What Is Charon s Reaction

What Is Charon s Reaction

What is charon's reaction to dante's attempt to cross the river?

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1. What is charon's reaction to dante's attempt to cross the river?

Charon is the ferryman of the DEAD. Dante was alive so Charon was hesitant to let him cross.

2. what is charon reaction to dante's attempt to cross the river of acheron


Explanation:He was enraged by his presence and refused to let him pass the river of Acheron

3. 3.What is charon's reaction to dante attempt to cross the river of Acheron?

In the beach of Acheron, a ferryman of death named Charon who carries souls of the dead across the river Styx to Hades was hesitant  and refused to take Dante across the River and ordered him to leave as the place is only for the dead without any chance of salvation.

4. According to virgil, whats the reason why charon get mad as he saw dante

because he is a human

5. Sino ang bangkero na naghatid kay Venus sa kaharian sa ilalim ng lupa?a. Karonb. kharonc. Charond. Caron​


Sino ang bangkero na naghatid kay Venus sa kaharian sa ilalim ng lupa?

c. Charon

Sino ang bangkero na naghatid kay venus sa kaharian sa ilalim ng lupa?


c. charon

6. how does virgil silence charon

How does virgil silence charon Something Virgil  had been remembered.  He was reminded of  the likelihood of retribution.  It's so natural to chat and discuss issues not just about  them but also about people as people are closer to one another.  That's why the tales are  gradually spreading to more people.  Some of the time  it could not be accurate.

Virgil remained silent in Canto III Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy after Dante had asked him  to leave as he could not be ferried because he lives. After this Virgil silenced Charon.  Virgil told Charon that God's will  is Dante's hell passage while alive.

For more information visit this link:  




7. INFERNO Canto III The vestibule of hell: TheopportunistsWhy is Charon’s initial refusal to take Dante a favourable sign for Dante? ​


At first, he refuses to ferry Dante across Acheron, because Dante is a living soul. But he agrees to help Dante when Virgil tells him that their journey is ordered by God's will.


Sana po makatulong


8. how does virgil silence charon

In the Canto III of Dante Alighieri’s Inferno in the Divine Comedy, Virgil silenced Charon after the latter told Dante to leave as he is not allowed to be ferried because he is still living. Virgil told Charon that Dante’s passage through hell while being alive is the will of God. 

9. Kilalanin ang sumusunod na tauhan o pook sa pamamagitan ng pagsasaliksik sa pantikang-nayang Griyego- Romano. 1. Anchises - 2. Sybil - 3. Charon - 4. Cerberus -


1.Anchises -


is not long

10. Ano ang tatlo kahinaan at kalakasan ni charon​



Masasabi rin natin na isa sa mga kahinaan ni Cupid ay ang kanyang pagmamahal kay Psyche. Dahil sa kanyang pagmamahal, hindi niya nasunod ang utos ng kanyang ina na paibigin ito sa isang Halimaw.


Si Psyche ay matiyaga at hindi sumusuko sa ano mang laban. Ito ay ipinakita nung bigyan siya ng maraming pagsubok at paghihirap ni Venus.

Siya rin ay may magandang mukha na kinahuhumalingan ng mga kalalakihan.

Dahil sa kanyang ganda, napa ibig rin sa

11. 3.what is Charon's reaction to Dante's attempt to cross the river of Acheron?

Divine Comedy is a Narrative Poem that is written by Dante Alghieri, to which, he is the main character of the poem and it tells the story of his adventure in the afterlife. He started the poem in 1308 and concluded it in 1321, the poem has three parts:

1. Inferno (Hell) where Dante starts his journey to Hell.

2. Purgatorio (Purgatory) God's waiting room

3. Paradiso (Paradise) which is heaven

To answer, to ''What is Charon's reaction to Dante's attempt to cross the river of Acheron?''  we would then focus on the first part of the poem which is called ''Inferno''. The first part of the poem shows Dante getting lost in the dark woods, he felt despair and terror until he sees the shining of the sun over a mountain, and decided that he would go there. When he was about to climb the mountain, he was met by three beasts. A lion, a leopard, and a she-wolf. Dante avoids the first two beasts but was driven away scared and helpless by the third one, he retreats to the woods and is met by a ghost, Dante was scared and asked the apparition to what it was,  because he was unsure if he was talking with a person or an unearthly being. The ghost then replies, ''Not a man know but I once was'', as it turns out, it was the ghost of Publius Vergilius Maro or Virgil, a Roman poet who was the author of Aeineid. Dante admired Virgil and told him that he inspired him, he also tells Virgil on how he was driven away by the beasts of the mountain, which, prompted him to return to the woods. Virgil then tells him that he must take a different path, for Dante's former lover, Beatrice, has sent him to guide Dante towards Paradiso.

Virgil and Dante started their journey by going through Hell. The threshold of the gateway of hell bears the inscription, ''Abandon all hope, ye who enter here''. Dante then hears the screams of anguish by the ''Uncommitted'', the cowards who took no sides, but would only go for opportunities. Among the ''Uncommitted'' was Pope Celestine V, whose cowardice allowed evil to go into the church. The souls of the ''Uncommitted'' are neither in Hell nor out of it, but they are stuck on the shores of the Acheron. All of them were naked and are continually tormented by hornets. While maggots drink their bodily fluids. Dante and Virgil then, boarded a ferry in Acheron to reach Hell proper. The ferry, which was piloted by Charon, Charon did not allow Dante to enter because he is still a living being. Virgil, on the other hand, compels Charon by saying, ''It is so willed there where is power to do/ That which is willed'' stating that, Dante is in his journey towards divine grounds.

For more additional information about the Divine comedy and the gates of hell, please refer to the links below:




12. sino sila apollo hari dalawang kapatid ni psyche zephyr jupiter mercury proserpine venus charon laggam halaman agila tore asong may tatlong ulo

Sila ang mga tauhan ng mitolohiyang cupid and psyche

13. А21. Persephone22.2 kapatid23. Psyche24. Apollo25. Zeus26. Charon27. Cupid28. Zephyr29. Hermes30. Venus​


nasan po ang direction at choice para ma answer ko Po?


Pano masasagutan nyan


kung walang choices

14. How does the virgil silence Charon

vergil reminds him that in hell what God will is done

15. Who is charon in the story of Orpheus

Charon is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of living from the world of the dead

16. In "Canto III" of Inferno, Charon tells the soulsto "Bury here and forever all hope of paradise" Is hope necessary in resolving conflict?

No,because if you are just hoping and not doing anything or not putting an effort then that hope is useless 

17. 7. The monster that guards the gates of the underworld is calleda. Cerberusb. Tantalusc. Charond. Sisyphus​


a. Cerberus also known as the "hound of Hades"

18. How does virgil silence charon

Virgil reminds him that in Hell what God wills is done

19. how does virgil silence charon?

Virgil reminds him that in Hell what God wills is done

20. 1.What is the first circle of Inferno? the circle for the opportunists the circle for the traitors/ liars the circle for the unbaptized/pagans the circle for the fortunetellers/witches   2.Who is the main character of Inferno? Charon Celestine Dante Virgil ​


1.the circle for the traitors/liars



sana maka tulong

virgil is dantes guide through the hell

21. According to Joel M. Charon, name the three causes of human cultural variation and say something about each?​


There are three core principles in symbolic interaction perspective of Blumer: Meaning, language (language provides means [symbols] for debating meaning) and thinking principle. Symbolic interaction theory acknowledges the principle of meaning as the center of human behavior.

Blumer states that symbolic interactionism rests on three premises: that human beings act toward things on the basis of the meanings of things have for them; that the meaning of such things derives from the social interaction one has with one's fellows; and that these meanings are handled in, and modified through, an ...

22. how does virgil silence charon?

virgil reminds him that in Hell what God wills is done

23. Charon decides where souls are to be placed in hell.


False / No


There is a possibility that your soul will be in heaven or hell because The Lord will judge the living and the dead. The only thing matters in your life are sins and falseness. Every person cannot judge the living and the dead because only the Lord can; they cannot also decide where every soul can come from because the Lord can count our sins and our faults. Only the Lord can remove our sins, forgive us and remove our past that we have made a worst sin. The Lord can only decide where souls can be placed onto.

24. mortal na labis na hinahangaan at sinasamba ng kalalakihan sa mitolohiya? A. AphroditeB. MinervaC. CharonD. Psyche​




Dahil sa kanyang kagandahan


D. Pysche

siya ang pinakamaganda sa kanilang tatlong magkakapatid. Labis siyang hinahangaan ng mga kalalakihan

25. what is charon reaction to dantes attempt to a cross.the river of.acheron canto 3

He was enraged by his presence and refused to let him pass the river of Acheron

26. who The Boat of Charon ​

Charon, in Greek mythology, the son of Erebus and Nyx (Night), whose duty it was to ferry over the Rivers Styx and Acheron those souls of the deceased who had received the rites of burial. ... In payment he received the coin that was placed in the mouth of the corpse.

si Batman tsaka si superman sabay mo na si darna tsaka si wonder woman

27. 13. Which part of a comet of that always faces away from the Sun? A. Coma B. Ion tail C. Nucleus D. Rock core 14. What is the largest planetoid in the solar system? A. Ceres B. Gigantor C. Charon D. Vega​


13. C. nucleus

14. D. vega

28. What is the largest planetoid in the solar system? A. Ceres B. Gigantor C. Charon D. Vega ​


B. Gigantor


Kasi yung ceres isa na sya sa mga drafts planet pati ang vega, yung Charon namn di siya masyadong malaki.

29. how does virgil silence charon?


When Dante, along with Virgil arrive at the shore of river Acheron, they confront Charon- a ferryman- uttering dangerous intimidation to the act of crossing the river. ... At this, Virgil tells him that God's will act in every domain that exists, even Hell functions according to the Almighty's will.



30. In "Canto III" of "Inferno" by Dante, Charon tells the souls to "Bury here and forever all hope of Paradise." Is hope necessary in resolving conflict? Explain.

Yes . Hope is necessary in solving conflict. Because if you do not have hope how can you even try to find a solution to the problem? Without hope there will be no solution to any challenges faced or obstacles encountered. Hope is the first thing you need to solve a conflict. It's the one that gives you the urge to move and find a way.Yes . Hope is necessary in solving conflict. Because if you do not have hope how can you even try to find a solution to the problem? Without hope there will be no solution to any challenges faced or obstacles encountered. Hope is the first thing you need to solve a conflict. It's the one that gives you the urge to move and find a way.

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