Moral Development Questionnaire

Moral Development Questionnaire

how to do develop a questionnaire?​

Daftar Isi

1. how to do develop a questionnaire?​


you need a subject first and you can now develop some questions


thats all po

2. how to develop a questionnaire for research​


Summarise the qualities of a good questionnaire.

2. Where should interviewer instructions pertaining to responses to a particular question be placed on the questionnaire?

3. The textbook says that one does not start by writing questions. How should the researcher begin?

4. What are the two occasions when apparently "redundant" questions should be found in a questionnaire?

5. Name the three advantages of open-ended questions.

6. What are the three reasons why a respondent is unable to answer a question?

7. What is the recommended duration of interviews carried out in rural situations?

8. What are the key characteristics of opening questions in a questionnaire?


I hope this help

3. Teacher questionnaire about professional development


Students' formative data. Summative data, such as scores on standardized tests, offer an important measure of academic performance, but the data is gathered relatively infrequently. ... Micro-credentials. ... Analysis of assignments. ... Classroom Observation.


4. Suppose that a medical internist is required to conduct a study that will asses the level of physical activity for the adult filipino population. She intends to develop a questionnaire about level of activity and exercise. Results of this questionnaire will be compiled into an over all activity for each adult respondent. Help the medical internist develop her questionnaire. You are invited to brainstorm with her on variables to be included. What discrete and continuous variables can you recommend her?​

Step-by-step explanation:

BackgroundPhysical activity (PA) is one of the most important factors for improving population health, but no standardised systems exist for international surveillance. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) was developed for international surveillance. The purpose of this study was a comparative international study of population physical activity prevalence across 20 countries.

MethodsBetween 2002–2004, a standardised protocol using IPAQ was used to assess PA participation in 20 countries [total N = 52,746, aged 18–65 years]. The median survey response rate was 61%. Physical activity levels were categorised as "low", "moderate" and "high". Age-adjusted prevalence estimates are presented by sex.

ResultsThe prevalence of "high PA" varied from 21–63%; in eight countries high PA was reported for over half of the adult population. The prevalence of "low PA" varied from 9% to 43%. Males more frequently reported high PA than females in 17 of 20 countries. The prevalence of low PA ranged from 7–41% among males, and 6–49% among females. Gender differences were noted, especially for younger adults, with males more active than females in most countries. Markedly lower physical activity prevalence (10% difference) with increasing age was noted in 11 of 19 countries for males, but only in three countries for women. The ways populations accumulated PA differed, with some reporting mostly vigorous intensity activities and others mostly walking.

ConclusionThis study demonstrated the feasibility of international PA surveillance, and showed that IPAQ is an acceptable surveillance instrument, at least within countries. If assessment methods are used consistently over time, trend data will inform countries about the success of their efforts to promote physical activity.

5. Give the 7 steps on how to develope a questionnaire?​






d ko po ma apply yung sagot ko dito rude daw po

6. If you are to develop a questionnaire, what will you consider as the first step? * a.Choose the type of questions and method of administration b.Determine the research problem or the target information c.Choose the exact question wording


b.Determine the research problem or the target information

hope it helps





A questionnaire is an assessment instrument containing a movement of requests (or various kinds of prompts) to gather information from respondents through survey or real audit. The questionnaire was devised by the Verifiable Society of London in 1838. Notwithstanding the way that questionnaires are routinely planned for quantifiable assessment of the responses, this isn't by and large the circumstance.

Questionnaires appreciate high grounds north of a couple sorts of surveys in that they are unassuming, don't require as much effort from the inspector as verbal or telephone studies, and oftentimes have standardized responses that improve on it to arrange data. In any case, such standardized responses may confuse clients as the potential reactions may not unequivocally address their optimal responses. Questionnaires are also distinctly limited by the way that respondents ought to have the choice to examine the requests and respond to them. Thusly, as far as some might be concerned, portion bundles coordinating a review by questionnaire may not be determinedly conceivable.

interview vs questionnaire comparison -


7. suppose that a social psychologist has developed a questionnaire intended to measure the quality of romantic relationships,describe how you could evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire? ​

kanang naa'y blue sana nakatulong

8. make your own sample questionnaire on a relevant social issue . identify whether the sample questionnaire follows the guidelines presented on how to develop a questionnaire for research​


From email to SMS surveys, the common denominator that determines effectiveness is the questions. Different question and answer types promote multiple answers, even for similar questions.

This guide covers the types of survey questions available and looks at what makes good survey questions. We'll also explore examples and give you access to sample survey questions as a template for writing your own.

9. Design a statistical instrument to survey a certain topic of your choice. 1. Formulate your own simple statistical questionnaire and follow the steps in making a simple questionnaire.2. You can use the sample questionnaire above as basis in making your own questionnaire Your questionnaire will be scored according to the rubrics below​



There are nine steps involved in the development of a questionnaire:

Decide the information required.

Define the target respondents.

Choose the method(s) of reaching your target respondents

Decide on question content

Develop the question wording.


Introduction. A sample survey is a method for collecting data from or about the members of a population so that inferences about the entire population can be obtained from a subset, or sample, of the population members.

Step-by-step explanation:

Correctly answered


10. survey questionnaire for effects of Music on Early Childhood Development​

What is the importance of music that helps children build motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression.


11. PRETEST DIRECTIONS: Put a check (/) if it is part of developing a questionnaire for research and (X) if not 1. Listing of keywords 2. Use open-ended questions for questionnaires. 3. Add variety to your questions. 4. Put more important questions at the beginning of your questionnaire. 5. Write an introduction for your questionnaire.​



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1 /

2 /

3 /

4 /

5 /


Carry on learning

12. 6 Steps involved in the development of a questionnaire​


Step 1: Determine the Survey Objectives, Resources, and Time Constraints.

Step 2: Determine How The Questionnaire Will Be Administered.

Step 3: Determine the Question Format.

Step 4: Writing Clear Questions.

Step 5: Designing the Question Flow.

Step 6: Questionnaire Evaluation.


follow niyoko mwah.!

13. a questionnaire isa questionnaire is important becausea questionnaire can be created bytopic: respecting differences​


It serves as the material you are going to use or are using to gather data from respondents in order for you to provide or to create a concrete solution to a problem or give rise to a brand new set of information.

14. what is a standardized questionnaire what is research made questionnaire​


Cut the bond paper into hand shape and transfer the design using the Tracing Method

What is a standardized questionnaire and what is a research made questionnaire​ .

A standardized questionnaire is one that is developed and delivered in such a way that all participants are asked the same questions in the same format and their replies are recorded in the same way. A measure's reliability improves when it is standardized. A formal standardized questionnaire is a survey tool used to collect data on people or a social unit such as a home or a school from individuals. When each responder is subjected to the same questions and the same coding system, the questionnaire is considered to be standardized.

What are the best ways to standardize a questionnaire?

A standardized questionnaire needs to considert these:

Preliminary questionnaire design decisions

Make a list of the information you'll need.

Define your target audience.

Select the method(s) for contacting your target audience.

Make a decision about the content of the inquiry.

Make changes to the question's phrasing.

Put your questions in a logical sequence and structure.

Check the questionnaire's length.

Structured and unstructured questionnaires are the two main forms of questionnaires. The quasi-structured questionnaire, which is commonly used in social science research, is a combination of these two. Pre-coded questions are included in structured surveys, as are well-defined skipping patterns for following the question sequence.

What is a standardized questionnaire? what is an research made questionnaire?​


15. ways/step of developing a successful questionnaire with a simple explanation for each steppahelp po ako thankyou po!!



Step 1: Determine Your Sample Group

‍When conducting a general survey, it is important to survey a group of individuals that will give you the most accurate, unbiased results.

Step 2: Create Your Questions

You can use a Checkbox format or short or long answer meaning this field is open-ended, and you can set the maximum number of characters to limit response.

Step 3: Test

After you finish creating a questionnaire or survey, send it out to a few people who weren’t involved in the development process and allow them to take the survey and give feedback on the process

Things you could ask:

Did my survey seem biased?

Were my questions worded in a way that you could easily understand?

Was my survey too long/short?

id my survey flow well?

Did your results seem accurate?

after you get their feedback, you can make changes to the questions.

Step 4: Put it out

After everything you did, put it out and send it to the people you need to ask questions with.

Step 5: Analyze your data

You can sort and search your collected data in your online database for easier viewing. From your data, you can create charts and reports to compare the selections to questions.


Hope this helps

16. postal questionnaire vs self-administered questionnaire​


A self-administered questionnaire is a structured form that consists of a series of closed-ended and open-ended questions. It is called self-administered as the respondents fill it in themselves, without an interviewer.

​A postal survey is a quantitative data collection method in which paper questionnaires are sent by post to potential participants, the paper questionnaires are completed by the participants themselves (i.e. self-administered), and returned by post to the survey organisation



17. describe the following based on their characteristics Questionnaire Design Questionnaire Length Questionnaire Definition


Questionnaire design is a multistage process that requires attention to many details at once. Designing the questionnaire is complicated because surveys can ask about topics in varying degrees of detail, questions can be asked in different ways, and questions asked earlier in a survey may influence how people respond to later questions.

Questionnaire length refers to the amount of time it takes a respondent to complete a questionnaire. Survey instruments can vary in length from less than a minute to more than an hour. The length of a questionnaire is important because it can directly affect response rates, survey costs, and data quality.

A questionnaire is a research instrument that consists of a set of questions or other types of prompts that aims to collect information from a respondent. A research questionnaire is typically a mix of close-ended questions and open-ended questions.

18. 13. In developing and testing questionnaires, you should focus on readingstatements/questions, selection of appropriate scales of measurement, questionnairelayout, format and proposed data analysis.? TRE OR FALB​




paki follow nalang po

19. Which of the following are the methods in collecting data?A. Observation, Interview, Questionnaire and RegistrationB. Observation, Interview, Questionnaire and Rating ScaleC. Observation, Interview, Structured Questionnaire and Rating ScaleD. Observation, Interview, Unstructured Questionnaire and Rating Scale​



Step-by-step explanation:

Basta yan ang answer binasa ko module ko.

20. what is a standardized questionnaire? what is an research made questionnaire?​


what is a standardized questionnaire?

standardised questionnaire is one that is written and administered so all participants are asked the precisely the same questions in an identical format and responses recorded in a uniform manner.

what is an research made questionnaire?

made consists of a set of questions or other types of prompts that aims to collect information from a respondent. A research questionnaire is typically a mix of close-ended questions and open-ended questions.


21. Postal questionnaire vs. self-administered questionnaire​


A postal survey is a quantitative data collection method in which paper questionnaires are sent by post to potential participants, the paper questionnaires are completed by the participants themselves (i.e. self-administered), and returned by post to the survey organisation.

A self-administered questionnaire is a structured form that consists of a series of closed-ended and open-ended questions. It is called self-administered as the respondents fill it in themselves, without an interviewer.

22. why questionnaire is important??A questionnaire is created by....


A questionnaire is important especially for research or a public survey. Since it will play a big part in the data gathering from the population, it will hold the most important data that people will have the freedom to choose.

A questionnaire can consist of questions regarding a specific topic. It will help the researcher to gather information from other people through the use of paper. The questions in the questionnaire will give an idea or inform the population on a certain topic since it will be the main criteria that will be circulated all over the questionnaire.

Examples of Questionnaire:

Multiple Choice- providing several options for the answerer to choose from Likert Scale- uses the terms strongly agree, agree, strongly disagree and disagree Rating- using numbers to rate the answerer’s opinion on the question presented

Other than the way the questionnaire is made there are also the questions. The way the questions are delivered will determine the understanding of the answerer about that certain topic, it will either enlighten them and have a clear answer or be confused and just answer based on what they mostly understood.

In this way, we can also assume how the people will give interest in our made questionnaires. The questions can be two things:

Open-Ended-these questions are limited only by the answerer's mind and opinion on the topic presented or was included in the question itself. The answer is much more detailed and long unlike the close-ended questions, but it requires another way of data gathering procedure or the way to extract the necessary data needed by the research or the result of the survey. Close-Ended- these questions have choices provided it is either the answerer will rate or pick from the set of choices under the questions presented. The data to be gathered here can be easily gathered by the use of statistical methods.

It is important to have a questionnaire especially if you are to conduct a survey or to gather data since you will only be using less time and resources. Unlike in interviews, you need to dedicate more time or just depending on the person being interviewed. You also require a recorder or you need to write every word down. Questionnaires can be used in gathering data about:

Customer Satisfaction-for businesses you can conduct a small survey with questions tackling your customer’s satisfaction on your product or your establishment Research-conducting a survey in order to get a conclusion of your topic Employee Rating-rating on co-employees or the work environment

Learn More:


Keywords: Questionnaire, Questions, Survey, Research

23. make your own sample questionnaire on a relevant social issue. identity whether the sample questionnaire follows the guidelines presented on how to develop a questionnaire for research​


make your own sample questionnaire on a relevant social issue. identity whether

24. Based on what you have learned about the concept of questionnaires, give your own description of the following:Self-made questionnaire: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.Modified questionnaire: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Adopted questionnaire: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Adopted and modified: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________​


A self-administered questionnaire is a structured form that consists of a series of closed-ended and open-ended questions. It is called self-administered as the respondents fill it in themselves, withoout an interviewer.

The Modified Baecke Questionnaire, developed by Voorrips and coworkers, measures habitual physical activity in the elderly. The questionnaire includes questions on household activities, sports, and leisure time activities, over a time period of one year

It is important to the adoption process to decide whether you would be willing to parent a child with special needs. This questionnaire is designed to help you identify the background factors and special needs that you feel you are able to consider in the child you wish to adopt.

25. what answer tha my questions The PECS SELF- RATING QUESTIONNAIRE QUESTIONNAIRE? ​


1.Opportunity seeking

2. Persistence

3.Commitment to work

4. Demand for quality and efficiency

5. Risk taking

6. Goal setting

7.Information seeking

8. Systematic planning and monitoring

9. Persuasion and networking

10. Self-confidence

If you missed the Tara Na, Negosyo Na! training offered by the UP ISSI but would like to know your PECs score, here’s a brief rundown on how to compute your PECs Profile. The Self-Rating Questionnaire has 55 items. These are rated in accordance to your attitude and personal beliefs.

5 – Always

4 – Usually

3 – Sometimes

2 – Rarely

1 – Never

26. how to Develop a questionnaire for research? give 6 ​


#1: Identify your research aims and the goal of your questionnaire. ...#2: Define your target respondents. ...#3: Develop questions. ...#4: Choose your question type. ...#5: Design question sequence and overall layout. ...#6: Run a pilot.

I don't think that is the right answer.Plsss brainliest me if i'm correct :(

27. "the effects of kumon program on the math performance of elementary pupils." what kind of data would be needed to answer the problem? develop a questionnaire of interview guide for this purpose. construct atleast 10 questions​

Ask question about if they improve something on math, learn new lessons, and if they excel

28. True or false1.A questionnaire is a list of questions used to collect data about someone or something. 2. Research questionnaire in a qualitative form can’t not use to do statistical analysis or find trends and patterns.3. A questionnaire is a research device or instrument that is made up of a series of questions which are closed-ended or open-ended. 4. The goal of research questionnaire is to collect relevant data from respondents which can then be used for a variety of purposes. 5. Research questionnaire was first developed by the Statistical Society of London in 1838 and has been in continuous use ever since. 6. Questionnaires, though versatile, aren't ideal in every situation - especially when you need to understand specific issues. 7. It’s not advisable to use a questionnaire to ask specific questions about a product or service you’re still considering. 8. A well-designed and considered research questionnaire can be the difference between success and failure.9. Research questionnaires may be inexpensive since it can be send out an online questionnaire also known as “Self-administered questionnaires”10. In Research questionnaires results come in quickly & can reach a large audience most powerful advantages of a questionnaire are the ability to get it in the hands of a large group of people quickly.​












29. Make an open-ended questionnaire and close-ended questionnaire​


Examples of open-ended questions include:

Tell me about your relationship with your supervisor.How do you see your future?Tell me about the children in this photograph.What is the purpose of government?Why did you choose that answer?

Examples of closed-ended questions are:

Are you feeling better today?May I use the bathroom?Is the prime rib a special tonight?Should I date him?Will you please do me a favor?Have you already completed your homework?Is that your final answer?Were you planning on becoming a fireman?


Sana nakatulong!

Pa brainliest po at pa follow

30. Give me a questionnaire for thesis about development of evaluation an ergonomic chair for students​


Does your seat pan width and depth provide for good fit and comfort?


hope it helps!

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