Fe2s3 Compound Name

Fe2s3 Compound Name

Lewis structure of Fe2s3

1. Lewis structure of Fe2s3


Lewis structure of Fe2s3 is the one who teaches us like math and he also teaches a lot of children like us this is a big help to us because we get an example in his videos


si Lewis structure of Fe2s3 siya yung nagtuturo sa atin kagaya ng math at madami rin syang natuturuan na mga bata katulad natin malaking tulong ito saatin dahil nakakakuha tayo ng halimbawa sa kanyang mga video.

2. How many moles of Fe2S3​


Molar mass of Fe2S3 is 207.8850 g/mol


3. when the equation Fe+S --> Fe2S3 is balanced, what is the coefficient for sulfur?


Balance the equation  Fe  +  S₈  ⇒  Fe₂ S₃


                               16 Fe  + 3 S₈  ⇒ 8 Fe₂S₃                                           ↓                     ↓                                    Reactant          ProductThe coefficient for sulfur in the reactant will be 3.

We need to balance the equation in every  chemical reaction since according to the law of conservation of mass, "during chemical reaction, atoms are not destroyed or change" which means, the mass of reactant will always be equal to the mass of the product.

In balancing, we can add the coefficient which is the number before the element or the compound in the equation. coefficient also must be a whole number not a fraction or decimal number.

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4. For the reaction 2Fe + 3S → Fe2S3, how many grams of sulfur are involved in this reaction if 95 grams of iron are needed to react with sulfur?


83 g


Step 1: Write the balanced equation

2 Fe + 3 S ⇒ Fe₂S₃

Step 2: Calculate the moles corresponding to 95 g of Fe

The molar mass of Fe is 55.85 g/mol.

95 g × 1 mol/55.85 g = 1.7 mol

Step 3: Calculate the moles of S needed to react with 1.7 moles of Fe

The molar ratio of Fe to S is 2:3. The moles of S needed are 3/2 × 1.7 mol = 2.6 mol

Step 4: Calculate the mass corresponding to 2.6 moles of S

The molar mass of S is 32.07 g/mol.

2.6 mol × 32.07 g/mol = 83 g

5. What is the predominant IMFA for iron sulfide (Fe2S3)? a. Hydrogen bonding b. Dispersion force c. Ion-dipole interaction d. Dipole-dipole interaction


A.hydrogen bonding


Also indicate which force, hydrogen bonding (H), dipolar (P), or dispersion (D)

hopp is help

6. 8. For the reaction 2Fe + 39 → Fe2S3, how many grams of sulfur are involved in thisreaction if 83 grams of iron are needed to react with sulfur?A. 2.2B. 63.4C. 68.3D.71​




Hope it helps☺️❤️ ty ty

7. 1.) Sixty grams of FeCl3 reacts with 50.0 grams of H2S. 2 FeCl3 (s) + 3 H2S (g) ---> 6 HCl + Fe2S3 (s) (A) What is the limiting reactant? (B) What is the mass of HCl produced?

Solution (A):

Step 1: Calculate the molar mass of each reactant.

For FeCl₃

molar mass = (55.85 g/mol × 1) + (35.45 g/mol × 3)

molar mass = 162.2 g/mol

For H₂S

molar mass = (1.008 g/mol × 2) + (32.07 g/mol × 1)

molar mass = 34.086 g/mol

Step 2: Determine the mole ratios needed.

Using FeCl₃

mole ratio = 2 mol FeCl₃ : 6 mol HCl

Using H₂S

mole ratio = 3 mol H₂S : 6 mol HCl

Step 3: Calculate the number of moles of HCl produced by each reactant.

Using FeCl₃

[tex]\text{moles of HCl = 60.0 g FeCl₃} × \frac{\text{1 mol FeCl₃}}{\text{162.2 g FeCl₃}} × \frac{\text{6 mol HCl}}{\text{2 mol FeCl₃}}[/tex]

[tex]\text{moles of HCl = 1.1097 mol}[/tex]

Using H₂S

[tex]\text{moles of HCl = 50.0 g H₂S} × \frac{\text{1 mol H₂S}}{\text{34.086 g H₂S}} × \frac{\text{6 mol HCl}}{\text{3 mol H₂S}}[/tex]

[tex]\text{moles of HCl = 2.934 mol}[/tex]

Step 4: Determine the limiting reactant.

Since FeCl₃ produces less number of moles of HCl

[tex]\boxed{\text{FeCl₃ is the limiting reactant.}}[/tex]

Solution (B)

Step 1: Calculate the molar mass of HCl.

molar mass = (1.008 g/mol × 1) + (35.45 g/mol × 1)

molar mass = 36.458 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the mass of HCl produced.

Since FeCl₃ is the limiting reactant

[tex]\text{mass of HCl = 1.1097 mol HCl} × \frac{\text{36.458 g HCl}}{\text{1 mol HCl}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\text{mass of HCl = 40.46 g}}[/tex]


8. 1.) Sixty grams of FeCl3 reacts with 50.0 grams of H2S. 2 FeCl3 (s) + 3 H2S (g) ---> 6 HCl + Fe2S3 (s) (A) What is the limiting reactant? (B) What is the mass of HCl produced?

a. FeCl₃ as a limiting reactant

b. The mass of HCl produced : = 40.515 g

Further explanation  

A reaction coefficient is a number in the chemical formula of a substance involved in the reaction equation. The reaction coefficient is useful for equalizing reagents and products.  


60 g FeCl₃

50 g H₂S


the limiting reactant

the mass of HCl



2 FeCl₃ (s) + 3 H₂S (g) ⇒ 6 HCl + Fe₂S₃ (s)

a. The method that can be used to find limiting reagents is to divide the number of moles of known substances by their respective coefficients, and the small quotient will be used up or as a limiting reagent

mol FeCl₃ :

= 60 g : 162,2 g/mol

= 0.37

mol  H₂S :

= 50 g : 34,1 g/mol

= 1.47

mol : coefficient :

FeCl₃ :  H₂S = 0.37/2 : 1.47/3 = 0.185 : 0.49

FeCl₃ as a limiting reactant(smaller ratio)

b. mol HCl based on limiting reactant(FeCl₃)

From the equation, mol ratio FeCl₃ : HCl = 2 : 6, so mol HCl :

= 6/2 x mol FeCl₃

= 6/2 x 0.37

= 1.11

mass HCl :

= mol x molar mass

= 1.11 x 36.5 g/mol

= 40.515 g

Learn more  

the mass in grams of 3.5 mol of the element gold.  


the mass percent  




9. Exercise 5. On the basis of the equilibrium constant values, indicate for each reaction if the reactants or the products are favored. 1. NH3(aq) + H2O=NH4*(ag) + OH(aq) K = 1.8 x 10-5 2. PbC204= Pb2+(aq) + C2042- (aq) K= 1.0 x 10-11 3. HS-(aq) + H+ (aq) = H2S(aq) K= 1.0 x 107 4. H2O =H+ + OH-(aq) K = 1.0 x 10-14 5.2 Fe3+(aq) + 3 S2-(aq) = Fe2S3(s) K= 1.0 x 1088​








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