Conclusion Of Cinderella

Conclusion Of Cinderella

conclusion of Cinderella ​

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1. conclusion of Cinderella ​


The story of Cinderella is a beloved fairy tale that has been told and retold in various forms throughout the world. In its classic version, the story concludes with Cinderella marrying the prince and living happily ever after.

After overcoming numerous obstacles and hardships, including the death of her parents, the mistreatment by her stepfamily, and the limitations imposed on her by her social status, Cinderella's life is transformed when she attends the royal ball and captures the heart of the prince. With the help of her fairy godmother, she is able to attend the ball and dazzle the prince with her beauty and grace, but she must leave before midnight, when the magic will wear off and she will return to her former life.

Despite the obstacles in her path, Cinderella remains kind, gentle, and optimistic throughout the story. Her resilience and determination to overcome her circumstances serve as an inspiration to readers and viewers of all ages.

In the end, Cinderella's goodness and perseverance are rewarded, as she is able to marry the prince and live a life of happiness and prosperity. The story of Cinderella teaches us that with hard work, determination, and kindness, we can overcome adversity and achieve our dreams.

2. what is the conclusion of cinderella's story?​


Conclusion: Cinderella gets married to the prince. Setting: She lives in a small house.

Conflict/Problem: Hazel can't go to the ball. 

Conclusion: The prince and Hazel got married.


yan nakita ko

3. PLOT DIAGRAM OF CINDERELLACommencement(Beginning of the story)Setting(Time and place)CharactersConflict(Problem)Conclusion(Resolution)(How the story ends) Theme(Message)​

Commencement— One day, a messenger arrived with a special invitation. There was going to be a royal ball at the palace! The King wanted his son to find a bride. Every young woman in the kingdom was invited—including Cinderella!

Setting—In the kitchen, where Cinderella was sitting all by herself, there was a burst of light and a fairy appeared.

Characters— Cinderella, Henry, Cinderella’s step mother and sister , Wanda, Alex

Conflict—Cinderella had to do her chores, her stepmoms and stepsisters. The way Cinderella was mistreated affected her life. When she wanted to go out, she couldn't. She was going through sibling rivalry, emotional/social abuse and child cruelty/physical abuse.

Sorry can’t answer the rest:))

4. Cinderella's trials​


Cinderella Monogatari

The Story of Cinderella opens as Cinderella's life changes for the worse when her widower father leaves on a business trip, no sooner is he out of sight than Cinderella's stepmother has unceremoniously moved her two own daughters into Cinderella's room, thrown out her things, handed her a servant's dress and put her to brutal harsh menial labor, the series covers Cinderella's trials and tribulations as she tries to adapt to her new life while suffering the abuse of her stepmother and her two stepsisters, all the while, her fairy godmother, Paulette, subtly watches her and tries to influence events to fix Cinderella's life without her noticing, one of her first acts in this is to grant several of the animals of the house the power of speech, thus, giving Cinderella companions in her dog Patch, a pair of mice named Chuchu and Bingo, and a bird named Pappy, the animals provide her company as well as help with her chores, the biggest twist in the series is that Cinderella meets her Prince Charming early - except here he's the roguish Prince Charles, who has a habit of sneaking out of the castle and meets Cinderella by accident while disguised as a commoner, the two have a few misunderstandings before becoming friends and start having adventures together, meanwhile, the villainous Duke Zaral plots against the royal family throughout the story, at times working Cinderella into his plots and machinations. The series eventually culminates in the ball in which the fairy tale ends; but with its own unique twist



yup yup yup yup yup yup



5. Directions: Show the connection of the story of Cinderella to your real life. Cinderella​


Just like Cinderella My Mother would always say to me "have courage and be kind no matter what". I've always dreamed of becoming a real life princess and meet my prince charming that will save me from the bad people who are trying to bring me down...but for now,while my prince is not yet here, I'll work hard for myself and for my future.In the right time,I'll meet my prince and we will happily ever after.


hugot yarn

6. what is the toon of cinderella​


The tone of Cinderella is generally considered to be a fairy tale or fantasy tone. It is a story about a young girl who is mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters and ultimately finds happiness and fulfillment through the intervention of a fairy godmother and the help of a prince. The tone of the story is magical and fantastical, with elements of romance and adventure. It is often portrayed as a heartwarming and uplifting tale of hope and perseverance.

7. Cinderella household


Cinderella and Her Odious Household Chores

Almost everyone knows how the story of Cinderella ends, but do people actually

think about how she spent her days before she met the prince? Her daily routine was

not glamorous. She did everything from sweeping the floors to cooking the meals. If

someone had asked Cinderella which chores she did not particularly like, she probably

would have answered, “Why, none, of course. Housework is my duty!” In today’s

increasingly busy society, however, most people admit that they have definite dislikes

for certain household chores. The top three of these unpopular tasks often include

ironing clothes, washing dishes, and cleaning the bathroom.

One of the most hated chores for many people is ironing clothes because it is not

a task that can be completed quickly or thoughtlessly. Each piece of clothing must be

handled individually, so ironing a basket of laundry can take hours! After ironing a piece

of clothing meticulously, which entails smoothing out the fabric, following the seams,

and getting the creases just right, it needs to be put on a hanger as soon as possible. If

not, this item might become wrinkled and need to be ironed again. Perhaps the reason

that ironing is not a favorite chore is that it requires extreme attention to detail from

beginning to end.

Another household chore that many people dislike is washing dishes. Of course,

some people claim that this chore is no longer a problem because dishwashers are

available now! However, no one would argue that dishes, silverware, and especially pots

and pans washed in a dishwasher come out as clean as they do when washed by hand.

For this reason, many people continue to wash their dishes by hand, but they are not

necessarily happy doing it. Washing dishes is a dirty job that requires not only elbow

grease to scrape food off the dishes but also the patience to rinse and dry them. In

addition, unlike ironing clothes, washing dishes is a chore that usually must be done

every day. Regardless of how Cinderella felt about this particular chore, it is obvious that

most people do not enjoy doing it.

Though ironing clothes and washing dishes are not the most pleasant household

chores, perhaps the most dreaded chore is cleaning the bathroom. This task involves

tackling three main areas: the bathtub, sink, and toilet. Because the bathroom is full of

germs, a quick wiping of the surface is not enough. As a result, strong bathroom

cleansers are necessary to clean and disinfect this room. The task of cleaning the

bathroom is so unpleasant that some people wear rubber gloves when they attempt it.

The only positive point about cleaning the bathroom is that it does not have to be done

on a daily basis.

Maintaining a house means doing a wide variety of unpleasant chores. Cinderella

knew this, and so does the rest of the world. Many individuals do not have the luxury of

hiring an outside person to do their own housework, so they must make do with their

own resources. Still, taking pride in the results of this hard work helps many people get

through the unpleasantness of these chores.

Note: This essay was adapted from the textbook Great Essays by Keith S. Folse, Elena Vestri

Solomon and April Muchmore-Vokoun; published by Heinle Cengage Learning in 2008.


isang brainliest lang ok na po

its a houdeghugif you use you became monster

8. Events in the story cinderella​


Cinderella was born to a mom and dad

Cinderella's mom died when she was ten years old. This left her and her father and the only family they had

Cinderella's father marries her evil step mother. Cinderella gain two step sister; Anatashia and Drizella

Cinderella's dad dies suddenly, leaving Cinderella at the age of sixteen to live with her evil step mother and evil step sisters.

After the death of Cinderella's father, the evil step mother shows her true colors by giving Cinderella all of the chores to complete. Cinderella does not participate in anything except chores.

Cinderella receives an invitation to the Prince's Ball he is having to find his future wife.

Cinderella makes a beautiful dress from a dress that her mom had a long time ago. The stepmother sees her making the dress and decides to destroy it and tells Cinderella that she may not go to the ball she has to many chores to do.

After the evil step mother and sisters, ripped up her dress that she spent so much time working on, Cinderella runs away to the Garden City where she meets her Fairy God Mother.

Fairy God Mother places a magic spell on Cinderella to give her a beautiful blue fancy dress to wear to the ball. However with the spell, Cinderella must be back before midnight or the spell will wear off.

Cinderella attends the Ball and has a great time with Prince Charming. No one recognizes her and she slips running down the stairs. She leaves her shoe in the process because it is midnight and the spell is about to wear off.

Prince Charming remembers the night he had with Cinderella and goes on the search for her with her shoe. He finally finds the right foot at the last place he looks. Cinderella realizes Prince Charming loves her.

Prince Charming remembers the night he had with Cinderella and goes on the search for her with her shoe. He finally finds the right foot at the last place he looks. Cinderella realizes Prince Charming loves her.


may module pako ajhshshahjajIzjjzjajnam

9. what is conflict of Cinderella​


Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but her stepmother prevents her from going by giving her more chores than she can complete, so her fairy godmother helps her. The conflict is external, Cinderella versus her step mother, so it is Man vs Man.


When her stepmother broke her glass shoe and locked her in a room so the prince cannot see him

10. feel like cinderella?​


hindi, feel like Aj raval.^^

11. what cinderella want​


She has faith that someday her dreams of happiness will come true and her kindness will be repaid. Cinderella is shown to have a down-to-earth attitude, but she is also a daydreamer.


Source: G00GLE

Hope this helps you

12. Critics on Cinderella?


"A small army of Disney craftsmen has given the centuries-old Cinderella story a dewy radiance and comic verve that should make children feel like elves and adults feel like children." ..

"Excellent animation, marvelous color, and lovely music make Cinderella a delight all the way around."

"Whoever engineered the sequence of the pumpkin transformation in this film—the magical change to coach and horses—deserves an approving hand. And the scene in which Cinderella blows soap bubbles—opalescent globes full of fragile reflections and rainbow colors—is one of the cleverest animations yet seen. To the fellows who dreamed up these fancies we are heartily grateful, indeed. They have sprinkled into Cinderella—along with sugar and wit—some vagrant art." .

13. Cinderella example of genres :)



Cinderella example of genres?

1. Romance

2. Fairy tale/Fantasy

3. Children's literature

☁️Hope it Helps☁️ Godbless

14. What is the event in cinderella​


An example of an event in “Cinderella” is the arrival of the page at the house with the invitation to the ball. The way events are ordered to create a story is called the PLOT. The PLOT is all of the action that takes place during the story.

15. who is the illustrator of Cinderella​


This is the original fairy tale by Charles Perrault, with illustrations by Gustave Dore and A. Jacque.

16. recomendation of cinderella

To know the value of time and your worth. 

17. who is the author of cinderella​


Daisy Fisher

i hope it helps




hope its help

18. cinderella and the seven dwarfs​

both are some examples of movies

19. director of the movie of cinderella​


Kenneth Branagh is the director of Cinderella



Kenneth Branagh is the director of the movie "Cinderella"

20. Fairytale as to Cinderella as ___________


fairy tale as to Cinderella

Cinderella as to princess

21. summarize the story of cinderella​


Summary. Cinderella is a dreamer who is trapped within a step-family who doesn't love or appreciate her. Enslaved by her evil stepmother and stepsisters, Cinderella dreams of going to the ball and meeting the Prince. With the help of a few mice friends and her fairy Godmother, Cinderella's dream comes true.


pA brainlist<3


Cinderella is a dreamer who is trapped within a step-family who doesn't love or appreciate her. Enslaved by her evil stepmother and stepsisters, Cinderella dreams of going to the ball and meeting the Prince. With the help of a few mice friends and her fairy Godmother, Cinderella's dream comes true.


#hope it helps

22. What is the Climax in the Cinderella story? What is the Resolution in the Cinderella story?


Climax in Cinderella It’s midnight and Cinderella must leave so she flees from the palace and loses her glass slipper on the steps!


Climax: The Grand Duke arrives at Ella's house (while she is locked in the attic) to try on the slipper on the last of the maidens. 

Resolution: When Cinderella tries to wear the slipper, where it fits! and the prince and her live happily ever after.


awh, naol.

23. describe the cinderella​


beautiful, flawless.ect.




Cinderella is a young woman with medium-length strawberry-blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair complexion. Despite this, she maintains hope through her dreams and remains a kind, gentle and sweet person. She has faith that someday her dreams of happiness will come true and her kindness will be repaid. Cinderella is shown to have a down-to-earth attitude, but she is also a daydreamer.

I'm sorry if it's wrong:((

24. Setting of cinderella​









C. Cinderella is Kind, but her step sisters are not.

Cinderella and her step sisters differ in attitudes. Cinderella is described as a kind girl which is a positive characteristic, while her step sisters are described as cruel which is a negative attitude.



Letter C


Because Cinderella's sisters are not from the same mother that's why they are bad.

Cinderella's mother is kind but her sisters mother are bad.. This is just my opinion

26. STORYMAKE BELIEVENON FACT1. CinderellaCinderella​




Because uts an fairytale

27. Critics on Cinderella?


She is a diligent, hardworking and VERY kind (which is actually irritating) girl. Although it teaches people to be kind, in this modern world where there are a lot of abusers who like to take advantage of kind people, it is not really ideal. Yes it's important to be kind but it's important to have your limits and walk away from people and things that do not deserve you. However, my critic on Cinderella is not the story itself but of which the people have perpetuated an idea about how it is all about finding a Prince Charming. She just wanted to have a good time outside from that hellhole. She just happened to meet a Prince who fell in love with her and she basically ends up as a Princess. That's good karma right there.

28. plot diagram of cinderella


the plot of Cinderella is:

her mother's gown that she wear was beautiful but her step sister broke it

the other one is her slipper was left at the palace

29. reference to Cinderella ​


Cinderella is a metaphor about the beleaguered underdog rising to the top while solely dependent on the use of their bravery and imagination. Cinderella is an archetypal example of internal fortitude that defies the boundaries of Disney packaging.

30. abadehaa the philipines cinderella

ako Yung Cinderella dito!!

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