What Is A Washer

What Is A Washer

What was the initial position of the washer?1. What was the initial position of the washer? 2. What is the final position of the washer? 3. What is the distance traveled by the washer? 4. What is the displacement of the washer? 5. Which of the underlined quantities (final position, distance traveled, and displacement) are numerically equal?

Daftar Isi

1. What was the initial position of the washer?1. What was the initial position of the washer? 2. What is the final position of the washer? 3. What is the distance traveled by the washer? 4. What is the displacement of the washer? 5. Which of the underlined quantities (final position, distance traveled, and displacement) are numerically equal?



9 cm


ff, dis,

sana makatulong

2. What is the variable plotted in the X&axis?A. Number of washersB. Mass of washersC. Volume pf waterD. Volume of washers❤​



Step-by-step explanation:

it depends on the axis

3. what are the variable that are needed to plot the data on a graph?a.Number of washers and massb.Mass of washers and volume of waterc.volume and washersd.none of the above​


a.Number of washers and mass

Step-by-step explanation:

yan ang sagot ko



what are the variable that are needed to plot the data on a graph?


a.Number of washers and mass

b.Mass of washers and volume of water

c.volume and washers

d.none of the above


b.Mass of washers and volume of water


4. What kind of Motion is in the Free Fall of the Washers?​


pagtoun oi Aysig search²


wla pd ko kabalo

5. what is the distance traveled by the washer?​


126 miles away


hope it helps

6. what have you noticed about the as add more washer on science subject​


washing your hands is the more powerfull disinfectant

7. 13. Which variables do they need to use if they are going to plot the dataon a graph?a Number of washers and massb. Mass of washers and volume of waterc. Volume and number of washersd. None of the above​




sana po makatulong

8. What is the use of lock washer?​


Lock washers are designed to be tightened to a required torque beneath an ordinary fastener. They exert a spring tension that keeps the fastener from vibrating loose. They are often attached to the nut side of the fastener.

Answer: Hope it helps.


9. What is the main objective in playing sipa.a. to throw the washer up highb. to toss the washer using a racket.c. to drop the washer on the groundd. to kick the washer repeatedly withouttouching the ground.​


The answer is Letter D


Cause I play it once




1hp car for trade in pick up raptor good design in car parking multiplayer

10. A metal washer 1 ½ inches in diameter is pierced by a ¾ inch hole. What is the area of the cross section of the washer?

the detective and thief dynamic is quite popular, theyre friendly with each other despite their job contrast and rf is in almonds skill too

11. mrs.kayla pays $1800 for a new refrigerator, washer and dryer. the refrigerator costs $250 more than the washer. the dryer costs half as much as the washer. how much does thw washer cost?

Washer: x

Refrigerator: x + 250

Dryer: (1/2)x or x/2

Total: 1,800

(x) + (x+250) + x/2 = 1,800

Multiply each term by their LCD 2:

(2) [(x) + (x+250) + x/2 = 1,800] (2)

2x + 2x + 500 + x = 3,600

5x = 3,600 - 500

5x/5 = 3,100/5

x = 620

ANSWER: The washer costs $620.


Washer: 620

Refrigerator: 620 + 250 ⇒ 870

Dryer: (1/2)(620) ⇒ 310

620 + 870 + 310 = 1,800

1,800 = 1,800 (True)

12. A metal washer 1.25 inches in diameter is pierced by a 1/2 in. hole. What is the area of one face of the washer ?



Step-by-step explanation:

correct me if I am wrong

13. what might be the reason for any difference in the motion of the car and the washers?​


Unbalanced forces cause acceleration. When an unbalanced force acts on an object, the motion of the object is changed.


14. What happens to the time of revolution as the number of washers/candies in increased?​


That's what happens when you go over a hill on the roller coaster just before ... is the number of revolutions per second measured in Hertz.

15. what is the displacement of the washer​


washing machine ang sagot pag tamad

16. what is the alternative materials of the washers and papers clip​


Here are the most common alternatives to paper clips that you will find in the market these days.

1 – Binder Clips. ...

2 – Paper Fasteners and Punchers. ...

3 – Plastic Paper Clips. ...

4 – Rubber Bands. ...

5 – Slide Binders. ...

6 – Pac-Man Vinyl Coated Clips. ...

7 – Paper – Paper Clips.



1 – Binder Clips. ...

2 – Paper Fasteners and Punchers. ...

3 – Plastic Paper Clips. ...

4 – Rubber Bands. ...

5 – Slide Binders. ...

6 – Pac-Man Vinyl Coated Clips. ...

7 – Paper – Paper Clips.

I hope that helped


Study Well ❣️ For a good future ❣️

17. what tool is used to hold extra computer screws, nuts,and washers?​


twister i think not sure po

18. In an experiment, 16 washers are required for each group of students. If there are 5 groups in a class, how many washers are needed? A. 100 washers B. 80 washers C. 30 washers D. 60 washers



Step-by-step explanation:

16×5=80 washers ////////////


80 dude simple math

Step-by-step explanation:

19. what is josefa? a.a good cook b.a good helper c.a good washer​


1.pupils should follow the rules in school

A. Pupils stay in school at a designated time

B. They attend classes regularly.

C. They go to school in complete uniform

D.All of the above

20. LET'S INVESTIGATE! ACTIVITY 1: Measuring Displacement Objective: Measure and determine displacement of a 10- centavo coin or a washer Materials: washer or 10 centavo-coin, centimeter ruler paper Procedure: 1. Place a washer or a 10-centavo coin on the number line with the center of the washer or the 10-centavo coin at the position marked zero. 2. Draw a circle around the inside of the washer or the 10- centavo coin. 3. Mark the center of this circle with the letter I for the word "initial" position of the washer. 4. Move the center of the washer 5.0 cm to the right. Label this circle F for the "final" position of the washer. Guide Questions: 1. What was the initial position of the washer? 2. What is the final position of the washer? 3. What is the distance traveled by the washer? 4. What is the displacement of the washer? 5. Which of the underlined quantities (final position, distance traveled, and displacement) are numerically equal? I report nako ang mag binuang.








21. What is the main objective in playing sipa?a. to throw the washer up high b.To toss the washer using a racketc.To drop the washer on the groundd.To kick the washer repeatedly without touching the ground ​




22. what are the materials they used in playing sipa o washer​


Surviving mainly as a children's game, it derived its name from the object being used to play, the Sipa. It is made of a washer (a metal stud, coin-like object), covered with cloth or a bunch of rubber-bands or colourful threads attached to it, usually plastic straw.

23. what does the number of washers or candies?​


326 kwh



24. WHAT IS "this washer can be stacked and has a large capacity without sacrificing cleaning performance "​


25. A metal washer 1 ½ inch in diameter is pierced by a ¾ inch hole. What is the area of the cross-section of the washer?


3/4 (inch)

1/2 (inch) = cnih/2

a = cnih/2

3/4 (cnih) = 3 cnih/4

26. 4. Which variable is to be placed on the y axis?a mass of washer b. volume of water c. volume of washer d. number of washers​


•Which variable is to be placed on the y axis?


• C. Volume of washers

27. altea wants to play sipa,what should be her main goal in playing?a.to drop the washer alwaysb.to throw the washer in the skyc.to keep washer on the groundd.to kick the washer repeatedly​




to kick the washer repeatedly

28. what is the use of washer dryer? need help ​


A washer dryer is a washing machine with an inbuilt tumble dryer, so if you need to dry clothes quickly, it's a good option as it both washes and dries your clothes in the same cycle – so all you need to do is remove the clothes from the machine and they're ready to wear.

29. Mrs. Tayona pays ₱ 1,800.00 for a new refrigerator, washer and dryer. The refrigerator costs ₱250.00 more than the washer. The dryer cost half as much as the washer. How much was the washer cost?

First you need to subtract 1,800 from 250
And then divide the answer by 2 because it’s said “half” so
Therefore the washer cost Php775.00

30. 4. 12 washers : N minutes = 24 washers : 4 minutesMissing Term:​


N= 2 minutes

hope it helpsssss

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