Parable About Honesty

Parable About Honesty

1. What is the parable all about? a. The parable is about cooperation and responsibility. b. The parable is about the rain which interrupted the arguments of the colors c. The parable is about love and harmony among others. d. The parable is about the dominance of each color of the rainbow.​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. What is the parable all about? a. The parable is about cooperation and responsibility. b. The parable is about the rain which interrupted the arguments of the colors c. The parable is about love and harmony among others. d. The parable is about the dominance of each color of the rainbow.​



D.Parallel is all about the dominance of each color of the rainbow.

The parable is about the dominance of each color of the rainbow.





2. 1. What is the parable all about?a. The parable is about cooperation and responsibility.b. The parable is about the rain which interrupted the arguments of the colors.c. The parable is about love and harmony among others.d. The parable is about the dominance of each color of the rainbow.​

Answer:C. po dahil yn ang nakita ko sa books ko .


sana makatulong ang sagot ko

3. Give the Proclaimed about the Reign of God 1.Parable of the Sower 2.Parable of the weeds 3.Parable of the Mustard Seed 4.Parable of the Yeast 5.Parable of the Hidden 6.Parable of the Pearl​


The Parable of the Sower (sometimes called the Parable of the Soils) is a parable of Jesus found in Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20, Luke 8:4–15 and the extra-canonical Gospel of Thomas.[1]

Jesus tells of a farmer who sows seed indiscriminately. Some seed falls on the path (wayside) with no soil, some on rocky ground with little soil, some on soil which contains thorns, and some on good soil. In the first case, the seed is taken away; in the second and third soils, the seed fails to produce a crop; but when it falls on good soil, it grows and yields thirty-, sixty-, or a hundred-fold


number 1 lang po nasagot ko sorry po

4. Review/Drill Using the diagram below, write your ideas about parables. Parables​


- stories

- moral lesson

- values

- religous massage


pa brainliest

5. short reflection about the parable of the pearl?​


Jesus’ parable about the Kingdom has been extensively described and pronounced. The parables in the gospel reading are sample stories that were familiar at that time. Stories about a treasure hidden in the field, about pearls, about fishing and the catch. In today’s gospel, the faithful are asked to take time to ponder and analyze the examples in these tales. The kingdom of God is likened to a treasure buried in a field and to a fine pearl. One has to sell everything so that the person can buy the field and the finest pearl. If one has found the thing that the person is seeking, one will do what he or she can in order to have what that person wants in life.

6. reflection about the parable of the unmerciful servant​

Its full realization will not come until Jesus' second coming, but until that time, Jesus' followers are to live with kingdom values, one of which is forgiveness. In this parable, often referred to as the parable of the unmerciful servant, Jesus demonstrates what forgiveness is like in the kingdom of God.

7. Slogan about the parable the rainbow​


"Today's teardrops are tomorrow's rainbows"

8. write a constructive feedback about the the parable of the rainbow​

I have noticed that the parable of the rainbow shows its colors brights at it sparks when we do observation using telescope in the sky after its rain, due to the color it gives the rainbow itself attracts living things under it.

9. What is the parable all about?​


A parable is a succinct, didactic story, in prose or verse, that illustrates one or more instructive lessons or principles. It differs from a fable in that fables employ animals, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature as characters, whereas parables have human characters.[1] A parable is a type of metaphorical analogy.[2]

10. Personal reflections about the"Parable of good samaritan"​


The Good Samaritan is one of the most infamous stories the bible has to offer, showing how it takes one to help someone. The parable of the Good Samaritan shows the morals of society that has been lost to selfishness. As a result, individuals may never realize how altruism is contagious and how one’s efforts can have a long-term impact on the lives of others. In Nicholas Kristof’s article, “She May Have Saved a Life. Then She Was Arrested.”, the speaker informs the audience of an event in which a woman was arrested while trying to help migrant children stuck on the side of the road in order to urge people to not lose their values and to remain true to their beliefs. The speaker argues his point, that humanity cannot be lost due to societal norms, through the use of connotative diction, historical allusions, and the appeal to emotion. Kristof’s purpose is underscored by the speaker’s word choice used to describe the events that had occurred to Teresa L. Todd, the woman that helped the migrant children. The speaker describes Todd’s actions as “[C]ompassion overriding any fear” (par. 2). Compassion denotes an underlying sense of sympathy and understanding, Kristof uses this to highlight the characteristics of Todd. Furthermore, Kristof uses a sympathetic choice of words throughout the article, “[T]hree desperate Central American migrants waved frantically at her car” (par. 1), he does this to illuminate the event and invoke empathy. The speaker is exposing the feelings and characteristics of the individuals of his article, using specific phrases and words to convey the different morals of society. The author illustrates the events listed in his article using a parable, The Good Samaritan as found in the bible in the book of Luke. Using this notorious story as a basis of his argument allows Kristof to form a connection from Todd’s story to the Good Samaritan and how they are similar morally. The speaker does this in order to allow the reader to interpret the theme of doing things for the greater good. Kristof writes the parable as a list, going back and forth from the events that happened to the migrant children to the events that happened to the man attacked by robbers in the parable. Kristoff alludes to the bible as he describes how Todd helped those migrant children just as the Samaritan helped the damaged man “But a Samaritan … bandaged his wounds,” (par. 10), by placing the biblical texts under the events of Todd, mirroring the morals of both individuals. The speaker compares the real-life events of Teresa Todd to the biblical story of the Good Samaritan to assert the ideology of helping others in need that has been lost in society. Kristof uses the story of Teresa Todd and the juxtaposition of the parable, the Good Samaritan to persuade his audience of his argument using emotion. The speaker uses the narrative of Teresa Todd to better envision the circumstances of the event taken place, “It was totally surreal, … and what I learned in church was right, which was helping people.” (par. 9). This quote functions as a real experience that the readers take and use to understand and feel the events and argument that the speaker provides. Kristof continues to invoke empathy and understanding when he brings a controversial compelling argument about the current administration of the United States, “The arrest of a mom who may have saved a life reflects the increasingly harsh treatment under President Trump of anyone who tries to help migrants.” (par. 14). As Kristof evokes sympathy in his writing, he also conveys the theme of being a Good Samaritan and wanting to be the person to help others in need. Kristof successfully elicits a sense of altruistic values and commiseration throughout his article that function as a convincing argument. Although it is never stated Kristoff objects to passing by others in need as his tone is candid and cautionary. Helping others takes a positive connotation in the piece and is the subject of his wit and parable. Alluding to an infamous story while using specific word choices to allow the article to have meaning, successfully conveys the overall theme of being selfless in today’s society. Ultimately, the world is ever changing but there are certain morals that will continuously be present and learned for a lifetime. Those morals being, to want to help others because it is the right thing to do.

11. Write a reflection about the Parable of the Lost Son.​

im touched by this story because God love us no matter what we did in our past. he would come to us and hug us despite our shame with our romans 5:8 God said I love you at your darkest we dont deserve it but he gave it by his grace

12. . What is the parable " Muddy Road" all about?​


A Muddy Road — “A Muddy Road” is a zen parable that urges you to see the situation as it truly is instead of letting your religious or personal views blind you. Tanzan and Ekido were once traveling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling.



13. parable about your faith​


I believe everything that God created.

14. Analysis: Please view the parable of the Good Samaritan. And answer the following questions.1. What does the parable teach us about human dignity?2.What does the parable teach us about freedom?​


1. That we need dignity for anything


15. A parable about Responsibility. Which one are you...?​


Ano Po Yung question


Walang question


It is my responsibility to look after and take care of a younger sibling.


Hope it help Brainliest please i really need it

16. Short reflection about the parable of the treasure​


Jesus told his disciples: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.


i hope it helps u

17. slogan about honesty

honesty is the best policy.

18. Analysis: Please view the parable of the Good Samaritan. And answer the following questions.1. What does the parable teach us about human dignity?2.What does the parable teach us about freedom?​

The Samaritan, through merciful actions, restores the human dignity of the anonymous man on the dangerous Jericho road. The parable clearly reveals virtues such as compassion, mercy, solidarity, generosity, hospitality, etc.

Christ uses the parable of the Good Samaritan to describe potential circumstances of a call to compassion and what is expected of the provider assistant. Also, he uses the parable to underscore our freedom of choice to respond to a call to compassion by providing the needed service or to disobey by declining the call.

19. what is the parable of elephant talks about? ​

The parable of the blind men and an elephant originated in the ancient Indian subcontinent, from where it has been widely diffused. It is a story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant before and who learn and conceptualize what the elephant is like by touching it.

20. What are the kingdom parables? And what are they about?​

Answer: there are a lot of kingdom parables like parable of pearl of great price, parable of wise and foolish virgins, mustard seed, parable of the lost sheep and lost coin

Explanation: they all talks about how to enter the kingdom of God as well as awareness for his coming.

21. compose a poem about kingdom parables


Kingdom parables, tales so wise

Of mustard seeds and pearl surprise

Of lost sheep, coins, and laborers hired

Of prodigals, and banquet fires

These stories speak of love divine

Of grace and mercy, truth and shine

Of kingdom come, and kingdom hearts

Of second chances, and brand new starts

So let us listen, and let them sink in

These parables of joy and sin

For in their wisdom, we shall see

The kingdom life, meant for you and me


22. What is the parable of the Sower all about?​


Parable of the Sower



The Parable of the Sower is a parable of Jesus found in Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20, Luke 8:4–15 and the extra-canonical Gospel of Thomas. Jesus tells of a farmer who sows seed indiscriminately. 

23. ten words about parable of the two sons​

cl to noh lol usl ba

24. parable about pandemic and typhoon​


covid 19


because of that virus theres so many affected whole world

25. what is the common elements in the parables about the Kingdom?​




26. Reflection about Parable​

In the gospel reading, we are reminded of our talents that God has given us and how responsible have we been with the development and fruition of our God-given talents. The parable of the talents that the Lord Jesus has shared with his disciples is still relevant to us today.


Hope it's help

27. Make an essay about The Parable of the Good Samaritan​


ikaw lang makaka sagot niyan

28. script about honesty​



1. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today's assembly is about being honest.

2. Being honest means being the sort of person who tells the truth.

If you tell the truth, people can trust you.

3. If you don't tell the truth, people are not always sure of you.

They cannot rely on you.

4. Telling the truth can sometimes be difficult, but it is always easier than lying.

If you tell lies, you will eventually be found out - and then people will not like you.

5. There is a saying "Honesty is the best policy."

We are going to perform a play called "Honesty is the best policy".


29. Write a summary about the parable of talents​


The "Parable of the Talents", in Matthew 25:14–30 tells of a master who was leaving his house to travel, and, before leaving, entrusted his property to his servants. ... Upon returning home, after a long absence, the master asks his three servants for an account of the talents he entrusted to them.


30. opinion about honesty​

For me honesty is the best policy for the reason that without honesty, people wouldn't be able to rely on you. The aspect that builds trustworthy and reliable relationships has everything to do with honesty. If you're honest with your friends and certain relationships, you're proving to them that you can be trusted.

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