPTURESGREEKROVANMEDIEVALSCULPTURESBYZANTINEROMANESOUE​




many color in our invironment


okey thats final amigos

23. Additive sculpting processes involve adding materials to "build up" the sculpture​

Additive Sculpting

Additive sculpting processes involve adding materials to “build up” the sculpture, where subtractive processes rely on the removal of the material to “reveal” the sculpture. Additive techniques include modeling and assemblage. Materials typically used for additive processes include clay, wax, and plasticine.

24. why do you think clay is the best material for additive sculpture?​


Clay is a very popular material for additive sculpture because it is easy to shape and mold, and can be fired or cast in other materials.Jan 23, 2023

25. what is sculpture?what are the different sculptures in southeast asia?name of country sculpture​

sculpture, an artistic form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-dimensional art objects.

Garudas – Wat Phra Kaew, Bangkok.

Phra Achana – Wat Si Chum.

Phra Say.

Temples of Angkor.

Please Let There Be Peace – Chhim Sothy.

Planet – Singapore.

The Western tradition of sculpture began in ancient Greece, and Greece is widely seen as producing great masterpieces in the classical period. During the Middle Ages, Gothic sculpture represented the agonies and passions of the Christian faith.

26. specific sculpture of prehistoric sculpture ​


The oldest known Stone Age sculpture is the Venus of Berekhat Ram, found on the Golan Heights, which dates back to the Acheulean culture of the Lower Paleolithic. ... Surprisingly, the next oldest prehistoric sculpture is the Venus of Hohle Fels (38,000-33,000 BCE).

Venus of Berekhat Ram
Prehistoric. The Venus of Berekhat Ram, an anthropomorphic pebble found in northern Israel and dated to at least 230,000 years before present, is claimed to be the oldest known statuette.


The oldest known Stone Age sculpture is the Venus of Berekhat Ram, found on the Golan Heights, which dates back to the Acheulean culture of the Lower Paleolithic. ... Surprisingly, the next oldest PREHISTORIC SCULPTURE is the Venus of Hohle Fels (38,000-33,000 BCE).

27. LEARNING TASK 2 (see attachment for additional reference) Direction: Describe the sculptures below and write down your feelings about the artwork.​


mag aral Ng mabuti Hindi ganyan nag s search

Hope this help!!


28. viewed as a distinctive art, an early type of mixed- media rather than merely a sculptural enhancement. In addition to paint, the statue might also be adorned with precious materials.



Explanation: huli ka miki

29. what is the common design of Prehistoric Sculpture, Ancient Egyptian Sculpture, Classical Greek Sculpture, Classical Roman Sculpture, Byzantine Sculpture, Romanesque Sculpture , Gothic Sculpture


Art covers a period from the Stone Age through to around 10,000 BC.



Greek sculpture


not sure po hehe

30. What is the process relying on removing the material to reveal the sculpture? * additive assembled molded subtractive

The process relying on removing the material to reveal the sculpture is molded

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