Filipino Epics

Filipino Epics

What is the Filipino epic

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1. What is the Filipino epic


Philippine epic poetry is the body of epic poetry in Philippine literature. Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes.


An epic is a long, narrative poem written about a hero and the hero's feats of bravery. Gilgamesh is an Assyrian epic (perhaps the oldest example) about a young Assyrian king who is sent on a quest by the gods. ... Beowulf is another example of epic poetry, and is considered the national epic for the British.

2. Is kalusan Filipino epic?

Answer: Kalusan is Filipino Epic Song

3. two surviving epic that filipinos should be proud? give some reflection / insight about the two Filipino epic in five sentences​











































































︎ (sent with fire effect)

4. Why do we have Filipino Epics?​


Philippine epics narrate the adventures of the hero in chronological order, many of them beginning with the hero's birth. ... The epics narrate the hero's life and adventures and end in happy endings. If the hero dies, he is brought back to life. In at least two epics, the hero brings his people to heaven.




5. what filipino cultures are shown in the epic biag ni lam-ang?​


'The Life of Lam-ang') is an epic story of the Ilocano people from the Ilocos region of the Philippines.


pa brain less po thank you in advance

6. How does the epic embody Filipino ideals?​


Philippine epic poetry is the body of epic poetry in Philippine literature. Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes. These epics are transmitted through oral tradition using a select group of singers and chanters.[1]: xiA study revealed that the Philippine folk epics, like those found in Asia, are often about a quest for a wife as well as the various ordeals linked to the founding of a family, hamlet, tribe or a kingdom.[2] The narratives would include voyages - on earth, sea, sky, and the underworld - to allow the hero or heroine to overcome the challenges faced. After their ordeals, the protagonists - through improvement of their personal qualities - would become ideals for their genders.[2]


pa brainliest po thank you

7. 1. What is the importance of reading Filipino epic stories?​


The Philippine epic stories allow us to get to know we came from, what we were like, before the colonizers. In order to understand the Filipino identity, we must look back at the musty pages of the past and see who we were, before we can find out who we are.

8. in Tagalog epics, give 4 deities that Filipino believe

Serious Answer: 1 lang diety ng mga Filipino, Christianity has only one God.

Sarcastic Answer: Pagkaputol ng paa, Pagkalabo ng paningin

9. what 10 Filipino's Epic Story ?

ibong adarna
indarapatra at sulayman
the dagoy
biag ni lam-ang

Biag ni Lam-ang, Ibalong, Darangen, Aliguyon, Hinilawod, The Maragtas Chronicles of Panay, Bidasari, Bantugan, Handyong

10. How do epic poetry reflect Filipino Culture?


it reflects Filipino culture as they are the most valuable sources of information with regards to the history of our forefathers their traditions belief. epics is part of our shared history and what bond us as a nation.

11. please help filipino epic


Sana matalino to all brainly I'm proud of you

12. how do epics reflect filipino culture​


epics reflect filipino culture as they are the most valuable sources of information with regards to the history of our forefathers their traditions beliefs. ideals and life values.

epics are part of our shared history and what bonds us as a nation. it is important to be able to look back at our nation's intangible heritage to give us perspective on to our collective identity and remind us. why we should move torward progress hand in hand.

13. for filipino studying are epics will contribute to​


An epic is a protracted poetic compositionfocalized upon a hero who has achieved many great triumphs in his life. Epics are based on established traditions which narrate the deeds of old heroic figures. They tell us the past of a group, religion or nation.

14. how do epics reflect filipino culture?​


by showing the amazing beliefs our ancestors showing there beliefs

15. denotation of the world will long remember the epic struggle that filipino


Denotation of " the world will long remember the epic struggle that the filipino and american soldiers put up in the junggle fastnesses and along the - 1723738

16. He is the "greatest Filipino epic poet writing in Spanish," in the Hispanic world.

The correct answer would actuallt be : DR . Jose rizal

17. how do epics reflects Filipino culture?​


Philippines from the late 1500s to the present. ... colonial administrators to nationalists and cultural heritage preservationists sought to make ... He wakes up again, stands up, and reflects.

18. What Filipino values shown in the epic of ibalon​


The Ibálong, also known as Handiong or Handyong, is a 60-stanza fragment of a Bicolano full-length folk epic of Bicol region of Philippines, based on the Indian Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata. The epic is said to have been narrated in verse form by a native poet called Kadunung.

It was passed on orally until it was presumably jotted down in its complete Bicol narrative by Fray Bernardino de Melendreras de la Trinidad. The Ibalong portrays deeds in heroic proportions, centering on white men or tawong-lipod who were warrior-heroes named, among others, Baltog, Handyong, and Bantong. They came from Boltavara, settling and ruling Bicolandia and its inhabitants. The epic is set in the land of Aslon and Ibalong. The mountains Asog, Masaraga, Isarog, and Lingyon were prominent features of the area.[1]

In its oldest known text, the folk epic does not have a title. Its oldest existing account is written in Spanish.[1]

A non-religious festival called the Ibalong Festival is celebrated annually in honor of the epic Ibalong as a commemoration of the Ibalon geography. It is unusual because Spaniards introduced saints and fiestas and all religious-related activities except Ibalong. It is also a celebration of the province's people and their resiliency, given the string calamities that regularly befall the region given its typhoon-prone


i think so

19. for filipinos studying our epics will contribute toexplain your answers​


ano daw


di naman yan tanong eh

20. information about Filipino epics​


They are Biag ni Lam-ang or The Life of Lam-ang and the Ibalon, from the Bicol region. Many more epics came from the non-Christian Filipinos in Luzon, such as The Hudhud and the Alim of the Ifugaos, The Ulalim of the Kalingas, and The Epic of Lumalindaw of the Giddings.


21. ACTIVITY 3.2: MAKE IT AN EPIC Direction: Search and read one Filipino epic online! Employ an appropriate reading style. Then, summarize the epic below. TITLE:​

Philippine epic poetry is the body of epic poetry in Philippine literature. Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes. These epics are transmitted through oral tradition using a select group of singers and chanters.

A study revealed that the Philippine folk epics, like those found in Asia, are often about a quest for a wife as well as the various ordeals linked to the founding of a family, hamlet, tribe or a kingdom.[2] The narratives would include voyages - on earth, sea, sky, and the underworld - to allow the hero or heroine to overcome the challenges faced. After their ordeals, the protagonists - through improvement of their personal qualities – would become ideals for their genders.[2]

22. Give some insights about the purpose of Filipino Epic.​


si maganda at si malakas

23. think of an adjective that best describes Filipino epics and explain why. ​


Magnificent ❤️


If I could describe a Filipino I would say ✨ magnificent ✨ Because I have experience a lot of friendly , nice, polite, respectful filipinos including my friends.


Be Truthful And Honest.

Active Listening.

Speak Non-Judgmentally.

Speak From Your Own Experience.

Consider the Receiver's Preferred Communication Channel.

Strive To Understand. was

Avoid A Negative Tone.

Do Not Interrupt Others.


Honesty and truthfulness are not the same thing. Being honest means not telling lies. Being truthful means actively making known all the full truth of a matter. ... If someone knowingly says something that isn't true, they are telling a lie. But if they unknowingly say something that isn't true, they are being honest

2.Active listening is a way of listening and responding to another person that improves mutual understanding. It is an important first step to defuse the situation and seek solutions to problems

3.When a person does not judge the behavior of others and is open-minded about different people and ideas, this is an example of someone who would be described as nonjudgmental. Refraining from judgment based on personal ethical standards

4.To talk (about something) having had prior experience and thus a more credible or worthwhile viewpoint.

, 5.A communication channel is the medium, mean, manner or method through which a message is sent to its intended receiver. The basic channels are written (hard copy print or digital formats), oral or spoken, and electronic and multimedia.

6.infinitive to make a great and tenacious effort.

7.more than just the words we use. For example, if you disagree with or dislike what someone's saying, you may use negative body language to rebuff the person's message, such as crossing your arms, avoiding eye contact, or tapping your feet. ...

8.Even if you think you're interrupting for a good reason – to ask a relevant question, offer your solution to a problem, or show that you understand – it's rude and it almost always negatively affects the interaction. Interrupting tells the person speaking that you don't care what they have to say.

24. An epic is a narrative poem of considerable length written to celebrate the deeds and adventures of heroic characters. One of the Filipino epics is Labaw Donggon. Where does this epic originate?​






panay island

[tex] < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > < > [/tex]

25. what is well-known epic in ilocano taught in your filipino?​


Answer: Biag ni Lam-Ang


It is an ilocano epic that narrates the heroic journey of Lam-Ang (the protagonist of the story).

26. What is the purpose OF Filipino epics

Philippine epics narrate the adventures of the hero in chronological order, many of them beginning with the hero's birth. None begin in medias res like in the Iliad. The epics narrate the hero's life and adventures and end in happy endings.

27. It was the famous Filipino epic poem thathas influenced the social life of the Filipinos​


biag ni lam- ang


sana makatulong

28. what ate the 4 purposes of the filipino epics​

1. For religion
2. For culture/and or beliefs
3. To tell stories
4. To teach the youth good morals through the epics

29. How does this epic depict Filipinos in the ancient time ​


How What?


30. give some insight about the purpose of filipino epic


Philippine epic poetry is the body of epic poetry in Philippine literature. Filipino epic poetry is considered to be the highest point of development for Philippine folk literature, encompassing narratives that recount the adventures of tribal heroes.


There are many Filipino epics. For instance, "Hinilawod," which is a story about three brothers and their exploits. This epic is not a short story, but is said to be the longest epic in the world. "Ullalim" is an epic about a love and struggles.

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