Accounting For Nonprofit Organizations Ppt

Accounting For Nonprofit Organizations Ppt

A contractual adjustment account of a nonprofit organization is

Daftar Isi

1. A contractual adjustment account of a nonprofit organization is

ok po this kinda nice

Answer:World Organization Health

HOPEFULLY it helpsStay safe all ❤️

2. Illustrate how fairness, accountability, transparency and stewardship is observed in business and nonprofit organizations. ESSAY 100 words ​


A company which applies the core principles of good corporate governance; fairness, accountability, responsibility and transparency, will usually outperform other companies and will be able to attract investors, whose support can help to finance further growth.

3. it is known as nonprofit organization


NPO, also known as a non-business entity, not-for-profit organization, or nonprofit institution with an entity that operates as a business aiming to generate profit for its owners

4. Name any five Nonprofit business organization.​


American Heart AssociationAmerican Red CrossUnited WayHumane Society of the United StatesSalvation Army

A nonprofit organization invests surplus revenue into their mission instead of paying shareholders.

5. A nonstock, nonprofit organization that aims to create an identity for Flipinos animators. ​


Animation Council of the Philippines

A nonstock, nonprofit organization that aims to create an identity for Flipinos animators.

Hope it helps :-)

6. It refers to those nonstate, nonprofit, voluntary organizations in this social sphere​



Non-State, not-for-profit, voluntary entities formed by people in the social sphere that are separate from the State and the market. CSOs represent a wide range of interests and ties. They can include community-based organizations as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs). In the context of the UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework, CSOs do not include business or for-profit associations.


7. 99. This is the meaning of the domain .org in a web sourceA. Commercial BusinessC. Nonprofit Organization10. What about the meaning of the Commercial BusinessC. Nonprofit OrganizationB. Government AgenciesD. Educational InstitutionsB. Government AgenciesD. Educational Institutions10.​


9. Nonprofit Organization

10. Commercial Business


Hindi ko na po sinama kung anong letter. Medyo magulo kasi


9.C.Nonprofit Organization

10.A.Commercial Business

8. what is the difference between a profit and nonprofit business organization@ which,in you openion,is easier to manage@​



9. The little theatre is a nonprofit organization devoted answer

The Little Theatre Movement works as a lab for the development of the Dramatic Arts, this is a place where they try new things in the field of entertainment, like an experiment. Freethinkers in the world of entertainment started from companies based in Boston, Chicago, Detroit, and Seattle in the United States of America in 1912. It has since then spread throughout the country, primarily in schools and universities.

Click on the links for more information:

10. Which of the following is NOT an example of a nonprofit organization?


A fast food franchise


hope it help

11. Nonprofit organization actively engage in development-oriented projects, information campaigns, and other advocacy-oriented activities. is it true or false?​


The answer is True, good luck

12. Why do you think a profit organization will setup a nonprofit organization alongside it?​


Separate entity status. A nonprofit corporation (or LLC) has its own separate existence. ...

Separate entity status. A nonprofit corporation (or LLC) has its own separate existence. ...Perpetual existence. ...

Separate entity status. A nonprofit corporation (or LLC) has its own separate existence. ...Perpetual existence. ...Limited liability protection. ...

Separate entity status. A nonprofit corporation (or LLC) has its own separate existence. ...Perpetual existence. ...Limited liability protection. ...Tax-exempt status. ...

Separate entity status. A nonprofit corporation (or LLC) has its own separate existence. ...Perpetual existence. ...Limited liability protection. ...Tax-exempt status. ...Access to grants. ...

Separate entity status. A nonprofit corporation (or LLC) has its own separate existence. ...Perpetual existence. ...Limited liability protection. ...Tax-exempt status. ...Access to grants. ...US Postal Service discounts. ...

Separate entity status. A nonprofit corporation (or LLC) has its own separate existence. ...Perpetual existence. ...Limited liability protection. ...Tax-exempt status. ...Access to grants. ...US Postal Service discounts. ...Credibility. ...

Separate entity status. A nonprofit corporation (or LLC) has its own separate existence. ...Perpetual existence. ...Limited liability protection. ...Tax-exempt status. ...Access to grants. ...US Postal Service discounts. ...Credibility. ...Professional registered agent.

13. What is the difference between a profit and nonprofit business organization?​


A for-profit can raise money from private investors, for which it must give equity or dividends to shareholders; ultimately, a return on investment is expected. A nonprofit, on the other hand, can seek donations from individuals, foundations and corporations.


Sana makatulong


The difference between profit and non profit is that profit is the total amount producers earn after subtracting the production costs while, nonprofit is on the other hand, can seek donations from individuals, foundations and corporations.

14. The Rwandan Patriotic Front and the Interahamwe were __________. A. relief agencies B. military groups C. political parties D. nonprofit organizations

Hi. Are you sure that's just one question? Rwandan Patriotic Front is a political party while the Interahamwe is a paramilitary/military group.

15. true or false, civil society organizations are government-controlled,nonprofit,and voluntary organizations?​




16. Expenses of nonprofit organization shall be recorded only as deduction from


froma po


Sana tama Yung sagot ko

17. in your opinion what is the difference between profit and nonprofit business organization? which is easier to manage? explain your answer.​

In your opinion what is the difference between profit and nonprofit business organization? which is easier to manage? explain your answer.​


The difference between the profit and nonprofit business  organization is, profit business organization obviously generate profit which divided equally to shareholders. This organization has a product or services which they can offer to the market thus, they can expect a return of investment while on the other hand, nonprofit organization is usually run by a religious group, foundations etc. This organization can ask donations from individual or from other organizations who are willing to give monetary  support.  

Your next question is, which is easier to manage? Well, for me, the nonprofit organization because you do not have a product or it does not have return of investment. In this case, you will not pressure like maximizing profit of the company or selling volume of products with a quota.


18. why principal or teachers are important for the maintenance of your schools stability as a nonprofit organization?


Because when the school don't have principal or teachers,the school will not be to the place for the learner's or students to get knowledge they need.Always remember that the school is the place that used for instruction, learning and education. It means to train, educate, teach or discipline someone or something.It's a large organizational structure which can contain various departments and divisions.


sowwy mahaba talaga Ako mag explain hehe

sana makatulong

19. 3. This is a nonprofit organization devoted to expand the range of creative works. This is available to build upon legally and to share.​


Creative Commons (CC) is an American non-profit organization and international network devoted to educational access and expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.

20. If a nonprofit organization is involved in trade, do you thinkit should still be properly called a business? Why or whynot?​


A nonprofit organization can be involved in trade, but it should not be called a business because the primary goal of a nonprofit organization is to achieve its mission or purpose, not to generate profit. Nonprofit organizations operate for charitable, religious, educational, scientific, or other similar purposes that benefit the community or society. Their focus is on providing services, advocating for causes, or addressing societal needs.

In contrast, a business is an organization that exists primarily to generate profits for its owners or shareholders. Its focus is on producing and selling goods or services to customers at a profit. While a nonprofit organization can engage in trade or generate revenue, it must use any profits or revenue for the purpose of furthering its mission or purpose, rather than distributing them to owners or shareholders.

Therefore, while a nonprofit organization can engage in trade or commerce to support its mission or purpose, it is fundamentally different from a business in terms of its goals, structure, and values. It should be properly called a nonprofit organization or a charitable organization, rather than a business.


pls give me stars

21. it is a nonstock,nonprofit organization that aims to create an identity for the philippines within the animationindustry

Animation Council of the Philippines is the nonstock, nonprofit organization that aims to create an identity for the Philippines within the animation industry.

22. If you were to choose a nonprofit organization to support, which would be? How did you come up with your choice? Why do you want to support your chosen nonprofit organization?​

My choice would be the Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC). The PNRC provides relief services for victims of natural disasters. These include floods, storm surges, landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, typhoons, cyclones, wildfires, and drought.

I came up with my choice because I want to help out the victims of Typhoon Haiyan.

I want to help out because I am concerned about the welfare of the survivors of the disaster. I hope to provide assistance especially to children whose families lost everything. Also, some of the residents of Tacloban City still lack access to clean water and proper sanitation facilities.

23. Activity 1: Describe Me!Directions: Give an example of each form of business organization, and justify your answer. Forms Of Business Organization1. Simple Business Organization2. Functional Business Organization3.Divisional Business Organization4. Profit Business Organization5. Nonprofit Organization6. Open/flexible Business Organization​


That's my answer I can explain that your answer


The most important difference of the two or between businesses in the profit and nonprofit organizations is that in terms of nonprofit organizations, the organization owners does not make money, while the profit organizations—it makes money for the organizations’ owners.

24. how will you classify the financial management of a nonprofit organization?


Effective nonprofit financial management is necessary to ensure your organization is financially healthy enough to pursue your mission and take on additional growth opportunities.


25. it is known as nonprofit organization​


A nonprofit organization (NPO), also known as a non-business entity, not-for-profit organization, or nonprofit institution, is a legal entity organized and operated for a collective, public or social benefit, in contrast with an entity that operates as a business aiming to generate a profit for its owners.

26. One characteristic of nonprofit organizations that is comparable with characteristics of governmental entities is:a.stewardship of resources.governance by board of directors.measurement of cost expirations.none of the foregoing


wait rhea bautista ikaw ba ug kaklase ko?


27. what is the difference between a profit and nonprofit business organization?

Profit is the money that you aim or get in your products and nonprfofit im not that sure but it is the opposite

28. empowering speech organized by nonprofit organizations​


nonprofit organization have non profit so they wants them to rich and be popular to others


29. marketing activities should be of no interest to a nonprofit organization? T or F?​



I hope it helps. It's onlybthing I can help with.

30. can nonprofit,educational or government organizations benefit from supply chain managementhow


Can nonprofit, educational, or government organizations benefit from supply chain management? How? All services and organizations can benefit in terms of at least better customer service, better inventory management, and cheaper purchase prices.


Hope it helps!^^


pwede pa brainliet amswer po plss o really need it really really need it

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