How Inventions Change History For Better And For Worse

How Inventions Change History For Better And For Worse

how ict can change the world for better or for worse

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1. how ict can change the world for better or for worse

ICT: For better or for worse?

           ICT has been changing the world to be better than yesterday. ICT ( has became significantly helpful in gearing up people by providing valuable knowledge and skills in computing and communications devices (

            In a more modernized world we have right now, ICT is definitely a help to everyone to stay in pace with the modernization of the world. ICT has a great part in educating the youths with the basics of computing and introducing the common communication devices (

            However, with the unwanted scenarios nowadays that we have been seeing, unwanted scenarios involving ICT, we can really think twice and or doubt if ICT is really changing the world to be better. But we should always remember, the purpose of ICT is never to cause harm, it is our bad decisions and lack of discipline that brings us to harm, not really ICT.


2. How ICT can change the world for better or worse?

It is a common belief ICT ( Information and Communications Technology) can change the world for the better, well at least for those who are into technology. From the start, its introduction will not be that easy, especially the financing part. When it is all set up, it will all look good from the outside, but in reality, many of this so-called technological improvement in our lives have left many of us feeling empty, today we work longer which is fine for the workaholics and the tech-savvy, but for those who can’t cope with all these changes, they will be left out, and that is not a good thing.  

So ICT will be good for some but not for everyone.

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3. how was covid 19 change student's live for better?for the worse​

for the worse


because other student/parents can't afford gadgets to use on their online class,,other students can't understand some of their lessons so they will fail

How do Covid-19 change students life for better or worse?*

Worse for those who aren't privilege or not luck enough to afford Gadget and a stable internet connection. And has no place to study without any distractions.

Better for those who are privilege and rich enough to afford a gadget and a stable internet connection to listen properly and has a comfortable place to study with.

4. 1. How Does the development of the internet Change people's way of living today? Do you think it made the quality if life better or worse?

It depends on how people use it but for me it makes my life better and easier to accomplish my task by using internet




Because of internet the work of people makes easier, you can access any time

5. How does the development of the Internetchange peoples way of livingtoday? Do you think it made the quality of lifebetter or worse?​

in my own knowledge, the Internet has changed the way we interact with our family, friends, and life partners. Now everyone is connected to everyone else in a simpler, more accessible, and more immediate way; we can conduct part of our personal relationships using our laptops, smart phones, and tablets.

I think the life now is somehow better because without the internet, students cannot graduate or study from school because of the pandemic.

hope it helps:)

6. How ICT can change the world for better or worse? help me to answer this asap


Because ICT can explore internet and explore more things and also to teach people what things they didnt know yet

7. that invention changed history.what word is the adjective?​

the word that is adjective is, "changed"

8. For you, which changes to our old customs, traditions, and practices brought by thesepeople are better and worse?​

It depends on the people whose in the politics. If the people on politics are good and intelligent and not oppurtunist, then our country will be better. But if they're not, they'll make the country worst.they changes culture by bringing their culture to ours

9. For you, which changes to our old customs, traditions, and practices brought by these people are better and worse?​

Answer:It depends on the people whose in the politics. If the people on politics are good and intelligent and not opportunist, then our country will be better. But if they're not, they'll make the country worst.they changes culture by bringing their culture to ours


10. identify invention and discoveries that changes the world over the course of history​


Wheel. The wheel stands out as an original engineering marvel, and one of the most famous inventions.



Steam engine.





11. how did the printing press change the course of history? what ideas were spread using the invention?​


In the 15th century, an innovation enabled people to share knowledge more quickly and widely. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes, and the invention of the mechanical movable type printing press helped disseminate knowledge wider and faster than ever before. ...28 Aug 2019


Mag aral ng mabuti upang buhay ay bumoti

12. For you, which changes brought to our old customs, traditions and practices by these people are better and worse?


Back then, people used to pray before going to eat, but now, there are others who just eat straight away and no longer pray and thank God before eating.

13. how was covid 19 change students lives for the better? for the worse?​


for the worse


because its so hard to self study


It never became better,In fact,It became more worse.


Because of covid-19 many people lost their jobs,and this includes the job of the parents of some students and because of this,They werent able to afford to go to school.Some students even chose to just skip school for the better.

Today's learning system is now in online learning,Which made it harder for my fellow students because it requires a gadget and stable wifi connection to go to school.But not all of us can afford it as it is expensive,Some has wifi but it is slow,they always get disconnected and is one of the problems in online learning.and there are some who use their load or data,Imagine how much they would spend everyday just to attend school.

Another thing is that it's not the same quality of education we used to get like in face to face,Because although we have modules,There students who can't or do not know how to self study.In this time of pandemic,everything became harder,and in online class,we're still adjusting.If this pandemics stresses us already,What more of the fact that education or school is making it more stressful.

14. GMO are changing the world, but is it for the better or is it for the worse?​


The Nobel Prize is named after a scientist, Alfred Nobel, who established the prizes in his will in 1885. Alfred Nobel is famous for inventing dynamite. However, he mistakenly believed that his invention would bring about a more peaceful world. He is quoted as saying, “My dynamite will sooner lead to peace than a thousand world conventions. As soon as men will find that in one instant, whole armies can be utterly destroyed, they surely will abide by golden peace” [1]. In fact, his invention led to the development of many modern tools of war.


15. Is technology making your life better or worse? How?​

It’s making your life better cause we will know a lot, make life easier.
But it will worse because the people maybe can be lazy cause of technology, like an searching in the internet, the book can no longer to use to find the answer.

16. How does the development of the Internet change people's way ofliving today? Do you think it made the quality of life better or worse?​

Development of the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages, the Internet can give us the information that we need quickly, and the disadvantage of it is, people are abusing it and keeps on spreading fake news sksksksks

17. Genetically Modified Organisms (MOS) are changing the world, but is itfor the better or is it for the worse?​


I think it is a same because every creation have better and worse it is depends to the person who dicide.

18. Compare the changes under the spanish regime with the type of living pre-colonial societies had. Was it a change for the better? Or for worse? 3 sentences


During pre-colonial times, women shared equal footing with men in society. ... In fact, it could be said that pre-colonial Philippines was largely matriarchal, with the opinions of women holding great weight in matters of politics and religion. Prior to Spanish colonization in 1521, the Filipinos had a rich culture and were trading with the Chinese and the Japanese. Spain's colonization brought about the construction of Intramuros in 1571, a "Walled City" comprised of European buildings and churches, replicated in different parts of the archipelago. I can say that this changes are for the better because constructions rises that gives more opportunities to the Filipinos and it improves their way of living to a more comfortable and convenient one.



19. Some people say "Through science, humans have changed the Earth both for the better and for theworse."​

This means that science has changed us and our earth in both good and bad ways, for example: humans found new ways to clean, study, and do work in much easier ways because of science, but in the other hand, science also created different types of pollution that caused our earth and environment a lot of harm. So to summarize this up, thanks to science we humans made good and bad changes to our selves and our environment.

Hope this helped you understand it better. :)

Stay safe everyone, especially on these hard times OwO

20. how did the printing press change the course of history?what ideas were spread using this invention?​

The movable printing press

Printing Press is a type of machine that prints books, magazines, letters whatsoever and usually produced in huge numbers.

Johannes Gutenburg a goldsmith, inventor and publisher invented the movable printing press during the early Renaissance period in the year 1440.

His introduction of the movable type printing to Europe launched the so-called Printing Revolution and associated as the greatest milestone of the second millennium, leading in the modern era of our history.

• The first book that was published using the movable type printing is the Bible. The word of God and his lessons spread to the entire Europe and the rest of the world.

• Subjects, such as Science and Mathematics spread throughout Europe, resulting in so many knowledge, ideas and inventions.

• News and Communications became much more easy and accessible.




21. What is turning the most exciting part of the story when the plot changes for better or for worse.

Plot Twist from what I've remembered in Creative Writing Class

22. How did the printing press change the course of history? What ideas were spread using this invention?


When the printing press was invented there was a shift from the laborious manuscript making to the codex print allowing many copies of written work to be quickly created, in turn providing greater access to information for all and providing the framework for the gradual transformation of societal literacy.

23. Is the covid 19 pandemic changing the world for the better or for the worse? how to solve?how to solve it?


The Covid-19 pandemic changing the world for the worse, Why? its because we cant see our relatives like the past years. We cant play and have fun with our friends. We cant have travel with our families and more.

We can only solve this pandemic if we always do the health protocols. Have a 100% safe and effective vaccines.

24. Did the positive things you experience change you for the better or worse? How?​



because, getting out into the world and doing something new and different is a fostered approach to life. You get to experience more. Change is good because you have the opportunity to embrace new experiences. When you look back on your life, all of the really amazing things are because of a new experience you had.

25. Identify two (2) inventions that changed the world over the course of history.​


Technology, ingredients


26. what do you think the inventions and discoveries changed the world over history​





Although the foundation to the modern car year was laid in 1886 by German inventor Karl Benz, Cars did not become widely available until the early 20th century. Henry Fordinnovated mass-production techniques that became standard, with Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler. However, he certainly wasn't the only person to develop the horseless carriage.

The history of the automobile reflects a worldwide evolution. Dozens of spin-off industries blossomed creating thousands of new jobs. Oil and steel became two well-established industries.

Vehicle production and sales are one of the major indicators of economic status. Moreover, it influenced the technological advances in petroleum refining, steel making, paint and plate-glass manufacturing, and other industrial processes.

27. How do you assess communication? is it getting better or worse?


assess to communication is getting better because of communication you can learn a lot of things

28. How was covid-19 change students lives for the better? or for the worse?​


never became better,In fact,It became more worse.


Because of covid-19 many people lost their jobs,and this includes the job of the parents of some students and because of this,They werent able to afford to go to school.Some students even chose to just skip school for the better.

Today's learning system is now in online learning,Which made it harder for my fellow students because it requires a gadget and stable wifi connection to go to school.But not all of us can afford it as it is expensive,Some has wifi but it is slow,they always get disconnected and is one of the problems in online learning.and there are some who use their load or data,Imagine how much they would spend everyday just to attend school.

Another thing is that it's not the same quality of education we used to get like in face to face,Because although we have modules,There students who can't or do not know how to self study.In this time of pandemic,everything became harder,and in online class,we're still adjusting.If this pandemics stresses us already,What more of the fact that education or school is making it more stressful.


Fate has been served to us cold. I know many learners including me are literally having goosebumps engaging this particular scheme of coping wisdom. There's no other choice but to adopt this manner.

go with the flow and doubtlessly take this risk.

we're on the same boat. same burdens carried on. same battle to conquer.but then again everything happens for a reason. let us all remember that this nightmare shall pass. Fighting.

29. "Every moral action changes the actor for better or worse,"


ano pong gagawin diyan


di ko kasi alam tanong

30. how was covid 19 change student's live for the better?For the worse?​

for the worse

May students stop studying because they don't have enough money to continue,

while the other student Don't really understand their lessons

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