Examples Of Formal Sanction

Examples Of Formal Sanction

Give 5 examples in positive formal sanction and positive informal sanction ​

Daftar Isi

1. Give 5 examples in positive formal sanction and positive informal sanction ​

Answer:positive formal sanctions

-Positive sanctions can include celebration, congratulation, praise, social recognition, social promotion, and approval, as well as formal sanctions such as awards, bonuses, prizes, and titles

positive informal sanction

-Informal sanctions may include shame, ridicule, sarcasm, criticism, and disapproval. Groups, organizations, and societies of various kinds can promulgate rules that act as formal sanctions to reward or punish behavior.

2. which of the following is the example of a formal sanction in the society​


nasan  ang  following


3. how effective informal and formal sanction​


Sanctions can be positive as well as negative. Positive sanctions are rewards given for conforming to norms. A promotion at work is a positive sanction for working hard. ... Formal sanctions, on the other hand, are ways to officially recognize and enforce norm violations.

4. kahulugan ng positive sanctions

Positive sanctions are defined as actual or promised rewards to B; negative sanctions are defined as actual or threatened. punishments.

5. give 2 examples of how rewards and sanctions can effectively be used.


Rewards and sanctions are effective tools for shaping behavior and promoting positive outcomes in a variety of settings, including schools, workplaces, and communities. Here are two examples of how rewards and sanctions can be used effectively:

Rewards and sanctions are effective tools for shaping behavior and promoting positive outcomes in a variety of settings, including schools, workplaces, and communities. Here are two examples of how rewards and sanctions can be used effectively:1. Rewards: In a classroom setting, a teacher can use rewards to encourage positive behavior and academic achievement. For example, the teacher could offer a prize to the student who earns the highest grade in a test or assignment, or give out stickers or small tokens to students who demonstrate good behavior, such as following classroom rules, completing assignments on time, or helping others. These rewards can motivate students to work harder and behave better, leading to improved academic performance and a more positive classroom environment.

Rewards and sanctions are effective tools for shaping behavior and promoting positive outcomes in a variety of settings, including schools, workplaces, and communities. Here are two examples of how rewards and sanctions can be used effectively:1. Rewards: In a classroom setting, a teacher can use rewards to encourage positive behavior and academic achievement. For example, the teacher could offer a prize to the student who earns the highest grade in a test or assignment, or give out stickers or small tokens to students who demonstrate good behavior, such as following classroom rules, completing assignments on time, or helping others. These rewards can motivate students to work harder and behave better, leading to improved academic performance and a more positive classroom environment.2. Sanctions: In a workplace setting, sanctions can be used to discourage negative behavior and enforce rules and policies. For example, an employer could impose a penalty, such as a fine or suspension, on an employee who violates company policies, such as showing up late for work, using company resources for personal purposes, or engaging in harassment or discrimination. These sanctions can help maintain a professional and ethical workplace culture, and deter employees from engaging in behaviors that could harm the company or other employees.


#hopeitshelpcorrect me if I'm wrong

6. expanded meaning for sanction?


1 : a punitive or coercive measure or action that results from failure to comply with a law, rule, or order a sanction for contempt.

2 : explicit or official approval.

7. summary of sanction​


The government has sanctioned the used of force

8. give an example of acts of deviance and its sanctions


Acts of Deviance and Sanctions


Deviance: robbery, theft, rape, murder, and assault

Sanctions: shame, ridicule, sarcasm, criticism, and disapproval

9. Explain what is Ultimate Sanction

If someone in authority sanctions an action or practice, they officially approve of it and allow it to be done. ... A sanction is a severe course of action which is intended to make people obey instructions, customs, or laws. As anultimate sanction, they can sell their shares.

10. Corrections are the sanctions used to punish criminals. name the four sanctions and describe what they are.

• Retribution: punishment serves as an act of revenge for the victim and society.

• Deterrence: corrections intended to discourage the individual and society from committing future crimes.

• Rehabilitation: places to reform criminals so they can return to society as law-abiding citizens.

• Social Protection: this limits the freedom of the offenders, thereby protecting society from the offender committing further acts.


11. What are the theories that explain the existence of deviants (human/groups) and C. Differential Association Theory D. all of the above. C. Sanctions C. Positive Sanctions. D. all of the above. C. Nature C. Mores D. All of the above. 6. Which of the following are the types of sanctions? 7. The sets of expectation from people who occupy a particular status. B. Deviance 5. Which of the following is NOT considered as elements that promote social control? A. Internalization B. Identity Formation C. Social Control D. Roles D. Identity D. Status 10. These are the rewards of forms of punishment that are formally awarded by an institution such as government, council or establishment. A. Social Control Theory B. Rational Choice Theory B. Structural functionalist Theory A. Formal Sanctions B. Informal Sanctions A. Folkways 8. It is the act of following the roles and goals of one's society. A. Conformity 9. It is the act of violating the prescribed social norms. A. Deviance B. Sanctions deviance​


6.d.all of the above




12. TRUE OR FALSE _____1. Deviance is conformation to social norms _____2. From a sociological perspective, people are deviant because they are abnormal. _____3. From a sociological perspective deviance varies according to cultural norms. _____4. Formal sanctions occur when norms codified into law are violated. _____5. Folkways are formal norms. _____6.Positive sanctions are negative social reactions. _____7. The criminal justice system consists of the police, the courts and the prisons.


uhm subject po para masagotan ng maayos?

13. a behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions brainly

the behavior that violates official low and is punishable through formal sanctions is crime

14. Did sen. Sotto receive sanctions and punishment after charged with plagiarism? what kind of punishment and sanction?​






Legal sanction or A this words is to make the answer longer so i can submit

16. meaning of sanctioned​


an action that is taken or an order that is given to force a country to obey international laws by limiting or stopping trade with that country, by not allowing economic aid for that country, etc. : official permission or approval. sanction.



To formally give permission to something or to impose/authorize punishment                                                                                                                                Parang parusa ata sha --                                                                              pagnagkakaroon ng kasalanan ang isang tao napaparusahaan pero ang iba hindi katulad ng ibang ao kahit may kasalanaan walang parusa.

17. Community sanction. ​


Community sanctions are sentences implemented in a community setting rather than in a prison. Sanctions are based in the traditional purposes of punishment: just deserts (or retribution), deterrence, rehabilitation, and incapacitation.


hope it helps

18. What is sanction? Give 1 example.

giving an official permission or approval for (an action).
ex. "he appealed to the bishop for his sanction"

19. Write an example institutional constraints then identify its corresponding sanction. Patulong naman po​


ano ang tanong


di ko alam ang tanong

20. These are rewards to those who conform to the norms. Select one: a. negative rewards b. negative sanctions c. positive sanctions d. formal sanctions ​


C. Positive Sanctions.


hope this helps :)paki brainliest

21. Example of positve informal sanctions

Sanctions can either be positive (rewards) or negative (punishment). Sanctionscan arise from either formal or informal control. With informal sanctions, ridicule or ostracism can realign a straying individual towards norms. Informal sanctions may include shame, ridicule, sarcasm, criticism, and disapproval.

22. are formal of conduct that are met with negative sanction when vioed​


A formal sanction is a reward or punishment given by a formal organization or regulatory agency, such as a school, business, or government. Negative formal sanctions include low grades, suspension from school, termination from a job, fines, and imprisonment.


Hope it helps Good luck:)

23. types of sanctions? ​

Answer:Reasons for sanctioning.

Economic sanctions.

Diplomatic sanctions.

Military sanctions.

Sport sanctions.

Sanctions on the environment.

Sanctions on individuals.


24. What is the definition of sanctioned​


- gives official permission or approval for


- The government has sanctioned the use of force



25. informal sanction example


Simple examples include a look of disapproval, a frown, or a shake of one's head. More overt informal sanctions include comments that are intended to create embarrassment or shame such as ridicule or sarcasm as well as social exclusion.


I hope it help

26. differentiate negative and positive sanction ​


Negative sanctions are actual or threatened punishments, whereas positive sanctions are actual or promised rewards.


Hope it helps

27. A behavior that violates official law and is punishable through formal sanctions.

Deviance is any violation to the norms, cultures, and/or laws.

Sanctions is the official approval or permission towards an actions.

It could be a punishment o penalty for disobedience of law by someone. Sanctions are classified into two types:

the informal and formal sanctions.

In fact, they have more than two types but I will tackle the 2 common types. A formal sanction is approved and observed by the rules and usually whether the condition is to punish or reward there are documentations. Informal sanction is the approval for punishment or reward through spontaneous and unofficial way of giving permission. They become distinct to each other because Formal Sanction enacted in a legal way but Informal Sanction isn't.

Main Answer:

The following behaviors that account as violation or reward through formal sanctions are:

Implementation of law and ordinances that either will give the person a compensation as a reward or imprisonment for those who disobeys law. Warrant of arrest when you're suspected on a certain crime. Prisoner has a right to have a public lawyer if he/ she financially unstable in filing. his /her crime case.

Sanction is a mechanism of social control. It has a vital role in enforcing and regulating the rights and dignity of the citizens within the country.




28. What is deffenses and sanctions ?​


Defenses and sanctions are two legal concepts that are often used in the context of criminal or civil law.


Defenses refer to legal arguments or strategies that are used to protect a person or entity from liability or punishment for a particular offense or action. A defense may be used to argue that the accused did not commit the offense in question, or that they should not be held liable for their actions due to extenuating circumstances such as self defense or mental incapacity.

Examples of defenses include the insanity defense, the defense of necessity, and the defense of duress.

Sanctions, on the other hand, refer to penalties or punishments that are imposed by a court or other legal authority for a violation of law or rule. Sanctions may be imposed on individuals, organizations, or countries, and may take the form of fines, imprisonment, forfeiture of assets, or other penalties. The purpose of sanctions is to deter future violations of law, to punish those who have committed offenses, and to provide a measure of justice for victims of wrongdoing.

In summary, defenses are legal arguments or strategies used to protect against liability or punishment, while sanctions are penalties or punishments imposed for a violation of law or rule.

29. what are the formal and informal sanctions for : 1. theft 2. robbery 3. rape 4. assault5. murder6. vandalism 7. trespassing 8. bullying 9. privacy invasion 10. fraud please, help me !!​

tomorrow I'll try to help you

I couldn't answer your questions right now sorry

30. meaning of sanctioned

the detriment loss of reward or ceorcive

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