Hydrogen Peroxide Molar Mass

Hydrogen Peroxide Molar Mass

molar mass of hydrogen peroxide​

Daftar Isi

1. molar mass of hydrogen peroxide​

Hydrogen peroxide

Molar mass

34.0147 g/mol

Molar mass of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) = 2(mass of hydrogen) + 2(mass of oxygen) = 2 x 1 + 2 x 16. = 34g. hmm tama b ? heheh yan lng kaya ko eh

2. what is the molar mass of hydrogen peroxide​


34.0147 g/mol

Formula: H2O2

IUPAC ID: hydrogen peroxide

Density: 1.45 g/cm³


Correct me if I'm wrong

3. what is the molecular formula of hydrogen peroxide with a molar mass of 34.0 g?​


The molecular formula is H 2O2

4. What is the molar mass of the element hydrogen?


answer;1.00784 u


hope it helps

5. give the molar mass of the following compound1.hydrogen peroxide, H2O22.baking soda, NaHCO³3.lime,CaO4.lye,NaOH​

34.0147 g/mol34.0147 g/mol84.007 g/mol34.0147 g/mol84.007 g/mol74.093 g/mol34.0147 g/mol84.007 g/mol74.093 g/mol39.997 g/mol

Mark me brainliest

6. A commonly purchased disinfectant is a 3.0% (by mass) solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in water. Assuming the density of the solution is 1.0g/cm3, calculate the molarity andmolality of H2O2

The molarity (M) of the solution is 0.88 mol/L (M)

The molality (m) of the solution is 0.907 mol/kg (m)

Further Explanation:

The problem is about molarity and molality. Both terms are used to describe the concentration of a solution.  

Molarity (M) is the number of moles of solute over the Liters of the solution.

Molality (m) is the number of moles of solute over the kilogram of solvent.


H2O2 is 3% by mass.

Density of solution is 1.0g/cm3


Molarity and molality of the solution.


Molarity (M) = moles of SOLUTE / Liters of SOLUTION

Molality (m) = moles of SOLUTE / kilogram of SOLVENT


*The problem indicates that the H2O2 present in the solution is 3% by mass, it means that in a 100 g of solution there is 3 g of H2O2.

Molarity (M) = moles of SOLUTE / Liters of SOLUTION

Let us look for the moles of solute first: (n= number of moles)

n of H2O2= given mass / molar mass

n= 3 g / 34.0147 g/mol

 =  0.088 mol of H2O2

Let us look for the volume of solution:  *total mass is 100 % = 100g

Liters of solution = total mass / density  

                      = 100 g / 1.0g/cm3

               = 100 cm3          *(1 cm3 = 1ml)

               = 100 ml             *(1 L = 1000 ml)

               = 0.1 L

Let us input all the data into the formula

Molarity (M) = moles of SOLUTE / Liters of SOLUTION

        =   0.088 mol of H2O2 / 0.1 L

           =  0.88 mol/L (M)

Molality (m) = moles of SOLUTE / kilogram of SOLVENT

The moles of solute was already calculated earlier which is 0.088 mol of H2O2.

Since we know that the solute has 3% by mass, we can say that the remaining 97 % is from the solvent. 97 % by mass means 97 g. Let us convert.

Kilogram of solvent= 97 g / 1000kg      (1kg = 1000g)

       =  0.097 kg

Let us input all the data into the formula

Molality (m) = moles of SOLUTE / kilogram of SOLVENT

            = 0.088 mol / 0.097 kg

            = 0.907 mol/kg (m)


0.88 mol/L (M)

0.907 mol/kg (m)

Learn more:

what is molarity


What is the formula of Molal concentration


what is percent by mass


Keywords: Molarity, molality, percent by mass, density

7. A commonly purchased disinfectant is a 3.0% (by mass) solution of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in water. Assuming the density of the solution is 1.0g/cm3, calculate the molarity andmolality of H2O2

The molarity (M) of the solution is 0.88 mol/L (M)

The molality (m) of the solution is 0.907 mol/kg (m)

Further Explanation:

The problem is about molarity and molality. Both terms are used to describe the concentration of a solution.  

Molarity (M) is the number of moles of solute over the Liters of the solution.

Molality (m) is the number of moles of solute over the kilogram of solvent.


H2O2 is 3% by mass.

Density of solution is 1.0g/cm3


Molarity and molality of the solution.


Molarity (M) = moles of SOLUTE / Liters of SOLUTION

Molality (m) = moles of SOLUTE / kilogram of SOLVENT


*The problem indicates that the H2O2 present in the solution is 3% by mass, it means that in a 100 g of solution there is 3 g of H2O2.

Molarity (M) = moles of SOLUTE / Liters of SOLUTION

Let us look for the moles of solute first: (n= number of moles)

n of H2O2= given mass / molar mass

n= 3 g / 34.0147 g/mol

 =  0.088 mol of H2O2

Let us look for the volume of solution:  *total mass is 100 % = 100g

Liters of solution = total mass / density  

                      = 100 g / 1.0g/cm3

        = 100 cm3          *(1 cm3 = 1ml)

        = 100 ml             *(1 L = 1000 ml)

        = 0.1 L

Let us input all the data into the formula

Molarity (M) = moles of SOLUTE / Liters of SOLUTION

        =   0.088 mol of H2O2 / 0.1 L

           =  0.88 mol/L (M)

Molality (m) = moles of SOLUTE / kilogram of SOLVENT

The moles of solute was already calculated earlier which is 0.088 mol of H2O2.

Since we know that the solute has 3% by mass, we can say that the remaining 97 % is from the solvent. 97 % by mass means 97 g. Let us convert.

Kilogram of solvent= 97 g / 1000kg      (1kg = 1000g)

       =  0.097 kg

Let us input all the data into the formula

Molality (m) = moles of SOLUTE / kilogram of SOLVENT

       = 0.088 mol / 0.097 kg

       = 0.907 mol/kg (m)


0.88 mol/L (M)

0.907 mol/kg (m)

Learn more:

what is molarity


What is the formula of Molal concentration


what is percent by mass


Keywords: Molarity, molality, percent by mass, density

8. what is the atomic mass of hydrogen peroxide? ​

The atomic mass of hydrogen peroxide is 34.0147 g/mol

9. Hydrogen peroxide is also known as agua oxigenada. It is commonly used to disinfect wounds. It has a general formula of H2O2. What is its molar mass?​


Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound with the formula H


2. In its pure form, it is a very pale blue[5] liquid, slightly more viscous than water. It is used as an oxidizer, bleaching agent, and antiseptic, usually as a dilute solution (3–6% by weight) in water for consumer use, and in higher concentrations for industrial use. Concentrated hydrogen peroxide, or "high-test peroxide", decomposes explosively when heated and has been used as a propellant in rocketry.[6]

Like please <3

10. Molar Mass and Grams of;•Sodium•Hydrogen​


84.007 g/mol

1.00784 u


Sodium: 22.989769 u

Hydrogen:1.00784 u


11. What is the molecular mass (in grams) of hydrogen peroxide?


The molar mass of hydrogen peroxide is 34.01468 g/mol.


The molar mass of hydrogen peroxide is

34.01468 g/mol



12. ACTIVITY 1: CALCULATING MOLAR MASSFill in the table. Write your answers on the answer sheet provided.COMPOUNDELEMENTNO. OFATOMSATOMICMASS23.0035.45MOLAR MASS(g/mole)58.451Example:NaciNaCI11.hydrogenperoxide, H2 022. Bakingsoda, NaHCO3​




NO. OF ATOMS: 2 (H), 2 (O)

ATOMIC MASS: 1.OO/1.O1 (H), 15.99/16.00




NO. OF ATOMS: 1 (Na), 1 (H), 1 (C), 3 (O)

ATOMIC MASS: 22.98/22.99 (Na), 1.00/1.01 (H), 12.01 (C), 16.99/16.00 (O)

MOLAR MASS: 84.00/84.01

13. Calculate the percent by mass of each element in the compound hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)​


Chemical formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2.

Atomic mass of O is 16 u.

So mass of 2 O = 2 *16 = 32

Molecular mass of H2O2 = 2*1 + 2*16 = 34

Mass percent of O = Total mass of O in compound/ Total mass of compound * 100 = 32/34 *100 = 94.12


14. A solution of hydrogen peroxide is 15.2% by mass. What is the Molarity of the solution? Assume that the solution has a density of 1.01g/mL​


Step 1: Determine the mass of solute and mass of solution.

In 15.2% by mass, there are 15.2 g of solute in 100.0 g of solution.

Step 2: Calculate the volume of solution.

[tex]\text{volume of solution} = \frac{\text{mass of solution}}{\text{density of solution}}[/tex]

[tex]\text{volume of solution} = \frac{\text{100.0 g}}{\text{1.01 g/mL}}[/tex]

[tex]\text{volume of solution = 99.01 mL = 0.09901 L}[/tex]

Step 3: Calculate the molar mass of solute.

molar mass = (1.008 g/mol × 2) + (16.00 g/mol × 2)

molar mass = 34.016 g/mol

Step 4: Calculate the number of moles of solute.

[tex]\text{moles of solute = 15.2 g H₂O₂} × \frac{\text{1 mol H₂O₂}}{\text{34.016 g H₂O₂}}[/tex]

[tex]\text{moles of solute = 0.44685 mol}[/tex]

Step 5: Calculate the molarity of solution.

[tex]\text{molarity} = \frac{\text{moles of solute}}{\text{volume of solution (L)}}[/tex]

[tex]\text{molarity} = \frac{\text{0.44685 mol}}{\text{0.09901 L}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\text{molarity = 4.51 M}}[/tex]


15. molecular mass of hydrogen peroxide in grams

The molecular formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, which means it is made up of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. To calculate its molecular mass in grams, we need to add up the atomic masses of each of these atoms, which can be found on the periodic table:

Atomic mass of hydrogen (H) = 1.008
Atomic mass of oxygen (O) = 15.999
So, the molecular mass of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) can be calculated as:

2(atomic mass of hydrogen) + 2(atomic mass of oxygen) = 2(1.008) + 2(15.999) = 34.014

Therefore, the molecular mass of hydrogen peroxide is approximately 34.014 grams per mole.

16. What the molar mass of hydrogen?


1.0074 g/mol


hope this helps po



hehyejishsjen daddy chell haha dab dab its ffeiday friday


17. molar mass of hydrogen​


1.00784 u



18. claculate the molar mass of water. the molar mass of oxygen=16.00 x 1=16/mole the molar mass of hydrogen=1.01 x 2=2.0g/mole


Calculate the molar mass of water.

The chemical formula of water is H₂O

Molar Mass of Oxygen = 16 g/mol

16 • 1 = 16 g

Molar Mass of Hydrogen = 1.01 g/mol

1.01 • 2 = 2.0 g

Molar Mass of H₂O = molar mass O + molar mass H₂

Molar Mass of H₂O = 16 g + 2.0 g

Molar Mass of H₂O = 18 g/mol

[tex] \: [/tex]


19. 3. Hydrogen Peroxide (Agua oxigenada) commonly used as disinfectant for cleaning kitchen counters. If you bought 100 grams of hydrogen peroxide solution with 3% concentration, what is the mass of the hydrogen peroxide?​


3. Hydrogen peroxide (Agua oxigenada) commonly used as disinfectant for cleaning kitchen counters. If you bought 100 grams of hydrogen peroxide solution with 3% concentration, what is the mass of the hydrogen peroxide?​


We can obtain the mass of hydrogen peroxide by just simply multiplying the percentage to the total mass of the solution. So:

mass of H2O2 = 100 x 3% = 100 x 0.03 = 3 grams

Therefore, the mass of hydrogen peroxide in the solution is 3 grams.


20. Compound Formula Mass (g) Molar Mass g/mole Percentage Composition of each element C6H1206 C3H8 NH4NO3 glucose propane ammonium nitrate hydrogen peroxide Copper sulfate H202 CuSO4 Activity 2​


1) 180.156 g

2) 44.094 g

3) 80.052 g

4) 34.016 g

5) 159.62 g


Assuming that each compound contains 1 mole, the mass in grams of each compound is.

21. what is the molar mass of hydrogen​


1.00784 u

is the molar mass of hydrogen

hope it help



1.00784 u

the molar mass of a chemical compound is defined as the mass of a sample of that compound divided by the amount of substance in that sample, measured in moles.

take care.

22. People usually use hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2) to clean their wounds.If Lea used 1.0g of H2 O2 to clean her wound ,how many moles of H2 O2 did she use? (H = 1.008, O = 15.999) What is the molar mass of hydrogen peroxide?​


Step 1: Calculate the molar mass of H₂O₂.

molar mass = (1.008 g/mol × 2) + (15.999 g/mol × 2)

[tex]\boxed{\text{molar mass = 34.014 g/mol}}[/tex]

Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of H₂O₂.

[tex]\text{moles of H₂O₂ = 1.0 g H₂O₂} × \frac{\text{1 mol H₂O₂}}{\text{34.014 g H₂O₂}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\text{moles of H₂O₂ = 0.0294 mol}}[/tex]


23. what is the molar masses of hydrogen peroxidler​


34.0147 g/mol




24. claculate the molar mass of water. the molar mass of oxygen=16.00 x 1=16/mole the molar mass of hydrogen=1.01 x 2=2.0g/mole


Calculate the molar mass of water.

The chemical formula of water is H₂O

Molar Mass of Oxygen = 16 g/mol

16 • 1 = 16 g

Molar Mass of Hydrogen = 1.01 g/mol

1.01 • 2 = 2.0 g

Molar Mass of H₂O = molar mass O + molar mass H₂

Molar Mass of H₂O = 16 g + 2.0 g

Molar Mass of H₂O = 18 g/mol

[tex] \: [/tex]


25. 48. People usually use hydrogen peroxide NHANO3 with a molar mass of 80 g/mole which is used to producedinitogen monoxide ,a dental anesthetic.determine the mass percentage of N in the ammoniumnitratea. 35.00%b. 40.65%C. 39.50%d. 43.5​


a. 35.00%



26. what is the molar mass of one mole of hydrogen ​




One mole of hydrogen atoms cointains the same number atoms as the number of hydrogen molecules in one mole of hydrogen molecules i,e., Avagadros number.

Ang sagot po aynasa libro po lamang inyongbabasahin nalang po sana ay naniwala kayo salamat po paki thanks nalang po

27. Hydrogen Peroxide is also is also known as agua oxigenada. It is commonly ised to disinfect wounds. It has general formula of H2O2. What is its molar mass?​


In chemistry, the molar mass of a chemical compound is defined as the mass of a sample of that compound divided by the amount of substance in that sample, measured in moles.



28. What is the mass of hydrogen peroxide? ​


Hydrogen peroxide/Molar mass

34.0147 g/mol

Formula: H2O2

IUPAC ID: hydrogen peroxide

Density: 1.45 g/cm³


mark me brainly

29. atomic mass of hydrogen peroxide​


the atomic mas of hydrogen peroxide is 34.0147 g/mol


34.0147 g/mol


Please pa bràíñlíéßt

30. A solution of hydrogen peroxide is 30.0% h2o2 by mass and has a density of 1.11 g/ml. what is the molarity of the solution

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