Impact Of Laws Of Learning In Classroom Instruction

Impact Of Laws Of Learning In Classroom Instruction

what is the impact of these classroom routines to student's learning?​

Daftar Isi

1. what is the impact of these classroom routines to student's learning?​


Classroom routines can increase student confidence and comfort levels since learners know what is expected of them in different situations. Set routines are especially helpful when working with young learners and teens that need extra support in regulating their behavior.


pa brainliest po


Classroom routines can increase student confidence and comfort levels since learners know what is expected of them in different situations. Set routines are especially helpful when working with young learners and teens that need extra support in regulating their behavior.




2. How can u say that an instructional material has achieve an impact in a classroom setting? ​


Instructional materials have three dimensions

one is to attract the learners in learning and second, it serves as an aid or bridge to the learner's understanding. Third, it can help the teacher in exectuing his/her ideas since he/she has a tool for teaching and learning.

If the material is pleasing to the eye, creative, fun and catchy to the students, they will surely love and listen to the lessons.

If the lesson seems difficult to the learners, teachers can utilize instructional materials to break down those difficulties and gaps in learnings, the lesson will become easy to understand.

Lastly, those materials will help the teacher pinpoint the fundamental parts of the lesson, explain his/her ideas in an organized and structured way.

3. the Facts of online learning and classroom instructions​


syempre makakapasa ka kahit tulog ka kasi pwedeng ioff ang camera...

4. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusion?

School campus and the classroom can be one of the factors the affect the learning of the students going to school because of the people that surrounds them... Students learning is also based on the environment he or she is living with whether it increases their confident around the class and the campus.

5. what is the difference of online and classroom instruction​


In online class you need internet, Gadgets and more to communicate in your teacher and classmates

In classroom you'll just sit there and listen to your teachers discussion's

you can talk to your classmates personaly



6. What do you think are the gains of adopting a constructivist learning theory in classroom instruction?​


The elected and collaborative process of a productive classroom allows students to be active and autonomous learners.

7. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusion?

Children, even adults, learn through their senses. Different stimuli from the environment affect the way they perceive. This started at home when babies see and learn colors; touch and differentiate hot from cold temperature; taste and eat sweet or sour food; hear and react to soft and loud music; and smell a perfume and stinky trash. All of these are teaching them which is good and bad, better and worse. Thus, when they go to school, whatever they perceived as best through their senses will be used. If the school campus and classroom smells stinky or noisy, children may not be interested to learn. This is because the environment has a great impact to the learning of the students going to school. Thus, it needs to be conducive. It has to be appealing to the eyes; has to have a comfortable [just right] temperature; has to offer good choices of food [in the canteen]; has to have trees and plants for clean, good-smelling air; and has to create good quality of rooms, not creating echoes of voices or hearing the other room’s noise. Hence, if these are not met properly, some students may not be able to focus or may not be interested to learn.  

Other related and helpful links:  

8. Flipped classroom differentiated instruction


Flipped classroom differentiated instruction.


A flipped classroom is an instructional Strategey and a type if blended learning focused on student engagement and active learning.

# Carry On Learning

# Hope it Help you

# Mark brainliest me

9. Questions: 1) What are the classroom expressions you learned today? 2) What are the difficultles you encountered when learning these expressions? 3) How would you compare classroom routines and classroom instructions in Japan and in the Philippines? 4) What do you think of the way Japanese people address other people?


1.I don't know what you mean by expressions.

2.I still don't know what you mean by expressions.

3.I don't think there's much of a difference because I don't know much of it.

4. I think it's unique and not much different from ours because while we use po to address older people while they use something similar at the end of someones name like -sama as a way to address someone they respect and others like -San and -chan to people they are familiar with.


Forgive me for my lack of answers for I do not know much of what we are talking about.


1) What are the classroom expressions you learned today?

Greetings, Giving instructions and asking

Giving instructions and asking for information.

2)What are the difficultles you encountered

when learning these expressions?

Difficulties are often an unavoidable but important part of the learning process.

3)How would you compare classroom

routines and classroom instructions in

Japan and in the Philippines?

Japanese' classroom routines and instructions are more based on discipline ways. Young children were taught doing tasks like cleaning, be responsible on environment, etc. While on the other hand, Philippines, SOME of students here doesn't know how to follow instructions. Because of some hard headed Filipinos, it's more hard to discipline people here compared to Japan. Japan were also known as the cleanest country in the world because of the discipline that all people in there have. Though we have our own School Routine like doing flag ceremony, we should be more responsible for our school routines. Discipline is the good attitude. In that way, we won't hear anything about comparing our country to the other.

4) What do you think of the way Japanese

people address other people?

When you first start learning Japanese, it is easy to get confused about how to address people correctly. The first form of address many learners come across is 'san'. San is such a useful general purpose address that at first that it becomes easy to forget that there are plenty of others.

credits to the answers I used too:)!

(this is just a reminder!!)

crds. to chaskapalao888 num.4 and 2;

crds: to EstudyantengTamad num.3

im not sure about my answer to number 1, just correct me on number 1 because its free to answer number 1!!^^


➜ Greetings:

good morning, everybodyhello, everyone.good afternoon, teacher/Ms./Mr./Mrs./Ma'm/Sir. good afternoon, classmate's Giving instructions and asking Giving instructions and asking for information:Instructions are one of the most important Instructions are one of the most important language functions in any bilingual setting.Please repeat after me. Could you repeat that, Please repeat after me. Could you repeat that, please? First listen, and then repeat. Please repeat after me. Could you repeat that, please? First listen, and then repeat. Say it with me.Give me some more examples, please.hey briana, can you read the next sentence. Can you read read the next sentence. Can you read this word? How would you compare classroomHow would you compare classroomroutines and classroom instructions inHow would you compare classroomroutines and classroom instructions inJapan and in the Philippines?

because Japanese' classroom routines and instructions are more based on discipline ways. Young children were taught doing tasks like cleaning, be responsible on environment, etc. While on the other hand, Philippines, SOME of students here doesn't know how to follow instructions. Because of some hard headed Filipinos, it's more hard to discipline people here compared to Japan. Japan were also known as the cleanest country in the world because of the discipline that all people in there have. Though we have our own School Routine like doing flag ceremony, we should be more responsible for our school routines. Discipline is the good attitude. In that way, we won't hear anything about comparing our country to the other.

What do you think of the way JapaneseWhat do you think of the way Japanesepeople address other people?

When you first start learning Japanese, it is easy to get confused about how to address people correctly. The first form of address many learners come across is 'san'. San is such a useful general purpose address that at first that it becomes easy to forget that there are plenty of others.

10. what is the issue of online learning and classroom instructions??​

Issue of Online learning:

Not hearing, camera glitched, microphone is glitched, can't recite.

Issue of Classroom instructions:

Hard to listen, hard to know it again, too much complicated to listen it.

11. What policies do reports on the use of ICT practices that impacts teaching and learning in the classroom? ​


There is widespread belief that ICTs can and will empower teachers and learnerstransforming teaching and learning processes from being highly teacher-dominated to student-centered, and that this transformation will result in increased learning gains for students, creating and allowing for opportunities for learners

12. classroom withor without laws​




13. does online learning impact the social nature of the classroom setting?​


Much has been said, resources spent and anguish risen over the development of

on-line learning environments. Many researchers have delved into the

pedagogies underpinning on-line courses. Other researchers have examined the

academic results of students who have undertaken on-line courses compared to

those who have taken the same course conducted in a more traditional approach.

There seems to be little research into the social impact of on-line learning

environments on those who participate in these courses. This paper examines

the current literature on the social impact of this new learning environment and

raises questions for further research. The author proposes that a study on not

just the participants in on-line learning needs to be addressed, but the whole

community - the participants and their families, the delivers, and the course


brainliest po thank you :)





does online learning impact the soci nature of the classroom setting


14. How do the school campus and classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to school? what are your conclusion?​


Several factors can affect learning ability, including seating, light, noise, and even colour. Students who study in a positive learning environment have been shown to be more motivated, engaged, and have a higher overall learning ability.

15. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact learning of the students going to school?what are your conclusios


The school campus is a place for students to grow and develop themselves and their knowledge. Students are always every day at school/campus, whether for learning activities in class, practice, extracurricular, or other activities. Those who go to school/campus and enter class go through various struggles, ranging from understanding the learning provided by the teacher/lecturer to socializing with their classmates.


The school campus environment, such as classmates, teachers can influence the student's learning process. Good and harmonious relationships with schoolmates, especially classmates will affect the teaching and learning process in the classroom and can increase our motivation to learn more actively, the opportunity for students to learn and develop will greatly affect the achievement of their potential.In addition, the teacher's role is also very influential, especially in terms of educating students and motivating students to be able to hone their abilities in class by means of discussion, group study, and outside the classroom such as organizing, participating in competitions, etc. So that the teacher knows and observes well the development of potential in students.Differences in Race, Ethnicity, Culture, Social Class of Students. School is a place for students to develop their potential regardless of ethnicity, race, culture and socio-cultural class. Understanding the differences in student characteristics is a big challenge for educators in supporting the development of student potential. How to create classroom conditions that support learning and learning activities that can accommodate one of the roles of educators from educators. Differences in race, ethnicity and ethnicity will lead to differences in terms of language, values, norms and traditional beliefs of the surrounding community and it will greatly influence the process of developing potential in students. Students must be sensitive and have a positive attitude towards these differences by respecting one another in order to establish a harmonious relationship between students.


It was concluded that the school campus is a place for students to grow and develop themselves and their knowledge according to the education applied, and students are able to have potential in the academic and non-academic fields. The school campus environment, teacher/lecturer's role and differences in race, ethnicity, culture, social class of students impact learning of the students going to school.


Learn more about interesting facts of students problem​:


16. what policies do reports on the use of ICT practices that impact teaching and learning in the classroom​


Thanks for free PTS





Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can impact student learning when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into curriculum.



17. 1.Explain the need for instructional media in the classroom teaching (why instructional media are require in the classroom teaching process)2.expain how course instructional design is important improving biology

teaching (why instructional media are require in the classroom teaching process)

2.expain how cour

18. how would you compare classroom routines and classroom instructions in japan and the philippines​

Japanese' classroom routines and instructions are more based on discipline ways. Young children were taught doing tasks like cleaning, be responsible on environment, etc. While on the other hand, Philippines, SOME of students here doesn't know how to follow instructions. Because of some hard headed Filipinos, it's more hard to discipline people here compared to Japan. Japan were also known as the cleanest country in the world because of the discipline that all people in there have. Though we have our own School Routine like doing flag ceremony, we should be more responsible for our school routines. Discipline is the good attitude. In that way, we won't hear anything about comparing our country to the other.

19. explain the instructional classroom management approach​


The Definition Of Instructional Management

Riessman (1968) stated that Classroom

management covers all of the things that a teacher does to organize students, space, time and materials so that instruction in content and student learning can take place

20. Guidelines for language classroom instruction



Guidelines These ten guidelines will help you make communicative language teaching and learner-centered instruction part of your own instructional approach.

Take your students’ goals, interests, and existing knowledge seriously Provide appropriate input Use language in authentic ways Provide context and make cultural connections Design activities with a realistic purpose Encourage collaboration Use an integrated approach Address grammar consciously Adjust feedback/error correction to the situation Travel with your students; don’t drag them along behind

(Pa brainliest)

Take your students' goals, interests & existing knowledge seriously.Take your students' goals, interests & existing knowledge seriously.Provide appropriate input.Take your students' goals, interests & existing knowledge seriously.Provide appropriate input.Use language in authentic ways.Take your students' goals, interests & existing knowledge seriously.Provide appropriate input.Use language in authentic ways.Provide context & make cultural connections.Take your students' goals, interests & existing knowledge seriously.Provide appropriate input.Use language in authentic ways.Provide context & make cultural connections.Design activities with a realistic purpose.Take your students' goals, interests & existing knowledge seriously.Provide appropriate input.Use language in authentic ways.Provide context & make cultural connections.Design activities with a realistic purpose.Encourage collaboration.Take your students' goals, interests & existing knowledge seriously.Provide appropriate input.Use language in authentic ways.Provide context & make cultural connections.Design activities with a realistic purpose.Encourage collaboration.Use an integrated approach.Take your students' goals, interests & existing knowledge seriously.Provide appropriate input.Use language in authentic ways.Provide context & make cultural connections.Design activities with a realistic purpose.Encourage collaboration.Use an integrated approach.Address grammar consciously.


I hope this helps to you


21. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusion?

In particular, the classroom may serve as the second home for the learning students. Thus, as they go to school everyday of their life they experience things they don't experience at home and so in this situation their learning starts to progress. The big impact of this is that learners may become productively successful in all aspects of life including morality, mentality, psychological and physical being.

22. How do you differentiate instruction in mixed ability classroom or multi grade classrooms?​


Differentiated instruction is a way of teaching that recognizes variations in learning styles among students. In the same classroom, you are likely to have students of different competencies who will thrive under different academic conditions. Vary the content, process, and products that you plan for in your curriculum.

23. what policies do reports on the use of ict practices that impacts teaching and learning in the classroom​












24. 3 Titles with justification Action Research is a classroom based research of what you woud like to Resolve to improve teaching learning such as instruction.​

restaurants and bars and restaurants open in advance for your help and support you in whatever way you can get a good night's sleep and I'm sorry for the late response

25. what 5 instructional software for classroom use​




Drill and Practice


Instructional Game

Problem Solving


26. what is the impact of classroom management on student behaviors?​

Creates a positive learning environment: A well-managed classroom helps to create a positive and welcoming learning environment that students feel comfortable in. This can lead to increased engagement in learning and better academic performance.

Reduces disruptive behavior: Effective classroom management strategies can help to reduce disruptive behavior such as talking out of turn, being off-task, and being disrespectful to peers and teachers. This can lead to a more focused and productive learning environment.

Increases student motivation: When students feel that their teacher cares about their learning and well-being, they are more likely to be motivated to participate and engage in the classroom.

Builds student self-esteem: Teachers who use positive reinforcement and praise can help to build students' self-esteem and confidence, which can lead to improved behavior and academic performance.

Encourages positive peer interactions: Classroom management strategies that promote positive interactions among students, such as group work and cooperative learning, can help to reduce negative behavior and improve social skills.

In summary, effective classroom management can have a positive impact on student behavior by creating a positive learning environment, reducing disruptive behavior, increasing student motivation and self-esteem, and encouraging positive peer interactions.

27. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact the learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusion?​


course there are a pandemic


couse of the covid19

28. Ano ang The Instructional classroom Management Approach?


Instructional classroom management approaches student behavior based on the premise that strategies for teaching and managing social behavior are not different from strategies for teaching subject matter.


yan lng nakaya ko

29. teacher is the best instructional material in a classroom.​


No not because they are not the best but because they are not material and i dont consider them as a usable things cause they are humans teacher have emotions just like us so dont refer any teacher as a material but consider them as a human

30. online learning versus classroom instructions


online learning is to hard to learn because of modules and answer keys thats why many students get lazy and usually trust to an answer key

face to face classes is the easy way to learn and to understand

the lesson what we learn than the online class we can ask to our teacher what is the meaning of those word and understand the sentences and word

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