Explain The Dynamic Between Local And Global Cultural Production

Explain The Dynamic Between Local And Global Cultural Production

Explain the dynamic between local and global cultural production​

1. Explain the dynamic between local and global cultural production​


What is the dynamic between local and global cultural production?

Cultures have always been a result of the encounter of local developments with outside influence. Adventurers, traders and warriors for example brought their cultures to the world but were also influenced by what they encountered.

Only post World War II we saw the spread of a kind of global culture. Increasingly competing with and replacing parts of local culture. This, because initially this influence was embraced and welcomed. Fashion, music, literature and the alien way of living was appealing to many and seen as exciting and enriching. Chewing gum, blue jeans, comics, rock ’n’ roll etc. Culture started to be mainly produced by actively adopting elements from abroad. At the same time, a global layer emerged - the amalgamation of local habits and customs from various places. Radio and TV were major accelerators of this development. Later came the internet.

Then, two factors brought a change of view and direction. First, the real and perceived (negative) impact of outside influence on local life, such as loss of identity and jobs. Second, politicians that started to emphasize the negative sides of internationalization and globalization on local systems. Combined with the human tendencies to largely filter out the negatives of the past and the preference for simple messages created a new populist trend and cultural tension between local and global protagonists.

The increasing rejection of foreign cultural elements by larger parts of the population drove a rebound of traditional local cultures. But little new local cultural production was occurring. It was the try of a remake


Hope It Helps

sorry marami Sagot ko

2. Explained the dynamics between local and global cultural production?​


Cultures have always emerged as a result of local processes colliding with outside influences. Adventurers, traders, and soldiers, for example, introduced their cultures to the world while simultaneously being impacted by what they saw.


Hope it helps:)


What is the dynamic between local and global cultural production? Cultures have always been a result of the encounter of local developments with outside influence. Adventurers, traders and warriors for example brought their cultures to the world but were also influenced by what they encountered.


hope it helps:>

3. Explain the dynamic between local and global cultural production​


Cultures have always been a result of the encounter of local developments with outside influence. Adventurers, traders and warriors for example brought their cultures to the world but were also influenced by what they encountered.


It is what it is :)

4. Essay thay explain the dynamic between between local and global cultural production​

sa tingin ko ikaw mismo gagawa ng essay jan i mean sariling opinyon mo o kaya magsearch ka nalang ng mga tungkol jan sa dalawa tapos gawin mong essay

pahelp here thanks

5. 1. Analyze how various media drive various forms of global2. Explain the dynamic between local and global cultural production.​


1.)Technology allows for quick communication, transport, and mass marketing, greatly contributing to a globalized marketplace. Media economies of scale achieve much larger profit margins by using digital technology to sell information instantly over a global market.

6. essay that explains the dynamic between local and global cultural production


A cultural production to see global product to adopt or not adopt to see your profet


Ex:Buyers on USA,USA see your product and clean profet

7. 1. How do media affect cultural globalization?2. Say something about “ A World of Ideas”3. What are the Demonstrated knowledge on the various Forms of Global Integration?4. Explained the dynamics between local and global cultural production. 5. What are the identified the important impact on cultural globalization?​


1. The media have an important impact on cultural globalization in two mutually interdependent ways: Firstly, the media provide an extensive transnational transmission of cultural products and, secondly, they contribute to the formation of communicative networks and social structures.

2. A World of Ideas: A Dictionary of Important Theories, Concepts, Beliefs, and Thinkers. ... A World of Ideas is an essential tool for anyone who wants to be fully informed and stay ahead of the curve in today's world.



5. The major consequences of globalization have been: the transmogrification of traditional religions and belief systems; the beginning of the disintegration of the traditional social fabrics and shared norms by consumerism, cyber-culture, newfangled religions and changing work ethics and work rhythms; the fast spreading ...


not sure sa number 2 , correct me if I'm wrong.

8. Explain the dynamic between local and global cultural production.


Dynamics is for Global as Static is for Local .. the two should oppose each other yet they help each other to expand into new cultures and to embrace foreign ideas .. The development therefore of channels of opportunity, areas of transfer of knowledge and traditions which help to reinforce expansion and embrace is the key dynamic. :-)

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