Fundamental Rhythms

Fundamental Rhythms

Define Fundamental Rhythms of dance​

Daftar Isi

1. Define Fundamental Rhythms of dance​


include walking,running,skiiping,and others foundamental movements

2. define fundamental rhythms of dance? ​


Fundamental rhythms include walking, running, skipping, and other fundamental movements. The general purpose of a programme of fundamental rhythm is to provide a variety of basic movement experiences. This will make students move effectively, efficiently and develop a sense of rhythms. Creative rhythms are sometimes called fundamental rhythms or natural dances. A creative rhythm is an end product of exploration and improvisation of movements as children learn to move the parts of their body and to use them as instruments of expression. Is a cultural art form handed down from generation to generations.

3. It is called fundamental rhythms or natural dances.


Creative Rhythms po iyan

4. What is the difference between fundamental choice and fundamental stance?

The theory of fundamental option had its origins in a renewal of the theology of grace. (Fransen, 1969) Traditional catechesis presented grace as a kind of 'thing' and many people thought about it like money in one's personal bank: one gets 'deposits' of grace which accumulate into larger amounts. The more grace one has, the more pleasing one would be in the sight of God. Similarly, 'committing sin' diminishes the amount of grace one has, making oneself less pleasing to God. Committing a single mortal sin wipes out all the grace one might have accumulated, leads to a complete break with God and to eternal punishment.

5. A typical reflex arc includes: a)five fundamental parts b)three fundamental parts c)four fundamental parts

A typical reflex arc includes

Answer: Five fundamental parts

hope it helps and good luck po!

6. what dance program that sometimes called fundamental rhythms or natural dances? explain​


These are actually for children in the elementary grades. These are sometimes called Fundamental Rhythms or Natural Dances. It includes dance mixers, Square Dancing, and Round and Couple Dances. Many of these dances have simple patterns based on combination of Walking Steps, the two Steps Polka Step and the Waltz.


These are intended for elementary school students. These are also known as Natural Dances or Fundamental Rhythms. Mixers, Square Dancing, Round and Couple Dances, and Round and Couple Dances are all included. The patterns of many of these dances are based on a combination of Walking Steps, Polka Steps, and Waltz Steps.


7. Give 3 examples of each phase of the dance program. Brainliwst ko po kumpleto ang sagot1. CREATIVE RHYTHMS/FUNDAMENTAL RHYTHMS 2. FOLK/ETHNIC DANCE3. SOCIAL AND BALLROOM DANCE 4. RECREATIONAL DANCE 5. RECREATIONAL DANCE 5. CREATIVE DANCE​


but you are the only thing


idon't I don't know

how is the last one I can get on your own and you are so amazing what to do with you

8. These are sometimes called fundamental rhythms or natural dances.

rhythms: a regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements that is sometimes thought of as dance.

9. Why does rhythm play an important role in the music of India? a. It is fundamental to the creation of any musical system b. It adds color and variety to their music c. It depicts their way of life. d. It makes the sound pleasant to the ears.​


D. it makes the sound pleasant to the ears.

10. How can a person develop physical, mental, social and emotional attributes through the fundamental rhythms?​


Help your child to learn that people have different qualities and outlooks on life. In books , magazines, television or films talk about characters ...

11. Why do we need to study the Elements of Rhythms, Pattern, and Fundamental Movement of Action?


So well get smarter and better


12. What is the difference between fundamental choice and fundamental stance?​


tap niyo na lang po para makita niyo

at follow niyo na rin po ako follow ko rin po kayo

13. what are the importance of fundamental rhythm in your daily life activities explain?


Rhythmic activities improve physical and mental health. Aside from increased physical confidence, rhythmic activities can also improve mental functions because rhythm regulates the brain and prevents cognitive decline. It also boosts the chemicals in our brain that support better memory and learning.

14. explain the importance of fundamental and creative rhythms in dance.​


Are sometimes called fundamental rhythms or natural dances. A creative rhythm is an end product of exploration and improvisation of movements as children learn to move the parts of their body and to use them as instruments of expression.

15. The music of India reflects different aspects of Asian culture through its timbre, rhythm, melody, texture, form, and style. In general, Indian music remains fundamental to the lives of people of India as a source of the following EXCEPT;

The music of India reflects different aspects of Asian culture through its timbre, rhythm, melody, texture, form, and style. In general, Indian music remains fundamental to the lives of the people of India as a source of spiritual inspiration, cultural expression, and entertainment.

16. What are the four fundamentals of operationWhat are the four fundamentals of operation


The four operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


pa brainliest po please


The basic arithmetic operations for real numbers are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


heart ❤️

17. what are the difference of fundamental and non fundamental forces​


Fundamental forces are independent, non fundamental forces can be explained in terms of fundamental forces.

18. 7. An instrument that provides the fundamental tone whichgives firmness in rhythm​




19. similarities of fundamental and non fundamental force​


Fundamental forces are independent, non fundamental forces can be explained in terms of fundamental forces.


It is better to use the term interaction rather than force as two of the four fundamental interactions are not really forces.

Electromagnetism the the fundamental interaction which causes attraction, repulsion and motion of charged particles. The photon is the boson which mediates the interaction.

The colour force is a fundamental interaction which binds quarks into mesons and baryons. Gluons and the bosons which mediate the interaction.

The weak force is a fundamental force which causes beta radioactivity. It can convert a proton into a neutron, a positron and an electron neutrino. The W and Z bosons mediate the interaction.

Gravity is the fundamental interaction which causes masses to attract each other. It is a consequence of the curvature of spacetime.

The strong nuclear force used to be considered a fundamental interaction, but it is now known to be a residual effect of the colour force.

Forces such as friction are actually the result of electromagnetic interaction between electrons.


bodies of matter


Fundamental forces are independent, non fundamental forces can be explained in terms of fundamental forces. - One of four forces that act between bodies of matter and that are mediated by one or more particles

20. this is the most fundamental in creating india rhythm?A. vedasB.SushirC.TablaD.Tala​

Answer :

A. Vedas



A.Vedas is the answer...

21. 2. What fundamental elements of music play an important role in the music ofMindanao.?A. Melody, Dynamic and Timbre C. Rhythm, texture, and formB. Timbre, Texture and MelodyD. Dynamics, Pitch, and Timbre​


D Dynamics pitch and timbre


I hope it helpful

22. what is the fundamental rhythms program sets the basis for rhythmic movements in all forms of dance activities​



The fundamental rhythm program sets the basis for the rhythmic movements in all forms of dance activities through its stress on fundamental skills done in rhythm



23. How can a person develop physical, mental, social and emotional attributes through the fundamental rhythms? ______________________________


Exercise promotes chemicals in the brain that improve your mood and make you more relaxed. Specifically, the brain releases feel-good chemicals called endorphins throughout the body. Physical activity reduces anxiety and depressed mood and enhances self-esteem.



24. The music of india reflects different aspects of asian culture through its timbre, rhythm, melody, texture, form, and style. in general, indian music remains fundamental to the lives of people of india as a source of the following except.


The music of India reflects different aspects of Asian culture through its timbre, rhythm, melody, texture, form and style. In general, Indian music remains fundamental to the lives of the people of India as sources of spiritual inspiration, cultural expression and entertainment.


25. 15. Why does rhythm play an important role in the music of India?A. It is fundamental to the creation of any musical systemB. It adds color and variety to their musicC. It depicts their way of life.D. It makes the sound pleasant to the ears.​

ang answer it ay makes the sound pleasant to ears i hope this helps

26. What fundamental step is being described by the picture?A.3rd arm fundamental positionB.4th arm fundamental positionC.3rd feet fundamental positionD.4th feet fundamental position​


B.4th arm fundamental position





27. what are the 4 fundamental requirements of fundamental martial Arts?​


Haiya! huwaaa! husha husha!

28. ESSAY: The importance of Elementsof Rhythms, Pattern, and Fundamental Movement of Action Why do we need to study this?​


The purpose is to provide a variety of fundamental movement experiences so the child can learn to move effectively and efficiently and can develop a sense of Rhythm. Without good rhythm, you will easily get lost in the music and be out of sync. The whole band may lose tempo and even the listener will pick up on rhythm problems. This also leads to a healthier lifestyle with a higher involvement in activity, a lower risk of heart disease and some cancers, reduced stress and anxiety levels and an improves self-worth.

29. What is Fundamentaland non-fundamentalforces?​


In physics, the fundamental interactions, also known as fundamental forces, are the interactions that do not appear to be reducible to more basic interactions while non-fundamental forces is every force that can be derived from other forces.

30. Expressing one's emotions through, movement disciplined by rhythm. A. Rhythmic fundamentals B. Rhythmic activities C.Dance Activity D. Dance​


The answer is D - Dance.


Hope that helps.

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