When A Nurse Commits A Crime Outside Of The Workplace

When A Nurse Commits A Crime Outside Of The Workplace

when a person convicted of a crime or accused of a crime may be committed to a jail? ​

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1. when a person convicted of a crime or accused of a crime may be committed to a jail? ​


from what i believe, if accused they may be put into custody and interrogated but later on let go if they didn't have enough evidence to still keep them in but if they were convicted which means the defendant is found guilty, the judge will proceed to sentencing. Sentencing may occur on the day that the defendant is found guilty or later. Sentences for misdemeanors are not nearly as severe as felony sentences. The maximum penalty for a misdemeanor offense is up to 90 days in jail and up to a $1,000 fine. this is from my short knowledge and research but if they're would be another answer please correct me, i am still learning.

Explanation: if accused they get into custody where you are in the care of the police, basically locked up for a short while until they have enough evidence to charge you if not they will let you go, if you were convited, you get senteced to jail for how long the judge senteced you of.

2. When Crime is committed with deliberate intent it means that?


murder is the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

3. When doctors and nurses commit mistake, they what?

They are responsible for their mistakes and the others lose trust for them.

4. when can we say that crime is commited by using social media​


if someone is doing these things

Online Threats, Stalking, Cyberbullying

Hacking and Fraud

Selling Illegal Things

Posting Videos of Criminal Activity

Vacation Robberies

5. 1.Juan is 16 years old when he commits a crime against person and performed it with discernment.What will happen if a juvenile commits a heinous crime?


He will be placed in a rehabilitation center or in the custody of DSWD wherein necessary and considerated treatment will be given to him

6. Psychic essential to commit crime?​




because the commit crime is a senesthal

7. when a crime is committed, how does the state react to it? what steps are undertaken by the state?​

Since we live in different countries each law and rules are different compensated by the our Government. When a crime is committed it depends of what action our Government does depending on the intensity or the situation. If its murder its either lifetime prison or public execution.



You can be a victim, or be a friend or family member of a victim, who has been affected by one of many types of crimes such as fraud, break and enter (theft), assault, sexual assault, domestic violence, attempted murder and other specific crimes.

9. if one is missing based on the theory of crime would there be a crime committed?​


send the check two weeks ago, but it hasn't arrived."

(10) Then she began to talk more loudly. "What he want, I come to New York tell him front of his boss, you cheating me?" And I was trying to calm her down, make her be quiet, while telling the stockbroker, "I can't tolerate any more excuses. If I don't receive the check immediately, I am going to have to speak to your manager when I'm in New York next week." And sure enough, the following week there we were in front of this astonished stockbroker, and I was sitting there red-faced


you are the crime be a good girl

10. 1.Juan is 16 years old when he commits a crime against person and performed it with discernment.What will happen if a juvenile commits a heinous crime?2. Do DWSD lose jurisdiction to a juvenile offender when he/she reaches the age of 18? Defend your answer.​





11. 2. When do you consider that a crime has been committed?​


A crime would be considered if it provided sufficient proof. Proof can be get thorough witnesses, pictures, CCTVs, etc.

Hope this helps you.

12. different crimes teens commit​

theft, simple assault, drug abuse, disorderly conduct, and curfew violations


roughly half of all youth arrest are made of account of theft,simle assault,drug abuse,disorderly conduct and curfew violation.OJJDP statistics show theft as the greatest cause of youth arrest.



13. Discuss the procedural process when the crime is committed until it is field in court?​


when an offense is committed by more than one person, all of them shall be included in the... form

or in substance, without leave of court, at any time before the accused enters his plea.

14. Is it fair for the nurses to be imprisoned when they commit medication errors unintentionally? Why?


no. because some people were doing medication errors intentionally and most of them do not get caught while the ones who does it unintentionally gets caught.


hope it helps ;-;

15. what is the reason why a person commits a crime when on drugs and drinking​




some people commits a crimes on drugs and drinking because they are depressed and they just don't know what to do

16. Why are ambassadors exempted from punishment when they commit crimes in the country where they are serving?​


Because they only sign a contract but they dont own the building or company

17. what are the common crimes committed?


robbery,rape, and kidnapping





18. what is the reason why a person commits a crime when on drugs and drinking​


Their losing their sanity cause of too much taking drugs and medicine which affect their brain to function well.

their losing their sanity

19. children below 10 years old can be Imprisoned when they commit crime​


Yes, because their too young to commit a crime


no, because the @0 years old above is dswd only

20. Why are ambassadors exempted from punishment when they commit crimes in the country where they are serving?


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21. When can the crimes againstnational security becommitted?​

Answer: it cant there isnt a time for crime

it is bad and unforgiving it shouldnt even be committed

22. If you commit a crime to feed your hungry child, are you a bad person or did you commit the crime out of necessity?​


u are a bad person of course , because crime is bad for us

Answer:Of course you committed the crime out of necessity.


23. Crimes that committed in times of peace ?​


Examples of crimes against peace include Italian attack against Ethiopia in 1935, the Japanese attack against China in 1937, two secretly negotiated treaties between Stalin and Hitler on the partition of Poland and annexation of the Baltic States, the Soviet attack against Finland in 1939, German conquests in Europe ...

24. it is a crime committed in cyberspace

Cyber Crime

Cyber crimes are criminal offenses committed via the Internet or otherwise aided by various forms of computer technology, such as the use of online social networks to bully others or sending sexually explicit digital photos with a smart phone.

hope it helps :)

25. crime is commited an omitted​




is an act done by a person which is against the laws of a country or region. A person who does this is called a criminal.

26. is a crime commited by not giving credit to


According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own. to use (another's production) without crediting the source. to commit literary theft.

27. 1.Juan is 16 years old when he commits a crime against person and performed it with discernment.What will happen if a juvenile commits a heinous crime?2. Do DWSD lose jurisdiction to a juvenile offender when he/she reaches the age of 18? Defend your answer.​


What will happen if a juvenile commits a heinous crime?

-The juvenile will be in jail.

Do DWSD lose jurisdiction to a juvenile offender when he/she reaches the age of 18? Defend your answer.​

-No, if a juvenile commits a heinous crime, after he/she turned 18 he/she will eventually go to prison.

Hope this helps.

Good luck with your modules, everyone.

( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 

28. A serious crimes that committed by computer programmers who use the Internet to commit electronic crimes.


Armed forces of the philippines puro second hand ung kagamitan yan ang PH government



In police: Anthropometry. The Bertillon system, which gained almost immediate acceptance worldwide, used meticulous physical measurements of body parts, especially the head and face, to produce a detailed description, or portrait parlé.

30. how to commit a crime?​

Answer:by confessing the true and correct narration of the crime


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