Argumentative Essay About Covid 19

Argumentative Essay About Covid 19

argumentative essay about covid-19​

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1. argumentative essay about covid-19​


" Argumentative essay about Covid 19"

I am a member of a youth fraternity and a Boys & Girls Club member. Right now, in the world we are in a fight of our lives against the coronavirus. It has affected many people including myself. I'm now at home every day and it really is affecting me socially. Not being able to speak to friends and see people I see on a regular basis is hard for me. Also, now that school is closed for the rest of the year it has really had an effect on my school life. I am not used to being at home all the time and working on the computer. I'm usually in a classroom surrounded by my peers. However, I am human so I will learn to adapt, but for now it is hard.

It has affected me personally in the social and educational aspect, but I know around the city of Detroit it's affecting others as well. In Detroit, which is one of the cities around the country hit hard by the virus, the pandemic has also affected the youth. Youth are now forced to stay home instead of going to school and spending time with friends. Most kids need to be outside and with people to release their energy and socialize. Now this cannot happen, because the virus has affected us so much. One thing we also see happening is food insecurities and social distancing. Due to what is happening in the world, people are very much afraid and cautious about food supply and interactions with people. People are afraid and are told to stay inside, so we stock up supplies that will last them about a month. Usually people get stuff that we will last them about two weeks, but now we need to stay home as much as we can.

With social distancing, we now separate ourselves from other parts of society. This has made me feel very much disconnected from my friends. Humans are made to be out and about and socialize with beings on Earth. These unfortunate events have led many people to be disconnected from society. This has allowed my mind to go to the dark side, where my fears come out. My main fear is “How long will my life be on pause?” I’m afraid of how long I will be stuck in the house and can’t see my friends. Will it be a couple more weeks or will it be a couple months?

The Boys & Girls Club has helped me a lot during this crisis. Just for a couple hours, I’m able to forget about the real world and have a good time. This is because the club has come to us. The Virtual Club has helped me still talk to people and meet new people as well. BGCSM has helped me through a lot of things in my life these past few years. So, I know for sure it helps other kids through these tough times. This experience with BGCSM virtually is helping lighten my heart, through my darkest time.

2. argumentative essay about covid -19​



An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that takes a stance/ certain

position on an issue.


It is an effective way to start your essay by:

• quoting an innovative idea

• to use ultimate wisdom from a prominent person’s speech or life perspective

• or a quote e.g. in a literature essay.

• Use a proverb or a quote that would SUPPORT your opening statement.

• Think of veterans’ writings, journals or articles e.g. Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi or

even brilliant authors and then link it to the topic.



Types of arguments?

The typical court case slam

In a mythological novel like Percy Jackson, does Zeus have the right evidence to

persecute Percy Jackson and declare a war on the mortal world?

Something for the feminists: Is Annabeth a typical girl? (yah- the stereotyping game,


All the above are examples of how an argumentative, (no 1 literature essay) could be


Literature essays e.g.

What did Shakespeare e.g. say about Hamlet- is he a procrastinator or not? /or how

does Claudius regard Hamlet’s appearance of gloom? As a pretence or real


In a good argumentative essay, a writer attempts to persuade readers to

understand and support their point of view about a topic by stating their

reasoning and providing evidence to back it up. As you could see,

sometimes you get confronted with ridiculous arguments that you need to

reason about.

How To Outline an Argumentative Essay in 4 Steps

Argumentative essays should have a straightforward structure; so, they should

be easy for readers to follow.

The goal of an argumentative essay is to clearly outline a point of view also

called a hypothesis,

There must be clever reasoning, and supportive evidence. A good

argumentative essay should follow the following recommended structure:

3. Argumentative essay about covid 19


the answer is in the picture..

4. make an argumentative essay about covid-19 pandemic.make use transitional devices​


" Covod-19 Pandemic"

I am a member of a youth fraternity and a Boys & Girls Club member. Right now, in the world we are in a fight of our lives against the coronavirus. It has affected many people including myself. I'm now at home every day and it really is affecting me socially. Not being able to speak to friends and see people I see on a regular basis is hard for me. Also, now that school is closed for the rest of the year it has really had an effect on my school life. I am not used to being at home all the time and working on the computer. I'm usually in a classroom surrounded by my peers. However, I am human so I will learn to adapt, but for now it is hard.

It has affected me personally in the social and educational aspect, but I know around the city of Detroit it's affecting others as well. In Detroit, which is one of the cities around the country hit hard by the virus, the pandemic has also affected the youth. Youth are now forced to stay home instead of going to school and spending time with friends. Most kids need to be outside and with people to release their energy and socialize. Now this cannot happen, because the virus has affected us so much. One thing we also see happening is food insecurities and social distancing. Due to what is happening in the world, people are very much afraid and cautious about food supply and interactions with people. People are afraid and are told to stay inside, so we stock up supplies that will last them about a month. Usually people get stuff that we will last them about two weeks, but now we need to stay home as much as we can.

With social distancing, we now separate ourselves from other parts of society. This has made me feel very much disconnected from my friends. Humans are made to be out and about and socialize with beings on Earth. These unfortunate events have led many people to be disconnected from society. This has allowed my mind to go to the dark side, where my fears come out. My main fear is “How long will my life be on pause?” I’m afraid of how long I will be stuck in the house and can’t see my friends. Will it be a couple more weeks or will it be a couple months?

The Boys & Girls Club has helped me a lot during this crisis. Just for a couple hours, I’m able to forget about the real world and have a good time. This is because the club has come to us. The Virtual Club has helped me still talk to people and meet new people as well. BGCSM has helped me through a lot of things in my life these past few years. So, I know for sure it helps other kids through these tough times. This experience with BGCSM virtually is helping lighten my heart, through my darkest time.

5. argumentative, informative, argumentative, persuasive and informative essay about covid-19 vaccination​

When the first reports about the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in the Chinese city of Wuhan appeared back in January, few people were able to predict how it was going to affect our lives on all levels. Now, a few months later, we still know very little about this virus – but medical professionals across the globe had more than enough opportunities to form the first impressions of what it is, how it influences human health and what we are to do about it. A lot of the information one can find about it right now is doubtful, inconsistent and often contradictory – however, it is not always the sign of deliberate misinformation. Just like with any other novel issue, there are no established opinions or 100 percent certain facts. Doctors are still finding things out and do it in the conditions of a crisis and constant overtime. It is no wonder that they often come to different conclusions – the body of information on SARS-CoV-2 is still too small. However, some things we do know. In this essay, we will mostly cover them and pay some attention to what possibly awaits us in future.

6. write an argumentative essay about 'mandatory covid-19 vaccination'​


the mandatory vaccination is to improve the selse off budy

7. argument essay about the cOVID 19 ASAP

The COVID-19 pandemic has  demonstrated the interconnected nature of our world – and that no one is safe until everyone is safe.  Only by acting in solidarity can communities save lives and overcome the devastating socio-economic impacts of the virus.  In partnership with the United Nations, people around the world are showing acts of humanity, inspiring hope for a better future.

8. Argumentative essay topics/tittlesabout covid-19​

Answer:Social distancing and the wearing of cloth face masks, surgical masks, respirators, or other face coverings are controls for droplet transmission. Transmission may be decreased indoors with well maintained heating and ventilation systems to maintain good air circulation and increase the use of outdoor air.


9. Argumentative essay about Covid 19. ​


We have all felt the devastating effects of the coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) on our families and communities.


Is unequivocal that this pandemic has led to a near total disruption of our social fabric. Global economics have been all but paralyzed. Under these circumstances, one can imagine the psychological toll is significant.

While there is no doubt that COVID-19 is causing significant stress, we won’t grasp the long-term mental health effects until we conduct future research. At the same time, and because of this pandemic, we see a positive impact on the way we consider mental health and how the healthcare system operates.

Don't 4 get to love and brainleast to gain expert rank

10. argumentative essay about the issue of covid-19 pandemic in the philippines​


argumentative essay about the issue of covid-19 pandemic in the philippines

11. Write your FINALIZE argumentative essay about Covid-19 Vaccine​


essay wait lng gawin ko ang haba non e

12. Argumentative essay about rape cases during COVID-19​


Sexual assault forensic exams are still conducted in some ... In the cases that have been reported during the COVID-19 ...

13. Write an Argumentative essay about "Why Covid-19 Vaccine should be mandatory?"​


I'm against it even though it's emplimented by the law I usually value and obey the laws of our government, because I know the law is created for equality and for our own good, however this time I'm against of Mandatory Vaccination we have our own rights to choose if we wan't to get vaccinate or not I'm aware that this Mandatory Vaccination is emplimented by the law to prevent the virus from spreading, but I'm worried of the symptoms we might get if we get vaccinated. Not all people are healthy, strong, and brave I have a lot of what if's, I know myself better than anyone else and this time I'm not mentally prepared for the possible things that I'm going to encounter.


14. Argumentative Essay about Covid 19 Vaccine​


Today marks the start of the World Immunization Week. The COVID-19 pandemic, while draws the world’s attention to the vaccine, also reminds us of the importance of immunization, which saves millions of lives each year.

WHO is working with partners all over the world to accelerate research and development of a safe and effective vaccine and ensure equitable access for the billions of people who will need it. But even with an expedited process, development of a vaccine for COVID-19 will take time.

The ongoing pandemic disrupts routine immunization services in many countries. When immunization services are disrupted, even for brief periods during emergencies, the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks, such as measles and polio, increase. Further disease outbreaks will also overwhelm health systems already battling the impacts of COVID-19.

WHO continues to support countries to maintain essential immunization for all vaccine preventable diseases. We issued guidance on immunization services during the COVID-19 pandemic, which provides guiding principles and considerations to support countries in their decision-making regarding provision of immunization services during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the most disruptive global events in modern times. Since the first cases were reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019, the virus has spread rapidly across the globe, causing widespread illness, death, and economic disruption. This essay will explore the COVID-19 pandemic using the informative, persuasive, and argumentative approaches.

Informative Essay:

The COVID-19 pandemic is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which primarily spreads through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks. The virus can also be spread by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching the face. Common symptoms include fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, although some infected individuals may be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. To slow the spread of the virus, public health officials have recommended measures such as social distancing, wearing masks, and frequent hand washing. Vaccines have also been developed and are being administered around the world.

Persuasive Essay:

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of individual and collective responsibility in protecting public health. While it may be inconvenient or uncomfortable to wear a mask or avoid large gatherings, these measures are critical to slowing the spread of the virus and protecting vulnerable populations such as the elderly and immunocompromised. By following public health guidelines, we can help prevent the spread of the virus and reduce the burden on healthcare systems.

Argumentative Essay:

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many social and economic inequalities, including disparities in access to healthcare, education, and economic opportunity. The pandemic has disproportionately impacted marginalized communities such as low-income individuals and people of color, who are more likely to have pre-existing health conditions and work in jobs that do not allow for remote work. To address these inequalities, policymakers must take action to ensure that all individuals have access to healthcare, financial assistance, and other resources needed to weather the pandemic.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the world, both in terms of public health and the economy. By following public health guidelines and taking collective responsibility, we can help slow the spread of the virus and protect vulnerable populations. The pandemic has also highlighted the need for greater social and economic equity, which must be addressed through policy changes and systemic reforms.

16. write an argumentative essay about "mandatory covid-19 vaccination"​


With COVID-19 vaccines on the horizon, attention again returns to the contentious topic of whether vaccination should be made mandatory.

Recent polling has resulted in worrying headlines about a lack of willingness to have a COVID-19 vaccine if it were available.

Are mandates the answer to ensure vaccine high uptake to end the pandemic?

While still a hypothetical scenario, without yet having a safe and effective vaccine approved for use, this could change in the coming months. The question of introducing mandatory vaccination spans considerations of personal liberty, health decision-making, public health and policy, as well as the relationship between the state and its citizens.

Join Professor Julian Savulescu and Dr Samantha Vanderslott to debate the ethical and public policy arguments for and against mandatory COVID-19 vaccination


17. write an 8-10 paragraph essay about COVID-19 Follow the structure of writing an argumentive essay​

We all have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic and its consequences are felt differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society. While some try to adapt to working online, homeschooling their children and ordering food via Instacart, others have no choice but to be exposed to the virus while keeping society functioning. Our different social identities and the social groups we belong to determine our inclusion within society and, by extension, our vulnerability to epidemics.

COVID-19 is killing people on a large scale. As of October 10, 2020, more than 7.7 million people across every state in the United States and its four territories had tested positive for COVID-19. According to the New York Times database, at least 213,876 people with the virus have died in the United States.[1] However, these alarming numbers give us only half of the picture; a closer look at data by different social identities (such as class, gender, age, race, and medical history) shows that minorities have been disproportionally affected by the pandemic. These minorities in the United States are not having their right to health fulfilled.

According to the World Health Organization’s report Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity through Action on the Social Determinants of Health, “poor and unequal living conditions are the consequences of deeper structural conditions that together fashion the way societies are organized—poor social policies and programs, unfair economic arrangements, and bad politics.”[2] This toxic combination of factors as they play out during this time of crisis, and as early news on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic pointed out, is disproportionately affecting African American communities in the United States. I recognize that the pandemic has had and is having devastating effects on other minorities as well, but space does not permit this essay to explore the impact on other minority groups.

Employing a human rights lens in this analysis helps us translate needs and social problems into rights, focusing our attention on the broader sociopolitical structural context as the cause of the social problems. Human rights highlight the inherent dignity and worth of all people, who are the primary rights-holders.[3] Governments (and other social actors, such as corporations) are the duty-bearers, and as such have the obligation to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights.[4] Human rights cannot be separated from the societal contexts in which they are recognized, claimed, enforced, and fulfilled. Specifically, social rights, which include the right to health, can become important tools for advancing people’s citizenship and enhancing their ability to participate as active members of society.[5] Such an understanding of social rights calls our attention to the concept of equality, which requires that we place a greater emphasis on “solidarity” and the “collective.”[6] Furthermore, in order to generate equality, solidarity, and social integration, the fulfillment of social rights is not optional.[7] In order to fulfill social integration, social policies need to reflect a commitment to respect and protect the most vulnerable individuals and to create the conditions for the fulfillment of economic and social rights for all.

18. Argumentative essay about covid 19 frontliners?​


the covid-19 pandemic is an unprecedented crisis that brings with it a lot of problems, especially for the poor and marginalized sectors of our society. those who have the least financial and other means have the hardest time dealing with the pandemic’s impacts on health and health services, loss of income, limited mobility and other struggles.

this crisis is challenging us, as a species, to bring about an increased sense of our humanity, community and compassion.

as governments, international health agencies and local officials struggle to contain the global infection and its effects, we also see citizens and communities coming together in support of each other, especially for the frontliners and sectors who are experiencing the most difficulty.

with the enforcement of a luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine, communities are struggling to find their next meals, due either to loss of income or access to food sources, or a combination of both. but some chefs and other concerned citizens have set up various community kitchens and food programs to try and ease a bit of the burden.

health workers who continue to work, but who have no way of getting to and from hospitals and their homes, are being assisted or ferried by volunteers of efforts like oplan hatid, lend-a-bike, and life cycles.

nurses, doctors and other health workers, police and military peace enforcers, sanitation workers, researchers and other frontliners are being assisted with crowd-sourced food, temporary housing, face masks, alcohol, sanitizers and other dwindling resources that they require to be able to continue doing very important work for the people.

the pandemic may be showing the weakness of systems we have in our current society, but it is also showing us what bayanihan means for a nation of everyday heroes. bringing out the best in each and everyone of us is what will get us through this.

19. argumentative essay about COVID-19​


The new corona virus is a respiratory virus that spreads mainly through droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or droplets dripping from or out of the nose. It is unclear how long the virus that causes COVID-19 lasts in the upper extremities, but it looks similar to other corona bacteria. Studies show that corona bacteria can persist on the face for a few hours or up to a few days.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) a pandemic. A concerted effort is needed to stem the spread of the virus. Epidemics have been described as “the most common form of the disease and affect the greatest number of people.” The global epidemic was the H1N1 epidemic in 2009. The virus created by the novel corona virus first discovered in Wuhan, China, is now called corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) - 'CO' represents the corona, the 'VI' virus, and the 'D' virus.

The outbreak of corona virus 2019 (COVID-19) has created a global health crisis that has profoundly affected the way we view our planet and our daily lives. The level of infection and transmission patterns not only threatens our well-being, but the safety measures put in place to prevent the spread of the virus also require social exclusion by avoiding natural practices in humans, namely corporate comfort for others. Within this context of physical threat, social and physical confusion, and social alarm, what (and what could be) the role of various media channels in our lives at individual, social and social levels?

The media has long been regarded as a force for good in our modern world. This recognition goes hand in hand with the volume of research, which closely follows the steps of technological change (e.g. radio, movies, television, internet, cell phones) and zeitgeist (e.g. cold war, 9/11, climate change) in an attempt to map. the media has a huge impact on how we see ourselves, as individuals and citizens. Can the media (broadcasters and digitalis) still convey a sense of unity that reaches large audiences, or have messages lost to a noisy crowd on social media? Do the media offer comfort or reasons for misinformation, (de) harassment and discrimination? Can we use the flexibility and availability of media technology to increase public adherence to safety measures proposed by international health organizations to combat the spread of COVID-19? How can the various media industries and mass communication channels promote flexible responses to promote better health conditions and follow prevention strategies? How does the media affect the flexibility of the private sector (eg strengthening family ties compared to domestic violence and violence)?

20. Argumentative essay about "COVID 19 Vaccines" (three to five paragraph)


Today marks the start of the World Immunization Week. The COVID-19 pandemic, while draws the world’s attention to the vaccine, also reminds us of the importance of immunization, which saves millions of lives each year.

WHO is working with partners all over the world to accelerate research and development of a safe and effective vaccine and ensure equitable access for the billions of people who will need it. But even with an expedited process, development of a vaccine for COVID-19 will take time.

The ongoing pandemic disrupts routine immunization services in many countries. When immunization services are disrupted, even for brief periods during emergencies, the risk of vaccine-preventable disease outbreaks, such as measles and polio, increase. Further disease outbreaks will also overwhelm health systems already battling the impacts of COVID-19.

WHO continues to support countries to maintain essential immunization for all vaccine preventable diseases. We issued guidance on immunization services during the COVID-19 pandemic, which provides guiding principles and considerations to support countries in their decision-making regarding provision of immunization services during the COVID-19 pandemic.


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK Government passed the Coronavirus Act 2020 (CA), which implemented a number of emergency powers, allowing public officials to take action in specific situations in order to contain and slow down the spread of the virus as well as ease the burden on frontline staff.[1] Examples of these emergency powers include: the capability for public officials to test, isolate, and detain a person where they have reasonable grounds to think that the person is infected; restrict or prohibit gatherings or events; and require the temporary closure of a school or registered childcare provider.[2]

In its efforts to support the public health benefit, the CA has arguably led to interference with individuals’ right to liberty under Article 5(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).[3] Pugh’s 2020 article on the CA discusses how individuals may be deprived of their liberty to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, if that deprivation is “necessary and proportionate” and is in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law.[4] Pugh refers to this as “the public health exception”.[5] The importance of this approach directly relates to the consideration of a compulsory COVID-19 vaccine, specifically whether limitations on specific rights can be justified.

This essay analyzes whether a compulsory COVID-19 vaccine would be a violation of human rights law in the UK. For a comprehensive understanding of the implications of this topic, I provide background information and discuss perspectives regarding compulsory vaccinations in general. This discussion is followed by an outline of the specific rights under the ECHR that may be affected if a compulsory vaccination was to be implemented in the UK. I then discuss various interpretations of the elements required for state interference upon these rights and expand on them in regard to their application to compulsory vaccination. Through this analysis, it is concluded that a compulsory COVID-19 vaccination would not be a violation of human rights in the UK if the government sets out explicit parameters whereby a compulsory vaccination would be “necessary and proportionate” in the interests of health and safety, and if it was to ensure that the state is fulfilling its positive obligation to protect the right to life.[6]


try nopo ito

21. argumentative essay about covid 19 vaccine​


A COVID‐19 vaccine is a vaccine intended to provide acquired immunity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), the virus causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19).

The COVID-19 vaccines produce protection against the disease, as a result of developing an immune response to the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Developing immunity through vaccination means there is a reduced risk of developing the illness and its consequences. This immunity helps you fight the virus if exposed.


22. argumentative essay claims about covid 19 vaccine​


Widespread vaccination for the coronavirus means that the virus will not infect as many people. This will limit spread through communities. Both Pfizer and Moderna report that their vaccines show approximately 95% efficacy at preventing both mild and severe symptoms of COVID-19.

23. argumentative essay about covid-19 pandemic in the Philippines​


Some say that the pandemic is a good thing, especially towards our environment wherein the ozone layer healed quite a bit due to the lack of pollution. However, I beg to differ, looking at it objectively the pandemic mostly only have cons and only a little bit of cons. Because of the pandemic, the economy is at it’s all time low, affecting the marginalized people and making the rich wealthier than they already are. Hence, saying that the pandemic was an indirect blessing to our world, is outright outrageous considering the loss of human lives and the damages on human resources the pandemic has done over the course of one year.



24. argument essay covid 19 about cell theory SHS biology​


Coronaviruses are enveloped positive strand RNA viruses that infect mammals and birds. They have the interesting property of assembling at intracellular membranes. About 20% of common colds in humans are caused by coronaviruses. More severe diseases, including severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), are caused by novel coronaviruses that emerged from animal sources. Another novel coronavirus related to SARS coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) emerged in December 2019 and has spread globally, with significant mortality and economic impact. Much progress has been made in understanding the infectious diseases caused by human coronaviruses since the emergence of SARS and MERS. The animal sources, epidemiology, and types of infections have been well documented. However, there are still no approved vaccines or antiviral therapeutics for any human coronavirus infection.

This lack of treatment is due in part to an incomplete understanding of the basic biology of this family of viruses. Of particular interest is the unknown advantage of intracellular assembly and mechanism of virus egress from infected cells. These characteristics are potential untapped avenues for novel antiviral strategies. In this Special Issue of Cells, coronavirus infection will be examined from a cell biological perspective. Potential topics include virus entry, formation of replication organelles, genome replication and production of viral mRNA, synthesis and targeting of viral protiens,and assembly and budding in the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment and virion egress. How cells respond to coronavirus infection is another important potential topic, including how interferon-stimulated genes impact infection.


make me brainliest

25. write an argumentative essay about Covid 19 vaccine​


After being expelled from the body, coronaviruses can survive on surfaces for hours to days. If a person touches the dirty surface, they may deposit the virus at the eyes, nose, or mouth where it can enter the body and cause infection.

26. argumentative, informative, argumentative, persuasive and informative essay about covid-19 vaccination​


Covid-19 is a very deadly virus it can kill people within a week or less to prevent this virus from spreading please wear a mask and always stay clean and not go outside that much and follow the guide lines that your govermet is giving you!!

27. argumentative essay about preventive measures against covid 19 ​


Preventive measures include physical or social distancing, quarantining, ventilation of indoor spaces, covering coughs and sneezes, hand washing, and keeping unwashed hands away from the face. The use of face masks or coverings has been recommended in public settings to minimise the risk of transmissions.

Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Although vaccines are not 100% effective at preventing infection, if we continue to get vaccinated, we protect ourselves and those around us. If enough people are vaccinated, societies can develop herd immunity. The amount of people vaccinated to obtain herd immunity depends on the disease, but if this fraction is obtained, the spread of disease is contained. Through herd immunity, we protect those who may not be able to get vaccinated, such as people who are immunocompromised and the tiny portion of people for whom the vaccine is not effective.”



28. Argumentative essay about new variant of covid 19.


The emergence of new variants of COVID-19 has caused concern and uncertainty around the world. While some people argue that these variants are simply part of the natural evolution of the virus and not a cause for alarm, others believe that they pose a significant threat to public health and require urgent action.

On the one hand, some argue that new variants of the virus are not unexpected and are simply a natural part of its evolution. Like many viruses, COVID-19 mutates over time as it replicates, and some of these mutations can lead to new variants with different characteristics. However, proponents of this view argue that the emergence of new variants does not necessarily mean that the virus is becoming more dangerous or that existing vaccines and treatments will be rendered ineffective.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that new variants of COVID-19 represent a significant threat to public health and require urgent action. These individuals point to the fact that some of these variants are more transmissible than previous strains, meaning that they can spread more easily and rapidly within communities. Additionally, there is some evidence to suggest that some variants may be more resistant to existing vaccines and treatments, which could undermine efforts to control the spread of the virus.

Overall, it is clear that new variants of COVID-19 are a cause for concern, and it is important that we take them seriously. While it is true that these variants are a natural part of the virus's evolution, we cannot afford to be complacent in our response to them. Instead, we must continue to follow public health guidelines, such as wearing masks and practicing social distancing, to help slow the spread of the virus and prevent the emergence of new variants. Additionally, we must work to develop and distribute effective vaccines and treatments that can help protect people from the virus, including its new variants. Only by taking these actions can we hope to overcome this global health crisis and return to a sense of normalcy.

29. argumentative essay about discrimination social media on students covid 19 vaccination​


We all have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic and its consequences are felt differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society. While some try to adapt to working online, homeschooling their children and ordering food via Instacart, others have no choice but to be exposed to the virus while keeping society functioning. Our different social identities and the social groups we belong to determine our inclusion within society and, by extension, our vulnerability to epidemics.


Sana makatulong (≧∇≦)/

30. argumentative essay about mandatory vaccination for covid 19 in the philippines​

STUDENT ESSAY: Is Compulsory COVID-19 Vaccination a Violation of Human Rights?

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK Government passed the Coronavirus Act 2020 (CA), which implemented a number of emergency powers, allowing public officials to take action in specific situations in order to contain and slow down the spread of the virus as well as ease the burden on frontline staff.[1] Examples of these emergency powers include: the capability for public officials to test, isolate, and detain a person where they have reasonable grounds to think that the person is infected; restrict or prohibit gatherings or events; and require the temporary closure of a school or registered childcare provider.[2]

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