My Career Information Worksheet College University

My Career Information Worksheet College University

my career information worksheet ​

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1. my career information worksheet ​


don't you upload a pic for answer?



2. Possible information topics My worksheet chart



3. My skills and experiences that can help me in choosing my career. If i can not go to college, I will choose ________ as my vocational course _______.


My skills and experiences that can help me in choosing my career.

If i can not go to college, I will choose Commercial Pilotas as my vocational course Training.






I hope its help =)

4. it is offered by private in public college universities​


Degree Program Offerings Many private colleges, such as liberal arts colleges, offer only a narrow range of academic majors from which to choose. Public universities, meanwhile, usually offer a much wider array of classes and degree programs.

5. enumerate all letters in alphabet now asap i need to answer this for my college exams in harvard university







6. what is your dream university/college ?


lasalle university po


that's my dream univ


UST, UP, ADMU or La Salle ! Pero UST talaga because I think it's a good school for my dream course, which is nursing.


Honestly, kahit isa lang sana maka-pasok ako! Kaso ang layo eh.. I don't know if my family will allow me to study there tho :<

7. application letter to a college or university​


yan po hope it helpsssssssss

8. How can media and information literacy be of help to me, to my strand and to my future career?​


To help you grow


It can hlep you to show your passion on what you love and so that you can do what you want to be in the future.

9. College and University Counseling​


what is your question po thanks

10. Example of college and university libraries ​

Types of Academic Libraries

College and University Libraries

Academic libraries are an important part of higher education institutions and usually serve two complementary purposes: to support the curriculum and to support faculty and student research. Although academic library positions vary depending on the mission and type of institution they serve, some common responsibilities include: managing projects, departments, and community relationships; providing instruction, reference, curriculum, research, and classroom support; and keeping up with trends and technological advancements in library and information science.

Community College Libraries

Libraries in two-year colleges (also known as community or junior colleges) occupy an interesting and important middle ground between libraries in universities and public libraries. Community college libraries can function as both research/student academic support hubs and community centers. Therefore, librarians in two-year colleges are often called upon to fill a variety of roles from collection development to reader advisory to circulation to reference and instruction. Community college libraries generally have smaller staffs, which also leads to the blurring of job distinctions as well as the opportunity to assume multiple roles. In addition, the community college setting requires consistent outreach efforts to engage the diverse student body, many of whom are part-time students participating in corporate, technical, and continuing education.

Vocational and Technical College Libraries

Libraries in vocational and technical colleges have a very different focus than that of community colleges, four-year colleges, or universities. Whereas the latter three support a very wide-ranging curriculum that includes both general and specialized studies, vocational and technical college libraries usually have a much narrower mandate. The students’ courses focus on various aspects of technical training offered by each school, and the library resources support both the technical training and often some additional basic business skills. Since students rarely engage in research for their courses (and instructors in general are not engaged in research), there is usually much less bibliographic instruction and research support activity. Instead, librarians for vocational and technical colleges may manage collections of standards and specifications, industry technical magazines, manuals, and a small group of more general business and career resources.

For-Profit College Libraries

For-profit colleges are colleges owned and operated by private, profit-focused companies. A wide variety of types of colleges fit within this category, such as some four-year online schools, local independent campus-based programs, schools that focus on a given profession (for example, nursing), and nationally-based colleges that may have both online programs and local “campuses” in major cities throughout the country, such as DeVry or Strayer Education. The level of support given to the library in for-profit institutions may vary widely, and is often a reflection of which is the higher priority: student success or investor profits. However, in a well-supported, reputable for-profit college, librarians’ responsibilities will be very similar to those in more traditional colleges: student and faculty research support, bibliographic instruction, support for course development, etc. The majority of students in for-profit college programs are working adults often juggling school and family responsibilities, and are sometimes unfamiliar with the processes and requirements of academic work. Consequently, as with community colleges, librarians may assume a much-appreciated coaching role in addition to their more traditional work activities.


sana makatulong

11. it is offered by private and public college and universities​


i think scholarships po :)

12. Make an Essay about your career choice in college​

is it important to make your own career choice rather than have a parent or someone make it for you?

what is the importance of the career choice?

how to achieve your career goal?

13. what career path are you aiming for after college?​


I want to achieve my dream proffesion.


why? because I study hard to finish my study so that I can pursue my dream proffesion.

14. is getting college degree important for a successful career?​




College graduates see 57 percent more job opportunities than non-graduates, and it is estimated that, by 2020, two-thirds of all jobs will require postsecondary education. A degree enables you to qualify for these additional opportunities and offers you more flexibility in where you choose to work.


yes thats right


u can direct work.

15. write on informative essay about a career in which you have an interest, ideally a career you hope. to have some day. My career is VET MED ​

Veterinary medicine, also known as vet med, is the branch of medicine that focuses on the health and well-being of animals. As an animal lover, I have always been interested in pursuing a career in vet med, and hope to one day become a veterinarian.

To become a veterinarian, one must complete a rigorous academic and practical training program. This typically involves obtaining a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from an accredited college or university, which can take between four to six years to complete. During this time, students learn about animal anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and diseases, as well as how to diagnose and treat a variety of animal ailments.

In addition to academic coursework, students must also gain hands-on experience working with animals. This can be achieved through internships, externships, or other practical training programs. Many veterinary schools also require students to complete a certain number of clinical hours, where they work under the supervision of licensed veterinarians in a variety of settings.

Once a student completes their DVM degree and passes the licensing exam in their state, they can begin practicing as a veterinarian. Veterinarians can work in a variety of settings, such as private clinics, animal hospitals, research facilities, zoos, and wildlife preserves. They may specialize in a particular area of vet med, such as small animal care, equine care, exotic animal care, or research.

One of the most rewarding aspects of a career in vet med is the opportunity to improve the lives of animals. Veterinarians play a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of animals, from routine check-ups and preventative care to emergency surgeries and advanced treatments for complex diseases. They also work closely with pet owners and animal caregivers to provide education and support, helping to strengthen the bond between humans and animals.

In conclusion, a career in vet med is a challenging and rewarding path for those who have a passion for animals and a desire to make a positive impact on the world. While it requires a significant investment of time, effort, and resources to become a licensed veterinarian, the rewards of working with animals and improving their health and well-being make it a highly fulfilling and satisfying career choice.

16. • To identify the different financial aid or scholarships offered by the government • To determine the different factors that affect in choosing a career • To know their courses and tuition fee range of different universities and colleges in NCR


Types of Scholarships

Academic Scholarships. ... Average Academic Performance Scholarships. ... Athletic Scholarships. ... Scholarships for Minorities. ... Scholarships for Women. ... Creative Scholarships. ... Unusual Scholarships. ... Community Service Scholarships.

Here are some of the top factors to consider when choosing a college.

Academic Majors Available. Affordable Cost of Attendance. Location, Location, Location. On-Campus Facilities & Amenities. Student Activities. Career Services. Do You Feel at Home on Campus?


17. Write an application letter to a college or university​


A college leave application letter is written by a student who will have a temporary absence in the course that he or she is currently studying due to valid reasons. A college admission application letter is used by a student who would like to apply for an academic slot for a specific course offered by a school.

18. example of my career information work sheet​






19. "My Chosen Career's Work Standards" Suggested Time Allotment: 40 minutes 1. On a blank sheet of paper, copy the worksheet below and write, "My Chosen Ca- reer's Work Standards" as its title. 2. Supply the needed details to complete the chart by writing your answers in the blank boxes. Career Choices What I have learned Option 1: Option 2: Option 3: My Chosen Career's Work Standards Worksheet Career Require- ments Work Standards Knowledge and Skills Needed Key Duties & Re- sponsibilities Does it match my present knowledge, abili- ties, skills and values?​


I appreciate your suggestion to complete the worksheet "My Chosen Career's Work Standards". I agree that this is an important exercise to help identify the career that best suits my knowledge, abilities, skills, and values. I will take the time to complete the worksheet and will let you know the results.

20. Why do you choose this college instead of the other college or universities? ​


“Why did you choose this university?”


I wanted to study with the best. You top the national rankings of universities, many top-class professors teach at your place, and I know that a degree from your university means something in the job interviews, and will open me doors to interesting places once I earn it. I have the grades to apply for a place at your med school, and see no reason why I should opt for the second best alternative. I hope you will give me a chance to prove my motivation and readiness for studies in an interview.Honestly speaking, I applied with you because I know I have a realistic chance to get in. I haven’t been the best student at high school, and it would be a waste of time sending my application to certain universities, which would not even bother reading it once they see my GPA. But I do not support such elitist institutions. At the end of the day, you will find some great teachers at every university, and I see no reason why I cannot learn the management at your place. What’s more, I like the mission statement of your school, the role you play in a local community, and would be proud to belong to your students.I’ve chosen your place for two main reasons. First one is the study program. I went through the curriculum for all four years, checked every subject, and I find your curriculum superior to other competing universities in the country. Second reason is your location. I know the city well, like it a lot, especially the surrounding nature, and I can imagine living there for the next few years at least.

21. arguing with parents over the choice of career or course in college?​


Course in college po muna wala ka pa nmn sa punto ng andun ka na sa point but JUST PRAY TO GOD



22. sensible question college/ university (interview) ​


Can you tell me about the mission and values of the institution?

The mission and values of an institution depend on the particular organization, and they are typically outlined on the institution's website or in their strategic plans. They may include statements on the institution's goals, vision, and purpose, as well as the core values that guide its decision-making and operations. Some examples of core values that institutions may have are excellence, integrity, diversity, and social responsibility.

23. Matrix of course offering in colleges and universities


The College Forward College Matrix is a list of colleges structured like a fact sheet or “college at a glance” for each college that you want to apply to. The matrix can help you stay organized in the research process.

Course Matrix refers to a document—usually written point form—outlining overall structure of a. course (also called a “storyboarding”). It is used to map out what content is to be included, how content is to be organized, what assessment tools are to be used, as well as how the various components relate to one another.


brainliest pls

24. describe college and university counseling​


Within this domain, counseling assists individuals in selecting an area of study, choosing a career, or clarifying attributes that facilitate or detract from their present work.

25. What are the different sources of information if you are going to find out about the college or university where you want to enroll in?


Radio, social media, friends,

26. career goal as a college student​

The Importance of College Goals. ...

Have a 3.0 GPA Upon Graduation. ...

Complete Your Bachelor's in Four Years. ...

Get Accepted into a Graduate Program. ...

Complete General Education Courses First. ...

Publish an Academic Paper Before Graduation. ...

Learn a New Language Studying Abroad. ...

Gain a Leadership Position.

27. Reflection: My Career ExplorationHow do you see yourself..Today as Grade 10 learnerAfter SHSAfter College​


Today as a Grade 10 learner , I see myself having a hard time answering my module .After SHS , I finished SHS because of my effort to study hard.After College , I graduated in my dream course , maked my family happy and have a nice job


..hope it helps ..pki double check and dagdagan mo din hha

28. What are the different sources of information if you are going to find out about the college or university where you want to enroll in? Please explain.


Top 5 Sources Students Use to Research Colleges

College Websites. From tuition and course lists to student testimonials and descriptions of student life, college websites are a great place to begin your research. ...

Online Student Reviews. ...

Direct Contact With Schools. ...

Students and Alumni. ...

Social Media.


Basically, a university is a degree-granting institution. The main difference between university and college is that a university offers graduate programs leading to master's or doctoral degrees. Universities are generally larger than colleges and offer a wider range of courses.

29. if given a chance where would you rather go to college in a university/college in singapore or in a university of the philippines why​


For me, if I would given a chance I rather go to university/college in Singapore, because it is a big opportunity to me not because I want to travel the world but because I want to experience everything in Singapore.

30. Discuss positive and negative changes in your university’s external and internal factors during your college career. Begin by listing new or emerging opportunities and threats. Then identify strength and weaknesses that have changed significantly during your college career. In light of the external and internal changes that were identified, discuss whether your university’s strategies need modifying. Are there new strategies that you would recommend? Make a list of recommendation and explain.​


may answer key bayan hehe

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