Teen Love

Teen Love

hypothesis about the effect of teen love​

Daftar Isi

1. hypothesis about the effect of teen love​




Is just a felling we can feel

2. Teens need love not war a summary​


I don't no


di ko alarm clock ⏰ a lot

3. 1. Teen-age kind of love si called, A.Conjugal love B.Puppy love C.True love.​


love and romance

the answer is C po ang answer po

4. 1.what is teen age pregnancy?2.what is cause in teen age pregnancy?3.how to avoid teen age pregnancy?​

1. Teenage pregnancy, also known as adolescent pregnancy, is pregnancy in a female under the age of 20. Pregnancy can occur with sexual intercourse after the start of ovulation, which can be before the first menstrual period (menarche) but usually occurs after the onset of periods.

2. The factors contributing to teenage pregnancy included: lack of school fees, lack of parental care, communication and supervision, poverty, peer pressure, non-use of contraceptives, desire for a child, forced marriage, low educational level and need for dowries.

3. Choose not to have sex. Talk openly to parents or other trusted adults and ask how they can get birth control if they choose to be sexually active. Talk with a health care provider to learn about the best types of birth control for them, and use it and condoms correctly every time.


Teen age pregnancy is when a woman under 20 gets pregnant it is also called adolescent pregnancy.Some causes of teen age pregnancy are; Single parent households, Lack of positive family interaction, Lack of parental supervision, and Lack of positive parent-child communication.We can avoid teen age pregnancy by encouraging teen not to have sex,r ecognize LARC as a safe and effective choice of birth control for teens and listen to parent's advise.


I hope it helps youuuuuu!

Pa Brainliest naman po pleasee :)

5. What is real Love? Does it good for teens? ​


For me real love exists to those two people that are contented to each others company (basta eto ang alam ko dkopa kase naranasan mainlove)

Yes and no

Yes to those who are mature to think

No to those who only want to make trend

6. which of the sentence below uses a reflexive pronoun? A. jack not arrange himself to marry jill. B. the seats are already taken. C. she herself loves the movie. D. they are promoting self-love to the teens​


A and C


A uses the reflexive pronoun himself and C uses herself.

umm sorry if its wrong

D po because D ano ba y talaga

7. It seems like there has been a surge in teen pregnano pregnancies make it difficult for young mothers to pursue their dreams a een a surge in teen pregnancies these days. Teen of an infant. Fortunately, most teen pregnancies can be eas ng mothers to pursue their dreams and nheet the demands ly, most teen pregnancies can be easily prevented by using birth controls; however, and even birth control is not 100% effective. The most prevent teen pregnancies is abstinence which is 100% effective.​


huh?learning task 2: make a creative household linen of your choise like napkin, pillowcase or table runner learning task 2: make a creative household linen of your choise like napkin, pillowcase or table runner


8. 47. Which of the following is a characteristic of immature behavior? Responsible teen b. careless teen c. hard work teen​


47. Which of the following is a characteristic of immature behavior? Responsible teen b. careless teen c. hard work teen


A. Responsible Teen

Responsible Is the characteristics of immature behavior.

the answer is letter B.

not sure :)

9. patulong nga po please kailangan ko po Why do teens fall in love with celebrities? Or idolize them? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


because they are our idols and we want to be like them

10. In general, which of the following is NOT true concerning teens and marriage? A. Many married teens may experience changes in friendships. B. Many married teens may experience limitations on income. C. Many married teens may experience resentment within the relationship. D. Many married teens remain together for a large number of years.


From the given statement concerning teens and marriage, identify which statement is not true.


The correct answer is Option D - Many married teens remain together for a large number of years.


Options A, B, and C  are not the correct answer because all those statements speaks about what really happens after teens get married. It is true that teens after getting married may experience changes particularly in friendships. Moreover, it is true also that teens after getting married experience resentment and limitations on income.

Read more here:

Why do teens engage in pre-marital sex?


Teenage pregnancy




11. What is teen ager,what problem their i n counter in the stage of teen ager life

Teenagers are people whose age ranges to 13-19 they usually experience depression because of pressure and most of them experience Identity crisis in this stage.

12. 2. Most teens love online games. A. a young person B. having lived for many years C. person between youth and later life D. a young person between the ages of 13 and 19​


D po


i think iyan po ang sagot




A young person between the ages of 13 and 19

thirteen to nineteen:))

13. what is scope of suicide among teens and what is delimations of suicide among teens​


Mental health has traditionally been the purview of psychiatrists and specifically trained mental health practitioners. But over the last two to three decades, family practice physicians, nurse practitioners, allied health professionals, and other healthcare providers are increasingly responsible for identifying and managing chronic mental health problems including suicidal ideation and behaviors.

Now it is not uncommon for a variety of healthcare providers to find themselves at the front lines of identifying serious mental health issues that require screening and referral. Because of these changes, it is important that all healthcare providers are knowledgeable about suicide risk factors and warning signs, understand suicide screening tools, and know when, where, and how to refer a client who is at risk for self-harm.


Hope it help...

14. Teens need independence from their parents, but the majority of teens still want their parents involved in their lives. true or false​


true po ang sagot


pa brainliest


Teens need independence from their parents, but the majority of teens still want their parents involved in their lives. true

15. what your view towards teen marriage reason for saying no to teen marriage​


Child marriage ends childhood. It negatively influences children's rights to education, health and protection. ... A girl who is married as a child is more likely to be out of school and not earn money and contribute to the community. She is more likely to experience domestic violence and become infected with HIV/AIDS



16. 2. How should teen issues and concerns about sexuality be handled to benefit teens emotionally?​


sexuality is part of who your child is and who he'll become. Feeling comfortable with his sexuality is essential to your child's healthy development. You can support your child by talking openly with him about sex and sexuality

17. how should teen issues and concerns about sexuality be handled to benefit teens emotionally?​


Sexuality is part of who your child is and who he’ll become. Feeling comfortable with his sexuality is essential to your child’s healthy development. You can support your child by talking openly with him about sex and sexuality.

18. why do teens like you love to join fraternities​

Fraternity and sorority membership helps young men and women cultivate leadership skills, gain a sense of social identity, and learn to play well with others. Fraternity and sorority membership helps young men and women cultivate leadership skills, gain a sense of social identity, and learn to play well with others

Most of our young people think that joining a fraternity is good for ourselves. The other young people thought it was satisfying to join such organizations but what often happens is that we get involved in riots.

19. Write True or False.1. All teens grow at the same rate.2. Teen-age boys need more calories than teen-age girls.3. The best way for teen-agers to manage weight is by losing weight.4. A good choice for a snack is one that fits into the Food Guide Pyramid.5. Teen-agers diets may be low in Vitamin A and folacin.​

[tex] \colorbox{orange}{•KASAGUTAN}[/tex]

1. False

Because some Not.

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. True



1. False

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. True



20. Which of the following statements does NOT describe how teens can create a healthy body image? A. Teens should limit comparisons of their body to others. B. Teens should focus on their accomplishments. C. Teens should not allow their peers to influence them negatively. D. Teens should use the media to figure out what body type is healthy.


A kendhsuishehebeieie

21. Do you think Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet” to inspire teens like you to fall in love or to make them aware of the consequences of infatuation?​


No, Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet to learn a lesson from what happened to their story

22. 5. Friendships during the teen years:A. Are not to be encourageB. Often become as or more important than being with familyC. Are nice, but not necessary for teens social developmentD. Should be chosen by the teen's parents​

letter b is the most appropriate answer




im not sure this answer but this is my own answer

23. Which scenario is an example of external pressure to use drugs? A teen has a genetic tendency to use drugs. A teen feels depressed and decides to try drugs. A friend invites a teen to a party where there are drugs. A teen finds his parent’s prescription pain reliever and decides to try it.


The scenario where external pressure leading to the use of drugs is shown.


The correct answer is, A friend invites a teen to a party where there are drugs.


The scenario where a friend invites a teen to a party where there are drugs is a clear scenario showing external pressure that leads to the use of prohibited drugs. It is an example of peer pressure. Peer pressure is an example of external factors or external pressure. When we say external pressure, it means the pressure is found in the environment or the surrounding.

Click on these following links for additional information:

Gateway drugs


Are all drugs are illegal?


Reflection about illegal drugs



24. how is life most similar being a teen in your day as a compared with life for teens today​


discussing new concepts and practicing new skills (sub-activity #1

25. Yung teens love to watch scifi divergent extinction and alita


yes I love the divergent


26. how do you view love in traditional way in teen age years​

As a teenage year the view Love in a tradition is giving something special even if its small things and they appriciate it, caring for your family.

27. young teens love to watch sci-fi movie like divergent exlxtinctuon amd alista​


i like watch marvel movie hehe sorry


ineed some brainly

28. Compare and contrast Romeo and juliet to teens like you today in a manner of how they express their love and their idea of marriage.PLEASE SERYUSUHIN NIYO! WAG KAYUNG MANG TRIP PLEASE LANG!​


seryuso na ako sa ginagawa ko




hi te di q na po babasahin ung binigay q na link kaw nlng po sana po makatulong

29. The product of the ages, in years,of three teenagers is 4590. None of the teens are of the same age. What are the ages of the teens?


since all three ages are in the teens, one of them has to be 15.

Step-by-step explanation:

SOLUTION: The product of the three ages, in years of three teenagers is 4590. None of the teens are the same ages. What are the ages of the three teen ages? (Use guess and check) A hat an


[tex]17 \times 18 \times 15 = 4590[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps

30. What is teen ager life,what challenges that their in counter in teen ager life

Teenagers are people whose age ranges to 13-19 they usually experience depression because of pressure and most of them experience Identity crisis in this stage.

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