How Does The Narrator s View Of Martial Law

How Does The Narrator s View Of Martial Law

how does the narrator's View of martial law differ from her fathers view?

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1. how does the narrator's View of martial law differ from her fathers view?

he follow his father moves

2. How does the narrators view of martial law differ from her fathers view?why does she have a deffirent point of view?


Yes, the narrator's view of martial law differs from her father's view . ... What they do bring is locked inside in their heads, the safest of all places . ” After reading these lines taken from the text, the young little girl is not aware of what really is Martial Law. She thinks it was safe and sound.

3. How does narrator's view of martial law differ from her fathers view in story safe house?why does she have a different point of view?

'My guess is that, the little girls view is from a perspective of a child of course that would be different from her father who experiences the cruelty of marcos' regime

4. Why was martial law established in the 1980's in the philippines?

As a history student. Also as my point of view. Marcos declared martial because of the rampant killing and rebellion. To prevent these act of rebellion against the government he is forced to declare it.

5. how does this poem provide the reader a glimpse of what martial law was like? how did the poem make you feel compared to the martial law in mindanao declared by pres.rodrigo r. duterte



got it

6. Proclamation 1081 been declared by former President Marcos. What does martial law meen and what is the effect of martial Law?​


When he declared the martial law in 1972, Marcos claimed that he had done so in response to the "communist threat" posed by the newly founded Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), and the sectarian "rebellion" of the Mindanao Independence Movement (MIM).

7. Point of View pertaining to Martial Law.​


Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster. When martial law is in effect, the military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws.Carry on learning

Please vote me

8. how does the poem give you a glimpse of how martial law was like? how does that make you feel?​


It provides a glimpse of what martial law was like back then. The poem made me feel that I was there when the Martial Law happened. ... The past is in the past but it must be looked back in order to have a better present, to avoid another mistakes.


What poem?


The invisible poem did not give me a glimpse of how martial law was like since I can't see it. It made me feel confused since why would someone ask something about a poem and doesn't even say what the poem is.

9. sandra nicole roldan point of view about martial law

Ito ang kanilang ginagamit sa una nG panahon

10. How does the virtual center allude to martial law

How does the Virtual Center allude to martial law?

Like in the story, in time of Martial Law in the Philippines, there was a disparity and inequality between the rich and the poor. The Virtual Center shows the dystopian country we had. The characters reveal their rebellion against their government, whether covert or overt, during the Martial Law era.

What is the story about the Virtual Center by Rivera??
Its about the class division of future Philippines, where poor people will work in an endlessness cycle for the rich people. Rich people controls the poor people in terms of salary. it also depicts the "dystopian" Philippines. Despite the advance technology in the future brings the inequality between the rich and the poor.

11. what is Martial Law How does it violate democracy and curtail the people's freedom​


Kasi ang tao ay Lukas na matalino Kay sa hayop

12. 1. Who can declare Martial Law? 2. What is the reason why Marcos declared Martial Law? 3. How does Martial Law affect the politics in the Philippines?​


1. Marcos can declare martial law



1. The president

2. He declare martial law cause it claiming that is was the last defense against the rising disorder caused by the new Communist Party of the Philippines(CPP)

3.They were arrested

13. What is your view about martial law? ​


The Soldier's Becoming Bad


They Do What Ever They Want To Us

I Mean They Are Just Thinking That They Are Superior To Us Than The President

I Think

14. Martial law is an important part of the constitution because it serves as a tool to restore order and/or preserve the current government of a country in times of emergency and crisis. How does the declaration of Martial Law becomes dangerous to us?


Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster.

<Correct me if its wron>

<Brainliest and follow ty ^^ >

<#Carry on learning>

15. how does martial law affects the filipino.with rewrite article. para maiwasan Ang plagiarism​


Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster. When martial law is in effect, the military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws.


You can rewrite it by yourself :)

16. Does Martial law equates to abuse power?


Law the Trinity of the American coverment

17. What does martial law BASICALLY mean?

ang tawag sa martial law ay batas militar o military law

18. how does Chinese Communism relate to Philippines martial law!​


Marcos cited a sizeable Communist force that had obtained weapons from China that sought to overthrow the government and violate the peaceful lives of ordinary Filipinos

19. what effect does reading this story have on you? how does it affect the way you look at martial law

I assume you are talking about the story Dekada ‘70 written by Lualhati Bautista. This story mainly focuses on what is the major happening in the ‘70s, which is the Martial Law. This law forces military operation in the whole nation. The law also wants to obliterate the roots of rebellion and promotes a national progress. At this time, Filipino were very discipline comparing to the early years. This is one of the effect of having martial law in the country. It affected me a lot because I’m curious how do adults and children are living during martial law. I also wanted to feel that everyone is disciplined and responsible for one’s action because we merely see it today. If I can come back in time I wanted to experience it to.

20. view of point sa martial law?


Martial law involves the temporary substitution of military authority for civilian rule and is usually invoked in time of war, rebellion, or natural disaster. When martial law is in effect, the military commander of an area or country has unlimited authority to make and enforce laws.


hope this helps

love lots!


21. what is/are the advantage/s and disadvantage/s of martial law?

The advantages of martial law is to many people safe that will evacuate in outside area from happening war.The disadvantages of martial law is many houses,buildings,and etc. will damage and destroyed.

22. how does the narrator's point of view shape the meaning in ozymandias​

put a picture so i can answer it ok :)


The narrator's point of view is the point of view of a dispassionate observer, which makes the impact of the poem so much the greater. The narrator makes no comment on Ozmandias, and merely allows the facts presented within the poem to powerfully speak for themselves.

23. How does martial law affect citizens?​


The legal effects of a declaration of martial law differ in various jurisdictions, but they generally involve a suspension of normal civil rights and the extension to the civilian population of summary military justice or of military law.

24. If martial law is declared, are the basic rights of the people deprived from them? how does the government operate when Martial is going on?​


(Editor's note: This primer was made and updated by the Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG), a nationwide human rights lawyers organization in the Philippines. It was first produced and disseminated during martial law during the Marcos regime. It was initially updated during the declaration by then President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of a state of rebellion in 2001 and later, Proclamation No. 1017 in 2006. President Rodrigo Duterte on Tuesday night declared martial law in the entire Mindanao island amid clashes between government troops and Maute group terrorists in Marawi City.)


Sana makatolong

25. how many days does martial law?​


14 yrs


At 7:17 pm on September 23, 1972, President Ferdinand Marcos announced that he had placed the entirety of the Philippines under martial law. This marked the beginning of a 14-year period of one-man rule which would effectively last until Marcos was exiled from the country on February 24, 1986

di ko po sure yung sagot kasi yung martial law nung panahon ni narcos agad ang pumasok sa isip ko

26. How does the President exercise military power? Does this power give him the power to declare martial law?​




The Supreme Court is empowered to review all official acts to determine if there has been grave abuse of discretion. Congress cannot be padlocked. Martial Law is limited in duration and effects, even if contemplated by a president. Section 18 of Article VII of the current Constitution provides.


Martial law in the Philippines (Filipino: Batas Militar sa Pilipinas) refers to several intermittent periods in Philippine history where in the Philippine head of state (such as the President) places an area under the control of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and its predecessor bodies.


sana po nakatulong.

28. If Martial Law is declared, are the fundamental rights of the people deprived from them? How does the government operate when Martial is going on?​


The declaration of martial law is a rare and momentous decision for a civilian government to make and for a good reason. When martial law is declared, civilian control of some or all aspects of government operations is ceded to the military.

This means that, in the case of elected governments, the representatives chosen by the voting population are no longer in power. Civilians have thus ceded control of the country in exchange for the potential restoration of order with the possibility that control may not be reclaimed in the future.

29. Is/ are there any malpractice/s implied in martial law?


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30. do you think there is difference of opinion between the narrator and her father regarding martial law?​

[tex]answer[/tex]A house in a secret location, used by spies or criminals in hiding. being misplaced or taken away by another being. vibe that a person will feel safe around him/her. The Safe House used as a title because place where one finds safety and protection.


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