An Empire Toppled By Its Enemies Can Rise Again

An Empire Toppled By Its Enemies Can Rise Again

How politics helped KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR or the CHALDEAN EMPIRE made BABYLON Rise again?​

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1. How politics helped KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR or the CHALDEAN EMPIRE made BABYLON Rise again?​

Nebuchadnezzar II was the greatest king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. He is known for rebuilding much of Babylon and restoring it to its former glory. He also built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon which is considered one of the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World.

2. What lesson can we learn from the rise and fall of the athenian empire?


Lesson Objectives:

Students will be able to describe the role of Greek men and women

Students will be able to describe how Athens flourished under the rule of Pericles

Students will be able to escribe the ways that Greeks developed the ideas of citizenship and democracy

Students will be able to compare and contrast the meanings of citizenship and democracy in ancient Greece and in America today

3. What lesson can we learn from the rise and fall of the Athenian Empire?

So what can we learn from all this?


Well, it’s kind of a funny story, albeit not a very original one. Anybody with a basic understanding of history, or human nature, will recognize the cycle. A government comes to power and a country, often through conquest, rises to prominence. Once they have gotten a taste of the good life, so to speak, they are rather reluctant to go back to the way things used to be.

4. Describe the rise to power of the European after the fall of the western roman empire


Sa Notes Ng Phone ko po yan na sulat


btw ayan na ung sagot


5. How does Rise and fall of empires relate to our lives?

Just like an empire, our lives can also rise and fall for various reasons. But the political, economic, social, cultural, or environmental changes in our lives will definitely affect our lives which will lead if we will rise or fall. When we acknowledge the different specific causes and effects of the rise and fall of our lives, it will help us to choose better decisions in our life.

EmpireEmpire is a central state that exercises political power over a broad area of land comprising many different populations. One state must take control of other nations or groups of people in order for an empire to flourish. Empires develop for a variety of reasons. Imperial expansion is the process of a central power expanding its political rule over territory and population. This can be accomplished through military, economic, or cultural means—in most cases, a mix of these. An empire fell because the state's power was weakened due to several issues including economic, environmental, political, social, and cultural issues.

Reasons why an empire rise or fall:

Relevant answers:


6. how does the rise and fall of empires relate to our lives

It tells us the life struggles of man . The intelligence and will power , the determination and the frustrations, the good and the evil, power and abuses 

7. the rise and fall of a roman empire


Roman Empire (27 BC – 476 AD) The Roman Empire was founded when Augustus Caesar proclaimed himself the first emperor of Rome in 31BC and came to an end with the fall of Constantinople in 1453CE. An empire is a political system in which a group of people are ruled by a single individual, an emperor or empress.


please thank me


The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire is a six-volume work by the English historian Edward Gibbon. It traces Western civilization (as well as the Islamic and Mongolian conquests) from the height of the Roman Empire to the fall of Byzantium in the fifteenth century. Volume I was published in 1776 and went through six printings.Volumes II and III were published in 1781

#carry on learning

8. ano ang iyong reaksiyon tungkol sa 300 rise of an empire​

Answer:ang aking reaksiyon tungkol sa 300 rise empire ay nangingibago dahil

Sa pagbabago sa ating lipunan at sa ating daigdig


9. how does the rise and fall of empires resonate to our daily lives?​

Our Lives Rise and Fall

There are empires that don’t last too long. This is because as they expand, they lose control quickly or are overthrown. In our lives, there are some things that we can’t control as we grow up and that causes us to fall too. Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.  

Empires grow for different reasons. The Persian Empire of the Achaemenids was built largely through military conquest. The Maurya Empire in India used a combination of political sabotage, religious conversion, and military conquest to expand its rule. The Romans, although a militaristic society, did not generally set out to conquer territory. But, they did get involved in many wars. After defeating enemies, Rome usually offered them some level of citizenship in exchange for loyalty.

The main point is that imperial growth is about a central state extending political control over territory and people. This can be achieved by military, economic, or cultural means—usually a combination of these factors!

For more information:


10. Which of the following is NOT a true statement concerning empirical and molecular formulas? a. The empirical formula of a compound can be triple its molecular formula. b. Several compounds can have the same empirical formula, but have different molecular formulas. c. The molecular formula of a compound can be the same as its empirical formula. d. The molecular formula of a compound can be some whole-number multiple of its empirical formula.




An empirical formula is the simplest ratio of atoms in a formula unit. The true ratio of atoms in a formula unit is called the molecular formula, also with the true molecular mass of a chemical formula. Empirical formulas represent the lowest ratio of coefficients in a chemical formula.

11. rise of the roman empire game​


was the post-republican period of ancient rome.

12. make a 4 stanza poem about the rise and fall of the roman empire


Yan po baka sakaling makatulong sainyo

13. it can be floating a little to make it harder to topple what is it​


kigol will be amazing


dako ulo

14. what factors lead to the rise and fall of empires


philosophy, political systems, technology, trade, and military developments.


When establishing an empire, desire for more resources, a better standard of living for its people and the desire for power among its leaders were big factors.

15. What was the rise and fall of the kush empire?


rise-The Kush Kingdom gained its independence at some stage during the First Intermediate Period of Egypt which began in 2181 BC. ... The Kush Kingdom flourished during Egypt's Second Intermediate Period (1730 – 1580 BC), and its capital was called Kerma. The leader of the kingdom was known as the Prince of Kush.

fall-Kush began to fade as a power by the 1st or 2nd century AD, sapped by the war with the Roman province of Egypt and the decline of its traditional industries. ... Christianity began to gain over the old pharaonic religion and by the mid-sixth century AD the Kingdom of Kush was dissolved.

16. why did khmer empire rise and fall?​


The rise of the empire was mainly because of their belief in the Deva-Raja, "God-King". It was firstly an Indian belief but later adopted by the Khmer Empire.

The cause of the Angkor empire's demise or fall in the early 15th century long remained a mystery. But researchers have now shown that intense monsoon rains that followed a prolonged drought in the region caused widespread damage to the city's infrastructure, leading to its collapse.

17. Israelites who lived with the blessings of god, became slaves of enemies, raised to victory but fallen to the hands of enemies again and again would you give up?? why??​




because giving up is not a choice you most do it again and again until u succeed ☕︎ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

answer: no

cause I know that God of heaven and earth who lead joshua and the israelites to canan would help me

18. it can be flattened a little to make it harder to topple. what is it?​




The soda may also be flattened a little to make it harder to topple.This can be done by slightly heating the side of the can with a blunt object until it holds, then stepping on the can carefully. When the heaters run out of slippers, the game turns into a chase.

19. How does Rise and fall of empires relate to our lives?


This statement can be related to our lives because sometimes we will be winners which means we are on top but not all times we will be a winner sometimes we will loss which means we have fall. Like a business, sometimes they will have a big profit but time will come the company would experience bankruptcy.

20. rise the philippine empire ​


whats the meaning of this ma'am/sir

21. what are the reasons for the rise and fall of empire or dynasties.


There are several reasons for the decline and fall of Empires and Dinasties but some of the most common are the concentration of wealth and power in the handd of just a few members of the population, the impossibility to afford an army, wrong decisions as regards policies of the government and mass poverty.

22. 2. What lesson can we learn from the rise and fall of the Athenian Empire?


Students will be able to describe the role of Greek men and women.

Why is it important to learn about ancient Athens?

Ancient Athens was one of the most important civilizations in history. Ancient Athens made numerous advancements the arts and produced famous philosophers such as Socrates and Aristotle. Their theories and writings are still widely studied to this day.

23. What is most largest empire in history,how large is it,when this empire rise and how many countries colonized this empire


The British Empire was the largest empire the world has ever seen. The British Empire covered 13.01 million square miles of land - more than 22% of the earth's landmass. The empire had 458 million people in 1938 — more than 20% of the world's population.

24. how does the rise and fall of empires relate to our lives

it relates to our lives because if a empire did not fall we would be in war until today

25. Discuss the reasons for the rise and fall of empires or dynasties.


An empire consists of a central state that also controls large amounts of territory and often diverse populations.

Empires rise and grow as they expand power and influence, and can fall if they lose control of too much territory or are overthrown.#okinnam

26. describe the rise and fall of the ottoman empire?

The Ottoman Empire was an imperial state that was founded in 1299 after growing out of the breakdown of several Turkish tribes. The empire then grew to include many areas in what is now present-day Europe.The Ottoman Empire began to decline in the 18th century, but a portion of its land became what is now Turkey


27. what is the rise and fall of the Axum empire?

Answer: When their wealth is gone, Axum fell into decline. By the 10th century, invading kingdoms and climate change formally dissolved the Kingdom of Axum.

Explanation: Yes

28. What was the Rise and Fall of the Greece empire?


The Hellenistic Age lasted from 323 BCE, when Alexander died at the height of his power and influence, to approximately 30 BCE, when the Roman conquest of the Hellenistic lands was complete. With the rise of Macedon, Athens loses much of its power.Sep 28, 2018


Alexander the Great led to the rise of Greece, but also weakened the empire, which led to the fall of Greece. After he expanded the empire, he died. His death in 323 BC led to the dispute of power, because his son wasn't born yet. These disputes caused internal fighting, which the Romans noticed.

NOTE:It's Only My Opinion.

29. why the japanise empire declare war agains russian empire

On August 8, 1945, the Soviet Union officially declares war on Japan, pouring more than 1 million Soviet soldiers into Japanese-occupied Manchuria, northeastern China, to take on the 700,000-strong Japanese army. ... Japan had not been too worried about the Soviet Union, so busy with the Germans on the Eastern front

30. how does the rise an fall of empires relate to our lives

opinion only
just like any successful empires,there will always be someone who will try to put you down and take anything away from you.

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