Parts Of A Kite

Parts Of A Kite

body parts of Wau kite?​

Daftar Isi

1. body parts of Wau kite?​


That's the part of wau kite.


pa follow po.







tail piece



2. Draw a kite. Be creative in making your kite. Use your ruler and protractor (if necessary) to measure the different parts of your kite. Indicate the measure of each part. (20 points) Note. Use all the theorems of kite that you have learned​


kayo ang kailangan paano natin to gawin sa brainly gumawa sa kite po

Step-by-step explanation:

3. Activity 2: Situation Suppose you will make a kite that looks like the one below. Questions: 1) What do you think will happen if the right part of the kite is bigger or smaller than its left part? 2) Is it necessary that the right and left parts of the kite are balanced? 3) What will you do to make sure that these parts of the kite are balanced? 4) Which corresponding sides of the kite should be made congruent? 5) Generally, what should be considered in order to have a good kite?​


1)If the right part of the kite is bigger or smaller than its left part, the kite may not fly straight and may tilt to one side. 2) It is necessary that the right and left parts of the kite are balanced to ensure that the kite flies straight and stable. 3) To make sure that the parts of the kite are balanced, one can measure and cut the materials carefully and symmetrically. 4) The corresponding sides of the kite that should be made congruent are the left and right sides. 5) To have a good kite, one should focus on creating a structure that is both strong and light enough to fly in a variety of wind conditions. The kite should also be balanced, with symmetrically cut and measured materials. Additionally, the tail of the kite should be long enough to provide stability, and the bridle should be adjusted to ensure that the kite flies straight and stable.

Step-by-step explanation:

Ito napo)

1) The kite will not be flying straight and will be tilting on air.

2) Yes, like my answer in number 1, without it being symmetrical, the kite cannot fly straight.

3) Cut it properly and symmetrically .

4) The corresponding sides of the kite that should be made congruent are the left and right sides.

5) A "good" kite should be light, balanced and easy to control. For it to be balanced, both sides of the kite should be symmetrical.

4. what part of activity do you find difficult of parallelogram trapezoid and kite​


For me, it's everything:)

5. Based on the activity making a kite what part of the activity did you enjoy the most?​


The way i make it and let it fly


Because when i see it floating in the sky its very beautiful

6. 5. flying kite gravity or forceflying a kite flying a kite it is gravity a force ​

Answer: Force                                                                                                                Explanation:

When the kite is flying there are three forces in action. There is the force from the kite string, the force of the wind and the force of gravity. The force of the wind pushes the kite upwards and backwards. The force of the kite string pushes the kite forwards and downwards.                                                                                            

7. 7. Which of the following is NOT a theorem for kite? a. Kite Midsegment Theorem b. Kite Angle Theorem c. Kite Diagonal Theorem d. Kite Diagonal Bisector Theorem​


leter c im sorry if wrong

8. this is my kite. My kite is _____ and __________My kite has__________and​


My kite is well made and shaped like a diamond.My kite has ribbons and designs

9. on each part of the kite, kindly write down what you think are your sources of strength​



10. can you a kite with a siamond with 4 parts?


What is your question?

I don't understand this

11. 4. Why does a kite move up higher in the sky when the wind blows harder? Because the force of the wind affects the A. size of the kite B. shape of the kite C. weight of the kite D. movement of the kite


C. weight of the kite


As you can see a kite is made out of plastic and plastic is light,            




because when there is wind the side of the kite pushes it

12. What do you think will happen if the right part of the kite is bigger or smaller than its left part?​


The kite will fall because one side is heavier than the other

your kite will either spin or dive
if you want a perfect kite get 2 sticks and bend them together and if they align when you bend tie them up to make a longer stick the get a fat and strong stick for the support and cut then cut a perfect diamond

13. what will you do to make sure that these parts of the kite are balanced?​


Air flowing around the tail pulls the bottom of the kite in the direction that the wind is blowing. Adding a kite tail is possibly the easiest and quickest way to make your kite stabilize itself. However, sometimes the kite has a tendency to turn or curve to one side, and you may be tempted to add more tail.

Step-by-step explanation:

The biggest thing to always think about of is the safety of you and all others in the area. Some of my kites are so strong and I have to use 200 lb and sometimes 500 lb flying lines. Those kites and lines are capable of cutting someone severly and have cut off one of my college room mates fingers years ago. You have to figure out the best way to keep your wings airborne. Most of mine require constant movement by me and the kite, which makes flying them more complicated but somewhat easier to keep airborne due to their generating lift while flying.

There are some very good books written about kites and how to enjoy them, and there are a number of kite flying and building clubs throughout the world. Check out the library and or the internet.

I hope I can help you

Air flowing around the tail pulls the bottom of the kite in the direction that the wind is blowing. Adding a kite tail is possibly the easiest and quickest way to make your kite stabilize itself.

14. Illustrate every part or portion of the kite including their measure s​.

Okay I don’t know ‍♂️ but I’m not a good dog I love it I love mommy mommy and mama love mama love uli djdjd princess mama

15. PERFORMANCE 3.2 One of your classmates who is happened to be an SK Chairman President organized a KITE FLYING FESTIVAL. He informed our school principal to motivate students to join the said festival. 1. Suppose you will join the festival; how will you prepare the design of your kite? 2. Make a design of your kite and illustrate every part or portion of the kite including their measure. Poor(8) 10 Fair (9)​


1. you need to be creative

2. Maya mo Yan

16. illustrate every part or portion of the kite including their measures using the design of the kite made determine all the mathematics concept or principle involved​


2+1=10 diba anggaling ko


17. Wau-making or kite making and flying is part of Indonesia culture and tradition true or false?​




Wau-making is Malaysian :)


which proof of God existence leaves you with the most questions? which proof of god existence answer more of your question?

18. A Malaysian kite that is design uniquely. a.Wau kite b. Loy krathong kite c. Malay kite d. Pasir kite​


D po ata hehe eehe


CORRECT ME IF I AM WRONG PO Im not sure kase eh eehe


Panuto: Isulat sa patlang ang pangngalan na bubuo sa pangungusap. Pumili ng pangngalan sa loob ng kahon. Tukuyin kung ito ay PANTANGI o PAMBALANA isulat ang sagot sa patlang. Ikahon ang panghalip na ginamit sa pangungusap.


Family Bank





Mang Dorning





1. Mapagmahal na ama si Mang Doming, siya ay isang huwaran.

1. Suot ni

ang bagong niyang bestida.

2. Malakas tumahol ang alaga naming

3. Naglalaro ang mga bata sa kanilang

4. Magbabakasyon kami sa

5. Sa

dineposito ng aking nanay ang pera.

19. The following are the categories of Chinese kites EXCEPT?A. Flat kitesB. CentipedeC. Wau KiteD. Hard-winged kites​nonsense = report​



[tex]\huge\bold\color{fuchsia}{\underline{ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \:}}[/tex]

[tex]\sf\color{blue}{C. \: Wau \: Kite}[/tex]

[tex]{\: \: \: \:C} [/tex]hinese kites usually represent mythological characters, symbolic creatures, as well as legendary figures.

There are many types of Chinese kites,

These are :


[tex]\huge\bold\color{fuchsia}{\underline{ \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \:}}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\tiny\boxed{\begin{array} {} \purple{\bowtie} \:\:\:\:\:\:\: \purple{\bowtie}\\ > . < \\\end{array}}\end{gathered}\end{gathered} \end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}[/tex]

[tex]\tiny{Merry \ Christmas}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered}\begin{gathered}\small\color{Fuchsia}\begin{gathered}\boxed{\begin{array}{} \pink{\text{ “TRY \: TO \: BE \: A \: RAINBOW, \: }} \\ \green{\text{ IN \: SOMEONE'S \: CLOUD.” }} \end{array}}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}\end{gathered}[/tex]

20. Louise placed her kite on the top of the shelf, the kite did not move. Explain the forces acting on the kite ​


pa brinliss nalang po God bless

21. 1. Direction: Given the kite, investigate and match the given parts of congruent triangles Column A Column B ​


1. U

2. O

3. V

4. G

5. D

6. N

7. T

8 . S

9. R

10. SSS congruence

22. What do you think will happen if the right part of the kite is bigger or smaller than its left part?​


the kite will have trouble flying and probably wont fly.

23. find the area of the kite Bird kite​


What is the area of a kite equal to? The area of a kite measures the space inside the four sides. The most common way to find the area is by using the formula A = xy/2, where x and y are the lengths of the diagonals.

Step-by-step explanation:



24. Each part of the kite's diamond please write down what you think are your source of strenght

The kites diamond needs their sticks and for us humans our bones and also everything is source of strength

25. Mathew, your classmate, who is also an SK Chairman in your Barangay Buhangin Proper, organized a KITE FLYING FESTIVAL. He informed you school principal to motivate students to join the said KITE FLYING FESTIVAL. 1. 2. Suppose you are one of the students in your barangay, how will you prepare the design of the kite? Make a design of the kite assigned to you. Illustrate every part or portion of the kite including their measures. Using the design of the kite made, determine all the mathematical concepts or principles involved. 3​


AC=1m BD=0.5m



The four sides of the diamond are equal and the diagonal is vertical

26. Activity: Draw a kite wa diamond w4parts on each part of the kite's diamond please write down & what do you are your sourse of straight what mokes you strang despite what have you gove through you also identify what or who acts like this mind for who or what helps. you soar​


hi how to use beaker pls said to me

27. Is it necessary that the right and left parts of the kite are balanced?​


Is it necessary that the right and left parts of the kite are balanced?​

YES, it is necessary that the right and left parts of the kite are balanced

28. Wrote The Malay word of body parts of Wau kite​

There are many types of wau in Malaysia, each with its own specialty. Wau kucing (cat kite) and wau merak (peacock kite) are some of the variants.

29. Kellan wants to play kite. he makes a kite and he follows the wau kite of malaysia. which kind of balance is evident in kellan’s kite?


Symmetrical balance.


30. your guide kite kite kite​


Tanong po ba yan


Paki ayos naman po nang tanong para masagutan nang maayos.


joke ba ito haha


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