Deflection By Double Integration Method

Deflection By Double Integration Method

What is the first procedure in determining the deflection of beams by the double integration method?

Daftar Isi

1. What is the first procedure in determining the deflection of beams by the double integration method?

This method entails obtaining the deflection of a beam by integrating the differential equation of the elastic curve of a beam twice and using boundary conditions to determine the constants of integration. The first integration yields the slope, and the second integration gives the deflection.


Pa braienlest

2. (25 points) explain the concept of finding the deflection of indeterminate beam and shaft using integration method. use illustration. (derivation of equation)


sans all may module haha mag Aral ka

3. Analyze completely the frame shown using slope deflection equation method and draw the shear, moment and elastic diagram. e is constant.



















































































































4. Formula for cantilever beams deflection and moment


Sorry it make to long for this :(

5. The light deflected off the objects​

Answer: Reflection is when light bounces off an object. If the surface is smooth and shiny, like glass, water or polished metal, the light will reflect at the same angle as it hit the surface. This is called specular reflection. Light reflects from a smooth surface at the same angle as it hits the surface.

6. Deflection of Galvanometer needle fast ​


Galvanometer, instrument for measuring a small electrical current or a function of the current by deflection of a moving coil. The deflection is a mechanical rotation derived from forces resulting from the current.

The deflection of galvanometer needle indicates the presence of current in the coil. The direction of deflection gives the direction of flow of current. ... The deflection in galvanometer changes with the change in number of turns in the coil - more the number of turns in the coil greater is the deflection.

sana po maka help ^3^

7. Determine the deflection at point c of the beam


Di ko po alam ehh sorry

Explanation sorry po talaga salamat po da points

8. what is Deflection asdasdaskldaskdask=dasdasdasdas

the departure of an indicator or pointer from the zero reading on the scale of an instrument.


9. how will you explain the deflection or non deflection of the galvanometer pointers as observed in the activity?

The pointer turns when current is concluded in a closed circuit conductor in a changing magnetic field. A changing magnetic field is created when there is relative motion between a source of a magnetic field and a conductor. This change in the magnetic field strength in the coil region occurs as the magnet is placed towards or away from the coil.


10. How will you expain the deflection or non-deflection of the galvanometer pointer as observed in the activity principles of electromagnetic induction?

How will you expain the deflection or non-deflection of the galvanometer pointer as observed in the activity principles of electromagnetic induction?

The pointer turns when a current in a shifting  magnetic field is terminated in a closed circuit conductor.  When there is relative motion between a magnetic field  source and a conductor, a changing magnetic field is formed.  This variation in the strength of the magnetic field in the coil  area occurs when the magnet is oriented towards or away from the coil.

The absence of a change of magnetic field passing through the closed circuit conductor or the  absence of motion of the field relative to the conductor results of non-deflection of the galvanometer pointer.  On the other hand, the mere presence of a resting magnetic field  relative to a closed circuit conductor does not cause a current either.

And moving the magnet in or out of the coil  during the operation caused the pointer to move at either motion.  The galvanometer's needle slowly returned to the zero point, and remained  undeflected while the magnet connected to the coil was at rest.

For more information visit this link:


11. does solar flares are deflected by gravity​




but it depends how strong solar flare is

12. the deflection of the wind due to the rotation of the earth is ____?​


Coriolis effect po sagot


Sure po ako

Pa Brainlest nalang po

13. the deflection of planetary wind to earth's rotation​


Because the Earth rotates on its axis, circulating air is deflected toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection is called the Coriolis effect. Click the image for a larger view. Coastal currents are affected by local winds.

14. ______________5. Deflects the ocean currents.​


Coriolis Effect


Because it bends the direction of surface currents to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and left in the Southern Hemisphere. The Coriolis effect causes winds and currents to form circular patterns

15. what is deflection?​


-the action or process of deflecting or being deflected.

-the amount by which something is deflected.

16. what causes the deflection of the ammeter needle​


The Ammeter is a measuring instrument used to find the strength of current flowing around an electrical circuit when connected in series with the part of the circuit being measured


thx me later

17. Why is dark color deflect red?


The reason is that darker colors absorb more of the different wavelengths of light energy, while white or light-colored objects reflect the light of most wavelengths.

18. A. equation of the slope at segment ab b. equation of the deflection curve at segment ab c. position of the maximum deflection at segment ab from point a d. maximum deflection.


ano pong tanong para po nasagot ko po salamat

19. What is the explanation to the alpha particles that deflected?​


Rutherford observed the backward bounce of some alpha particles as projectiles sent on the atoms of a thin gold foil. ... Rutherford studied the phenomenon for a year and found the explanation: the atom positive charge is in a solid and compact nucleus.

20. How does the deflection of starlight happens?​


Starlight that passes near the Sun's edge on its route to Earth is deflected, changing the appearance of those stars by a little amount. If you look at it from a mile and a quarter away, the amount of deflection is about the width of a dime.


21. Deflection of Galvanometer needle slow​


These needles are suspended by a single silk thread. The lower needle is inside a vertical current sensing coil of wire and is deflected by the magnetic field created by the passing current, as in the tangent galvanometer above.

22. ACTIVITY: Reflect and Deflect!​




3.scare crow

4. big cow

5.and plant


yan lng alam ko sorry nalang


we can see that there are big differences in here. now a days i often see forest looking like this. we can prevent pollution if we plant more trees. we can enjoy fresh air just like before. if we continue this there wont be no future.

23.  It deflects to what is the value of the measured object. ​


Multimeter or Multitaster, also known as a volt/ohm meter or VOM


is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit.

24. What causes the deflection of the wind system?​


Our planet's rotation produces a force on all bodies moving relative to theEarth. Due to Earth's approximately spherical shape, this force is greatest at the poles and least at the Equator.

The force, called the "Coriolis effect," causes the direction of winds and ocean currents to be deflected.

In the Northern Hemisphere, wind and currents are deflected toward the right, in the Southern Hemisphere they are deflected to the left.

25. pointer deflection setting is x10​


Pointer deflection Range setting is X10 Reading is 25 ohms


26. Determine the maximum deflection of a 3cm x24cm


basahin mo mabuti katanunan

Step-by-step explanation:

x\2y + xy2 = xy ( x+y)

27. Cathode rays are deflected?


Cathode rays are a beam of fast-moving electrons. Electrons are atomic particles which are negatively charged. Charges of opposite nature always attract each other. Because there is attraction between electrons and a positive electrode, cathode rays are deflected towards positive electrode.


(credits to the real owner of the answer)

(I still hope it helps even though the answer is not really from me)

28. Q47. How will you expain the deflection or non-deflection of the galvanometer pointer as observed in the activity?

The pointer deflects when current is induced in a closed circuit conductor within a changing magnetic field. A changing magnetic field is produced when there is relative motion between a source of a magnetic field and a conductor; it does not matter which moves. This change in the magnetic field strength in the coil region occurs as the magnet is moved towards or away from the coil.

The absence of a changing magnetic field cutting across the closed circuit conductor or the absence of the field’s motion relative to the conductor results to non-deflection of the galvanometer’s pointer. On the other hand, the mere presence of a magnetic field that is at rest relative to a closed circuit conductor
will also not induce current.

So in the activity, moving the magnet into or out of the coil, caused the pointer to deflect during either movement. The needle of the galvanometer gradually returned to the zero mark and stayed undeflected when the magnet was at rest relative to the coil.


29. What causes the deflection of the voltmeter needle?​


A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit. ... The needle deflection is produced by a magnetic force acting on a current-carrying wire.

30. 1._________Ohms. range deflection X12._________Ohms Range deflection is X10​


[tex]21y + 943 \: [/tex]

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