Gods Creation Poem

Gods Creation Poem

poem about creation of God ​

Daftar Isi

1. poem about creation of God ​



I look around, and everywhere I can see,

The beauty of God's Creation smiling back at me.

A precious baby with velvety soft skin,

Wiggling its tiny hands and feet,

On its face an adorable grin.

First morning dew on a pink rose;

A beautiful butterfly drawing to it close.

The sun's golden rays gently warming the ground;

Luscious plants covering the soil abound.

Humming birds singing high up in the tree;

White sand glistening in the turquoise sea.

Snow capped mountains, so majestically high;

A colorful rainbow adorning the afternoon sky.

Countless stars above, sparkling oh so bright,

Decorating the horizon and illuminating the night  

Thank you, Dear Lord, for giving me another day,

To enjoy the beauty of Your Creation,  

And to worship You and pray.

Thank me later goodluck! <3

2. how is god humanized in the poem of the creation​


anong grade ka po ba kuya?

3. poem about preserving god's creation


The warmth of the light, making the world so bright,

The majesty of the sky for the birds to fly,

The calm and quiet sea setting part the land in the lea,

The generous souls of moon, stars and sun for human fun,

The awesome birds, fish, beast and human kind,

When there was nothing more to add,

God knew His masterpiece was complete,

And so, He called it 'Earth-“ A Better Place to Live In.

4. write a poem praising God for His wonderful work in Creation.​

god is kind

what ever i do he is allways will forgive me

what ever i do God is allways by my side

God allways love us

He is kind as pure

God allways loves us what we are

God created mouth to us so we can speak and talk

[thats all can brainliest me?]

5. Care for God’s CreationCare for God’s Creation​


Care for God's Creation is one of the seven principles of Catholic social teaching, as outlined by the United States Conference of Catholic. We believe that God created the world and all living things .


Yes your right

6. example compose poem or praising god for this wonderfully creation thank you you have wonderful heart I'll give you ⭐​

Answer: phrase the Lord and hi good afternoon


7. Please help. The title is "The Creation Story" (The story of our creation, Gods creation)


1. a face of the God and his breath.

2. He commands the wind.

3. Because the god has ten commandments.


sorry I'm not sure kung tama b.

8. 1.What is the message of the poem? 2.what does the tree symbolize in the poem? 3.As part of God's creation,how do we protect our nature? "Trees" by Joyce Kilmer


1. Meaning is the word referring comprehensively to the ideas expressed within the poem – the poem's sense or message.

2. The tree is used as a symbol of all the good in our lives. It symbolises peace and prosperity in our country and in the world. It teaches the vales of love and loyalty.

3. Taking small, conscious steps in your everyday life can help you reflect on our call to care for creation—and make an impact on the environment. Simple things like composting kitchen scraps, recycling and eating less meat can reduce waste and shrink your carbon footprint.

9. 2. As stewards of God's creation what can you do in order to protect the creation of God?



Lifestyle changes you can make as an individual or family to reduce your own consumption in order to better protect God’s creation:

1. Use fewer paper and plastic products – e.g. use a re-usable water bottle

2. Reduce water consumption – e.g. take shorter showers, wash dishes by hand, etc.

3. Don’t cook more than you will consume

4. Compost (instead of disposing) food waste

5. Recycle

6. Reuse instead of disposing

7. Use public transportation, carpool, walk, or ride a bike

8. Conserve electricity – e.g. turn off lights and buy energy-efficient appliances

9. Plant trees

10. Create a poem by completing the lines with appropriate modifiers: Use the modifiers once only. "Nature"God made the world ________We see ________ land, and ________ seas. It is a ________ creationThe love of God is ________.​

God Made world For us

we see The Lands,and the seas

it is a beautiful creation

the Love of god is Us

11. What are the day1 of god creationwhat are the day2 of god creationWhat are the day3 of god creationWhat are the day5 of god creation​

day 1 light was created

day 2 the sky was created

day 3 dry land ,seas, plants, and trees were created

day 5 birds and sea creatures

12. Create a two-stanza poem about appreciating God’s creation, focusing on the sky, the stars, and the universe​


cause she said she said she said she's from Hawaii

do you know how to speak tagalog?

13. create a poem by completing the lines with appropriate modifiers. NATUREGod made the world _______We see _____ land and _____ seas.It is a ______ creation.The love of God is ______.pahelp po plssss ​


god made the world so we can live

we see grassy land and blue seas

it is a wonderful creation

the love of god is beautiful

Explanation:be careful at the comment section

14. 3 stanza poem that depicts or expresses love for God and His creation


Love can't be described.

It has no shape, it has no form.

Love is not an object.

Love does not conform.

Love enters our lives

The moment we are born.

From the cradle to the grave,

Love's in everyone.

Love burns like a candle

That sometimes flickers but never dies.

Love may be invisible,

Although it's right before your eyes,

Love can leave you empty,

Love can make you whole.

Love can make or break you,

Love is in your soul.

Love is in your heart,

Love is in your mind.

Love doesn't discriminate,

Love is always blind.

Love is universal,

It encompasses the globe.

No matter where you are,

Love has a language all its own.

Love is all around you.

There's plenty of love to spare.

You cannot see or touch it,

But love is everywhere.

Love's the greatest power,

And yet it is so small.

Love's a gift from God

To be shared amongst us all.


its just a one poem but i hope it helps

15. Create a poem about being a responsible steward of God's creation.​


Cleaning Surrounding's being thankful for everything helping others

16. Independent Activity 1:Understanding the poem1. What is the poem all about?A. Man's evilnessC. The beauty of God's creationsB. Equality of man and God D. How a beautiful creature made by God turned into somethingindifferenti2. What attribute of God is being described in the poem?A. lovingC. omnipotentB. merciful D. revengeful3. How did God react to the ingratitude of His creations?A. angryB. happyC. sad D. uncertain4. What is the message of the poem?A. God should be our strength.C. We should always seek God's help.B. We should always rely on God.D. We should always be thankful to God, thecreato5. What is the theme?A. Man's limitationsB. God's unending powerC.Equality of man withGod.D. Ungratefulness of men towards their creator​


1 b


my god emfrisive and good god

17. write a short poem which is composed of 3 stanza about your care in creation of god​

God created us day by day. (a)
We should obey God and pray. (a)
He worked all of it by himself.(b)
We should protect itself.(b)

How? It’s simple Save water.(c)
Sometimes it’s getting hotter.(c)
So we should plant trees. (d)
Avoid the disease. (d)

Stop killing the animals.(e)
They also have potentials.(e)
Honor your mother and father. (f)
God created them so its proper. (f)

Change the words or sentences you don’t like thank you I hope it helped you

18. Compose a poem that shows the Creation Story of God


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light.Genesis 1:1-3

This account goes on to describe the seven days of creation:

in the beginning - God started creationthe first day - light was createdthe second day - the sky was createdthe third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were createdthe fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were createdthe fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were createdthe sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were createdby day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.

19. What is great and wonderful?What is the message of the poem? How do you thank God for His beautiful creations?​

all creatures great and small,all things wise and wonderful.The message of the poem is the lord God made them all..I thank god through prayers

20. god's creation manifestation through action poem​


And God stepped out on space,

And he looked around and said:

I'm lonely—

I'll make me a world.

And far as the eye of God could see

Darkness covered everything,

Blacker than a hundred midnights

Down in a cypress swamp.

Then God smiled,

And the light broke,

And the darkness rolled up on one side,

And the light stood shining on the other,

And God said: That's good!

Then God reached out and took the light in his hands,

And God rolled the light around in his hands

Until he made the sun;

And he set that sun a-blazing in the heavens.

And the light that was left from making the sun

God gathered it up in a shining ball

And flung it against the darkness,

Spangling the night with the moon and stars.

Then down between

The darkness and the light

He hurled the world;

And God said: That's good!

Then God himself stepped down—

And the sun was on his right hand,

And the moon was on his left;

The stars were clustered about his head,

And the earth was under his feet.

And God walked, and where he trod

His footsteps hollowed the valleys out

And bulged the mountains up.

Then he stopped and looked and saw

That the earth was hot and barren.

So God stepped over to the edge of the world

And he spat out the seven seas—

He batted his eyes, and the lightnings flashed—

He clapped his hands, and the thunders rolled—

And the waters above the earth came down,

The cooling waters came down.

Then the green grass sprouted,

And the little red flowers blossomed,

The pine tree pointed his finger to the sky,

And the oak spread out his arms,

The lakes cuddled down in the hollows of the ground,

And the rivers ran down to the sea;

And God smiled again,

And the rainbow appeared,

And curled itself around his shoulder.

Then God raised his arm and he waved his hand

Over the sea and over the land,

And he said: Bring forth! Bring forth!

And quicker than God could drop his hand,

Fishes and fowls

And beasts and birds

Swam the rivers and the seas,

Roamed the forests and the woods,

And split the air with their wings.

And God said: That's good!

Then God walked around,

And God looked around

On all that he had made.

He looked at his sun,

And he looked at his moon,

And he looked at his little stars;

He looked on his world

With all its living things,

And God said: I'm lonely still.

Then God sat down—

On the side of a hill where he could think;

By a deep, wide river he sat down;

With his head in his hands,

God thought and thought,

Till he thought: I'll make me a man!

Up from the bed of the river

God scooped the clay;

And by the bank of the river

He kneeled him down;

And there the great God Almighty

Who lit the sun and fixed it in the sky,

Who flung the stars to the most far corner of the night,

Who rounded the earth in the middle of his hand;

This great God,

Like a mammy bending over her baby,

Kneeled down in the dust

Toiling over a lump of clay

Till he shaped it in is his own image;

Then into it he blew the breath of life,

And man became a living soul.

Amen. Amen.

21. Give 5 creation of God, and what does it reveals about God. Example: Creation is SUN what it reveals about God - WARMTH OF GOD'S LOVE.​


1. Our Conscience - God's Justice

2. Animals - God wants us to enjoy.

3. Atmosphere and Earth's Magnetic Field - God's protection.

4. Oxygen Cycle - God's knowledge


22. poem about gods creation using conditional statement.​


God is the one that create all things except man made


hope it helps you

23. poem po tungkol sa taking care of gods creation(english po sana)



When God created us we really knoweth not.

We know, for sure, He took five long days to make

Sun, moon, Earth and seas, plants, animals the lot

Oak trees, thrushes, tigers, crabs, hill, desert, lake.

One other day spent to craft: a puzzle solved?

His best creation, Man. Ruler of the world.

But man is ape. It can be seen; nay, proved.

Darwin’s dogma so ordains; a helix curl’d.

From primordial soup amino acid; how?

Twenty, more perhaps; to shape the blocks of life

Deoxyribonucleic acid, wow.

Piecemeal revolution rock and roll and jive.

Could both these sculptures of the universe be?

Dilate the days in one: Let it unto He.

24. among the creation of god, why is man called as "God's crown of creation"?​


I think, Eve were the first man and woman, this prior creation lacked God's crown of creation..


Hope this is going to help :) just correct me if I'm wrong!

25. a magical creation of godl soil is the magical creation of god is like a skin that covers who are around and it provides all living things do with their food to eat and a place where they can grow and live soul is a magical creation of god they are molded to form the things we want houses buildings roads roads are built to give away filters the rainwater protects the ground water everyday landforms like mountains our god to see we can travel by land and me where we want to be but at most care is needed by this wonderland let us give the magical creation a helping hand Guid questions:1: What's is the title of the poem?2:How is the soil described in the poem?Give at least (2) descriptions given in the poem3:Based on the poem,why is soil I'm portant? Cite at least two importance of soil.​

1. A Magical Creation of God
2.Its like a skin that covers water and land it provides all living things with their food to eat and a place where they can grow live.
3.They are molded to form the things we want houses,buildings.
Explanation:hope it helsp can u brainlest

26. compose a poem about gods creation​


We are the Gods creation we can do anything you want but believe God in your heart.


Believe in god or you will go to hell

27. examples of synonyms in Gods Creation poem​

The landscapes are glowing when the world awakes

And earth smells aromatic as the dawn breaks

Then when day is done and the dark night has come

That’s when scenic mystic magic is begun.

An emblem of love is nature’s fragrant rose

Warming hearts with its charm where’re a rose grows.

Nature converses in her language of love

Through wonders created by God up above

She is a composer of melodies too

Look and listen to the things nature can do.

An emblem of love is nature’s fragrant rose

Warming hearts with its charm where’re a rose grows.

Proudly elegant, beauteous stately trees

The leaves on the boughs sing their songs on the breeze

Trees provide feasts from the fruit of the harvest

And shelter from storms when one’s at their darkest.

An emblem of love is nature’s fragrant rose

Warming hearts with its charm where’re a rose grows.

The water we need, the air that we all breathe

Humans, animals, birds, butterflies and bees

Without nature nothing could ever exist

The earth would be barren, what we’d have all missed.

An emblem of love is nature’s fragrant rose

Warming hearts with its charm where’re a rose grows.

Grant thanks to our Father in heaven above

For gifts of nature that come wrapped up in love

The life that we have, the miracle of birth

Rising of the sun, moon and stars o’er the earth.

An emblem of love is nature’s fragrant rose

Warming hearts with its charm where’re a rose grows.

28. As a unique creation of God, we, as man is the most intelligent and the most capable of doing the right actions. So as a responsible individual, you will make a creative and an appealing poem that shows actions on how man should act right to other people and to the environment. The title of the poem is "I Am A Man, a Great Creation of God" The poem must have 3 stanzas with 4 lines each.

I am a man, a great creation of God
I have the intelligence and capability
to do what is right for others and the environment
As a responsible individual, I will make wise choices
and take actions that show respect to all people and to nature.

29. Create a two-stanza poem with the theme of "Good Stewards of God's Creation".​


''God's Grace Is Sufficient''

With God’s great love are good works

Great service of willing heart

Obedience: great attitude

Faithful, stewardship.

I do not frustrate the grace of God...

And I am so blessed indeed...

...Bestowed with God's grace...

How's your stewardship growth?

Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.


Kinuha ko lang yan sa Bible, mababasa mo yan sa 1Corinthians 4:2 at sa  Galatians 2:21 HUHU sana maka tulong

30. Poem promoting the importance of taking care of god’s creation? English sana thanks!



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