Projectile Motion Experiment

Projectile Motion Experiment

What is Horizontal Projectile Motion? Vertical Projectile Motion?​

Daftar Isi

1. What is Horizontal Projectile Motion? Vertical Projectile Motion?​


The horizontal velocity of a projectile is constant (a never changing in value), There is a vertical acceleration caused by gravity; its value is 9.8 m/s/s, down, The vertical velocity of a projectile changes by 9.8 m/s each second, The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion.

2. 100 m dish projectile motion or non projectile motion ​

Answer:projectile motion

3. A basketball shoot to a ringProjectile motion or non projectile motion​


projectile motion


that's the answr


3 point shot bengbeng



4. Learning Task 1: Projectile MotionRead each sentence. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it isincorrect.1. A projectile motion has a constant velocity in the horizontal direction.2. The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is not equal to zero.3. The path of the projectile motion is called a trajectory.4. A force acting on a projectile is gravity.-5. The gravity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is zero.​








hope it helps

5. motion of the earth around the sun it is projectile or not projectile​


it's projectile


iwan basta nag sagot ako tapos.


you can consider it as a projectile


because being a projectile means there is at least one factor that affects the object for it to move

, in this case, the sun is is that object and the earth was veing launch by the sun's gravity making it move,revolve, go incircle to the sun

6. 1 LEARNING TASK #1Directions: Based on the picture, determine which is an example of a projectile motion andwhich is not. Write projectile motion or not projectile motion on the space provided for eachnumber. ​


1. Projectile Motion

2. Projectile Motion

3. Not Projectile Motion

4. Projectile Motion

5. Not Projectile Motion

7. research about 2 types of projectile motion horizontal and vertical motions of projectile​


a projectile is an object up on which the only force acting is gravity there are a variety of the examples of projectile dropped from rest is a projectile provide that influence of air resistance and negligible an object that is thrown vertically upward is also projectile provided that the influence of air resistance is labeling project the motion can happen into situation projectiles launched rosanta land projectile launched an angle

8. In ideal projectile motion, the velocity of the projectile at its height


nandyan na ang sagot thanks yung height

9. ACTIVATERECAPIn your previous lesson, you have learned about projectile motionLet us have a short review of the concept of projectile motion. Resentence. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect1. A projectile motion has a constant velocity in the horizontal direction.2. The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is not equal to zero3. The path of the projectile motion is called a trajectory.4. A force acting on a projectile is gravity.5. The gravity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is zero.COUIRE​







10. Performance tasks#1 Types and parts of projectile motion A. Match the picture on the type of projectile motion.​

where's the picture?

how can we answer that?

11. How does the angleofrelease or launched angle affect the height, range, and time of flight the object will experience while in projectile motion?​


Range-The largest range will be experienced at a launch angle up to 45 degrees. Launch Angle: The launch angle determines the range and maximum height that an object will experience after being launched. This image shows that path of the same object being launched at the same velocity but different angles.

Height-The maximum height is determined by the initial vertical velocity. Since steeper launch angles have a larger vertical velocity component, increasing the launch angle increases the maximum height.

Time-Higher launch angles have greater times in the air

The time in air is determined by the initial vertical velocity. Since steeper launch angles have a larger vertical velocity component, increasing the launch angle increases the time in air.

12. poem with the words: kinematic, projectile, projectile motion, and trajectory​


ayan po sagut ko nasa pic

13. projectile motion is the motion of a projectile with a constant acceleration a.true b.false​


a true


14. True or false 1. Projectile motion is a combination of uniform hor 2. Range is a curve gath traveled by a projectile. 3. Projectile motion is the motion of an object thrown or projected into the air subject to only the acceleration of gravity. 4. Height refers to the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile. 5. Trajectory is the vertical distance traveled by a projectile motion. 6. The two dimensions of a projectile motion are vertical and horizontal 7. A projectile launched horizontally has no initial vertical velocity.​




hope it helps!!#brainlyeveryday

15. What is the difference between Projectile motion I (horizontally launched) and Projectile motion II (Vertically Launched)?


 There is a major difference between the vertical and the horizontal motion of a projectile. This is that the vertical motion is changing, but the horizontal motion is constant (supposing no friction force from air resistance).

The vertical motion of a projectile is non-constant, as it is thrown/fired upwards originally with an unbalanced force at an angle, but once it has left the throwers hand or the gun etc it no longer has a vertical force working on it, save for the possibility of some friction from air resistance which we are ignoring. However it has the forge of gravity working on it, pulling it back down towards the Earth. Thus the projectile will have a vertical velocity which decelerates, until it reaches its maximum point, in which case it begins to accelerate its velocity, but this time in the opposite (downwards) direction. The deceleration/acceleration is 9.8ms^-2 towards the Earth.

The horizontal motion of a projectile is constant, assuming that there is no friction acting on the ball. It is originally accelerated horizontally, however once it leaves the hand/gun etc it has no force acting upon it from this direction. No friction means that there is no force in the opposing direction. Gravity has no effect on the horizontal velocity, as it works perpindicularly to it. As a result, the net force on the projectile is zero, resulting in the projectile continuing to move with the same horizontal motion.

The result of this is that the horizontal velocity is constant, but the vertical velocity changing, resulting in the overall velocity of the projectile changing. The effect of combining these vectors causes the path of the projectile to be in the shape of a parabola.



16. Refers to the path traced by a projectile it's motion.A. TrajectoryB. ParabolaC. Projectile motionD. Force and motion​


C. Projectile motion


Projectile motion is a form of motion where an object moves in parabolic path; the path that the object follows is called its trajectory.

17. a flight of soccer ball projectile motion or non projectile motion​


When the soccer ball is kicked into the air it becomes a projectile and follows a parabolic path through the air. This is how soccer players get the ball up and over defenders with free kicks and across the field with crosses.

18. what is the difference between half projectile motion and full projectile motion?​


A projectile is any object upon which the only force is gravity, Projectiles travel with a parabolic trajectory due to the influence of gravity, ... The vertical velocity of a projectile changes by 9.8 m/s each second, The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion.


hope itz help

19. what is verical projectile motion and horizontal projectile mption?​


When the projectile reaches a vertical velocity of zero, this is the maximum height of the projectile and then gravity will take over and accelerate the object downward. The horizontal displacement of the projectile is called the range of the projectile, and depends on the initial velocity of the object.

20. Write A if you agree and B if you disagree._1. In projectile motion, the horizontal displacement of an object is the range._2. At the top of the object's flight, the velocity of the object in projectile motion is zero. _3. The path of the object in projectile motion is a parabola._4. Projectile motion consists of two independent vertical and horizontal motions.​



ᕼOᑭᗴ ITՏ ᕼᗴᒪᑭ^-^

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Projectile motion is a form of motion experienced by a launched object. Ballistics is the science of dynamics that deals with the flight, behavior and effects of projectiles, especially bullets, unguided ...

22. Projectiles 6.A projectile moves in two dimensions: _______ and _______7. The vertical motion is acted by ______8. Projectiles always maintain a constant ______9.Projectiles always experience a constant ______10. The horizontal and vertical motions are completely _____of each answer po plss ng maayos kailangan ko na ngaun ung answer pls brainliest ko ❤​


6.projectile,circular motion


6. A projectile moves in two dimensions: horizontal and vertical 7. The vertical motion is acted by gravity. 8. . Projectiles always maintain a constant horizontal velocity. 9. Projectiles always experience a constant velocity in the horizontal direction and a constantly changing velocity in vertical direction 19. The horizontal and vertical motions are completely independent to one another.

23. Galilean of vertical motion, horizontal motion and projectile motion ​


Galileo on Projectiles

Beginning on page 244 of Two New Sciences, Galileo gives his classic analysis of the motion of a projectile as a compound motion, made up of a horizontal motion which has steady speed in a fixed direction, and a vertical motion which is his "naturally accelerated motion" picking up velocity in the downward direction at a steady rate. Don't worry about the bits of Greek geometry mentioned near the beginning, I've left in one or two remarks to give the flavor, but cut out the main argument - we shall just take a parabola to be defined as y proportional to x2.

It is interesting to note the difficulties raised towards the end, and Galileo's rebuttals. It is noted that, when Galileo asserts that a frictionless ball on a truly flat plane with no air resistance would roll on forever, Simp points out that going far enough on a really flat plane would mean moving away from the earth, in other words, it would become "uphill". Galileo admits this effect exists, but just claims it is a negligible correction, even for projectiles going four miles, apparently the furthest anything had been shot at the time.

Galileo shows a modern scientific attitude in realizing that his results are not exact, but that that need not be important. The main thing is to be sure how large the errors are, and thus whether or not they matter for the task at hand. This is very different from the attitude of Greek geometers, who were only interested in precise results - yet Galileo's is the only way in which their work can be used to understand the real physical world.

24. What is the main characteristics difference between horizontal projectile motion and vertical projectile motion


The horizontal velocity of a projectile is constant (a never changing in value),

There is a vertical acceleration caused by gravity; its value is 9.8 m/s/s, down,

The vertical velocity of a projectile changes by 9.8 m/s each second,

The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion.


hope it helps.

25. Direction: Complete the table by solving the components of the projectile motion. Projectile Component of Projectile Motion 1.Ball thrown at 30°​

It will become 20° because....

26. Write if true or false1. A projectile motion has constant velocity in the horizontal direction.2. The velocity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is not equal to zero.3. The path of the projectile motion is called a trajectory.4. A force acting on a projectile is gravity.5. The gravity at the maximum height of a projectile motion is zero.​


1.true 2.true 3.false 4.true 5.false


hope it helps


1. true



4. false

5. true


sna maka tulong

27. 1. Describe the path taken by the projectile.2. Is projectile motion one dimensional? Explain.3. What force/s is/are acting on the projectile?4. Compare the horizontal and vertical motion of the projectile.​









28. Tojectile MotionHorizontal MotionFree-Fall MotionProjectile Motion​


Projectile Motion is the motion of an object thrown or projected into the air, subject to only the acceleration of gravity. ... The key to analyzing two-dimensional projectile motion is to break it into two motions, one along the horizontal axis and the other along the vertical.

Horizontal motion is defined as a projectile motion in a horizontal plane depending upon the force acting on it. For a short distance, the vertical and horizontal components of a projectile are perpendicular and independent of each other.

Free Fall In Newtonian physics, free fall is any motion of a body where gravity is the only force acting upon it. In the context of general relativity, where gravitation is reduced to a space-time curvature, a body in free fall has no force acting on it.

29. why is it important to study projectile motion? give at least three examples of projectile motion application​


By studying the motion of things traveling in the air, also known as projectiles, we can figure out just how fast the food needs to be launched in order for it to get to them.



30. LEARNING TASK NO. 1 10 Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if it is false write the word/s to make the statement correct on the blank before the number. 1. Projectile motion can apply to sports that involve throwing and pushing a ball 2. Projectiles always experience a constant vertical acceleration of 9.8m/s 3. A projectile is an object upon which the only force is friction. 4. The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion. 5. A projectile motion has two-dimensions; the horizontal (range or distance) and vertical (height) components.please :)​


sorry kelangan ko lng point

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