Reflection About Understanding The Self

Reflection About Understanding The Self

reflection about in understanding the conflict in understanding the self​

Daftar Isi

1. reflection about in understanding the conflict in understanding the self​


Conflict is a deeply distressing sensation that makes a person feel as though their fundamental identity is being torn apart, which is psychologically what it is. An affiliative person's ties with other people make up who they psychologically are. Conflict gives us the chance to show a genuine version of ourselves to the outside world. Emotional well-being and effective communication are built on being able to speak the truth about ourselves even when we disagree.

2. reflection about understanding self​


My reflection about my understanding self is your give the pick information to the another people.

3. reflection about understanding the self​


bubu bubu bubu bubu bubu bubu bubu

4. What is your Reflection about UNDERSTANDING THE SELF (Subject)?​


A Self-Reflection Definition. Simply put, self-reflection (also known as “personal reflection”) is taking the time to think about, meditate on, evaluate, and give serious thought to your behaviors, thoughts, attitudes, motivations, and desires.

5. What is your reflection about the subject of Understanding the Self? ​




it help us to know our self

6. Read the poem "Earnest Wish" by Lydia Villanueva found on page 32 of your Self-Learning Module. Then, reflect on the importance of biographical context in understanding the text. You may read the details about the author on page 34 of your module. Attach your output here when you're done answering. 1. Discuss the environment that surrounds the author while writing the poem. Prove your answer. 2. Discuss the occurring event in the society during that time that influence the author in writing the poem. 3. Discuss the message of the author in the poem.




yes im pro and pro prop orooxv uvd

7. Everything about you is a reflection of some meaningful pieces of Godand perfect creation. Since conception, you are considered a perfect placeddesigned by the hands of God. Your person and everything around yousymbolic manifestations of God's presenceThe memories and emotional state that evolved while you are doing youassignments help you see and understand yourself or your life from differentangles and this help enhance your self-awareness. When you fully understandyourself and your person, you can live more effectively and have more succesAnswer the questions below succinctly.1) What is your understanding or insights about the selection?please help me because I really need your help I need to answer it right know thank you ​


Explanation:my understanding is that we are created by god to be his instrument to incourage others to do what is right

8. reflection about understanding self -worth what to do when you hate yourself​


I hate my self for being too kind


9. Compose a short reflection about the your understanding of the idea of Taoism about self.


Taoism is that hold the balance of live in human or animals

10. Reflect! Fill in the box with your personal reflection about the lesson. This is the part where you will share your learning insights/reflection and thus, provides an opportunity for you to reflect on and assess your skills, knowledge and comprehension. Reflection helps you grow and develop understanding more deeply, so that you can work continuously for self-improvement I have learned that I have realized that I will apply Apply what you have learned Direction: Answer each item carefully. Write the answer in your notebook. 1. Why is a conductor important to music? 2. Follow the illustration pattern of the following time signature: 2, 3, 4, 6. 4 4 4 8 3. Ask: What is the title of the song? What is it all about? 4. What is the time signature? 5. What are the notes and rest found in the song? Give the time value of the notes and rest. Montonim MGOMO YT​


Self reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working and how you study. To put it simply ‘reflection’ means to think about something. Reflecting and composing a piece of self reflective writing is becoming an increasingly important element to any form of study or learning


Reflecting helps you to develop your skills and review their effectiveness, rather than just carry on doing things as you have always done them. It is about questioning, in a positive way, what you do and why you do it and then deciding whether there is a better, or more efficient, way of doing it in the future.

In any role, whether at home or at work, reflection is an important part of learning. You wouldn’t use a recipe a second time around if the dish didn’t work the first time would you? You would either adjust the recipe or find a new and, hopefully, better one. When we learn we can become stuck in a routine that may not be working effectively. Thinking about your own skills can help you identify changes you might need to make.

11. reflection helps you grow and develop understanding more deeply so you can work continuously for self improvement as a student. in line with this you are toshare your learning insight /reflection here about the lesson the you have Learned a while ago by simply completing the following. i have learned thati have realized thati will apply​


read and understand the problem below,then answers the question that follow. An egg vendor bought php 960 worth of eggs from the poultry farm. if a dozen cost php 60.00,how many eggs are there?

12. PART II: IDENTIFICATION: Read and understand each statement carefully identify if the statement shows or expresses health attitude towards (SELF, FAMILY of PEERS). If the statement expresses health attitude about self, write on the space provided a capital letter S, while F if farnily and P if peers. 11. Ana loves to play and have fun with her classmates at school. 12. Marvin always practices how to perform well and show off to others. 13. Lorraine always ask questions about sexuality to her parents. 14. Manny seeks for her grandparents' guidance about his gender identity. 15. Rolly talks with his friends online and discusses about gender roles and responsibilities. 16. Kimberly reads books and articles about sexual orientation, then makes her own reflection about what she have read. 17. Carlo and Tomas, a twin brother makes fun talking about their crushes. 18. Linda ask permission to her parents of her attending night party with her classmates. 19. Marco sees a gay man walking on the street with lots of things carrying and so he asks if he needs help. 20. Gabriel always washes the dishes after they eat.I hope your answers may vary! Brainliest for the good answers!! ​



DVD kwdvnvkvlvlcwofkfofwfof9wgwg02h

13. GENERALIZATIONFitness Testing is a great way to monitor and assessstudent's ability as it relates to aerobic fitness, strength, andflexibility. It helps individual to understand and learn to set goalsto improve one's health-related and skill-related fitness.As an EXIT TICKET, write your reflection about the lesson that wediscussed in this Self-Learning Kit. Write THREE new things you havelearned, TWO realizations you have formed, and ONE question in yourmind. Write your reflection in your MAPEH activity book.Three Leamings:Two Realizations:One Question:8​


pa brainliest ateeeeee

14. This is a 5-point multiple choice test. Read and analyze each statement below andcarefully choose the letter that best describe the statement. Write the letter of thecorrect answer on the space provide before the number.1) When someone reflects on his/her strengths and weaknesses and learnsmore about himself or herself, it is said that the person undergoes a process called?a) Self-reflectionc) Self-motivationb) Self-discovery d) Self-gratification2) What do we call that process where a person understands himself/herselfbetter through learning new skills or overcoming bad habits?a) Self-development c) Self-educationb) Self-discoveryd) Self-reflection3) John understands fully the benefits of building good relationships with hissocial environment and the effects of man's transgressions to his fellow beings. It issaid that John;a) develops effective human relations skillsEvo do inb) develops social awarenessc) develops holisticallyd) develops social responsibilities​




The individual self consists of attributes and personality traits that differentiate us from other individuals. Examples include introversion or extroversion.

According to the book Essential Social Psychology by Richard Crisp and Rhiannon Turner:

membership in social groups. Examples include British, Republican, African-American, or gay.2

15. Compose a short reflection about the your understanding of the idea of Confucianism about self.


Confucianism personality ethics and morality to your self

16. essay about you personal reflection about understanding the self. Atleast 3 pages.​

Answer: lolll wwwww www


17. Read the poem "Earnest Wish" by Lydia Villanueva found on page 32 of your Self-Learning Module. Then, reflect on the importance of biographical context in understanding the text. You may read the details about the author on page 34 of your module. Attach your output here when you're done answering. 1. Discuss the environment that surrounds the author while writing the poem. Prove your answer. 2. Discuss the occurring event in the society during that time that influence the author in writing the poem. 3. Discuss the message of the author in the poem.​


1.The author said that she's in an agricultural town of Imus Cavite. the environment that surrounds him is indeed a province.

2.Thanks to the covid-19 pandemic, there was an increase in population quarantine.  

3. The author is trying to inform, to persuade and to entertain the readers


Pls brainlest me and follow

18. PRE-ASSESSMENTInstructionsThis is a 5-point multiple choice test Read and analyze each statement below and carefully choose the letter thatbest describe the statement Write the letter of the correct answer on the pace provided1) When someone reflects on his/her strengths and weaknesses and learn more about himself or herself, it is said thatthe person undergoes a process calleda) Self-reflection c) Self-motivationb) Self-discovery d) Self-gratification2) What do we call that process where a person understands himself/herself better through learning new skills orovercoming bad habits?a) Self-development c) Self-educationb) Self-discoveryd) Self-reflection3) John understands fully the benefits of building good relationships with his social environment and the effects of man'stransgressions to his fellow beings. It is said that John;a) develops effective human relations skills b) develops social awarenessc) develops holisticallyd) develops social responsibilities4) Krystala, a Grade 11 TVL-Home Economics student, develops favorable relationships with her peers and familymembers. In the context of development, she is said to have manifests:a) behavioral Development c) social Developmentb) physical Developmentd) psychological Development5) Justine finds it difficult to concentrate and stay focused in his studies, loses the thread of thoughts or conversations,confused because of the lockdown and cannot move freely and visit his girlfriend in the neighboring city. Justine is said tomanifests;a) love sicknessc) psychological troubleb) emotional problemd) stress​







hope its help


1. A

2. B

3. D

4. D

5. B



19. essay about you personal reflection about understanding the self. Atleast 3 pages.​


Understanding the self is a complex and multifaceted process that can take a lifetime to fully comprehend. At its core, understanding the self involves gaining insight into one's own thoughts, feelings, motivations, and behaviors. This process can be aided by engaging in introspection, self-reflection, and therapy, among other things.

One of the key components of understanding the self is the ability to recognize and understand one's own emotions. Emotions are a natural and integral part of the human experience, and they play a vital role in how we perceive and navigate the world around us. By understanding our own emotions, we can gain insight into our own thoughts and behaviors, and we can better understand why we react to certain situations in the way that we do.

Another crucial aspect of understanding the self is the ability to understand and manage our own thoughts. Our thoughts are constantly shaping our perceptions of the world and our own experiences, and they can have a powerful influence on our emotions and behaviors. By gaining insight into our own thought processes, we can better understand why we think the way that we do, and we can learn to identify and challenge any negative or distorted thoughts that may be holding us back.

In addition to gaining insight into our own emotions and thoughts, understanding the self also involves developing a sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance. This means being able to recognize and accept our own strengths and weaknesses, as well as our own unique experiences and perspectives. By embracing ourselves fully and without judgment, we can begin to build a strong foundation of self-confidence and self-esteem.

Overall, understanding the self is a lifelong process that requires effort, self-reflection, and a willingness to learn and grow. By gaining insight into our own emotions, thoughts, and experiences, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us, and we can begin to live more authentic and fulfilling lives.

20. What I know Instructions: This is a 5-point multiple choice test. Read and analyze each statement below and carefully choose the letter that best describe the statement. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provide before the number 1) When someone reflects on his/her strengths and weaknesses and learns more about himself or herself, it is said that the person undergoes a process called? a) Self-reflection c) Self-motivation b) Self-discovery d) Self-gratification 2) What do we call that process where a person understands himself/herself better through learning new skills or overcoming bad habits? a) Self-development c) Self-education b) Self-discovery d) Self-reflection 3) John understands fully the benefits of building good relationships with his social environment and the effects of man's transgressions to his fellow beings. It is said that John; a) develops effective human relations skills b) develops social awareness c) develops holistically d) develops social responsibilities 4) Krystala, a Grade 11 TVL-Home Economics student, develops favorable relationships with her peers and family members. In the context of development, she is said to have manifests; a) behavioral Development c) social Development b) physical Development d) psychological Development 5) Justine finds it difficult to concentrate and stay focused in his studies, loses the thread of thoughts or conversations, confused because of the lockdown and cannot move freely and visit his girlfriend in the neighboring city. Justine is said to manifests; a) love sickness c) psychological trouble b) emotional problem d) stress​








sana maka tulong h

21. About po sa volcano ang topic nmin SELF-REFLECTION:I understand thatI realize thatI need to learn more about​

Answer:1.A volcano is an opening in the earth's crust through which lava, volcanic ash, and gases escape.

2.When the pressure is too much an explosive eruption can happen, which can be dangerous and destructive.

3.Survival during an eruption


'saNa naKatulong'?

22. Paul Churchland and Patricia Church Paul Churchland and Patricia Churchland, who are both neuroscientists, introduced eliminate materialism-"a radical claim that ordinary, common sense understanding of the mind is deeply wrong and that some or all of the mental states posited by common sense do not actually exist" (Ramsey, 2013). For them, it is false to daim that folk psychology, or common sense psychology, is the capacity to explain mental states of people. Most of people think that we have a stream of consciousness that contains images and conceptions of things about which we have beliefs and attitudes. Our beliefs and attitudes. Our beliefs and attitudes are supported by our feelings, which include mental states like joy and sorrow, or anxiety and relief. It is also a folk belief that our sense of the world and of ourselves is a direct representation of how the world is formed, thus making our bodies reflect or adapt the way the world is (Weed, 2011). The Churchlands argued that talk of mental states would eventually be abandoned in favor of a radically different view of how the brain works not identified with mental states. For them, self is nothing else but brain, or simply, the self is contained entirely within the physical brain. In Patricia Churchland's book Touching a Nerve: The Self as Brain (2013), she wrote: "My brain and I are inseparable. I am who I am because my brain is what it is. Even so, I often think about my brain in terms different from those I use when thinking about myself. I think about my brain as that, and about myself as me. I think about my brain as having neurons, but I think of me as having a memory. Still, I know that my memory is all about the neurons in my brain. Lately, I think about my brains in more intimate terms-as me." This supports the idea that to understand the self, one must study the brain, not just the mind. Put in your own language your understanding of the Philosophy of Churchland and Church about self:​


I don't know this. I think its 2000


23. V. Reflection This part requires you to write your personal reflection about the lesson. Please share your learning insights/reflection for you to assess your skills, knowledge, and comprehension. This reflection will help you grow and develop understanding more deeply so that you can work continuously for your self-improvement. Got it? Then start writing now I have learned that I have realized that I will apply​


your let's go to the new house in the morning and I can get you a bat and I can get you a bat and I can get you a bat and I can get you a bat and I can get you a tweet and me and I can get you a tweet about Obama and I can do it you a bat in GTA v how are you a tweet about you and I can do it tapos I take it back to me and then I can do to help you out with you a bat in GTA v online you and I will send it out tomorrow I have a ton in the morning and get back with you a little something to eat I cook

24. Changes/Characteristics 1. They are reflective, introspective, and analytical about their thoughts and feelings. 2. They are now capable of thinking critically helping them understand issues and concerns about their development. 3. Bones develop and become harder 4. Desire love and acceptance from significant adults. 5. There is improvement in adolescents' memory and thinking. 6. Girls become self-conscious because of the changes that are happening to them, giving them a feeling of insecurity and discomfort. 7. Becomes loyal to peer group values and sometimes cruel and insensitive to those outside the peer group. Physical Mental answer sheet Emotion Moral- spiritual​



2.mental changes

3.Physical change

4.emotional changes

5.developing(not sure)

6.emotionnal health

Explanation: pa brainliest po pls

25. REFLECT Directions: Based from your learnings from weeks 1-4, make a self-reflection according to the following: First, I'll start with ... Something else I learned was ... Lastly, I now really know about and understand ...please i need it right now, kung sino man ang maka sagot ng tama i'll give you brainlest.​


thats your opinion kaya nasa iyo yan kung ano ang isasagot mo

26. reflection about the various ancient and medieval philosophers in understanding the self​





27. AbstractionRead and understand the common reactions oftheWrite your answer in your reflection notebook"They feel a strong responsibility to the familyThy may feel guilt and shame that they were unable to help how he was"They may feel Intense grief.*They may become self-absorbed and feel self-tity.*They may experience changes in their relationships with other people*They may also start taking risk, engage in self-destructive behavior anbehavior, and become aggressive"They may experience major shifts in their view of the world accompanied by a senseof hopelessness about the present and the future."They may become defiant of authorities and parents while they start relying onpeersfor socializingQuestions to Answer:1. Which of those reactions is true to you?2.Is there any normal feelings in this reaction? If there is, write it in your reflection notebook.​

1.'they may experine mojor shifts in their view of the world accompanied by sense'



28. make a reflection, about understanding the self ​


What is self reflection? Self reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working and how you study. To put it simply 'reflection' means to think about something.


29. Lesson 3 -- Learning Material: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person. Textbook Lesson 3: The learner understands the human person as an embodied spirit REFLECTION: Take some time to look at your body in front of the mirror. Identify those parts you like most about your body. Identify those parts you hate the most. Write everything down in a tabulated form. One column for likes, another for dislikes. Now focus on the column of dislikes. For each item you write, focus on the things that you won't be able to do or miss if that body part is lost, destroyed or severely injured. Write at least one down for each body part you dislike. Going back to the same column of dislikes, think of your many achievements and ask your self whether or not it was possible to achieve those if the body parts you dislike were injured or permanently destroyed. Finally, think of all your dreams and aspirations. Ask your self if it is possible to achieve those dreams and aspirations if your disliked body part were injured or permanently destroyed. After asking your self these questions, write a long letter in a paper of reconciliation addressing your body expressing everything you fell about it.​


30. reflective essay about understanding the self subject what have we studied that is interesting?


Thus, the social constructionist approach implies that the self is shaped by social interaction within historical, cultural and social contexts. ... Social constructionist's apply an analysis of societal level which explain the self through social relations.

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