Watch Glass Description

Watch Glass Description

activity 1 what changes takes place when hot water is cooled1. describe what you observe at the bottom of the watch glass2. write does the water at the bottom of the water glass come from3. write a description or draw a cartoon or illustration to demonstrate how the particles of how water behave as they cooled4. describe what is happening to the particles of water​

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1. activity 1 what changes takes place when hot water is cooled1. describe what you observe at the bottom of the watch glass2. write does the water at the bottom of the water glass come from3. write a description or draw a cartoon or illustration to demonstrate how the particles of how water behave as they cooled4. describe what is happening to the particles of water​


When hot water is cooled, you may observe the formation of tiny water droplets or beads on the bottom of the watch glass. This is due to the cooling of the water causing its vapor pressure to decrease and leading to the condensation of water vapor on the cool surface of the watch glass.

The water at the bottom of the watch glass comes from the air surrounding it. As the hot water cools, the water vapor in the air around it condenses on the cool surface of the watch glass, forming tiny droplets of water.

As hot water cools, the particles of water lose kinetic energy, and their motion becomes slower. As a result, the particles start to come closer together, and the attractive forces between them become stronger. This causes the particles to move more sluggishly and eventually form clusters or droplets.

During the process of cooling, the particles of water lose energy and move more slowly. This causes the attractive forces between them to increase, and they start to come closer together. Eventually, the particles form clusters or droplets as they condense from the water vapor. The cooling process causes the particles of water to transition from a high-energy, high-kinetic state to a low-energy, low-kinetic state, leading to the formation of droplets or condensation

2. A. Factual DescriptionB. Cause and EffectC. Problem Solution1. A wrist watch is a small instrument to show time. It is designed sothat it can be fastened around the wrist. There are markings ornumbers from 1 to 12 to give us a sense of time. On its dials, it hastwo hands, pointed needles to show the hours and the minutes.Sometimes, watches also have a hand to show seconds. The dial iscovered with a glass.​


B. cause and effect


# pa brainlest

Good luck

3. Part A 1. Put one piece of ice cube on a watch glass or a small saucer. 2. Observe what happens to the ice cube after 2 minutes. 3. You may do any of the following: write a description or draw an illustration to show how the particles of water behave as ice changes to a liquid.​

Place an ice cube on the top cup to make condensation happen faster. A stack of cups, with an ice cube on top. Wait 1–3 minutes for water vapor to condense to ...

4. L. Directions: Wearable Technology is also known as wearables or fashion technology. It encompasses a field of smart devices that are worn on the body. People may access information through this form of media. Match the wearable techs in column A with each appropriate description in column B. Column A Column B W. Virtual Reality (VR) goggles 16. E. Smart glasses 17. A. Fitness trackers and sports Watches 18. 0 R. Smartwatches 19. T. Hearables 20. at anar​

Kuposo Jessica Soho ahkdbsns

5. 6. How would you know if a text was written in problem-solution text structure? * a. The text would explain the steps of an event in time order b. The text would show how two things are similar and different c. The text would explain one main issue, and the solution to this issue d. The text would define and describe one main topic 7.Which of these options would be a good solution to the problem: Wendy can't reach the package of light bulbs in the garage. * a. She could just stay in the dark. b. She could use a broom to knock the box down. c. She could stack random things to create steps. d. She could ask somebody taller for help. 8. Here is a solution. What could be the problem? Ted used glue on his skateboard. * a. Ted can't ride a skateboard well. b. Ted snapped a wheel off his board. c. Ted fell and broke his glasses. d. Ted is clumsy and scratched his board on the sidewalk. 9.. Which of the following is an example of good solution for this problem? Nobody in class likes Paul. * a. Paul should keep calling his classmates names. b. Paul should move classes. c. Paul should tell everyone to go away. d. Paul should be nicer to his classmates. 10.Ben can't find a job. He needs money to pay for college. What could be a good solution to his problem? * a. He could turn to crime. b. He could not continue his education. c. He could find alternative ways of making money. d. He could just sit in the classes without paying. 11. One problem to resolve in crocodile watching is transportation. How can an observer get close enough to watch without scaring it away or being attacked? which text structure is this? * a. directions b. cause and effect c. problem and solution d. description and list 12. Identify the problem in the passage below. Lynn has a test tomorrow, but she also has a track meet tonight. She needs to study so she can get an A on the test. Lynn knows she won't be running in every race. Therefore, she concludes that she can study in between her races. * a. Lynn needs to study, but she also has a track meet. b. Lynn doesn't want to run her race. c. Lynn needs to run fast enough to beat her rival. d. Lynn will run in every race. 13. Identify the solution in the passage below. Kelvin makes himself a bowl of soup. The bowl is still hot when he picks it up, and he drops it in surprise. It shatters when it hits the ground. There is soup and glass everywhere. Kelvin does not want to cut himself on the glass, and he needs to clean up the soup. First, Kelvin uses a thick towel to pick up the glass pieces. Then, he cleans up the soup with a mop. When the floor is clean, Kelvin makes himself a new bowl of soup. * a. Kelvin drops the bowl of soup. b. Kelvin makes himself a new bowl of soup. c. Kelvin does not want to cut himself. d. Kelvin uses a thick towel and mop to clean up. 14. Identify the problem in the passage below. Ava's dance teacher assigns her a partner, Lisa. This causes a dilemma for Ava, because she already has a solo dance planned. Lisa proposes a solution. She suggests that they can both do the same routine side-by-side. This way, Ava can still do the same routine. Ava likes the idea. The side-by-side dance gets Ava and Lisa a standing ovation at their show. * a. Lisa suggests doing the dance side-by-side. b. Ava and Lisa get a standing ovation. c. Ava already has a solo dance planned. d. Lisa does not have a partner. 15. Some dogs and cats do not have homes. People started animal shelters to take care of these animals and solve the problem of homeless animals. At the shelters, dogs and cats get food and water. They get to play with other dogs and cats. Sometimes, people bring a lost animal to the shelter. Some of these dogs and cats get a new home! People come to animal shelters to get a new pet. what type of text structure is this? * a. cause and effect b. problem and solution c. description d. compare and contrast​


6. C.

7. C.

8. A.

9. D.

10. C.

11. C.

12. A.

13. D.

14. C.

15. B.

Explanation: Hope it helps :)

6. Exercise 3 Identify which context was the text developed based on the literary descriptions below. Write INT for intertext and HYP for hypertext on your answer sheet. 1. Although the subtitle has been dropped from most modern editions, the allusive qualities of Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus, is a horror novel by Mary Shelley, still remain. The reference here to the Titan Prometheus relies on centuries of interpretation through Greek myth and drama. Often seen as symbolizing the danger present when human knowledge oversteps its boundaries, Prometheus and what he represents are reflected in the product of Victor Frankenstein's ghastly experiments.2. Gregory Maguire's novel Wicked. The novel was inspired by L. Frank Baum's 1939 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Inspired by the omitted story of how the Wicked Witch came to be wicked, Maguire created a story which defined the Wicked Witch's beginning 3. The Maenads Dionysus presided over fertility both for the vineyards and for women's wombs. His followers, predominantly female, were known as Maenads -meaning "raving ones". These women shared their god's love of wine and raucous behaviour, and he encouraged them to indulge in both. Marauding bands of Maenads terrorized the Theban countryside so much that Pentheus, the King of Thebes, banned the cult of Dionysus. The king's decree was angrily rejected by many women - including the king's own mother - who went out into the countryside to praise the wine-god in one last, climactic rite. Dionysus convinced Pentheus to climb a tree to enjoy the view of the final orgy. Dressed in women's clothes, the king went to watch, but was seen by the ecstatic Maenads. Mistaking him for a wild animal, they tore him limb from limb. See also: The Olympian gods. The many affairs of Zeus. Vesta and Priapus A complex god 4. "Patchwork Girl" is a work of electronic literature by American Author, Shelley Jackson. I was written in Storyspace and published by Eastgate Systems in 1995, and tells the story through illustrations of parts of a female body that are stitched together through text and image. A short essay on "Patchwork Girl" entitled "Stitching Together Narrative, Sexuality. Self" by Brown University English Professor, George P. Landow, can be found here 5. JK Rowling's Harry Potter series shares much with Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, including interactions with giant chess pieces. JK Rowling also used platform 9% as an entrance into a magical world, just as Lewis Carroll used the looking glass.​


Hope it helps

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